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imperfect_cupcake 09-28-2014 03:54 PM

Dating Personality Types
I've been rather interested in the Myers-Brigs thing for quite a while. And I've kept note on who I get along with best when I'm hanging out with people, casual dating, talking etc... I don't think it's definitive because self reporting tests and all... Not exactly scientifically sound... But I have noticed a trend.

I'm an ENFP with a waffle-y "F" - it's quite low. I have some of the traits of ENTP because of that, but ENFP describes me mostly.

I have noticed that the biggest "clicks" of understanding and that unexplainable "hook" has been with INTJ/ENTJ. Though, that said, I really get a buzz out of most "NT" types (as long as they are butch and have complimentary kink penchants!). I have been actually asking people fairly regular the past 2/3 years and is seems fairly consistent - though of course it's anecdotal and could be absolute bullocks. But it appears to be there, and notable.

Anyone else know their "type" and who is supposedly their best match? Who would you find most drawn to? Would you take it into consideration when dating (I certainly wouldn't rule anyone out personally, but I would feel slight hesitation with "s" types, enough to just take a particularly careful approach)

If you are in a r'ship, what's your combo?

If you don't know, you can take the test here: http://personality-testing.info/tests/OEJTS/

And find out your description here:http://www.personalitypage.com/html/portraits.html

Gráinne 09-28-2014 07:16 PM

INTJ, although I have also tested as an INTP. I "click" most with other introverts and thinkers, but I know that a "feeler" would balance me out more. An extrovert would probably overwhelm me verbally but that's probably the most balanced mix. If we can't relate, or communicate, though, a relationship won't go very long (and the extrovert would grow bored with me!)

TruTexan 09-28-2014 10:07 PM

ISFJ is what I am according to this testing. It's interesting and somewhat accurate in many ways about me.

imperfect_cupcake 09-28-2014 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Gráinne (Post 938637)
INTJ, although I have also tested as an INTP. I "click" most with other introverts and thinkers, but I know that a "feeler" would balance me out more. An extrovert would probably overwhelm me verbally but that's probably the most balanced mix. If we can't relate, or communicate, though, a relationship won't go very long (and the extrovert would grow bored with me!)

Heh. All the INTJs I have been with say this but I find after a warm up of about 20 min, they are talking *far* more than they do with others. I never get bored of introverts. I love them. :)

LOQUI 09-29-2014 12:27 AM

I took the test some months ago because of some job related process: INTJ were my results. Ahem, going back to my quiet place now...

MasterfulButch 09-29-2014 12:55 AM

I'm an INFJ and based on the description it seems a good fit.

"INFJs are conscientious and value-driven. They seek meaning in relationships, ideas, and events, with an eye toward better understanding themselves and others. Using their intuitive skills, they develop a clear and confident vision, which they then set out to execute, aiming to better the lives of others. Like their INTJ counterparts, INFJs regard problems as opportunities to design and implement creative solutions.

INFJs are quiet, private individuals who prefer to exercise their influence behind the scenes. Although very independent, INFJs are intensely interested in the well-being of others. INFJs prefer one-on-one relationships to large groups. Sensitive and complex, they are adept at understanding complicated issues and driven to resolve differences in a cooperative and creative manner.

INFJs have a rich, vivid inner life, which they may be reluctant to share with those around them. Nevertheless, they are congenial in their interactions, and perceptive of the emotions of others. Generally well-liked by their peers, they may often be considered close friends and confidants by most other types. However, they are guarded in expressing their own feelings, especially to new people, and so tend to establish close relationships slowly. INFJs tend to be easily hurt, though they may not reveal this except to their closest companions. INFJs may "silently withdraw as a way of setting limits", rather than expressing their wounded feelings—a behavior that may leave others confused and upset.

INFJs tend to be sensitive, quiet leaders with a great depth of personality. They are intricately and deeply woven, mysterious, and highly complex, sometimes puzzling even to themselves. They have an orderly view toward the world, but are internally arranged in a complex way that only they can understand. Abstract in communicating, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. With a natural affinity for art, INFJs tend to be creative and easily inspired. Yet they may also do well in the sciences, aided by their intuition."

A good version of this test, thanks.

Jennabelle 09-29-2014 01:57 AM

Looks like we're all a bunch of introverts-- no wonder we "socialize" online! I'm also INFJ like you MasterfulButch. I've heard it's the least common MB type. I mostly agree with the description you posted.

imperfect_cupcake 09-30-2014 12:52 AM

The least common type in the US is actually INTJ in females - it's only 0.8%.... So I have a hard time finding them! :(

But I'm wondering how people get on, partner wise with others?

*Anya* 09-30-2014 03:04 AM

I have done Myers-Briggs before. My basic, core, personality appears the same.

Introvert. Yes.

"You have completed the personality test.

Jungian/Myers-Briggs Personality Type is based on four preferences, that when combined produce personality type. This page will first cover your scores for each of the preferences then finally give a description for the type that they produce.

Introversion (I)
Extroversion (E)
Introversion-Extroversion is your cognitive orientation. Introverts centre themselves inside their bodies. Extroverts centre their attention outside their bodies.

Sensing (S)
Intuition (N)
Sensing-Intuition is the first pair of cognitive functions and the preference for how your prefer to be served information; through the five senses or from the subconscious.

Feeling (F)
Thinking (T)
Feeling-Thinking is the second pair of cognitive functions, the judging functions, which are used to evaluate goals; either through personal values or objective principles.

Judging (J)
Perceiving (P)
Judging-Perceiving is what pair of cognitive functions your prefer to use; Judging is a preference for a structured lifestyle and the use of feeling and thinking while perceiving is the preference for a flexible lifestyle and the use of sensing and intuition.

When combined, that makes your personality type INFP."

The description of this personality type from Wikipedia is:

According to Myers-Briggs, INFPs focus much of their energy on an inner world dominated by intense feeling and deeply held ethics. They seek an external life that is in keeping with these values. Loyal to the people and causes important to them, INFPs can quickly spot opportunities to implement their ideals. They are curious to understand those around them, and so are accepting and flexible except when their values are threatened.

According to Keirsey, based on observations of behavior, notable INFPs may include Princess Diana, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Audrey Hepburn, Richard Gere, Albert Schweitzer and Isabel Myers.

The polite, reserved exterior of INFPs can at first make them difficult to get to know. They enjoy conversation, however, taking particular delight in the unusual. When INFPs are in a sociable mood, their humor and charm shine through. Disposed to like people and to avoid conflict, INFPs tend to make pleasant company.

Devoted to those in their inner circle, INFPs guard the emotional well-being of others, consoling those in distress. Guided by their desire for harmony, INFPs prefer to be flexible unless their ethics are violated. Then, they become passionate advocates for their beliefs. They are often able to sway the opinions of others through tact, diplomacy, and an ability to see varying sides of an issue.

INFPs develop these insights through reflection, and they require substantial time alone to ponder and process new information. While they can be quite patient with complex material, they are generally bored by routine. Though not always organized, INFPs are meticulous about things they value. Perfectionists, they may have trouble completing a task because it cannot meet their high standards. They may even go back to a completed project after the deadline so they can improve it.

INFPs are creative types and often have a gift for language. As introverts, they may prefer to express themselves through writing. Their dominant Feeling drives their desire to communicate, while their auxiliary intuition supplies the imagination. Having a talent for symbolism, they enjoy metaphors and similes. They continually seek new ideas and adapt well to change. They prefer working in an environment that values these gifts and allows them to make a positive difference in the world, according to their personal beliefs.


I want my GF to do the test, too.

She will be the extrovert...

LOQUI 09-30-2014 03:09 AM

I took the test some months ago and when read in the results the description of the type I am; it appears to be mostly accurate in the diverse areas. After this, I used to joke with friends about having the next person with whom I will be dating taking the test.
Well, I haven't date since then...but apparently I have an 'inclination' towards extrovert, intuitive, people oriented, nurturing women; coincidence? Who knows? With them I enjoyed deep conversations around a diversity of topics. Most of them were what I call 'wise' women. It was fun sharing with them and they were always up for some sort of adventure and new discoveries. I also think that in some instances their "feelers" in them was perhaps a little too much for me. Also, during the initial stages of the relationship I was some sort of conundrum for them, however some of them were persistent in trying to 'discover' what was underneath my introvert type. No, I don't know for sure to what type they belong according to this test (it might be interesting to find out.)
Finally, although I consider this as an interesting test, I also consider that it doesn't matter what type two ppl are, if they both 'work' hard, know themselves and are intentional about their relationship, such relationship could prosper and growth.

Ps. Forgive my grammatical and other errors...English is not my first language. :hiding:

imperfect_cupcake 10-01-2014 09:18 AM

Here is a very brief synopsis of the types -

Generally I prefer thinkers to fellow feelers. And I prefer introverts to extroverts (though it's not written in stone, I've had a couple who were fabulous).

I like difference, rather than similarities. Thinkers ground me more and balance me off. I get my lovely one on one time in introverts, with all the thick juicy one on one deep convo I need.
Though some feelers are ok, just so long as their score is "cuspy" between thinking and feeling. Someone asking me how I feel all the time will get on my nerves.

I may be an ENFP, but of the extroverts, apparently they are the most introverted. And although they are highly in tune with feelings, and talk about them, they are very select about who they share the deepest feelings with (probably like most people lol)
I am highly patient and slow moving so I don't mind slower moving and private INTJ and INTP Or INFJ types. As long as they are continually moving towards something I'm good with that, snails pace is fine. Usually they like me drawing them out so it's a good balance, they help me focus. There is a huge differences between introverted and shy. They aren't the same thing. I'm an extrovert and I can be rather shy. And I certainly don't make the first moves. So I count on confident introvert butches to take the lead once I've made it known I'm interested. I look all fun based and laugh loud and opinionated (true) but m y knees knock together when I'm trying to let someone know I'm interested. I think I've kissed someone first maybe four times and I've been dating for 30 years and kissed a lot of people! So shy and introverted aren't the same things. So introverts who are able to step up and take the lead are deeply appreciated by me.

And Just like anything else, things are influenced by ethnicity/background, family, history, upbringing, experience in life, belief systems etc.

TruTexan 10-01-2014 10:06 AM

I don't know where to look to find what Brigg-Myer's type that would be a good fit for me. I"m curious to know.

candy_coated_bitch 10-01-2014 10:15 AM

I'm an INFP and have consistently tested as such since I was like 10 so I am pretty confident in that result lol. I'm not sure I have a "type" that I am attracted to... It's so mixed for me. I mesh very well with fellow introverts. Extroverts can draw me out, which can be really good, but then after a while I start fantasizing about killing them so they will shut up. It has to be an extrovert that can understand where an introvert is coming from. You'd be surprised at the number who don't.

Thinkers can iffy for me, too. I find intense fellow feelers exhausting, but thinkers don't always "get" me in the way I need. I like ideas and think a lot and am intellectual, but I have found that those who orient themselves towards the world through thinking to be a different animal. Someone who is logical and hyper-rational doesn't work well for me. It depends on the degree, I think. I like someone who is grounding, but not someone who can't get a good grasp on feelings, or who can't understand that using my feelings to inform my decisions is *VALID* and not *IRRATIONAL* just ain't gonna work for me. I've often found that thinkers want to "fix" my feelings when I don't want or need that. Someone not on either extreme with thinking/feeling works best for me, with maybe a bit over into the thinking territory.

I think I need someone who is perceiving because I really hate a lot of restrictions, and I just can't. Yeah.

This answer it TOTALLY an INFP answer I am realizing bwahaha!!!

imperfect_cupcake 10-01-2014 01:09 PM

LOL I rather count on Introvert partners to tell me to shut up. I laugh and agree and shut up. Someone sitting there, wishing I would shut up and wanting to hit me with a brick, isn't very helpful. Luckily, most of my partners (who, mostly were introverts) knew how to say "for the love of god, woman, shut it" Or "Babs. stuff it before I gag you" Or you know, shove something fun in my mouth ;)

That's why I also need assertive and someone with a spine LOL

the relationship page is here http://www.personalitypage.com/html/relationships.html

Look up your type at the bottom, click and at the bottom of the "as a partner" description is will say something like:


Generally, the ENFP is a warm and affirming creature who is very interested and able to have an intense, meaningful, close relationship with their mate.

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, ENFP's natural partner is the INTJ, or the INFJ. ENFP's dominant function of Extraverted Intuition is best matched with a partner whose dominant function is Introverted Intuition.
Of course, my best matches also happen to be the rarest. *eyeball roll*

So Hiiiiiii INFJ and INTJ butches!

imperfect_cupcake 10-01-2014 01:19 PM

INFP = ENFJ, ESFJ (looks like you are on the spot there! the F is pretty important CCB!)

MasterfulButch 10-01-2014 01:21 PM


Sexually, INFJs view intimacy as a nearly spiritual experience. They embrace the opportunity to bond heart and soul with their mates. As service-oriented individuals, it's very important to them that their mates are happy. Intimacy is an opportunity for the INFJ to selflessly give their love, and experience it in a tangible way.
So true. :formalbow: ;)

candy_coated_bitch 10-01-2014 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by honeybarbara (Post 939295)
INFP = ENFJ, ESFJ (looks like you are on the spot there! the F is pretty important CCB!)

Oh, awesome! Thanks for looking that up. I did sense that the feeling/thinking thing had caused some serious conflicts in my past relationships!!! My most recent one in particular. I'm actually not surprised that extroverts can be a good match for me, actually I think introverts and extroverts are often drawn to each other. And for the record, I HAVE gotten good at telling extrovert partners when I have had enough. I still might picture killing sometimes though lol!!! The part of this I am most surprised about is the judging aspect. Would have thought that would be a disaster, but I guess I don't have any experience to back that up. *off to read*

Femmadian 10-01-2014 01:34 PM

Another INFP here

Originally Posted by TruTexan (Post 939245)
I don't know where to look to find what Brigg-Myer's type that would be a good fit for me. I'm curious to know.

Most sites I've seen with general descriptions like this one do allude to which types are best with which other types (if you click on the type you may be from the list at the bottom), though if you want a more concise breakdown, this site and this site provide good info too. People are more than their types, obviously, but it's still nice info to have. :)


Originally Posted by candy_coated_bitch (Post 939246)
< /snip >
I mesh very well with fellow introverts. Extroverts can draw me out, which can be really good, but then after a while I start fantasizing about killing them so they will shut up. It has to be an extrovert that can understand where an introvert is coming from. You'd be surprised at the number who don't.

< /snip >

I've often found that thinkers want to "fix" my feelings when I don't want or need that.

I've found this too with extroverts, that introversion can be viewed by them as a character defect or something which needs to be fixed or overcome. Sometimes they can take it very personally when you want or need to withdraw from them for your own sanity. I've also seen extroverts conflate shyness with introversion more often than other introverts when in fact they are two very different things as HB said.

Now, I've also met some extroverts who are more mature and understand the introvert's need for time away from it all to maintain her/his equilibrium. I think that it's helpful to think of extroversion and introversion as places on a scale rather than two opposing points. What I've found useful when trying to help people understand the differences and also to place themselves on that spectrum in case they aren't quite sure is to ask where they get their energy and draw their sustenance from. Do you gain energy from being around other people and bouncing ideas off them? Does it make you feel pumped afterwards? Or do you recharge yourself by quiet time, reading a book, calming your mind, spending time alone with your thoughts and away from other people? Do you feel more grounded after that? Similarly, what drains you and what do you need to take a break from? Is too much alone time a bad thing for you? Or do you often feel strained under the pressure to be "on" all the time around other people?

Extroverts are also estimated to be about three quarters of the (North American) population so I think that simply being saturated with them can make it seem like 1) they're everywhere and omg, omg, omg, do they ever shut up (?!) and 2) through the sheer number of them, there are probably more extroverts that don't "get" us than there are of all of us combined, so it can seem like they just don't understand us en masse, though I think it's just a perception issue (not saying that you're saying this, CCB; just a musing :) ).

Extroverts are assumed to be the default and they're so dominant in our culture at large that, speaking as an introvert, I can't really fault a lot of them for not really getting us. They just don't have the exposure to us that we do to them. Plus, ya know, we're introverts and we don't exactly wear our thoughts and feelings on our sleeves. :p Overall, I think we're tougher nuts to crack!

On the second point I do agree and it has been my experience as well that T types tend to see (certain) feelings as something to "fix," but I try to remember that it comes from a place of wanting to help. Both F and T types try to help in their own ways, but they differ in how. F types tend to offer help by extending an empathetic ear or shoulder or by reassuring whoever's distressed that their feelings are valid or that yes, that ex really was a jerk and you are totally justified in feeling this way and omg, did I ever tell you the time my ex did something similar? Let's bond and commiserate over our shared experiences! Thinkers want to help too, but they try to distract the distressed, fix the issue that's causing what they perceive as negative or bad feelings, or try to change the way you feel about something by challenging it and trying to associate new emotions with the same stimuli. Both are compassionate in their own way and I think, ultimately, do mean well. They just express it differently. :)


imperfect_cupcake 10-01-2014 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by MasterfulButch (Post 939296)
So true. :formalbow: ;)

And it sounds like a *lovely* trait to have

CCB - I often want to hit my introverted partners with a brick for sitting there and not responding. But it's also endearing to me to have that low-level conflict. I've also learned to sit and wait. They learned to tell me "Hang on, let me think about that" - if told, I will kick back and amuse myself with the 72 other things in my head. lol

I'm also 45 now and I know a bit better how to give people space. I don't take it personally anymore. I respect it. I need mine too.

Plus I find it somewhat endearing if someone wants to hit me with a brick at times.

Brick-play. Powerful. mmmmmmm.....

And I thought, a long as time ago "J" would be annoying. but you know what? I'm such and open person and fluid that for me, I actually enjoy someone else's "J" - it sparks good debate and I like that. "T" also sparks a good debate with me. And I personally get randy with some low level playful bickering and I like someone laughing and getting off on my
"NO IT ISN'T, INFINITY PLUS ONE!" princess stomp But I dont think I would have appreciated it as much in those when I was younger.

My Exwife was an INFJ and we had a bloody ball together. And I do have to admit, her "protective" function (J's got that thang in shedloads) was very sexy.

I dunno, depends on their maturity?

ahk 10-01-2014 01:40 PM

ISFJs are interested in maintaining order and harmony in every aspect of their lives. They are steadfast and meticulous in handling their responsibilities. Although quiet, they are people-oriented and very observant. Not only do they remember details about others, but they observe and respect others’ feelings. Friends and family are likely to describe them as thoughtful and trustworthy.

According to Keirsey, ISFJs, or "Protector Guardians", are most concerned with taking care of people by keeping them safe and secure. They are modest caretakers who do not demand credit or thanks for their efforts. But while they are essentially compassionate—and in fact exercise more patience in dealing with people with disabilities than perhaps any other type—their shyness with strangers can lead others to misread them as standoffish. Only among friends and family may this quiet type feel comfortable speaking freely. ISFJs are serious people with a strong work ethic, not inclined to self-indulgence. They believe in being meticulous and thrifty. They work well alone. While they may enjoy taking care of others, they do not enjoy giving orders.

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