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QueenofQueens 11-07-2009 08:59 PM

Creative Compulsives, gather here!
I would like to call to order the first meeting of the society of CC's (creative compulsives).
If you feel compelled to bring forth words, images, melodies, movement, or any other manifestation of the human imagination, please make yourself at home.
Please post resources, calls to artists, interesting anecdotes, surreal tales of art gone awry, links to your work, invitations to events, strategies for survival as an artist/writer/performer/creative type, and all other useful, helpful beneficent boons to assist your fellows and yourselves in following our bliss.


Medusa 11-07-2009 09:21 PM

This probably wont be helpful or even interesting to anyone but I would like to tell a tiny tale about our recent cross-country move.

I had been trying to purge huge amounts of stuff because of the premium space on our 26-foot Penske. Cutting loose furniture, mementos, books, clothing, you name it.
When it came to my art supplies, I became frozen.
All of the little found objects that I had been saving for the "maybe one'days", the little pieces of nature, the stacks of journals with writing, sketches, and such.
Paper sack of bird feathers? CAN NOT THROW OUT!
Dozens of plastic doll faces? CAN NOT LET GO!
Sequins? String? Fabric? Those clearance jewelry molds?! NOPE! NOPE!

Jack was very understanding.

But imagine my giggly embarrassment as people showed up to help load the truck and toted 13 boxes of "art supplies" out of the house, multiple torsos, heads, and arms made of paper mache, 3 easels, and a gaggle of canvases in various stages of completion.

(and feel free to confess your sins too, Quockers.) :P

Diva 11-07-2009 09:29 PM

I love to write.
I love to write in fountain pen most of all.
I have a bazillion journals.
But MY problem is, I will begin to write in one journal and then forget what I've done with it.
I have a completed book of children's poems......somewhere.
I KNOW it's here somewhere.

Of course, I have multiple plastic totes with all manner of heinous fuckery inside....not much of it is organized.

BUT........help is on its way.........I have just purchased a label maker! Oh dear gay, who inVENTED this thing? I want to marry them and have their babies......ok, maybe not.

I would put a label on their little foreheads, of course.


Bit 11-08-2009 09:31 AM

*starts snickering, then laughing* I can just see the little Divettes with their forehead labels! hahahahahahahaaa!

I miss my label-maker. They really do make it easier, at least until the labels fall off.

Dusa, when we moved I threw away recyclables *aaaack! That HURT!!* but I moved the "art supplies."

No, I'm NOT sure how to tell the difference.

Before the plumbers came to make That House livable, I.... it aches to admit this... huge ache.... I threw away the art supplies. Four thirty gallon bags full and one fifty gallon bag, and I. Threw. Them. Away.

I just wanted to cry, but then I discovered that I had missed two bags and I felt better.

Do they make sense to anyone but me? Would anyone else ever see that they are the raw materials of art? Heck, no! But do I feel better knowing they are not part of the Trash Stream? Oh yeah. Now if only I could find the right wire--all my sources for straight 18 and 20 gauge uncoated floral wire have dried up--I could get back to working on my ornaments.

Jett 11-08-2009 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 1834)
This probably wont be helpful or even interesting to anyone but I would like to tell a tiny tale about our recent cross-country move.

I had been trying to purge huge amounts of stuff because of the premium space on our 26-foot Penske. Cutting loose furniture, mementos, books, clothing, you name it.
When it came to my art supplies, I became frozen.
All of the little found objects that I had been saving for the "maybe one'days", the little pieces of nature, the stacks of journals with writing, sketches, and such.
Paper sack of bird feathers? CAN NOT THROW OUT!
Dozens of plastic doll faces? CAN NOT LET GO!
Sequins? String? Fabric? Those clearance jewelry molds?! NOPE! NOPE!

Jack was very understanding.

But imagine my giggly embarrassment as people showed up to help load the truck and toted 13 boxes of "art supplies" out of the house, multiple torsos, heads, and arms made of paper mache, 3 easels, and a gaggle of canvases in various stages of completion.

(and feel free to confess your sins too, Quockers.) :P

Hah... I'm totally feeling this... because despite my upcoming move across the country and efforts to lighten the load, and despite my ongoing practice of Voluntary Simplicity... and considering my appreciation for minimalism...

...I haven't looked at my art supplies, because that's simply unthinkable....


dixie 11-08-2009 11:04 AM

I love to write, anything and everything. I journal and write short stories, poetry and erotica. I do woodworking, usually just small holiday decorations. I paint, wet-on-wet oil technique. I'm an amateur photographer. I cross-stitch, sew and quilt. And I started making jewelry about a year ago. I have a few artistic hobbies, but nothing to really classify me as a serious artist. Just some things I really enjoy. :)

Jet 11-08-2009 11:26 AM

I'm a senior designer and art director with a forte in conceptual design. I also write copy; some things are posted here on BFP.

Bit 11-08-2009 06:52 PM

Thoughts inspired by Dixie's post

Originally Posted by dixielady (Post 1962)
I have a few artistic hobbies, but nothing to really classify me as a serious artist. Just some things I really enjoy. :)

I think being an artist is about the way we look at the world as much as anything... and I dunno about you, but for years I could not do much of anything with my hands, especially my drawing and painting (carpal tunnel syndrome), but I didn't stop being an artist for all that.

I think that if you are like me, no matter WHAT happens you will always find a way to make something (in the years when I could do nothing else, I sponge-painted shoeboxes) because the urge to create, to bring beauty, to make something new, to transform--that urge never goes away.

For me personally, whether I make things other people value or not, that urge makes me, creates me, transforms me into a serious artist simply because it cannot be denied. If I cannot paint with brushes I will paint with words, if I cannot transform the landscape I will transform my soul, if I cannot create beauty physically I will find a way to create it in your heart.

No, I'm not famous, nor do I have a career in the fine arts, nor do I even make a living in the craft arts.... but surely that spirit, that drive, that need to transform and create that springs out eternally no matter which way my life turns... surely that must be the lifeblood of a serious artist...

Mitmo01 11-09-2009 03:29 PM

I would like to extend my admiration for all of the creative minds here, i love art, music, cinema, etc and without those expressions to brighten up my life, id rather be dead.

I have a writers soul but im a lazy mofo that does not do it and should, so to those of you that are creative i salute you. I however cannot draw a stick figure to save my life lol but i love to admire the work of others and the expressions behind the works.

I love nothing more than discovering something in art (and by that i mean all expressions of art) that thrills and rocks me to my core, whether that is a song, a painting, a movie etc.

QueenofQueens 11-10-2009 12:52 AM

Once again, the cuntles of my heart are warmed to see all your smiling faces. All those compelled to create are welcome here whether earning their daily bread through their efforts or wisely reserving their passion for joy's sake. ;) (I say this as the former, just barely).

Of course, misery loves company and I was brought to an art purge flashback by the brave confessions of Bit, Medusa, and Metropolis. Oh yes, during my own recent, cross country move I was forced to a similar supply harvest and slaughter. Although I'm proud of my efforts at culling the crap herd, and organizing according to family, genus and species, I slithered around full surrender by loading the last of it into bigger and bigger (and thereby fewer) boxes. I'd told the movers I had x number of boxes and by gum, I was going to give them x number of boxes. Even if it meant boxes the size of my bedroom.

Most importantly, I still have many barbie heads and truncated torsos, sticker dots from the center of CD labels, a vintage, baby shark under glass, souvenir from my beloved former home state of Florida, old candy molds, doll furniture and a whole passel of waterslide decals. Oh, and that's just the tip of the itinerant ice burg, friends.

All this and L still loves me. Life is sweet.


Unapolagetic crap hound

Diva 11-10-2009 01:40 AM

When I moved into my childhood home here, I turned my old bedroom into The Girl Room.....it seemed appropriate.....

In this room is my daughter's bed and all of my scrapbooking and altered tin supplies. Shortly before I left for Vegas, I drug all of my stuff out so that I could reorganize it.....I got back from Vegas and immediately got sick (and just this Sunday stopped with the coughing)....so it looks as though a small tornado has hit that room and now ~ with a large group of people coming over on Saturday, I am TOTALLY overwhelmed to get it done!

Anyone have any ideas for organization? Short of throwing everything into those big Rubbermaid tubs, is there a better way? Just skip the part about me saving my sanity, as we all know it is too late for that nonsense!

I HAVE put my magazine cutouts in clear sleeves and put them in a binder. Should I do that with all my stickers, too?

Do I have TIME?

The Tubbermaids are looking pretty good, aren't they? :cool:


QueenofQueens 11-10-2009 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Diva (Post 2788)
When I moved into my childhood home here, I turned my old bedroom into The Girl Room.....it seemed appropriate.....

In this room is my daughter's bed and all of my scrapbooking and altered tin supplies. Shortly before I left for Vegas, I drug all of my stuff out so that I could reorganize it.....I got back from Vegas and immediately got sick (and just this Sunday stopped with the coughing)....so it looks as though a small tornado has hit that room and now ~ with a large group of people coming over on Saturday, I am TOTALLY overwhelmed to get it done!

Anyone have any ideas for organization? Short of throwing everything into those big Rubbermaid tubs, is there a better way? Just skip the part about me saving my sanity, as we all know it is too late for that nonsense!

I HAVE put my magazine cutouts in clear sleeves and put them in a binder. Should I do that with all my stickers, too?

Do I have TIME?

The Tubbermaids are looking pretty good, aren't they? :cool:


When I moved out here, L and I went to Ikea and found a really inexpensive metal shelf and nice metal bins that match it perfectly. I like a little industrial flair in my workspace and it looks so much nicer than tha' rubbah'.
The boxes/bins also have label slots on the front that, if you actually use them *ahem* will help you to remember what's inside. :o

Diva 11-10-2009 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by QueenofQueens (Post 2793)
When I moved out here, L and I went to Ikea and found a really inexpensive metal shelf and nice metal bins that match it perfectly. I like a little industrial flair in my workspace and it looks so much nicer than tha' rubbah'.
The boxes/bins also have label slots on the front that, if you actually use them *ahem* will help you to remember what's inside. :o

I KNOW those metal bins!!! I LIKE those metal bins. I do love me some IKEA now.

THANK You, my Blaswarth.

Of COURSE, I would used the label slots.......Your Blaswarth has a LABEL MAKER!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're my hero!


(I love it that we can edit way past the 30 minute mark! This site ROX in a big, major way!!!)

Random 11-10-2009 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 1834)
This probably wont be helpful or even interesting to anyone but I would like to tell a tiny tale about our recent cross-country move.

I had been trying to purge huge amounts of stuff because of the premium space on our 26-foot Penske. Cutting loose furniture, mementos, books, clothing, you name it.
When it came to my art supplies, I became frozen.
All of the little found objects that I had been saving for the "maybe one'days", the little pieces of nature, the stacks of journals with writing, sketches, and such.
Paper sack of bird feathers? CAN NOT THROW OUT!
Dozens of plastic doll faces? CAN NOT LET GO!
Sequins? String? Fabric? Those clearance jewelry molds?! NOPE! NOPE!

Jack was very understanding.

But imagine my giggly embarrassment as people showed up to help load the truck and toted 13 boxes of "art supplies" out of the house, multiple torsos, heads, and arms made of paper mache, 3 easels, and a gaggle of canvases in various stages of completion.

(and feel free to confess your sins too, Quockers.) :P

Feel not alone, sweet gorgon.... I had three 55 gallon trash bags full of fabric.. I couldn't toss a scrap.. I mean... what if that 1/5 scrap of blue was the PERFECT shape and color for something... no.. it all had to come..

I may be known for picking up stray beads and heart glitter when I sweep...

I learned my lesson... Years ago I tossed out all this beautiful thin tissue paper... Now.. I am jonesing to cover mirror frames in it... and *GASP* I'm going to have to buy new..... I HATE buying new... where is the challenge or the fun in that...

Novelafemme 11-10-2009 07:18 AM

Labels don't go on kids???? :eek: :eek: :eek:

...but how on earth am I supposed to remember their names??? :confused:

Bit 11-10-2009 07:26 AM

Dear Crap Hounds, Unapologetic or Otherwise,

I love you, I just love you.

One of my problems is lack of storage furniture. I solved it in Phoenix by living in apartment complexes where people moved in and out frequently and left their unwanted furniture by the trash... but that doesn't happen too much in a residential neighborhood.

(Stereo component cabinets are WONDERFUL for flat paper storage!)

In the process of being congenitally unable to discard free craft supplies, I have written a haiku.

Lil Bitty Nilla Box

Me, you, pot of glue
Four black and gold tea wrappers
Do we have a date?

I am happy to say that ripped up pieces of tea wrappers make a rather masculine-looking lil box, especially with a coat of glue on the outside to make it all shiny. This is good because most of what I make somehow manages to come out kinda girly--no matter how I start out!

Of course, what someone would DO with a miniscule black and gold box is beyond me... but then, the final use is Not My Problem. ;) Mayhap I will use it as some sort of holiday gift wrapping.

Creator :D

Diva 11-10-2009 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Novelafemme (Post 2822)
Labels don't go on kids???? :eek: :eek: :eek:

...but how on earth am I supposed to remember their names??? :confused:

Do You need to borrow my label~maker, Novela? :D

Mitmo01 11-10-2009 10:19 AM

hahahaha if i may ask do we all have cuntles in our hearts and if so what do they look like lol : )

Gryph 11-10-2009 10:44 AM

I write, I will write on almost anything, just ask Bit about the scraps of paper with poems on them, those ones sitting on the computer desk. I have journals and small notebooks, but I don't always remember where they are or don't think about reaching into my left front pants pocket instead of my right one when I feel the sudden urge of a poem coming on.

I do leather work as well and I'm slowly getting things together to learn carving.

Diva 11-10-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mitmo01 (Post 2879)
hahahaha if i may ask do we all have cuntles in our hearts and if so what do they look like lol : )

I'm fairly convinced that only The Blaswarth (aka Qwok) has The Cuntles.....there is no cure. :D

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