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PoeticWitch 07-30-2012 01:25 PM

God give me wings
God give me wings
So I might fly above the masses
To avoid the touch of them
For their cruelty and lies
Sicken me and leave a feel of filth on all they touch

If you cannot give me wings God
Can you give me patience
So I might teach the masses
Of love and life
To teach them to cherish all around them

God if you cannot give me patience
Can you bring about the zombie apocalypse
Population control in an instant
People would not take everything for granted
If today you could surely die

PoeticWitch 08-03-2012 10:41 AM

Fairy Dreams
I want to fly and dance like a fairy on a spring wind
To laugh and giggle while kissing a flower to watch it bloom
I want to race hummingbirds and bees from flower to flower
To twirl and somersault in midair
Making my heart burst with uncontrollable joy
Oh to be carefree like a fairy or a child once more
To let the trappings of adulthood fall from my shoulders
To remember what it was like to believe in the magical
To have that magic back
To be sprinkled with fairy dust and go for a flight
To stand in a fairy ring and be transported to entirely different realm
Time to let go of adulthood and grow young again
Lets have a bit of fun

PoeticWitch 08-04-2012 04:24 PM

Anti Social
Why is it wrong
That I want to be left alone
For a bit of time
You call me anti social
But honey this is just recharging
My batteries
So I might keep this smile on my face
When you say something
That hurts my brain
Making me want to slap you
With the stupid stick

Anti social would be
Me hiding in a basement
Planning the demise
Of all the people
I have had to smack
With that stupid stick
So you see let me recharge
Let me have my time alone
Otherwise I might get grumpy
And have to slap you with that stupid stick

PoeticWitch 08-06-2012 05:16 AM

Reds, oranges, and yellows
Sitting here watching the fire burn
Reds, oranges, and yellows swirling together
Up into the night sky
Giving off so much warmth
Reminding me of a good hug from a loved one

Walking down a road littered with fall leaves
Reds, oranges, and yellows flowing
In the wind everywhere
A chilly wind blowing through
Just makes you want to snuggle up with a loved one

Watching the sunset on the horizon
Reds, oranges, and yellows painted
Above us most beautifully
The coming of the night sky
Makes you want to go home and lay down with your loved one

Reds, oranges, and yellows knitted into a comfy blanket
So you might wrap it around you
To keep you warm and loved
For a time
Til your true love can be by your side

PoeticWitch 08-11-2012 05:37 AM

This King Size Bed
As we lay down to sleep
Our fingers touch
Across the expanse of this king size bed
This simple gesture so very comforting
To my heart
To my soul
We talk late into the night
About this.. about that
Sometimes our future
Sometimes our past
These words are snuggles for my brain
This meeting place at the end of the day
This king size bed

PoeticWitch 08-11-2012 05:51 AM

How is it that you can make me so mushy?
My heart so very squishy
Making me want to sing and dance with happiness
Paint pink hearts graffiti all over my reality
Smearing glitter on every passing soul
I want to tattoo smiley faces on everyone I know
Darling dear I love you
But this mushy crap has got to stop
Can't I just get a daisy or two?
If it rains right now I might melt!
Oh darling dear I love you true
Lets not mush me too much just yet

PoeticWitch 08-18-2012 09:13 AM

With One and All
The day has dawned
Sky so blue
Sun so bright
Air so crisp and clear

Just makes me want to stretch out
Stretch out to the four corners of the world

Share my being with one and all
Share my happiness with one and all
Share the magic I do see with one and all
Let me share this with one and all

The day has dawned
Most beautiful
The possibilities are endless
Just open your eyes and see

PoeticWitch 08-19-2012 10:10 PM

Music playing
Lyrics being sung
Inspiring memories
Visions of the past
Slipping behind my eyes

The bands that meant so much to me
Their songs that touched my soul
To this day I swear they sang just for me
I thought they knew what I went through
The pain and agony of memories healing

I remember jumping around to
Korn and Linkin Park
Dancing of a sort to
Tool and A Perfect Circle
Helping me feel that in some way I am understood

Today I sit here and listen to them all again
Thanking all powers that be
For the gift of these bands
For their music helped me in many ways
When I wasn't open to other live human beings

No matter what music you listen to
Be it rap or jazz, be it punk or alternative
Be it opera or broadway showtunes
As long as it touches your soul
That is all that matters

PoeticWitch 08-28-2012 03:52 PM

Rise Above It
Everywhere you look
There is someone
Telling someone else
What they can and cannot do

Who are you to tell me
That I cannot marry
That I cannot be happy
With the one I love

This is a party for one and all
Or so they said
But see that guy
He isn't allowed because of his dangly bits

This here bar is for drinking
But apparently my money isn't good enough
Because I have tits and a pussy
Sorry guys I don't have a dick for you!

We have enough discrimination
Do we really need to discriminate
Against our own
Rise above it

But we sit back and let it happen
But no more honey
I am going to rise above it
Where ever I see it happening

PoeticWitch 08-28-2012 08:31 PM

What is a life worth?
What is a life worth?
Is it worth a drink or two?
Three or four? Maybe more?

You and your friends
Out on the town for the night
Drinking away, as if you were fish

Closing time has come
Who is to drive?
You are drunk and he is too

Behind the wheel
Speeding down the road
Flash of light, screech of tires

All you hear is screaming
Burning smell mixed with a coppery sent
Your hand covered in blood

Your friend beside you is dead
The people in the other car
All dead except for the one screaming

What is a life worth?
How about three lives?
Several years in prison I hope

PoeticWitch 08-29-2012 07:31 PM

Help Me
Feeling so stagnant
Neither flowing forward
Nor backwards

So very putrid are my thoughts
Is it the lack of stimulation
Or the persons I converse with

This current state of mind
Feeling so very disturbed
Remove this poison from my being

The negativity is so very contagious
Spreading through me corrupting
My individual essence

Please save my soul
From the evil of the world
Encroaching on my happiness

Please rip this vile energy
From my fragile mortality
And cleanse my spirit

Help me be free of negativity
Help me be pure of hate
Help me be happy once again

PoeticWitch 09-13-2012 01:26 PM

Let The Magic
In the need of magic
In need of belief
Of something bigger then me
Oh to be able to see infinity
To be able to see the mystical
Ethereal, transcendental, totally unreal
To watch the unimaginable come to life
Oh Goddess bless me!
Open my third eye
To the Magic that surrounds me
Day in and day out
Let the magic brighten my day
Let the magic brighten my soul
Let the magic brighten my world!

PoeticWitch 09-26-2012 10:57 AM

Winter is Coming
The seasons are changing
From hot to chilly over night
Little summer dresses are traded
For jeans and comfy sweaters

The seasons are changing
Hot summer fun a fond memory
Cold fall nights snuggled around an open fire
In our immediate future

The seasons are changing
The bikinis are packed away
The blankets are pulled out
Long walks at night with the one you love

The seasons are changing
The trees change from green
To beautiful reds and oranges
Soon to fall and fly through the air

The seasons are changing
Summer where we fight to keep the yard green
Now we have to rake leaves everyday
Big black trash bags dotting our yard

The seasons are changing
Summer is gone
Fall is here
Winter is coming

PoeticWitch 10-03-2012 09:22 AM

Thumbs or no thumbs
Do you ever wonder what a cat thinks?
What it thinks while it looks at you?
You would like to think they just want to connive more food out of you
Or maybe what pile of laundry to lay on that day, clean or dirty

But the truth is it is thinking "Damn I wish I had thumbs!"
If a cat had thumbs they wouldn't need us
So when you get that feeling as a cat is staring at you
That it might be planning your demise.... it is... if it had thumbs that is

Thumbs to open bags of catfood
Thumbs to open cans of catfood
Thumbs to clean kitty litter boxes
Thumbs to open the front door to escape and be free!

But alas the evolutionary chain has skipped them
No thumbs for them
We best be thankful
Or they would take over the world

They would make us their slaves
To make us feed them
To make us pet them
To make us clean up after them

Damn.. we are slaves to the cats!

PoeticWitch 10-05-2012 11:26 AM

Childhood or Adulthood
As children we all thought or said
"I cannot wait until I grow up,
To do whatever I want whenever I want!"

As adults we all think or say
"Oh to be a kid again,
To be carefree with no responsibilities!"

Neither child or adult is happy with their lot
There is no happy medium
Between childhood and adulthood

Being a teenager might be the worst of all
Knowing you cannot go back to the carefree days
But seeing the heavy responsibilities before you.

So maybe remember that
The next time your teenager rebels
That they are just fighting the inevitable they know is coming.

PoeticWitch 10-07-2012 11:34 AM

The Ladies
Karma is her name
The Lady of Justice
She who can punish us
Or bless us

Kismet is her name
The Lady of Destiny
To lead us to great power
Or great catastrophe

The Fates three
Clotho she was the spinner of the thread of life
Lachesis she measured the thread of life allotted to each person
Atropos she cut the thread, choosing each persons manner of death

Oh the Ladies who rule our lives
Lovely everyone of them in their own way
But deadly too if you anger them
So tread lightly, speak softly, and be kind.

PoeticWitch 10-16-2012 09:48 AM

I am a bibliophile
A lover of books
To read, to touch
To hold, to absorb

To feel the paper pages
Under my finger tips one page at a time
To smell the ink
The aroma filling my nose as the pages turn

My eyes deciphering the words
Creating images in my mind
The story of this tome
Unfolding before me, pulling me along for the ride

The happenstance thief
Discovering a most heinous plot
The Hero or Heroine
Battling the great evil

You think the end is near
Good has triumphed!
But what is this?!
A greater evil! A cliffhanger!

A lead to another book
To pull you in
To lead you on another adventure
With your characters that you love so dear

PoeticWitch 10-17-2012 03:21 PM

The words on the paper
Seem to swirl and twirl
Turning in on itself
I think my eyes have gone cross-eyed

To read about computer parts
Motherboards and CPU's
The best of Intel and AMD
Puts my brain on snooze

Give me a desktop or laptop
Let me put my hands inside
Let me take out the CPU and Video Cards
I will be the happiest geek you ever did see.

I am a hands-on kinda geek
I am visual maybe a little bit verbal
But this book is draining my brain
Come on let my hands play with the source

PoeticWitch 10-22-2012 10:47 AM

Standing out under the sun
Thrusting my hands up
Giving a little prayer to the Sun God
My feet start to move
Dancing around as He fills me full of life
Sparks come from my finger tips
As I spin and dance wildly
Loving life and loving all around me
A spark leaps from me to you
Then you start to smile and dance
Laughing and twirling as sparks fly off of you
The spark of life leaps from you to another
And to another, til it takes over the whole world
It starts with one.. one smile, one dance step
Spreads like wildfire across the planet
Help me carry the spark of life to cover the globe
To share the Love and Peace I feel at the touch of the Sun
The Sun the giver of warmth, the giver of life on a cold winters day
Come lets celebrate that the Sun rotates our fair Earth and be thankful

PoeticWitch 10-22-2012 05:52 PM

Abandoned this building
We humans have crafted
From brick, from wood

We rip the resources from the Earth
We mold it to what we want
We use it for a time

Then we abandon it
To be reclaimed by the Earth again
A new home for the wild

The plants move in first
Growing up the walls
A tree sprouts in the middle of a room

The mice and rats come next
Making homes in the desks
Using the random cloth left behind for nests

Then come the cats
Hunting for the mice and rats
And maybe a dry place to stay awhile

Yes Mother Earth has reclaimed
What we have abandoned
And made it beautiful again.

PoeticWitch 10-24-2012 02:18 PM

The World
Black and white
That is all you see
The gray is invisible
To your naked eye

Your way or the highway
So you say
But honey, take a step back
The world is changing

Open your eyes
See what is truly there
The future is before you
The world is changing with or without you

You don't have to like
Truly you don't have to accept it
But at the very least respect it
Or in the end you just screw yourself

PoeticWitch 11-05-2012 10:21 AM

I sit here, letting my mind wander
Meander, drift, and roam all over
These thoughts of mine keep coming back
To one thing of great importance

The blessings of my life
I have the usual of course
The roof over my head
And the food in my stomach

But I have blessings of the heart
I have blessings of the mind
I have blessings of the soul
I am blessed in so many ways

Peace in my heart
Peace of mind
Peace in my soul
I feel complete

Love filling my heart
Love spilling from my mind
Love surrounding my soul
I am complete

My heart one with all around
My mind hearing what the Earth has to say
My soul connected to every soul out there
We are One and We are complete

We are blessed
Be thankful
Touch another's soul
Share the joy

PoeticWitch 11-06-2012 10:55 AM

Who Are You?
Who are you?
Before this storm moved in
Causing so much destruction and grief
You were just like everyone else

Concerned about your parties
Selfish to the core
It is great that you see the the suffering
Around you and feel compelled to help

But darling you aren't Mother Teresa
You aren't better then anyone else
Not everyone can deal with the pain and agony they see
Stop being mad at the people who cannot cope

Forgive them and pity them
For they are unable to have compassion
For any other then themselves
Forgive them and pray for them

Give them an example of how to be
Maybe they will learn from your caring nature
But if all you express is your anger at their lack
They won't learn anything but a more negative nature

Lead by example
Love with all your being
Forgive with all your heart
And do the best you can no matter what others do

PoeticWitch 11-08-2012 09:37 AM

Speed Dial Exes
What we once were
Is no more
Through the fault
Of you and me

Our harsh and cruel words
Have driven a wedge
Down the middle of us
Time to part and go our separate ways

But we persist and hold on
Those cruel words continue
I still call you when I have a problem
As a matter of fact, I have you on speed dial

Speed dial exes
Those we should give up
Those we should let go
I know I should move on, but alas I cannot

Speed dial exes
I should tell you to go
I should tell you it is time to move on
But I don't for fear that you might forget me

My speed dial ex
Come save me
From myself yet again
Because apparently I cannot save myself

Have I really become this
This creature so lacking in self confidence
This creature so lacking in self respect
Time for me to delete my speed dial ex

PoeticWitch 11-08-2012 10:18 AM

We are Democrats
We are Republicans
We are Citizens
We are Americans

Black or White
Gay or Straight
Christian or Muslim
We are Americans

No one can take that from us
No one can take our rights from us
But for those we allow
For we are Americans

We fight for our rights
Right of Freedom and Happiness
We fight to help others to achieve these rights
As they are Human Rights

Lets not be divided by our politics
Lets not be little red and blue states
For we are more as our President says
For we are Americans

We are Americans
We are One
Lets show the world the power we can be
For we are AMERICANS!

PoeticWitch 11-10-2012 10:00 AM

A man once said
Education costs money,
but then so does ignorance.
And it is true beyond measure.

When we are young
With no care for the world
Our parents pay taxes
So we might go to school

As we get older
And college looms ahead
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Come into play

But some of us are not so lucky
Maybe our grades weren't the best
Or maybe we didn't finish High School at all
So when we choose to attend a school of higher education

We must get school loans
Now we have a choice
Get the loans that will be deferred til sometime after we complete school
Or lose out on the money we could make with Degree in the future

This lack of knowledge,
Lack of information
Is a type of ignorance
And will cost you dearly in the end

So you have a choice
Ignorance with no future to speak of
Or Education with many doors opening to you
Choose wisely

Qoute "Education costs money, but then so does ignorance." is Sir Claus Moser

PoeticWitch 11-11-2012 08:50 AM

We are friends
Aren't we?
So if we met on the street
You would surely greet me

Would you still greet me
Knowing that I am queer as a two dollar bill
And that my partner was born female
Though he doesn't look it

We look like your everyday hetero couple
But what is beneath the surface is surprising
We are democratic or liberal
Never republican that is for sure

Looks can be deceiving to be true
But now that you know what is beneath the surface
Are we still friend for true
Or are you afraid we might rub off on you

Do not worry my friend'
What I have isn't catching in the slightest
Though what I have to say may cure your ignorance
So sit a spell and listen, maybe open your mind just a bit

PoeticWitch 11-14-2012 12:54 PM

Final Exam
I need out of my head
Words scramble together
No longer making sense

My brain is overloaded
With information
That has become meaningless

The meaningless has meaning
But I cannot discern the difference
Because more information is stuffed into my brain

It is spilling out my ears
In globs of gooey information
That cannot be deciphered

Unless perhaps you are Cryptologist
A master at deciphering
A seemingly meaningless information

If you figure out the riddle
Please be so kind
And share it with me

I still feel lacking
With information
To pass my Final Exam

PoeticWitch 11-17-2012 09:34 AM

Months of lies and deception
Feeling as if my soul is deaden
Fighting to draw a breath
As you pile your treachery on my heart

Like a butterfly breaking from its cocoon
I come to life spreading my wings
Seeing your fabrications for what they truly are
And I am free once again to fly

Fly away from this intended corruption
Corruption of my heart and soul
So very precious to me
Never to be yours again

PoeticWitch 11-25-2012 08:35 AM

Crazy Family
Time for saying thanks
Time to count your blessings
This is a time for sharing
A time to spread the blessings

Thank you Goddess for my family
Crazy though they are
I wouldn't trade them for anything
We are truly blessed to have each other

Goddess for our next family get together
My request is nerf baseball bats for all
So we might have a bit of fun
Like when we were children again

PoeticWitch 11-26-2012 10:27 AM

Out Of This World
This need of yours
Freaks me out just a bit
Not truly a need
But more a craving

A craving close to an addiction
An addiction that seems to control you
Yes this truly freaks me out
I don't like it one bit or even two bits

I do not understand why you crave it so badly
I realize it makes you feel out of this world
But darling this is the world we are on
You should learn to enjoy what we have

What that addiction is showing isn't real
It will fade away to nothing
And I will be standing here feeling left alone
While you float away to some world that doesn't exist

Come back to reality and celebrate it with me
Lets go dancing in the rain
Lets go running in the surf of the Pacific Ocean
Come lets go discover the beauty of our reality together

PoeticWitch 11-26-2012 11:49 PM

Study For The Exam
Up late into the night
Cramming information into my poor little head
Trying to prepare for the Final Exam
That takes place tomorrow night

Feeling overwhelmed,not just because of the studying
I also just got home from Thanksgiving Vacation
Hard to study like a good little student when surrounded by family
Who you haven't seen in forever and are completely different then you remember.

So here I am taking a bit of a break from studying
To write this little poem
To maybe clear my head a bit
And release some frustration

Maybe going to get some sleep would be better
Because the letters look to be moving on their own now
When letters take on a life of their own
It is totally meant as a sign for bed time!

PoeticWitch 11-28-2012 09:17 AM

Full Moon
The full moon is tonight darling dear
Lets go dancing in the moonlight my love
Bare our hearts and souls to the Goddess above
Holding hands and being One for Her to see

The full moon is tonight darling dear
Close as close can be to the Goddess are we
A frigid fall night is what we have
Lets start a fire to warm the night and dance

The full moon is tonight darling dear
We give our thanks to the Goddess
For our many blessings, seen and unseen
Blessed Be and Merry Met!

PoeticWitch 11-29-2012 10:34 AM

Witty or Not?
You think you are so smart
You think you are oh so wise
Making witty comments
That is sure to earn you some sort of brownie points
If there were such a thing

Really is it needed?
This smartass comment for everything that is said?
Witty has its time and place
Not all the time and in all places
In the end you just irritate the crap out of me

An everyday boring conversation can be fitting
Sometimes even needed
I am oh so glad you are so damn intelligent
But to shove it in everyones face
Shows lack of tact and common sense

So be kind enough
To keep your supposed intelligence
To yourself for this day
Or else I might duct tape your mouth shut
And make many people rather happy

PoeticWitch 12-03-2012 09:37 AM

Comfy Robe
Thank you for this early Xmas present
Ever so perfect on these cold winter days and nights
Even the color is just right, neither pink nor purple
Even Loki loves it as he snuggles on my lap

This ever so comfy robe
There is no tie to hold it together
Completely button down
So no accidental views of my naked flesh

So very soft, made of chenille
The only problem now is
That I never want out of it
Can I just wear it everywhere?

Maybe this robe can be considered extra comfy
Dangerously comfy
Never wanting to let go comfy
Though I am sure I will want to wash it sooner or later

But I do love my comfy chenille robe
You have perfect taste of course
Granted you cheated a bit
But that just means you are one smart boyfriend!

PoeticWitch 12-06-2012 10:41 AM

Start a New Tradition
Tis the season
Or so they say
To celebrate Christmas
To love one another
And cherish each other

When does it start?
Where does it end?

Black Friday use to mark the beginning
But how can we start a holiday of love
With such a greedy frenzy
Besides Black Friday starts earlier and earlier now
Even Christmas decorations go up before Thanksgiving now!

An argument about Holiday tree or Christmas tree is going around
Seriously you cannot call it Christmas if it is all about the material
And not about the birth of Christ
Granted I am pagan so it matters not to me
But it saddens me to see so little of the giving spirit except in the material sense

To see children be disappointed by their presents
To destroy the present they did get with spoiled behavior
Rather then saying thank you for getting something at all
Instead of the parents reprimanding the child for such terrible behavior
They send the video to a TV show and laugh

The children for today have no concept of being thankful
They want the latest and greatest
If they don't receive it then of course their parents must not love them enough
Not because their parents work their tails off trying to give their children the best they can
But still falling short because our economy sucks

Being thankful
Being caring
Being loving
Should be a season all year long
Start a new tradition maybe

Less material goods
More quality time
More quality lessons in life
More quality love
Yeah start a new tradition

PoeticWitch 12-07-2012 10:17 AM

Redundantly Detrimental Pain
Oh Goddess Bless me
Take this ache away
This pain is driving me to distraction
Oh I cannot concentrate
With this throbbing
Aching pain in my face
Yes I know I sound rather redundant
But this pain is extremely
Detrimental to being productive in anyway
Toothaches are one of the worst
In my humble opinion
Oh Goddess mine please!
Take my pain away
I cannot bare anymore!

PoeticWitch 12-13-2012 11:32 PM

From me to you
So cold and bright out
Every star twinkling in the night
No moon in sight this evening
As meteors streak across the sky

Listen now
It is December now
The holidays are here
Lets give of the heart

The giving of the monetary
Can never be as fulfilling
As the giving of the heart and soul
To those you hold dear

Why break ourselves to give materialistic
When the economy is currently so terrible
Lets go back to the old days maybe
And create our gifts with our own hands

Just a thought I wanted to share
From me to you
Happy Holidays! Blessed Be!
Whatever you might celebrate

PoeticWitch 12-15-2012 12:55 PM

They walk through the halls
Where laughter reigns
Just another day at school
For they know not what is coming

The Angels are walking
Prepared for the horror that is upon us
To escort the tiny souls
To the other side to suffer no more

The Angels move among them
Helping best they can
The Angels can only do so much
To help the passing of these tiny souls

Do not think that God has forsaken
For He has sent the Angels
To help in their time of need
God cannot stop the free will of man

Thank the Angels of the Air
Thank the Angels of the Earth
For they are all Gods Angels
Come to us in our time of need

PoeticWitch 12-21-2012 02:31 PM

For My Dearest Loki
Black and white little ball of furry love
You make my heart feel all mushy
Crawl up on my lap for a little nap
Purring happily as I pet your soft fur

Late at night you come to my bed
To crawl under my covers
Snuggling up against my side so soft and warm
Your soft purr like a lullaby to my heart

You are growing more and more everyday
My little baby boy kitty
I can see the future
I can see you a big black and white puddle of fur

I love you Loki dear
You are so dear to my heart
Always making me laugh and smile
For many more years to come

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