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Nat 10-20-2015 04:59 AM

Deaths and Injuries in Police Custody
I don't know who here follows what is going on in the news, but it sure seems to me like more and more unarmed people are dying in encounters with police or in police custody. It seems like almost every day there is a new story and a new name.

What I am also seeing is an increasingly strong defensive reaction on the subject from those related to police and an increasing despair in those who want this body count to stop getting higher. Increased tension and increased despair seem like not the best additions to the recipe, but it seems important to be aware of what's going on.

Nat 10-20-2015 05:06 AM

Currently waiting for more info on Corey Jones who died October 19 in Florida after his car broke down in the middle of the night.


Andrea 10-20-2015 06:13 AM

Yes, it appears to me we are hearing more about these deaths. I believe it is less about it happening more often and more about people speaking up.

Currently I follow Shaun King on FB and twitter, along with several others that are part of the Black Lives Matter movement. Almost daily they are posting of yet another person dying at the hands of the police, or injured during what appears to be trumped up arrests, or stories of people in jail for months (sometimes years) without having been charged with a crime, people being arrested for legally protesting these deaths, etc.

The killing of police officers is down while the deaths by police are way up, with a wildly disproportionate number of those deaths being people of color.

How can anyone view the video of Tamir Rice, a child playing in the park and shot by a cop within 3 seconds of arriving, and believe this is "reasonable"?

Thank you for starting this conversation, Nat.

Glenn 10-20-2015 10:09 AM

Truly sad for all involved. I was thrown around, for no reason, in an instant, by an officer of the peace myself, simply for parking in a no-parking zone in front of a drug store. He drew his gun in my face, shouting, then grabbed me, and slammed me on my car, while I was getting back in. I tried to defend myself of course, by instinct, like many have done, and could easily have gotten killed. I would like to hear, in the news, about those officers, who lose it, claiming job burn-out, or whatever, doing serious prison time, with therapy, in the same way, as most everyone else, imo, instead of covering each other's asses, and getting light reprimands, or suspensions, etc.

Andrea 10-20-2015 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 1021735)
Truly sad for all involved. I was thrown around, for no reason, in an instant, by an officer of the peace myself, simply for parking in a no-parking zone in front of a drug store. He drew his gun in my face, shouting, then grabbed me, and slammed me on my car, while I was getting back in. I tried to defend myself of course, by instinct, like many have done, and could easily have gotten killed. I would like to hear, in the news, about those officers, who lose it, claiming job burn-out, or whatever, doing serious prison time, with therapy, in the same way, as most everyone else, imo, instead of covering each other's asses, and getting light reprimands, or suspensions, etc.

What happened after? Did he just let you go? Did you report him?

Andrea 10-20-2015 02:16 PM

I can in no way remember all the names I have read in the last few months but I want to list those I can:

Sandra Bland
Michael Brown
Tamir Rice
Freddie Gray
Mansur Ball-Bey
Rekia Boyd
Eric Gardner

953 human beings killed so far this year. Almost 200 were completely unarmed.

Andrea 10-20-2015 02:19 PM


Patterson Brown

Police released the name of the man shot and killed by an off-duty Richmond Police officer at a Chesterfield car wash Saturday morning. Paterson Brown Jr., 18, recently graduated from James River High School where he played football, according to friends.

Jesse 10-20-2015 03:55 PM

Sadly, I seriously doubt that we will ever know the truth of what took place the night the Corey Jones was shot and killed. It was 3 am and just the two of them there supposedly. So it's the officers word against a dead man's. How convenient.

The police are now saying that, "the officer was on duty in a plainclothes capacity, in an unmarked police vehicle, when he stopped to investigate what he believed to be an abandoned vehicle. As the officer exited the vehicle, police say, he was suddenly confronted by an armed subject. Police say the officer discharged his firearm resulting in the death of Corey Jones."

Cin 10-20-2015 09:47 PM

Here's a website that keeps track of the people killed by the police in the US this year.


Just for perspective, the US kills citizens at 70 times the rate of other first world nations.


In raw numbers and by percentage of the population, the United States has the most prisoners of any developed country in the world. It also has the largest total prison population of ANY nation period, developed or undeveloped, I guess Americans are by nature a rowdy bunch. Apparently the police have no choice but to kill us in such alarming numbers.

Seriously though, it's really scary that the police can kill citizens with impunity.
The police have to kill people sometimes, it's just the way it is. Police officers want to go home to their families in one piece at the end of the day. It's just that shooting people seems to be the go to way of keeping the peace. It's the first choice rather than the last.

Andrea 10-22-2015 07:12 AM

Anthony Hill - naked when shot and killed by police. His case goes before the grand jury today.


Andrea 10-24-2015 09:48 AM

Corey Jones

I have been unable to locate a better post-able image but you can see in slide 2 in the pictures towards the bottom of the page on this link that Officer Raja blocked three lanes of highway to approach Corey Jones. I believe this shows Raja's "I was only stopping to help" statement is a falsehood.


Glenn 10-24-2015 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Andrea (Post 1021757)
What happened after? Did he just let you go? Did you report him?

Thanks. His partner did apologized to me citing personal issues, and that he short circuits sometimes.This happened about thirty years ago, before a lot of folks started reporting the police for abuse, and trusted them more, or gave up and let it go on. I am glad police abuse is being reported more now.

Jesse 10-25-2015 07:44 AM

Here's a news video with some additional info on the shooting of Corey Jones. It also shows how Raja parked his van across the lanes when he stopped to "help" Jones. We need to stop killing one another.


Andrea 10-25-2015 09:13 AM

The story goes that Corey had his gun out and pointed at the officer. So how then does the officer manage to draw his gun and shoot Corey without out one bullet being shot from Corey's gun?

diamondrose 10-25-2015 12:29 PM

When I hear about deaths in police custody, it mostly references people who are in diabetic emergencies that present much like someone under the influence.

Andrea 10-27-2015 09:00 AM

Spring Valley High school


I have read three different things this child was supposedly doing that resulted in the officer tossing her around.

1) pulled out her cell phone
2) chewing gum
3) wouldn't participate in class

I actually can't think of anything other than physically attacking someone that justifies that type of force.

The Resource Officer has been placed on administrative leave pending review. My opinion: Both he and the teacher should be fired.

Shystonefem 10-27-2015 12:49 PM

My son and his cousin were walking along the road. My nephew was drunk and undersge. The police pulled up next to them, cuffed my son and beat the cap out of my nephew.

My son, who is really very smart, got to his cell phone in his top pocket, called 911 and said "help, the cops are beating the shot out of my cousin and I'm next".

It was recorded and in file. 7 cruisers showed up after that and they let my son go (he was 22 and not drunk) and put my nephew in PC.

They would have had no issue beating the shit out of both of them.......

Shystonefem 10-27-2015 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Shystonefem (Post 1022731)
My son and his cousin were walking along the road. My nephew was drunk and undersge. The police pulled up next to them, cuffed my son and beat the cap out of my nephew.

My son, who is really very smart, got to his cell phone in his top pocket, called 911 and said "help, the cops are beating the shot out of my cousin and I'm next".

It was recorded and in file. 7 cruisers showed up after that and they let my son go (he was 22 and not drunk) and put my nephew in PC.

They would have had no issue beating the shit out of both of them.......

Excuse the spelling please. I am.on a phone

Andrea 10-27-2015 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Shystonefem (Post 1022731)
My son and his cousin were walking along the road. My nephew was drunk and undersge. The police pulled up next to them, cuffed my son and beat the cap out of my nephew.

My son, who is really very smart, got to his cell phone in his top pocket, called 911 and said "help, the cops are beating the shot out of my cousin and I'm next".

It was recorded and in file. 7 cruisers showed up after that and they let my son go (he was 22 and not drunk) and put my nephew in PC.

They would have had no issue beating the shit out of both of them.......

Were any charges filed against the officers? Did anyone do anything about the beating?

Tuff Stuff 10-27-2015 03:22 PM

Might save your life,post
I was pulled over this spring by a young CHP officer..this is how it went down.

I was driving home and I usually take the main highway,it's about 100 miles to and from work.There are about a dozen small communties/towns in between.I was coming home and stopped at one of these small towns to grab a bite to eat and right away I notice a cop car and inside it an officer who was watching me,very closely.I have stopped in this town many times before and I know most of the CHP around here by sight.My instinct told me trouble..it was by the way he kept looking at me.I'm part native american and this town is not known to treat POC kindly..but thank goodness I have seen big changes in all the 20 some years I have lived in this part of the state,slow changes,but changes..and I suspect mostly because of the younger people running off and going to college and then coming back here to work and raise their families and all those older people dying off right and left.It's these older white folks who hold on mostly to their racists ways yet.I had a strong feeling i might get pulled over by this young white male officer..my intuition is pretty 98% right on the dot about things.So,I pull out of town and its another 15 miles to the next one and in the back of my mind I knew me and this cop were going to meet up somewhere down the road.It happen about 10 miles before the next town and who should pull right up behind me..it's that cop.He follows me for another 5 miles before he decides to flash his lights..now,in my mind,i'm not breaking any laws..i'm going the speed limit,not driving dangerously,and my vehicle is up to code.When he flashed his lights I knew this is bulls**t.Thing is,I hear all this bad press about cops and how people are harrassed and killed by simple traffic pull overs.Most of the police officers I know are good cops but I still get leery when ever i'm around them. This was a whole new face to me and hell if I was going to pull over my van on the side of a somewhat busy highway and possibly get struck by a passing log truck because this new cop wanted to check me out..he could of pulled me over back at the last town..but see,things don't work out that way if the officer is up to no good.I felt angry,and sure,I could of pulled over and give him a piece of my mind..and in return,he could of shot me and claim self defense.No,I let him follow me to the next town(another 5 miles down the road) and it being daylight yet,follow me where there would be some witnesses..I also stayed calm and continued to do the speed limit.We finally reached this town and I pull over in front of this busy restaurant with a full window view of main street,hello people,here's some dramatic real life entertainment,more salsa for your chips?.By this time,he was bumper to bumper with me,all lights flashing wildly,siren on..*snort* and we both pulled in front of this business,he was pissed off at me no doubt.As I sat there,waiting for his next move,three more police cruisers pull up behind my van...yes,four cop cars and all these officers jumping out at once,guns drawn and pointed straight at me..I thought,sweet Jesus,i'm coming home..my one regret was that I would not be able to kiss my woman goodbye and hug my fur babies one last time before I ended up with 50 bullets inside me.As they did this my mind said stay calm and keep both my hands on the steering wheel..one officer shouted get out of my vehicle with hands in plain view..yeah right,motherf***er,and kill me as I reach for my door handle..f*** you!..so I waited and the next thing I knew i'm face to face with the cop who started all this crap.I smiled at him and I believe he said "why didn't you stop back there?"..I was thinking,because,I wanted to stay out of jail and most importantly,stay alive..but my answer was "I didn't see you,or hear you,my music was playing loudly"..he looked at me as if I was out of my mind.Of course they all had a good laugh and he checked me for warrants and let me stay there for about a half an hour before letting me go on my merry happy to be alive way,no ticket,no jail time.That was a good day.

Btw,his excuse for pulling me over was because I had one of those little tree air fresheners hanging from my rearview mirror...yeaah,right.

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