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Medusa 12-14-2009 11:43 PM

Sexism in Technology
I was having a discussion the other night with a geeky friend and recalled various themes of sexism I have encountered at different levels of technology.

One good example of this is that I am a member of several other forums, several of which have nothing to do with gender, Queer, etc. On one of these forums I chose a screen name that is gender-neutral. I have posted on those forums for several months, having conversations on various topics, talking about my likes and dislikes. A few weeks ago, I became involved in a rather heated conversation with another woman. After several heated exchanges, several folks started coming into the thread telling me that I "ought to be ashamed of myself" for speaking to a woman that way and that I was NOT a gentleman. I was puzzled. Most of the people who made these statements were folks I had interacted with several times. After private messaging with a few of them, I was told that most everyone on the site had assumed I was a man because of my "stern way of communicating and articulation around topics that mostly men are concerned with" (like politics??? seriously??)

This wasnt the first time this had happened to me - that people had assumed I was a man by my written communication style. That, because I am a woman, they expected me to communicate online in a certain way?

Anyone else have this happen? Any Trans Males notice a difference in communications online since transitioning? Any Butches who have noticed this?

Some other issues that might be relevant to sexism in technology:

* The notoriously sexist advertising for GoDaddy.com
* Sexist hiring practices in the tech field?

Let's talk!

Waldo 12-14-2009 11:59 PM

Oh girl... don't even get me started with the Godaddy BS.

As you know I work in the domain name space. I run a domain name company. I deal with it online and in person All. The. Time.

I'm a member at several domain related forums under my real name and just a couple of months ago someone recommended a poster reach out to "Kellie at Name.com, she's awesome and will help you out in a snap". That poster was promptly "corrected" and told that Kellie was a man. Sigh.

I get it on another forum on a much more regular basis and you guessed it - I have a gender neutral user name. Even though I have "female-ish" listed as my gender. Seems communication styles do, indeed, play a major role in gender identification online.

Medusa 12-15-2009 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Waldo (Post 21613)
Oh girl... don't even get me started with the Godaddy BS.

As you know I work in the domain name space. I run a domain name company. I deal with it online and in person All. The. Time.

I'm a member at several domain related forums under my real name and just a couple of months ago someone recommended a poster reach out to "Kellie at Name.com, she's awesome and will help you out in a snap". That poster was promptly "corrected" and told that Kellie was a man. Sigh.

I get it on another forum on a much more regular basis and you guessed it - I have a gender neutral user name. Even though I have "female-ish" listed as my gender. Seems communication styles do, indeed, play a major role in gender identification online.

YAY! I was hoping you would chime in!

I was wondering, Kellie, do you ever talk to someone on the phone with your job and when they meet you in person, they have a noticeable reaction to the fact that you arent in a skirt and heels?

Selenay 12-15-2009 12:08 AM

Oh Seriously I LOVE This Shit
Let's talk about advertisements.



Both women look, um, real happy to be there, huh?

The woman in the first looks visibly distressed and the second, well..
Not really sure what that's selling.

Or even better, this one


Because women without minds, thoughts or actions of their own is really what I want!

I could go On And On but I'll pause here and come back when I'm less scattered

Medusa 12-15-2009 12:11 AM

BRILLIANT examples!

The first two are particularly violent. Im going to look for an ad that I remember seeing several years back to add to the collection.

Keep them coming, Selly!

Selenay 12-15-2009 12:13 AM

And while I'm on the subject...

Let's talk about science. When you google image "scientist" this is the first image of an actual (not cartoon, not VI) man


This is the first woman:


This is the first male computer geek alone (the second image on the page, the first being a cartoon rendering):

This is the first image that comes up for a woman alone under the same search:


Medusa 12-15-2009 12:13 AM

Or this one from Dell:


I can hear the ad exec meetings now:

Ad exec 1: "I cant think of any good ideas to sell this computer!"

Ad exec 2: "Just stick a pretty woman on it!"

Selenay 12-15-2009 12:21 AM



SassyLeo 12-15-2009 12:25 AM

Interesting topic. Good idea.

I'll first say, I am by no means an Engineer or DBA or Sys Admin.

But there is a small part of me which is technically savvy enough to hook up tech stuff/audio equipment/internet in my apt. Purchase and install memory in my own and others' laptops, repair/install the wifi at my mom's house while on vacation over Thanksgiving. Do some mild database work and create graphics/collateral for my job. General easy tech-y stuff.

AND (the big AND) I sometimes think they are surprised that I can. Not my family, per se, but work folks. I am sure some of it is because IT is typically a male dominated profession, but it used to piss me off that there was this perception that because I am a woman and not in an IT role, that I would be incapable of doing ANYTHING technical. The assumptions are frustrating. However, now that they have learned I can figure stuff out, folks in my dept generally call me to fix their computer issues before calling tech support. 9/10 of the time, I can do it.

And it doesn't help that we have people in much higher roles than mine, like the Controller...who can barely even use Excel. Not helping the stereotype, in my opinion. However, I guess I should be grateful the Controller is a woman :)

Medusa 12-15-2009 12:37 AM

And I cant tell you how many times I have heard that I "hired PapaChris or Linus to build this site"

(but that might be because people think Im stupid, not a woman) ;)

Selenay 12-15-2009 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 21634)
And I cant tell you how many times I have heard that I "hired PapaChris or Linus to build this site"

(but that might be because people think Im stupid, not a woman) ;)

actually it's cuz you're from ar-kansas.

WILDCAT 12-15-2009 01:58 AM

Hmmm. Thought provoking...
Although this is "hardly" my area of expertise...

I will say the same theme, through administration in time, big corporations of any product, and now into the very technical fields there always appears to remain the toughest challange for women to prove themselves. Any field, it seems - where "advancement" may be giving credit to women...(?)

Hell, only fifty years ago - most women were still expected to just be housewives.

The tit mousepads... a bit offensive. I'm sure there are "other kinds" as well... (No thanks.)

And Medusa, you're an assertive women. Powerful women are unfortunately [still at times] considered only aggressive bitches - but, when it's a man in the same exact work situation EVEN being "aggressive" then (!), "he's one hell of a good strong intelligent employee/leader" in his field (heck, in this world).

That's the way I see it anyway - in a very generalized way. (I think Japan is better now in the technical field for sharing credit with women - I could be mistaken though.) We might be giving more now to women in the medical fields with technical advancements though... (?) I have a relative who recently began a field in cancer research.

The advertisements here are atrocious. (Frightening actually.)

My sister works for Intel. I'll have to get a quick opinion sex ratio from her (then their stats), for the higher paid positions. But, you're also talking about attitudes. Stat that (?) At least I know where she is they are a bit progressive with regards towards gay employees. Well, gay men, I'm not sure if it's equal in attitude with gay women. I'm not sure about transsexuals. I will "dig" around a bit with her.

How did you feel being referred to or assumed a gentleman [not?] Medusa?


Just my wooden nickel's worth anyway for a good thread start. Good luck.

Linus 12-15-2009 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by WILDCAT (Post 21643)

My sister works for Intel. I'll have to get a quick opinion sex ratio from her (then their stats), for the higher paid positions. But, you're also talking about attitudes. Stat that (?) At least I know where she is they are a bit progressive with regards towards gay employees. Well, gay men, I'm not sure if it's equal in attitude with gay women. I'm not sure about transsexuals. I will "dig" around a bit with her.


Just my wooden nickel's worth anyway for a good thread start. Good luck.

I can bet, as I work with a large corporation that is up-and-coming in the software world, the higher Board of Director positions will be rarely women. Women in IT aren't really known. In fact, can you name any? You can name Bill Gates, Woz, Jobs, Torvalds but do you know of Ada Lovelace (first programmer), Grace Hopper (created COBOL language that's used in the majority of banks and other large institutions as the main language; this was also the language that caused all that stir about Y2K), Susan Kare (did all those graphics for icons and such on the Apple when it first appeared), Sally Floyd (worked on TCP, part of the protocols that built the internet) and so on.. Heck, there was Carly Fiorina, CEO of HP who walked out when she fought with the board and even my own company's first CEO, Diane Green, who also left after differences of opinion.

When I was an instructor at a private IT school, the majority of networking admin types (non-programmers) were guys. Very few women went through the course (odd since network admin requires more human contact and socialization if we're to look at gender roles and how communications are done) while programming (often a solitary job) was nearly or over 50% women.

Although IT tries to come across as being whacky and unique and not necessarily caring about gender, the reality is true. We expect IT support, admins and engineers to be men. We expect answers from men and the image of a geek is either the nerdy Matthew Broderick (see Wargames) or, if a woman, it's Angelina Jolie (Hackers). It's interesting that Sandra Bullock's character from The Net isn't something that comes to mind for people when thinking about women in science.

It's interesting that Google came up with those images as it's contrary to what I envisioned. When I think of scientist my first thought is an older woman in a lab coat. Bing's search results were similar but their first female images are better than the ones listed here. I know that there are (were?) programs in place to encourage women into math and sciences more but those programs don't seem as prominent as they used to be. Are they still in place?

Selenay 12-15-2009 10:30 AM

I combat technological sexism by doing my own research.
Currently, 15 FORTUNE 500 companies are run by women, and a total of 28 FORTUNE 1000 companies have women in the top job.

Of these, the highest ranking woman places 27th in the list.

When one looks at computer science in particular, however, the proportion of women has been falling. In 2001-2, only 28 percent of all undergraduate degrees in computer science went to women. By 2004-5, the number had declined to only 22 percent. Data collected by the Computing Research Association showed even fewer women at research universities like M.I.T.: women accounted for only 12 percent of undergraduate degrees in computer science and engineering in the United States and Canada granted in 2006-7 by Ph.D.-granting institutions, down from 19 percent in 2001-2. Many computer science departments report that women now make up less than 10 percent of the newest undergraduates.

I would go on but I gots thangz. Maybe later.


NotAnAverageGuy 12-15-2009 10:40 AM

I guess I am rather odd when it comes to sexism, I personally do not see anything wrong with the ads for things, sex sells for alot of products and it works, people gobble up certain products simply because of what the ad has displayed.

But what about the male underwear models? Isn't that sexism too?

I don't partake in technology so I am not much for conversation when it comes to that topic but I put my 2 cents in when I have an opinion.

Bootboi 12-15-2009 10:49 AM

Wherever you go... There you are.
I think its very true that there is alot of sexism within IT. I can recount many past and current experiences with sexism.

I am an IT exec for a fortune 500 company here in Minneapolis. I will also say that I am 1 of 2 women that are at exec management level. The other 14 are male. To get to this level has been nothing short of sheer bullheaded perseverance and a strong passion for what I do for a living.

Ive been discriminated against when applying for hire level jobs. Ive had a man win a position when he clearly did not have the qualifications to do so. I've also been called sir many times on the phone, undoubtedly because I have a very deep voice for a female. (not trans gender btw just good ol butch) ;) Even though I did answer the phone and gave them a clearly frilly feminine name. (ahh the perils of a butch being named a foo foo girly name ;))

When I moved on to my current employment it was really refreshing to feel that higher level positions were awarded on merit and accomplishments. It makes you feel like you have your feet well planted.

Historically, IT has been a male predominant field but as time progress's its not an all male environment anymore. Like any sterotyping cultures there has to be a starting point to breaking that proverbial glass ceiling. Breaking it comes with its ups and downs but the point is to keep pushing so we educate others into taking thier sexist blinders off and stop being ignorant.

The most technically savvy people Ive worked with in the past 15yrs have been women. Interestingly enough I will also say its been my experience that women tend to take a more holistic approach to IT than most males do. Go figue huh?

Anyhow, while it can really get on a persons nerves to be equivilated as being male because you possess technical knowledge. I think we need to keep in mind we are educating the ignorant.

If all else fails "Claw their eyes out" HA! :)

Selenay 12-15-2009 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by NotAnAverageGuy (Post 21710)

But what about the male underwear models? Isn't that sexism too?

I don't partake in technology so I am not much for conversation when it comes to that topic but I put my 2 cents in when I have an opinion.

How can you POSSIBLY see male underwear models as being on the same PLANET as a woman on satin sheets in underwear with a BULLET IN HER HEAD selling a VIDEO GAME?

You're on a computer which automatically puts you in a category in which you use technology.

Good Lord I don't even know what else to say.

Andrew, Jr. 12-15-2009 10:52 AM

:bunchflowers: For Medusa

I just don't get sexism no matter what field. Look at medicine. Who would have ever imagined male nurses, and female doctors?

For me, I have more genetically male disorders. When I was being tested by a woman, by law, she had to confer with another doctor. The two were quite shocked at the results. They went to a 3rd doctor. Same response. 2 women, 1 man, but the same results.

Basic essentials of running a website I know that Dusa and Jack did great. I am sure Linus helped out with the smilies & Papa Chris did whatever. But that is just a small fraction of what is involved in something this huge. In the end, the full credit goes to Dusa and Jack. They are the ones who keep this site up and running all hours of the day and night. They are the ones who need full credit of our new home. For me, it makes no difference if someone is male or female id'ed. All that matters is that we are here together as a family. So, my hat is off to Medusa and Jack.

Medusa, do not ever let anyone tell you that you did nothing because you are a female. You do more than you will ever know. I have the utmost respect for you, and always have. You just hold your head high, and know that alot of us are so proud of you and your accomplishments.

NotAnAverageGuy 12-15-2009 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Selenay (Post 21719)

How can you POSSIBLY see male underwear models as being on the same PLANET as a woman on satin sheets in underwear with a BULLET IN HER HEAD selling a VIDEO GAME?

You're on a computer which automatically puts you in a category in which you use technology.

Good Lord I don't even know what else to say.

Use of a computer is technology but if you are talking about IT fields, etc I have no knowledge.

But I see anything that is sexual in any nature such as underwear models, the pics you posted on here, etc as sexism of both genders. But thats just my opinion.

PapaC 12-15-2009 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 21634)
And I cant tell you how many times I have heard that I "hired PapaChris or Linus to build this site"

(but that might be because people think Im stupid, not a woman) ;)

I heard someone call my name.

whatever improvements there might have been in the last 20 years in Technology, is still not enough. IT is predominately dominated by men, and I'd personally be lying if I said that I wasn't aware of it on a cellular level when I stepped further into this career path (of sorts).

Even though, most of my bosses and clients and co-workers (like my ex gf) are women, and I've got some amazing work history with some pretty smart IT women (they're like blow your fuckin' minds smart), the image is still male, the brute force of numbers of geek still reads MALE, the only real advance I'm seeing is Marketing (how ironic). The marketing people have figured out that women have similar levels of interest in goods and services related to IT.

But sorry, do I believe that sexism is improving in IT?

Would you like to know how fuckin happy I'll be if I ever work on internet phone support again, that I *won't* be asked on a date or offered flowers or ask if I'm married or have a boyfriend?


Thanks Selly, really,.... pointing me to this thread didn't give me happy joy joy feelings

(but you knew that didn't you).

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