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Blade 09-08-2013 07:03 PM

Teachers Dress Code?
Spinning off of Okiebug61's thread,

What do you feel is appropriate for teachers to wear in the classroom?

What do you feel is in appropriate for teachers to wear in the classroom?

What about school sponsored events ballgames, dances, fundraisers etc?

What did teachers wear when you went to school?

I know we have some teachers here on the site, is there a dress code at your school?

Martina 09-08-2013 07:23 PM

Let me just say that what I wear to school is not up for debate by the general public.

Anybody can think anything they want. I don't give a damn. Seriously, if that's what people care about, they have too much time on their hands.

I wear what any other person who goes to work every day wears. I do not wear pajamas. I am not naked. Beyond that, it is none of anyone's business.

If a school district wants to set a dress code, it is my belief that that is insulting. I am sure that most universities and law firms do not set dress codes for their staff. People wear what is appropriate. For teachers, casual work drag is more or less what we all wear. Meaning khakis and polos for guys and skirts or slacks and some kind of top for women. Few of us wear athletic wear. Few wear the things mentioned in the article quoted on the other site.

In the real world, if a person wears inappropriate clothing, their supervisor takes them aside and says, "Ahem." That's all that is necessary for teachers. A dress code is insulting, and I would hope that my union would do something about it if my district ever tried to institute one.

What the general public thinks. . . . I do not care.

Why do people think they have more of a right to criticize me and my choices than they do anyone else? Because I teach children? Well lots of people work with children.

Have whatever opinion you want. I do not care. I have a union.

Martina 09-08-2013 07:29 PM

1902 teacher contract
1. Teachers are expected to live in the community in which they are employed and to take residence with local citizens for room and board. (Many teachers lived with the students and their parents going from one house to another).

2. Teachers will be required to spend weekends in the community unless permission is granted by the Chairman of the Board.

3. It is understood that teachers will attend church each Sunday and take an active part, particularly in choir and Sunday School work.

4. Dancing, card playing and the theatre are works of the Devil that lead to gambling, immoral climate, and influence and will not be tolerated.

5. Community plays are given annually. Teachers are expected to participate.

6. When laundering petticoats and unmentionables it is best to dry them in a flour sack or pillow case. (So no one sees them hanging on the line to dry).

7. Any teacher who smokes cigarettes, uses liquor in any form, frequents a pool or public hall, or (for men) gets shaved in a barber shop, (or for women) bobbs (cuts) her hair, has dyed hair, wears short skirts (could not be any shorter than 2 inches above the ankles) and has undue use of cosmetics will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

8. Teachers will not marry or keep company with a man friend during the week except as an escort to church services. (The only man a woman teacher could be seen with was her father or her brother).

9. Loitering in ice cream parlors, drug stores, etc., is prohibited.

10. Purchasing or reading the Sunday Supplement on the Sabbath will not be tolerated.

11. Discussing political views or party choice is not advisable.

12. Men teachers may take one evening each week for courting purposes or two evenings a week if they go to church regularly.

13. After 10 hours in school, the teacher should spend the remaining time reading the Bible or other good books.

14. Women teachers who marry or engage in other unseemly conduct will be dismissed.

15. Every teacher should lay aside from his pay a goodly sum for his declining years so that he will not become a burden on society.

16. The teacher who performs his labors faithfully and without fault for five years will be given an increase of 25 cents a week in his pay providing the Board of Education approves.

Martina 09-08-2013 07:32 PM

teacher rules 1915
1. You will not marry during the term of your contract.

2. You are not to keep company with men.

3. You must be home between the hours of 8 P.M. and 6 A.M. unless attending a school function.

4. You may not loiter downtown in ice cream stores.

5. You may not travel beyond the city limits unless you have the permission of the chairman of the board.

6. You may not ride in a carriage or automobile with any man unless he is your father or brother.

7. You may not smoke cigarettes.

8. You may not dress in bright colors.

9. You may under no circumstances dye your hair.

10. You must wear at least two petticoats.

11. Your dresses must not be shorter than two inches above the ankle.

12. To keep the schoolroom neat and clean, you must: sweep the floor at least once daily; scrub the floor at least once a week with hot, soapy water; clean the blackboards at least once a day and start the fire at 7 A.M. so the room will be warm by 8 A.M.

little_ms_sunshyne 09-08-2013 07:45 PM

My school expects us to be professional but at the same time does not limit our self expression. I do not have to cover up my tattoos and some teachers wear ear gauges. When asked about my tattoos, my director responded "She is one of the best teachers we have. Her tattoos have not changed that." I carry myself in a professional manner and maintain good relationships with parents and students. I think you just have to use common sense.

sis 09-08-2013 08:19 PM

I live in a different world over here in China where dress code is part of life. However, as a foreign worker I am able to wear pants and a t-shirt other than occasions which are deemed 'best-dressed' which has been dictated as being 'a nice pant suit or dress'. We are told not to wear capris, strappy tops, or flip flops. This is cultural to the country where I am employed. When I worked in Thailand I had to wear specific 'uniforms' each day of the week AND my skirt had to measure a minimum of one inch below my knees. Again, this was a cultural expectation for teachers.

In general, my common sense dictates that when I'm working with early learners that use glue and markers I should wear clothing that covers me up so my body stays clean! lolol Also, I don't like the girls falling out when I lean over a low table to assist a student so I'm sure to wear a shirt that is 'modest'.

BTW, in the several countries I have worked in within Asia, teachers are very well-respected thus the teachers here dress very conservatively! In fact, tomorrow, September 10th is Teacher's Day here in China. Children will bring things (cards, gifts, flowers) for their teachers. This Saturday, our school is planning an excursion for any teacher (and their family) to attend. Respect towards teachers is a big thing here in China!


EnchantedNightDweller 08-30-2014 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 842359)
1. Teachers are expected to live in the community in which they are employed and to take residence with local citizens for room and board. (Many teachers lived with the students and their parents going from one house to another).

2. Teachers will be required to spend weekends in the community unless permission is granted by the Chairman of the Board.

3. It is understood that teachers will attend church each Sunday and take an active part, particularly in choir and Sunday School work.

4. Dancing, card playing and the theatre are works of the Devil that lead to gambling, immoral climate, and influence and will not be tolerated.

5. Community plays are given annually. Teachers are expected to participate.

6. When laundering petticoats and unmentionables it is best to dry them in a flour sack or pillow case. (So no one sees them hanging on the line to dry).

7. Any teacher who smokes cigarettes, uses liquor in any form, frequents a pool or public hall, or (for men) gets shaved in a barber shop, (or for women) bobbs (cuts) her hair, has dyed hair, wears short skirts (could not be any shorter than 2 inches above the ankles) and has undue use of cosmetics will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

8. Teachers will not marry or keep company with a man friend during the week except as an escort to church services. (The only man a woman teacher could be seen with was her father or her brother).

9. Loitering in ice cream parlors, drug stores, etc., is prohibited.

10. Purchasing or reading the Sunday Supplement on the Sabbath will not be tolerated.

11. Discussing political views or party choice is not advisable.

12. Men teachers may take one evening each week for courting purposes or two evenings a week if they go to church regularly.

13. After 10 hours in school, the teacher should spend the remaining time reading the Bible or other good books.

14. Women teachers who marry or engage in other unseemly conduct will be dismissed.

15. Every teacher should lay aside from his pay a goodly sum for his declining years so that he will not become a burden on society.

16. The teacher who performs his labors faithfully and without fault for five years will be given an increase of 25 cents a week in his pay providing the Board of Education approves.

This whole thing is hilarious to me, especially the no loitering in an ice cream parlor. Lol We've come a long way baby!

aishah 08-30-2014 08:47 PM

pretty much everywhere i've worked has required a relaxed business casual dress code - the biggest infractions everywhere i've worked (and everywhere i've been, including school) tend to be leggings with short tops, club wear, flip flops, spaghetti straps, bras showing, bro shorts, etc.

i don't understand personally what's wrong with requiring a relaxed dress code. even the universities i worked at had dress codes (at least for staff).

i don't know what the dress code was for teachers at the schools i attended, but i don't understand why the teacher's dress could shouldn't be at least as strict as the student's dress code - i mean, schools require dress codes pretty much universally for students. the only place i attended school where teachers were allowed to dress more relaxed than students was a catholic school where all students wore uniforms and teachers could wear normal clothes.

i personally don't care what teachers - or anyone else - wears as long as it's not super revealing, tight, or offensive. it does bother me when people violate the no-leggings-with-short-tops policy where i work, which is hands down the most common violation i've seen (not sure if it's as common in schools as it is in corporate environments). i personally don't think people should wear short skirts and dresses to work, either, just cause it's not the place. (am also not the biggest fan of shorts in general because they come off as completely casual, like beach, wear to me.) other than that i'm not super fussed about dress code violations, and even with those i wouldn't say anything to the person, it's just not my taste. i don't care if teachers show tattoos, gauge ears, or wear logos or whatever as long as they're not offensive.

aishah 08-30-2014 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 842357)
If a school district wants to set a dress code, it is my belief that that is insulting. I am sure that most universities and law firms do not set dress codes for their staff. People wear what is appropriate.

yes they do set dress codes. (and yes, supervisors take them aside, but the only reason they have grounds to do so is because of the dress code.) seriously, i've never worked anywhere - including two universities - that didn't have a dress code policy. for me the only places i've ever worked were for non-profits, corporations or office settings, and universities, so maybe it's just more common there to have dress codes than in schools...but as a student, we were always held to a dress code in schools, so even in schools it's odd to me that teachers get to be the exception. also, at least in corporate settings, workers violate dress code alllllll the time (i'm talking ridiculously high heels, jeggings, sheer tops, etc.). i'd be curious what the incidence of teachers wearing club wear, beach wear, etc. to school was in an area with no dress code cause it happens fairly often in office settings.

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