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HoneyedChrysanthemum 12-02-2010 09:11 PM

what do YOU do for migraines? i noticed that i've had a lot of misspelling on my posts tonight. i believe that is due to a migraine. i KNOW that i should not be on the 'puter when i have, one just that i'm so bored and in pain and hoping to distract myself!
the first thing that i do is take my migraine meds (non-triptan, i am allergic to them), aaply some aromatherapy to my forehead and temples, and laydown in a cool, dark place and listen to ocean waves or other soothing sounds while i try to meditate.
if after 4 ours has passed, i take more meds and an aniti-nausea med, b/c by now i'm feeling nauseated. then i lay down , listen to soothing music or nothing at all, and try to sleep til the migraine passes.
How do YOU know it's a migraine?
i get an aura: flasshing lights and one haf of my vision goes.
my teeth on whichever side the migraine is hurt.
the veins in my temple start to throb.
my R side hurts like h%ll.
pres :moonstars:

Gemme 12-02-2010 09:15 PM

I'm fortunate in this regard. I tend to get very mild migraines that are nothing that I can't handle while out and about or at work. With mine, I get the teeth aching, a very specific pain, light sensitivity (though my eyes are naturally very sensitive, so it's nothing extreme) and a queasy tummy. I do tend to get a bit short-tempered too.

Corkey 12-02-2010 09:42 PM

Because you get the aura, you need to talk to your Doctor, medications will help. Ice to the base of your head and to your eyebrows will help with the nausea. Pinch between your thumb and forefinger, in the web of your hand...hard. Go lay down and rest in a no light room, take some form of anti inflammatory such as ibuprofen, over the counter. And tomorrow call your Doctor.

imperfect_cupcake 02-07-2011 09:06 PM

I've got a migraine and it's been over 48 hours. I've tried a trick my dad told me, which is to put my feet in very hot water/cold water, to see if it's from vasso-dilatation or vasso-restriction. the ice water makes it worse, the hot water better: vassorestriction caused. however, the relief only lasts about 10 minutes and the NSAIDs I have don't even touch the sides of the pain. If I do manage to get some sleep, I dream about my brain getting razor cuts. I will be seeing the doctor in the morning but I was rather hoping anyone had any more/tricks suggestions (no nausea, just blurred vision, kicking pain, side of face/teeth/sinus/back of head) - ? I've not been able to "rest" because I've had it about 60 hours now and I do have to get on with things and the pain is becoming a bit surreal (and yes dark does help but doesn't stop it).

I'll be able to call the doc's in about another 6 hours.

suggestions anyone?

Corkey 02-07-2011 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by honeybarbara (Post 280309)
I've got a migraine and it's been over 48 hours. I've tried a trick my dad told me, which is to put my feet in very hot water/cold water, to see if it's from vasso-dilatation or vasso-restriction. the ice water makes it worse, the hot water better: vassorestriction caused. however, the relief only lasts about 10 minutes and the NSAIDs I have don't even touch the sides of the pain. If I do manage to get some sleep, I dream about my brain getting razor cuts. I will be seeing the doctor in the morning but I was rather hoping anyone had any more/tricks suggestions (no nausea, just blurred vision, kicking pain, side of face/teeth/sinus/back of head) - ? I've not been able to "rest" because I've had it about 60 hours now and I do have to get on with things and the pain is becoming a bit surreal (and yes dark does help but doesn't stop it).

I'll be able to call the doc's in about another 6 hours.

suggestions anyone?

Ice at the occipital (base of the skull) and a neck massage with gentle but firm stretch of the neck. Hand under the neck supporting the curve of the neck. Or use a rolled towel under your neck. The stretching will help the tension in your nerves.

suebee 02-07-2011 09:17 PM

I used to have them for five out of seven days of the week. So I've tried just about everything. The ice pack to the back of the head/back of the neck (where ever provides you the most relief) is actually what worked the best for me. And if you've been taking any pain killer/anti-inflammatory (which I'm sure you have if you've had it for a couple of days - stop immediately. If you go into rebound - or are in rebound now - it won't get better until you stop taking them. I take a maximum of three dosages of Advil and then just tough it out, because any more and it's just a revolving door: pain --> Advil --> more pain caused by the Advil.
It's strange, but eating helps too. One theory is that the blood has to go to the stomach for digestion, so it helps relieve the dilation of blood vessels in the head that's the cause of pain.
There are a million little things. But those are the couple that I have reduced my treatment to, because they are simple, work the best and cause no other symptoms. Quiet, dark - I think that goes without saying for any migrainer.
Feel better Barb!


Chancie 02-07-2011 09:24 PM

I have used a bag of frozen peas instead of an ice pack.

betenoire 02-07-2011 09:34 PM


You should drink an entire pot of coffee followed by 2 litres of water. Then take a bath that is so hot that your skin turns red and you get dizzy. Then take some sinus medication AND aspirin. Then put a cold pack on your head. Then rub tiger balm on your temples, between your eyes, and at the base of your skull. Then go to bed.

If that doesn't work - get someone to slash the tires of someone who you find irritating.

What? That stuff works for me.

(You really shouldn't do the stuff I just told you to do. I mean, it really DOES work for me but I'm told that it's a bad idea.)

Corkey 02-07-2011 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by betenoire (Post 280347)

You should drink an entire pot of coffee followed by 2 litres of water. Then take a bath that is so hot that your skin turns red and you get dizzy. Then take some sinus medication AND aspirin. Then put a cold pack on your head. Then rub tiger balm on your temples, between your eyes, and at the base of your skull. Then go to bed.

If that doesn't work - get someone to slash the tires of someone who you find irritating.

What? That stuff works for me.

(You really shouldn't do the stuff I just told you to do. I mean, it really DOES work for me but I'm told that it's a bad idea.)



imperfect_cupcake 02-08-2011 05:06 AM

thanks folks, I have an appointment now in another six hours. My migraine is caused by vassorestriction rather than dilation, so further restricting the blood flow (ice or coffee) makes the pain worse. However, I've discovered that a hot water bottle really helps. and absolutely no light. just came on to say thanks xxx

Andrew, Jr. 02-08-2011 11:49 AM

I take a medicine called Relpax. It helps me alot. I also have seizures. I am just exhausted after having them. I mean knocked out after them. As for the migrains, I lay flat in a totally dark room with an ice pack on my head. It helps.

Rockinonahigh 02-08-2011 03:37 PM

I havent had a migrain is about two years,why I have no idea.I did have some so bad that it was dangerous cause I would pass out,or puke till I couldnt anymore.Sometimes heavy pain meds helped with an ice pack called a skull cap..I wore it like a cap over my entire head,stayed in a dark room till I felt better,slept as much as I needed to as well.Stress and to much direct sun light causes most of them or flashing strobe lights will do it as well,strobe lights give me more than my useual vertago as well.I have some super power sun glasses that I can wear when im in to much brite light or strobe lights.Im not complaining about not haveing them but there is a certain pain that comes with them right along with killing neasua.My pain med is ultram,some say its a glory fied tylenol but it works.I have then in low,medeum and high dose..the minit I get that pain signal for a migrain I take one of the pills then im generaly ok.Crossing my fingers I dont have another for a long time yet.

girl_dee 02-08-2011 05:23 PM

I empathize with anyone having migraine... I was diagnosed years ago and prescribed *Maxalt*.. the only drug to ever completely knock out the migraine
without making me loopy or sleepy..It was THE best ever...

Unfortunately they cost about 12.00 PER PILL. My insurance wouldn't cover it.

Finding out that the bottle of meds to treat my migraine was about 400.00 gave me a whole new migraine. I never refilled the prescription.

For now I just get thru them by drugging myself with whatever I can find or just passing out in the dark quiet. Luckily they are not as often/sever as they were when I was stressed out.

Good luck!

rlin 02-08-2011 05:35 PM

a couple of years ago i had an occipital decompression surgery because of wicked migraines... they were daily...
at the time i had to have total silence and dark... absolutely no input... i recommend this if possible... its not easy to find but... oh yeah... then i also did LOTSA opiates :|

now i only get them a couple of times a week... recently ive been taking excedrin migraine as soon as the aura/throb starts... the aspirin and caffeine in the EM work pretty well... they dont go totally away but it allows me to function... sorta...

girl_dee 02-08-2011 06:38 PM

anyone else crave carbohydrates when they have a migraine coming on?

imperfect_cupcake 02-09-2011 05:52 PM

I've been prescribed sumatriptan tablets, which are working, but when the tablet wears off, the headache comes right back. They are giving me another days worth (6) and if it still hasn't disapeared it will have been a week, and I have to go to the dumb ass hospital. Boo to dumb ass hospitals. Hate them.
Dark, rest, sumitriptan, works but the second there is bright light, or I exhert myself ( running up stairs) or get upset (had a wee tiff, mild drama followed by a mutual "oh that was stupid, sorry" ) it comes bounding back. My face is so sore now I can't lay on that side.

getting very irritated with this. I'm exhausted! Does anyone have experience with migraines that go on for a week?

Corkey 02-09-2011 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by honeybarbara (Post 281450)
I've been prescribed sumatriptan tablets, which are working, but when the tablet wears off, the headache comes right back. They are giving me another days worth (6) and if it still hasn't disapeared it will have been a week, and I have to go to the dumb ass hospital. Boo to dumb ass hospitals. Hate them.
Dark, rest, sumitriptan, works but the second there is bright light, or I exhert myself ( running up stairs) or get upset (had a wee tiff, mild drama followed by a mutual "oh that was stupid, sorry" ) it comes bounding back. My face is so sore now I can't lay on that side.

getting very irritated with this. I'm exhausted! Does anyone have experience with migraines that go on for a week?

When I have mine they will wipe me on the floor for days.

girl_dee 02-09-2011 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by honeybarbara (Post 281450)
I've been prescribed sumatriptan tablets, which are working, but when the tablet wears off, the headache comes right back. They are giving me another days worth (6) and if it still hasn't disapeared it will have been a week, and I have to go to the dumb ass hospital. Boo to dumb ass hospitals. Hate them.
Dark, rest, sumitriptan, works but the second there is bright light, or I exhert myself ( running up stairs) or get upset (had a wee tiff, mild drama followed by a mutual "oh that was stupid, sorry" ) it comes bounding back. My face is so sore now I can't lay on that side.

getting very irritated with this. I'm exhausted! Does anyone have experience with migraines that go on for a week?

yup. off and on for days and days, then usually one BAD day then gone..

always2late 02-09-2011 06:08 PM

I've had migraines since high school...and I've found that the only thing that works for me is to take my meds the second I feel one coming! Otherwise it goes full-blown, I end up in bed totally wiped with a migraine that lasts for days, and decapitation begins to sound like a reasonable solution. I do have friends who have tried the following remedy and they say it works: A cup of warm Coke and ibuprofen.

WolfyOne 02-09-2011 06:29 PM

I've been getting migraines since I was about 6 or 7. Many years ago, there was no migraine medication on the market that targeted just the migraine. Back then I took Darvon or Sinubid. My mom used to always ask me why I didn't wake her when she'd catch be rocking back and forth on the couch in the middle of the night quietly crying because it hurt so bad. I used to tell her that there was nothing she could do to help me, so why wake her. As a young adult, I was taking Vicodin. I was thankful when Imitrex came out. It meant no more crawling the walls over them. I find as I get older they don't come as frequent or are as bad. I had a doctor once tell me that if I feel the slightest tinge of a headache to take Excedrine for migraine with a sinus pill before reaching for my Imitrex. Most of the time it works. I can function if I'm already awake and the migraine hits me, but if I wake in the middle of the night from one, I'm a goner for a day. It will zap all my energy and makes functioning normally quite hard. I have noticed, if the migraine hits me on my right temple, I could deal with it. If it catches my left temple, I just want to be in that dark room with a sleep mask wrapped around my head for extra darkness. I also go grab an ice pack when it gets that bad. At that point any sound around me is not my friend.

Many migraine sufferers may notice a migraine just before or during their menstrual cycle. The doctor told me it was normal for that to happen to a migraine sufferer. I'm thankful I don't have worry about that one anymore.

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