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-   -   lifting the veil of nights silence (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=351)

Passionaria 11-21-2009 02:41 AM

lifting the veil of nights silence

from pen to sketchbook
heart gushing pain phrased beauty
emotions flowing

rivers of poems
verbal enshrinement's to love
volumes bound in pain

each poem a ghost
calling her name back to life
internet hauntings

canciones corta vena
aaaaye Bendito

cut me to the bone
corazón está roto
with death in your eyes

carino mio
my heart could not bear to watch
your suffering for love


poetic Belladonna
sad tender sadist

poisonous flower
enchant me into darkness
Datura mio

sacrificed my heart
at the altar of hys pain
and left me bleeding

so cold tan sola
my hearts blood is on your knife
exquisite Sadist

from my wounded heart
blood red Datura blossoms
in your memory

Passionaria 11-21-2009 04:29 AM

Noches de bohemia
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sdTkHWSWuA"]YouTube- Noches de bohemia[/ame]

:candle: sentiementos....................

Passionaria 11-22-2009 08:39 PM

Storming inside and out
Even at three am the Texas heat is unbearable. The scorched red earth of the Hill Country has baked dry, cracking like the sun drenched face of a thousand year old woman. Plants, like fragile Southern Bells grow faint from heat exhaustion, while trees stand comatose, not daring to move a single leaf. It feels as if the land is holding its breath, afraid to make one wrong move.

One wrong move I think, tears rolling down my face, can change everything. I had never behaved like that before, so hurt and angry that I couldn’t even remember what I had said. I’m sure it wasn’t pretty I thought to myself, sniffling, as I gently sucked the last morsel of chocolate clinging to my manicured fingertips. The sweetness of the chocolate was a welcome contrast to the pain raging in my heart. But not quite as helpful as the Merlot I sipped, as I sat on the front porch, curled up on the sea grass sofa, watching the night.

A breeze rustles through dry leaves, laced with the familiar scent of dust. While grayish blue clouds morph the starry sky, into an ominous warning, whose energy feels like a snake recoiling ready to strike. Oh stop teasing me, I thought, directing my pain at the sky, instead of you. It hasn’t rained in months. Lightning pierces the darkness, electricity burning through my heart. The only sound I hear is the wind, blowing like the tormented thoughts in my mind. The plants quiver reaching out to be quenched, as does my heart. The outside and the inside feel the same tonight, the synchronicity bringing me peace.

This storm and I are one, as I wander out under the night sky. Rain begins to fall cool on my skin, giving life to earth, and my soul. Inhibition dissolves into this merging, and I remove my clothes stretching my torso across the hood of my neighbor’s car. My feet spread apart, my hips following the line of warm metal. Face down, my long hair flowing across red paint. Rain is beating down on my skin; stinging, cooling, cleansing. Cool water quenching the dryness of my lips, rolling across swollen eyelids, massaging tense shoulders, torrents running from my fingertips. Tears of this raging storm gush down the valley of my spine like a flash flood, then splashes over the roundness of my hips, and lush bare bottom, before finding the inside of my thighs, and rushing to join the waiting earth. The skies passionate release washing away the storm in me.

I laid there cleansed and entranced, until the fleeting storm transformed into a rising mist permeating the night air. Finally rising, spent, amazed at the markings my body lotion has created. A woman’s face, breasts, waist, hips and thighs smeared onto the red paint of my neighbor’s car. Laughing softly, poor thing, I wonder how he is going to explain that.

:candle: Pashi

:writer: Yes, I know this is a story, but it just feels better to me to keep my musings in one tightly spot. A place where all the creatures of my overactive mind are already familiar with each other.~ Passionaria

Passionaria 11-22-2009 09:10 PM

Pele's daughter
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puelcyhsXQ0"]YouTube- marvellous hula dance / O KE AHI LONOMAKUA[/ame]

Pele's Daughter

Fragrant White Ginger emerges
from jet black Lava rock
intoxicating me
drunk on beauty

Blue oceans crash
caressing you, leaving
rainbows to dance
from water drops
even the sea
offers treasures at your feet

Fierce beauty
Goddess of FIRE
Scorching your essence into my soul
Setting my heart afire
once burnt
Forever longing
for you

OFFERING you flowers
feelings arise
Tears move
like lava flows
shifting my soul out of numbness
into enchantment

Twice you have saved my life
Secrets between you and I
grateful I throw flowers
at your feet
offerings of love
Bound deeply to you

:candle: Passionaria

Arwen 11-22-2009 10:09 PM

Lovely lovely lovely just like you!

Passionaria 11-24-2009 03:25 AM

{{{ Awren }}}

Originally Posted by Arwen (Post 10543)
Lovely lovely lovely just like you!

Big warm thank you hugs!
:present:This poem is dedicated to you Awren, our delicious debutante of the 9 word extravaganza:

autumn silence foggy softness path share chair lucky day

Fogged in

Autumn's dense foggy silence
engulfs the coastline
extending tendrils of mist
like swirling ghosts
that creep up mountain paths
to devour helpless redwoods
swirling ghosts
who haunt desolate roadways
with thick opaque softness
that insists the lucid movement of day
surrenders into it's dreamy grasp

lucky to have found a roadside cafe
I settle into a plush fireside chair
devoted to my steamy espresso
held captive
while the ocean and the land
share a cold moist embrace

:rrose: Passionaria

Passionaria 11-28-2009 03:42 AM

living on steamed milk
lithe cats, masters of movement
devoted to pain

it begins so young
expressing pain beautifully
such fierce eloquence

when you watch her dance
you will never see her flinch
pain and art collide

Ballet, the dance of
eloquent masochism
art on bleeding toes

:lips: Passionaria

Passionaria 11-30-2009 11:38 PM

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_08c52OVn2I"]YouTube- Beyonce as Etta James in Cadillac Records - I'd Rather Go Blind[/ame]

touching me inside
you seduce my very soul
into believing

the beauty of you
while diving into souls
of other women

Stoney 12-01-2009 02:55 AM

The roots of revolution
I stand before the gate of bureaucratic injustice,
To look for the beginning of the string of conscious action
Beckoned by the voices of the depleting Earth,
And motivated by the need to involve myself more deeply in that which I am innately a part of,
I reach for the rusted padlock and I am startled as it crumbles in my hand.
The gate creaks open with an almost eerie welcome. I tarry only for an instant, inhale deeply, and gently kick to the side
The ashes of those who waited too long to enter in

A generation of those concerned but sickly, oppressed and deprived …
Poisoned by the fear of the true change, Hopeless and helpless just as before
But now reduced to worthless dust,

I step inside.

The bitter stench of pollution and murderous tyranny, burn my senses, I cover my face.
Blindly I stumble through the shadows to find I have come upon the valley of economic and political conspiracies
Just beyond the valley, worlds of truths that have been kept from us all.
Poisons, chemicals, electromagnetic manipulations, fluorides, bromides, aluminum barium, nuclear numbing, mind control
Yet I Proceed
I pass the churches and the synagogues of the Kings and billionaires
Around the bloody river of genocide,
I linger for a moment near the corpses of those sacrificed in the name of religion and social and moral reform
And remember the ones personally stolen from me, and a single tear of respect drops to the ground.
I proceed.
I enter the dark avenue of public education, guided by the low chant of boredom, forced conformity, selective teaching, exploitation, religious non-religion, oppression, depression, discrimination, a multitude of stifled ideas for a new future.
Yet I proceed.
Through the blaring, pounding, screaming media field, relentlessly drilling holes in my brain, to keep us all forever in terror, ignorance and confusion.
Forever hating our own bodies and thoughts and all that we feel deep within our being....
Ashamed of not being beautiful enough, smart enough, rich enough, motivated enough, protected enough, godly enough, patriotic enough, honest enough, happy enough, careful enough, fearful enough, generous enough , resourceful enough…….
Controlling us all with the myth of mental incompetence, powerlessness, and submission.
So we have nothing left but to throw ourselves at big brother’s feet and say “help me please”” oh great man, protect me, take care of me “…. “You promised…
Oh yeah Right!

Priming us for the lack of privacy, fantasies of surreal lives of our Hollywood Gods and Goddesses….
Promoting the viewing of staged personal tragedies, deep inner secrets, games of love, and sex and Money
With hidden cameras, microphones, tracking devices, digital video technologies;
A fantasy world out of reach… distraction to reality
All the while broadcasters are prostituted for their ability to lie straight through their handsome and honest appearance, just to distort and deter us from any resemblance to the truth….
Yet I proceed.
I come to a fork in a pathway leading to a great forest.
And I strain to imagine the direction others have taken before.
I stand torn with nothing to direct me but instinct
And the vague recollection of an earth 25,000 years before.
As I allow my mind to drift back to that time
I am moved by the memory of the sweet taste of freedom on my lips
My heart pounds hard and the anxiety I now feel seems to prepare me for the end.
I fear my decision may not come as swiftly as my demise
So I reach out in desperation to the dark starless sky
And with purpose to invoke an answer.
I cry out in frustration to the force that has driven me to seek this place,
“What am I supposed to do now?’’
Where does this whole thing start?
Suddenly a psychic essence of knowing came over me and my eyes turned and focused at the foot of the tallest darkest tree
(directly to my” FAR LEFT “, of course)
At the foot of the tree lay a box
I stooped down eagerly to reveal its contents, confident the answers I seek lie within it. I brush off a thick coat of ashes to find it rather simple and unlocked
I inhale deeply and prepare myself for what is there
Knowing my life may be forever changed after I expose the true roots of a revolution.
The beginning of conscious action,
The formula I need.
I close my eyes briefly as I lift the lid
And I then gaze into the box
To find it contains nothing,
Just a mirrored lid and my own reflection.

Stoney 12-01-2009 02:57 AM

oh oh... I didnt understand .. we are to start our own thread??

sorry, Stoney

WILDCAT 12-01-2009 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Stoney (Post 14668)
I stand before the gate of bureaucratic injustice,
To look for the beginning of the string of conscious action
Beckoned by the voices of the depleting Earth,
And motivated by the need to involve myself more deeply in that which I am innately a part of,
I reach for the rusted padlock and I am startled as it crumbles in my hand.
The gate creaks open with an almost eerie welcome. I tarry only for an instant, inhale deeply, and gently kick to the side
The ashes of those who waited too long to enter in

A generation of those concerned but sickly, oppressed and deprived …
Poisoned by the fear of the true change, Hopeless and helpless just as before
But now reduced to worthless dust,

I step inside.

The bitter stench of pollution and murderous tyranny, burn my senses, I cover my face.
Blindly I stumble through the shadows to find I have come upon the valley of economic and political conspiracies
Just beyond the valley, worlds of truths that have been kept from us all.
Poisons, chemicals, electromagnetic manipulations, fluorides, bromides, aluminum barium, nuclear numbing, mind control
Yet I Proceed
I pass the churches and the synagogues of the Kings and billionaires
Around the bloody river of genocide,
I linger for a moment near the corpses of those sacrificed in the name of religion and social and moral reform
And remember the ones personally stolen from me, and a single tear of respect drops to the ground.
I proceed.
I enter the dark avenue of public education, guided by the low chant of boredom, forced conformity, selective teaching, exploitation, religious non-religion, oppression, depression, discrimination, a multitude of stifled ideas for a new future.
Yet I proceed.
Through the blaring, pounding, screaming media field, relentlessly drilling holes in my brain, to keep us all forever in terror, ignorance and confusion.
Forever hating our own bodies and thoughts and all that we feel deep within our being....
Ashamed of not being beautiful enough, smart enough, rich enough, motivated enough, protected enough, godly enough, patriotic enough, honest enough, happy enough, careful enough, fearful enough, generous enough , resourceful enough…….
Controlling us all with the myth of mental incompetence, powerlessness, and submission.
So we have nothing left but to throw ourselves at big brother’s feet and say “help me please”” oh great man, protect me, take care of me “…. “You promised…
Oh yeah Right!

Priming us for the lack of privacy, fantasies of surreal lives of our Hollywood Gods and Goddesses….
Promoting the viewing of staged personal tragedies, deep inner secrets, games of love, and sex and Money
With hidden cameras, microphones, tracking devices, digital video technologies;
A fantasy world out of reach… distraction to reality
All the while broadcasters are prostituted for their ability to lie straight through their handsome and honest appearance, just to distort and deter us from any resemblance to the truth….
Yet I proceed.
I come to a fork in a pathway leading to a great forest.
And I strain to imagine the direction others have taken before.
I stand torn with nothing to direct me but instinct
And the vague recollection of an earth 25,000 years before.
As I allow my mind to drift back to that time
I am moved by the memory of the sweet taste of freedom on my lips
My heart pounds hard and the anxiety I now feel seems to prepare me for the end.
I fear my decision may not come as swiftly as my demise
So I reach out in desperation to the dark starless sky
And with purpose to invoke an answer.
I cry out in frustration to the force that has driven me to seek this place,
“What am I supposed to do now?’’
Where does this whole thing start?
Suddenly a psychic essence of knowing came over me and my eyes turned and focused at the foot of the tallest darkest tree
(directly to my” FAR LEFT “, of course)
At the foot of the tree lay a box
I stooped down eagerly to reveal its contents, confident the answers I seek lie within it. I brush off a thick coat of ashes to find it rather simple and unlocked
I inhale deeply and prepare myself for what is there
Knowing my life may be forever changed after I expose the true roots of a revolution.
The beginning of conscious action,
The formula I need.
I close my eyes briefly as I lift the lid
And I then gaze into the box
To find it contains nothing,
Just a mirrored lid and my own reflection.


It's OK, I missed that too!

I STILL like this!



WILDCAT 12-01-2009 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Passionaria (Post 10486)
Even at three am the Texas heat is unbearable. The scorched red earth of the Hill Country has baked dry, cracking like the sun drenched face of a thousand year old woman. Plants, like fragile Southern Bells grow faint from heat exhaustion, while trees stand comatose, not daring to move a single leaf. It feels as if the land is holding its breath, afraid to make one wrong move.

One wrong move I think, tears rolling down my face, can change everything. I had never behaved like that before, so hurt and angry that I couldn’t even remember what I had said. I’m sure it wasn’t pretty I thought to myself, sniffling, as I gently sucked the last morsel of chocolate clinging to my manicured fingertips. The sweetness of the chocolate was a welcome contrast to the pain raging in my heart. But not quite as helpful as the Merlot I sipped, as I sat on the front porch, curled up on the sea grass sofa, watching the night.

A breeze rustles through dry leaves, laced with the familiar scent of dust. While grayish blue clouds morph the starry sky, into an ominous warning, whose energy feels like a snake recoiling ready to strike. Oh stop teasing me, I thought, directing my pain at the sky, instead of you. It hasn’t rained in months. Lightning pierces the darkness, electricity burning through my heart. The only sound I hear is the wind, blowing like the tormented thoughts in my mind. The plants quiver reaching out to be quenched, as does my heart. The outside and the inside feel the same tonight, the synchronicity bringing me peace.

This storm and I are one, as I wander out under the night sky. Rain begins to fall cool on my skin, giving life to earth, and my soul. Inhibition dissolves into this merging, and I remove my clothes stretching my torso across the hood of my neighbor’s car. My feet spread apart, my hips following the line of warm metal. Face down, my long hair flowing across red paint. Rain is beating down on my skin; stinging, cooling, cleansing. Cool water quenching the dryness of my lips, rolling across swollen eyelids, massaging tense shoulders, torrents running from my fingertips. Tears of this raging storm gush down the valley of my spine like a flash flood, then splashes over the roundness of my hips, and lush bare bottom, before finding the inside of my thighs, and rushing to join the waiting earth. The skies passionate release washing away the storm in me.

I laid there cleansed and entranced, until the fleeting storm transformed into a rising mist permeating the night air. Finally rising, spent, amazed at the markings my body lotion has created. A woman’s face, breasts, waist, hips and thighs smeared onto the red paint of my neighbor’s car. Laughing softly, poor thing, I wonder how he is going to explain that.

:candle: Pashi

:writer: Yes, I know this is a story, but it just feels better to me to keep my musings in one tightly spot. A place where all the creatures of my overactive mind are already familiar with each other.~ Passionaria


BEAUTIFUL... Thank you.


Passionaria 12-01-2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Stoney (Post 14670)
oh oh... I didnt understand .. we are to start our own thread??

sorry, Stoney

Hi Stoney, Actually, it is welcome surprise to find your prose here. I appreciate the way your writing reflects your search for tools to combat injustices we face on a daily basis. The assault on the earth, our minds, and psyches by modern civilization. And the heartfelt revelation that revolution begin with in us. Beautiful!


Passionaria 12-01-2009 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by WILDCAT (Post 14672)

BEAUTIFUL... Thank you.


Hi Wildcat, :playingcat:
I appreciate you taking the time to read, and then actually comment, allot! Thanks.

:blueheels: Pashi

foxyshaman 12-01-2009 08:21 PM

:happyjump: fantastic writing Passionaria. Simply beautiful.

foxyshaman 12-01-2009 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Stoney (Post 14668)
I stand before the gate of bureaucratic injustice,
To look for the beginning of the string of conscious action
Beckoned by the voices of the depleting Earth,...

I close my eyes briefly as I lift the lid
And I then gaze into the box
To find it contains nothing,
Just a mirrored lid and my own reflection.

Stoney what a perfect ending. I am glad I stopped in to read your thoughts.

Passionaria 12-02-2009 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by foxyshaman (Post 15085)
:happyjump: fantastic writing Passionaria. Simply beautiful.

Thank you Foxy, I appreciate you kind words, very much!!!!


Stoney 12-02-2009 02:16 AM

I concur, very nice!

Passionaria 02-25-2010 09:39 PM

~ Somos ~
I have been making videos, as a way to express the things my heart needs to feel. This song, Somos, is a Bolero. The first version of this song is by Jose Feliciano, the second by my favorite Artist,
Mayte Martin.

"A Bolero is a nocturnal and intimate melody, fragrant and fruity, which serves to produce tears, to adore, to embrace like ivy on the wall, to extinguish a love which is more suffering than love, to forget time, the world outside and everything else; to see the dark side of the moon, to erase old kisses with kisses from other lips, to ask the clock to make time stand still….A Bolero is the last chance to slash your wrists with the blade of a metaphor (before you do it with the bread-knife!)"

Somos ~ Jose Feliciano
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67JdhYLKLEM"]YouTube- Somos ~ Jose Feliciano[/ame]

Sweet dreams mi amor

when you lay down to sleep tonight

think of me

my lust seeping into your mind

unexpected and intoxicating

like the scent of perfume

carried on the wind

with no one in sight

stirring your soul

calling it close to me

your breath catching

your cock suddenly unruly and erect

with eyes closed

can you feel my warm moist breath

settling like dew on your skin

as my lips worship the dimensions

of your being

as you drift off to sleep

release yourself

into the sound of my voice

whispering in your ear

expressing exactly how

my passion desires

to meet

with your bravado

drift off to sleep

mi amor

I'm here

waiting to play

in your dreams

Somos ~ Mayte Martín y Tete Montoliu
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz_mbgTNol4"]YouTube- Somos ~ Mayte Martín y Tete Montoliu[/ame]

no1sBoi 02-28-2010 12:09 PM

Another Fan

Originally Posted by Passionaria (Post 10486)
Even at three am the Texas heat is unbearable...

One wrong move I think, tears rolling down my face, can change everything...

:writer: Yes, I know this is a story, but it just feels better to me to keep my musings in one tightly spot. A place where all the creatures of my overactive mind are already familiar with each other.~ Passionaria

As you know, I too, find your impassioned writing absolutely exquisite..."One wrong move I think, tears rolling down my face, can change everything..." so powerful in that context---brilliant!... There are many good writers here, in my opinion. I'm thinking this might be a safe place to reveal another side of me...

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