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Bad_boi 06-05-2013 10:36 PM

A space for positive trans posts
The rules of this thread are simple. Post something positive relating to being trans. It could be anything, something that made you smile, a positive change, hope for the future. Anything that is uplifting.

*HUGS* For all!

s0litude 06-05-2013 11:08 PM

Curse to Blessing
When I finally acknowledged I was a transman, I thought I was cursed. My first injection, I'd like to tell y'all that I was stoic, strong, all excited and happy and rarin' to go. Nu uh. I was married even-- but I cried, thought no one could love me "this way". I can handle injections well, but the emotional side of it caused me to almost rip the arms off a stuffed animal I was hugging just to have something in my hands and arms.

Over time though, the shame and fear turned to pride.

I've had experiences and perspectives that others just do not "get" because of being a trans. I can easily see both sides of the coin when others are struggling to make sense of things. It truly is a blessing, not a curse. And I remember that when people try to belittle me for being this way. Sling your arrows elsewhere. I KNOW who and what I am. I'm damn proud of the man I became and continue to become each day. One day, I'll find a woman who loves me "scars and all". After all, scars are tattoos for the bold.


Linus 06-06-2013 08:33 AM

Being accepted as who I am without question. I consider myself lucky in that I have a supportive work and personal life. For me, it's the fact that so many of my closest friends are male friends who treat me as one of the guys without making it awkward or anything weird.

Bad_boi 06-10-2013 01:28 AM

About a year ago a friend of mine had a medical emergency at his house. I had to call 911. He did not give me his address so I had to go thru a lot of red tape to get his info. I was on the phone for 3 hours with the sheriff and a bunch of different operators. I gave my name as it is legally, which is a male name. The operators/police never asked for my gender. In the morning a person from the hospital called me and when they heard my morning voice (I wasn't on T at that time) they told me they were looking for a male. I simply told them that I was a transgender male. They were cool about it. What really amazed me is that the sheriff assumed I was male and didn't think twice about it. I am really glad that my friend was ok.

Nadeest 06-10-2013 10:36 AM

One of the nice things about transitioning is that you get to see things from the opposite side of the fence, that you had been on, previously. It gets interesting, at times. :)

EnderD_503 06-11-2013 09:35 AM

I feel like when I feel happy now (vs before) I tend to be able to feel happy in a lot more complete way. The feeling of joy post-top surgery...I'm not sure how to describe that feeling of completely misery to complete joy. Now even when I'm upset or depressed there's still that sense of joy left over...even depression is a little happier now lol

Nadeest 06-13-2013 06:37 AM

Every milestone that we reach, things get a little bit better for us, I think. For example, going to the lady's room was extremely difficult and scary, for me, at first. Now, it is just a part of my everyday experience, and I don't really think about it.

Bad_boi 06-15-2013 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Nadeest (Post 810815)
Every milestone that we reach, things get a little bit better for us, I think. For example, going to the lady's room was extremely difficult and scary, for me, at first. Now, it is just a part of my everyday experience, and I don't really think about it.

I agree. Using the restroom is a big change. I used single stall bathrooms for so long multi stall bathrooms were kinda awkward.

I got over it by just going in and washing my hands. Then by using less populated bathrooms like ones at parks and now I am pretty much used to using the men's. Having someone in there with you can also make you feel safer.

Nadeest 06-16-2013 06:38 PM

A friend of mine used to push herself into doing things that terrified her, during transition, by telling herself: "I need to do this. I have a right to do this. I will feel a lot better, after I have done this." It worked, for her, and I occasionally used it, to push myself into doing things, as well.

Kent 06-16-2013 07:01 PM

A space for positive trans posts
Great Thread!

I was mowing my overgrown yard Thursday, June 13, 2013, and I accidentally got whacked in the forehead with a piece of very large heavy gauge steel fencing after I had been mowing for over an hour and forty minutes. I felt of my forehead and there was not any blood, so I finished mowing for another 20 minutes. I went in the house took a shower and cooled down. Then, I called an old friend and we talked for two hours about anything and everything.

To make a long story short, I was not feeling so well about three hours after I had been whacked in the head. It felt like someone was hitting me in the forehead with a sledgehammer and in the back of my head with another sledgehammer. The two excedrins I had taken did nothing to even phase the pain so, I decided to go to the ER to check it out. I figured I had a concussion and just wanted to make sure that's all it was.

Once the doctor saw me, I told her what happened along with me being transgender and that I was not a woman. She understood and was fine with the information. A little while later, I told my nurse that I was not now nor have I ever been a woman, girl, lady or any feminine type of person. She understood too. She even stayed in my little ER room and talked to me for about 20 minutes before her shift was about to be over. We talked and laughed. I shared stories about my life with her and she shared a very personal story of her own about her son and her ex husband.

A little while later, I had a shot of morphine and thirty minutes after that I was given a CT scan. The CT scan made my head hurt worse than when I first went into the hospital. My nurse was attending to a man they had just put in my room and I called her name. She answered me by pulling back the little curtain and saying, "Yes, sir." That made my day. She got it and she understood.

BestButchBoy 07-07-2013 12:52 PM

... for More positivity!

Nadeest 07-10-2013 02:44 PM

I'm pretty positive that I am transgender. :P

Bad_boi 07-13-2013 06:25 AM

One of my friends that hasn't seen me in a long time was very amused with my happy trail and tried to tickle my belly lol.

Nadeest 07-15-2013 06:51 PM

I've been going to a temp labor place for work, until I find a job, and I met a butch there, that had never met a transwoman before. She has started learning about transfolk, thru me, and seems to have had some illusions dispelled, that she had thought about us. :)

LoyalWolfsBlade 07-15-2013 09:11 PM

It seems fitting that I found this thread today. After 46 years I am finally getting my prescription for T on Wed. Thanks to three wonderful women, my doctor, my therapist and WingsOnFire as well as many brothers on here I have the courage to face a fear. Giving myself shots. I had to laugh though when my therapist was reading the DSV-TR requirements for G.I.D. When she got to the requirement of presenting as a man she busted out laughing. The good laugh and I joined in with her. She wrote her first T letter for me and didn't even have to.

WingsOnFire has been nothing but loving and supportive and God forbid anyone give me crap for my decision around her.

My doctor is little bucket of energy and is almost as excited as I am. She even put little notes on my baseline tests.

WingsOnFire 07-15-2013 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by ~KnightsBlade~ (Post 822847)
It seems fitting that I found this thread today. After 46 years I am finally getting my prescription for T on Wed. Thanks to three wonderful women, my doctor, my therapist and WingsOnFire as well as many brothers on here I have the courage to face a fear. Giving myself shots. I had to laugh though when my therapist was reading the DSV-TR requirements for G.I.D. When she got to the requirement of presenting as a man she busted out laughing. The good laugh and I joined in with her. She wrote her first T letter for me and didn't even have to.

WingsOnFire has been nothing but loving and supportive and God forbid anyone give me crap for my decision around her.

My doctor is little bucket of energy and is almost as excited as I am. She even put little notes on my baseline tests.

I am so very proud of you and your progress in becoming the person you know you were meant to be. I am so very thankful for open minded people and doctors in Oregon. I fell in love with my doctor when I met her and I was so very proud that she was extremely willing to help you with your journey.

I know for myself when I began my journey into unchartered waters 5 years ago with my first FTM partner it was not easy. I overcame fears and stigmas that are attached by people who either refuse to understand or are afraid of what they dont understand. In searching out answers for my questions I have become a huge advocate of FTMs and MTFs alike. It is their journey and no one elses. So lets cheer them on instead of tearing them down.

I will stand up and cheer for you any day when it comes to your transition. When you psychiatrist, therapist and PCP all agree that this is the right thing for you then no one else should question or judge you for it. It is perfectly ok to have questions, to disagree, to not accept. It is not ok to put someone down because they dont understand or accept or agree.

I am honored to have helped you fight your battle and win.


Nadeest 07-16-2013 05:30 PM

Congrats on starting T. :)

LoyalWolfsBlade 07-17-2013 12:21 AM

There is nothing like being around a group of transmen and FtM guys. The laughter and similar stories is refreshing. I love Tuesday nights

Nadeest 07-17-2013 09:20 AM

That can be fun, I know. Mind you, I am on the other side of the path, but I do know that it is good to be around others that understand what you are going thru. You can also get advice from them, a lot of the time. :)

Bad_boi 07-27-2013 04:35 AM

Met another T guy tonight. Its nice to be able to hang with other guys who understand and accept me. It is freedom to just be who I am and not worry about anything at all.

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