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Bit 11-18-2009 11:17 AM

Love Letters
Sometimes it's nice to have a place to save them... I'll start.


You know, it's a funny thing, my love... we took such a huge chance on
each other, and did something so utterly crazy. I knew better, you
knew better--but we did it anyway.

I've never regretted it. I never will. Being with you started my
life again. I waited for so many years for someone like you... well,
I guess I was waiting for YOU, yourself, eh? And I am so glad our
paths finally crossed, and that we were crazy enough to take one look
and each reach out for the other, grab on and refuse to let go...

Thank you for our life together. Thank you for That House. Thank you
for Margaret and our other ghosts, for the Gryphons and the Cats, for
teaching me how to let go and see the world again. Thank you for our
own cats. Thank you for loving the Ladybug. Thank you for all the
help you've given to those I love. Thank you for who you are and what
you do.

Thank you for deciding to live all those years ago, for getting sober,
for fighting your way through all the obstacles so that you could
become who you are.

Thank you, my love, for being born on this green earth, for choosing
to live at the same time I am living, so that we can be together.

You make the world better for everyone around you, every day of your
life, just by being here. Thank you.

Happy birthday, darling. I love you with all my heart,

Bit 11-18-2009 11:18 AM

Dear Ladybug, heart of my heart,

I love you to the ends of the earth. Thank you for going to sleep and knocking off that infernal racket.


Bit 11-30-2009 04:23 PM

Dear Gryph,

I just wanted to tell you how utterly proud I am of you. I hope that when you come and read this, it will be at just the right time to give you any kind of boost you might need after spending your retail days with greedy people and harried customers. *what, y'all thought I was gonna call the customers greedy? tis the bosses, my Dears, so eager for their bonuses they are spending their employees heedlessly* Darlin, I mean it when I say you are part of the reason the economy is recovering. Your work is part of the gear that drives the mechanism.

What you do might seem meaningless to you given your bosses' attitudes, just a difficult job, a paycheck that doesn't go far, and no respect at all; but what you do for the people who come into the store is magnificent. You don't have to be flashy and showy, you know; you don't have to pull any miracles out of your hat. All you have to do is to be yourself, my love, and allow your energy to be in the store. Your very presence calms people down and gets them grounded again--and that is NO small gift during the holiday season for customers OR for fellow employees!

Your competence and customer service skills, your loyalty, your willingness to give it your all and go above and beyond the call of duty, day after day, are part of the reason that store is still in business. You are the kind of employee that any business in its right mind would give anything for.

I suppose it might seem weird to you that we cannot afford the things your customers seem to take for granted... a disconnect in the fabric of reality, so to speak... but what we do with your money, while not so much fun, is no less important than how you earn it.

We bought a house this year. It might not mean much to anyone else; it might seem insignificant in the face of the housing crisis, but it was one step for the positive and that always counts. It counts even more, I think, because neither of us had a house before; we increased the housing market and that's another step towards the positive.

Then we added in utility bills neither of us had had before, and there's another step towards the positive. Oh, I know, miniscule steps as far as others might be concerned--but however miniscule, they ARE steps and they ARE positive. In our miniscule way, we are standing on the short side of the scales and tipping the balance back, tipping towards positive, adding our weight to the crowd of others who are doing the same, doing our part to redress the balance.

We are supporting local businesses *possibly a little more than he may have realized, shhh!* and doing what we can to keep our money in the neighborhood, to keep our friends employed. We are using the money you earn with your back and brain to establish ourselves in a neighborhood that desperately needs us, a neighborhood that needs our commitment to stability, to local spending, to helping others in all the ways we know.

We may not have much, my love, and you may not feel like you get any respect at all when you're out earning what we do have.... but I want you to know that I see who you are and what you do. I see how hard you work, and how committed you are, how stable and loyal. I see that you are a wonderful person. I see your dedication to providing for your family.

I see how you spend your energy, my love, and I see how you spend your time. I value and respect you for your choices and for your dedication, for your values and for your hard work, for your stability and your loyalty.

I cherish you. You call me your treasure? You are my treasure. I can't imagine how I was lucky enough to catch your eye.... I can't imagine how I was lucky enough to find you single.

What on earth were your exes thinking? How did they let you get away?

.........what were you doing with such stupid people? lol!

Your Pop would be so proud of you, love, and your Nonna too; your Mom, your Dads... you are who you set out to be, my love.

I am so grateful you chose me to walk this path with you, so grateful for the chance to live with you, love with you, learn from you.

Being with you is the best thing I ever did for myself, love. I hope I can return the favor.


PearlsNLace 11-30-2009 05:14 PM

Dear Someone Special,

I just want to thank you for the joy you have brought in my life. I have smiled so much, my face aches. No matter what the future holds, I cherish what we have today. Thank you for the camaradarie, the laughter, and the impossible closeness we have shared that no miles between us can diminish.

When you came, my luck changed. Thank you for understanding and appreciating my need for self reliance as well as my need for comfort and support.

Thanks for making the room spin, my face flush, and all sorts of interesting physical changes just by saying a few words.

Thank you for enjoying the blur of the last few days with me, for appreciating the magic of the space we are in RIGHT NOW, as well as the nervous excitement of what may come.

Its time to wake you up now. So Good "Morning"

Gryph 12-03-2009 09:44 PM

Dear Babygirl of my heart. *BLUSH!!!!!*

Bit 12-04-2009 07:09 AM

Dear Gryph,

Beloved, you have my heart. You always will.

Remember that no one can take anything from you without your consent. Keep your shields high today, my love.

I'll be leaving soon to take the doglet to the vet, but I'll be back before you leave for work. Remember while I'm away, I love you with everything that I am and have.


Random 12-11-2009 11:59 AM

I'm leaving this here for you to find..

It's all the things I tell you rolled up into one tidy lil post.. So when I'm mad at you or cranky with the world, or over involved with things that I think I HAVE to do right NOW or the world will end.. So when those times come.. you can visit this post..

You are a complete wonder to me.. I am amazed daily that not only do you love me.. but you like me..

I love the way you walk through the world.. A gregouros big butch of a woman... Making friends where ever you go.. You talk to strangers in line, at the gas station.. I don't think the word stranger danger is in your vocabulary.... I love that about you..

I love the way that you are bold and out there.. You absolutly refuse to take any kind of shit from anyone.. Doesn't matter what your relationship with them is.. You don't let anyone walk on you..

I love the way your mind works.. I love the fact that you will boycott a movie on the big screen because you don't agree with the actors behavior on set.. but will wait to netflix it... grin...

I love the way that you look for nuonces and subtext in books and movies.. and want to talk about what YOU think it means.. Not proclaiming that this is what it means.. but what it means to you..

I love the fact that you causualy pick up ever bag in the car.. Leaving me with my coffee cup and the keys... heh.. Most of the time, I don't even get my own purse..

I love the way you yell at the screen declairing something is BULLSHIT..

I love the passion in your soul.. your adventurous nature.. The way that you like everything until you have tried it.. Then and only then is it possible that you don't like it..

I love your open heart.. No matter what happens in life.. you don't shut down, don't close off.. You are not naive, you know bad stuff happens.. But still, you stay wide open...

I love the way you defer to me.. It's so amazing this gift you give.. the trust you place in me..

I love the way you don't see me as a work horse.. Someone who need to work harder, longer, better.. Climb that ladder, help you network... You don't give a rats ass if I work or not.. clean the house or not.. cook or not.. (although you would be mighty grateful for some bread.. I do know that.. grin)

I love that you accept that my demons are just that.. Ghosts in the machine.. For me to deal with and let go of.. That you KNOW they have nothing to do with you..

I love that I can look into your face and see the girl you were.. A wild child running free.. Salt tangled hair, sweat on your brow, no shoes...

I love that you laugh at me when we are watching suspenseful movies.. When I hide behind you and say.. *this is how we watch them.. I hide and you tell me what I missed* Grin...

I love.. absolutly LOVE the feeling of your body next to mine... The feeling of your head on my shoulder with my arms wrapped around you.. Looking down into that beautiful face... It fills me with such complex emotions.. I want to protect you from the world, and at the same time I want to take you to that place that you love.. See how high I can make you before I give out.. lol.. because we both know that I'm always the one to say.. Enought!!!! At the same time.. The feeling of you wrapped around me.. Those wonderfuly thick arms surrounding me.. safe, warm, home..

I want you to know.. If I could paint, if I could draw... I would do a charcole of the picture I carry in my head... The long line of your back, the vulnerability of the curve of your shoulder and neck.. your wild mane spread out over your face... Strength and Vulnerability.. Sensualality and Innocence..

There is so much more.. but they are flashes in my head.. not ready to be put into words..

I love you baby... Thank you for the last six months..

Bit 12-11-2009 01:06 PM

Ahh, Ms Cyn, that was beautiful!

Random 12-11-2009 02:30 PM

thank you bit..

they are shallow compared to the woman who inspired them..

I wish my muse hadn't retired to become a ski instructer up in Vail so many years ago... I would love to be able to write poetry about this butch..

I'm really lucky that she is like a bulldog.. Once she set her sights on me.. That was it.. No matter how many times I told her to *Get the F**** out of my house.. she kept coming back.. (I may have been liked to a skittish horse a time or two)

I am blessed beyond belief...

Bit 12-11-2009 04:10 PM

I know that blessed beyond belief feeling, darlin. Tis a wonderful thing, eh?

Mitmo01 12-12-2009 06:58 PM

that was magnificent my love and i thank you for this, I shall remember its here when i need to look at your beautiful and eloquent words...

you are loved beyond measure and time...

Jet 12-12-2009 07:50 PM

Nice thread Cath, would love to write to and a certain so and so but she doesn't exist anymore. Probably never will again.

Bit 12-26-2009 10:00 AM

Thank you, Parker.

I used to write to someone I didn't know yet... it turned out to be Gryph, but at the time I started writing, I had no clue if there would ever be anyone again for me, either.

Princess4u 02-05-2010 10:41 PM

My Darling Love,

You have long been in my heart and in my dreams as I am awake as well as in slumper. You have captured my very being and know how to reach the deepest parts of my soul. I know you are out there fighting your way to find me, as I wait patiently for you to come and take me to the place we know as home in our hearts.

You complete that part of me which has been lost through time and sorrow. As if you have been protector of that which life has stolen from me and given to you to keep til the day we meet. As I hold that piece of you which has been ripped from your heart by life's many cruel lessons, and I await to return it back to the place from which it was plucked so long ago.

Perhaps we have crossed paths and did not see the other for blinded by the light of another. Perhaps we are just now meeting and have yet to know who the other is. Our future awaits to be opened, for that moment of discovery could just now be upon us. Perhaps, we have found that special flame starting to glow brighter and are too weary to let it shine ablaze. If that be the case, I will be there to hold you high and let your light set the world a fire for all to see the love you feel for me. As I will stand beside you and let the world see the glory that you are and the love I have held onto for you. For you are my heart, my soul and my love. You are the sun in the morning and the moon casting upon us at night. You are my blanket and I am your pillow.

My darling love, oh please come when you can, but come to me no matter how frail or tattered you may be from your battle to find me. For I am here waiting like i have promised you so many times, in so many dreams and in so many prayers. I am here to bring you to the the home we have already built within our hearts.

With all I have and all my love!

bigbutchmistie 02-08-2010 09:54 PM


What do I say to you here that I havent said on the other sites. Countless nights have passed. I have sat at this very table and penned my thoughts and feelings for you. I have the copies in a shoe box in my closet. I wonder if I will ever be able to hand them to you in real life. Some days Im like a lil kid at the thought that you exist. Other days reality strikes me and I realize you are just a mirage.

So the letters sit up in my closet in the shoe box. Growing dust. Somedays I just wanna throw them away. I dont know what makes me leave them up there. But there they will sit. Until I get the nerve to throw them away.


Princess4u 02-08-2010 11:10 PM

You came to me so softly and asked to be mine. Like you longed to be part of something or someone to complete who you are. You laid your head in my arms for me to caress your soft skin and feel your sincere request as if I would say something you wouldnt want to hear. Oh my darling, how could I refuse you?

Tis you who make my life complete!! I held your face in my hands and looked into your deep green eyes and asked," but will you be mine?" We smiled at oneanother and the tears of a hundred lifetimes slowly crept from our eyes. It was then that I knew we already belonged to one another and always would for a hundred lifetimes more.

I found you and you found me and time stood still. What a glorious day that was to see you smiling at me from across the street. Like we knew eachother, like we had done this before. I knew then it was you!! The YOU, I had been searching for for so long. They say good things come to those who wait, and wait I have.

You took me in your arms and we kissed for what seemed a lifetime and all the pain and sorrow we both have endured for so long, just seemed to melt away as if it never were. We kissed until we both lost ourselves to slumber, and what a way to drift off to sleep. In your arms to safe and warm filled with a love I have never known.

I cherish our memories my love, as I cherish you! May you find me waiting for you at the place we planned to meet. I will be the one with the blue dress and red roses for my love, my life, for you.

Til then,
All of my heart!

Corkey 02-13-2010 11:18 PM

My love has changed my life forever. She gave me strength, peace, devotion and compassion. She made the darkness shine with her brilliance, the sunlight cannot compare with her shinning smile. She makes the hours of aloneness fly by and I know with her I am never alone. I am bonded by my flesh to her, but it is my heart which she holds so gently with such ferocity. This gentle soul is mine for now and forever.

I love you, Daddy.

Princess4u 02-21-2010 12:23 AM

My Dearest Love,

I closed my eyes with a smile on my face, for thoughts of you raced through my mind. As I drifted off to sleep, I could feel your pressing against me, keeping me close, keeping me safe and keeping me warm. I smiled again for you felt so precious next to me. I took a deep breath and your scent caressed every part of me inside and out. I thought to myself, how could life be this good? How could I be this blessed to have one suce as you as my soul mate, my love, my "hym?"

My mind wander spiralling further down into the dark rhelm of sleep and into the parts of me which contain my dreams of you. I found myself sitting alone on a beach with the brigh summer sun glistening upon my skin and dancing a spectrum of colours throughout the stands of my hair. The warm ocean wind dancing through my hair and my coverup was refreshing and yet soothing to my soul. I heard a wistle and turned to the sound to see you in the distance with a dog frolicking in the waves as they caressed the sands edge. My thouht wanst broken for long, I went back to my deep contimplation forgetting that slight distraction. Unaware you had slowly advanced to the edge of my towel and blocking my side from the warmth of the sun. You cleared your throat and I looked up starttled to see you staring down at me.

Oh how fine you were, just pure handsomeness and beauty all mixed in one. You said hello, and I returned the jesture. I knew then, you were the one, your voice swept me away, your confiendence was sultry and your smile, well it took my breath away. I was yours from that moment on as I am yours today, as I will always be yours for all eternity. Please find me when you can and I can promise you what we both have needed, yearned for, desired will be ours to hold. You will find me on the waters edge from here til the end of time. For I am the wind, the sun, the water and the sand between your toes. You will find me there my love, my soul , my Hym. For I shall wait there until the earth spins no more.

Until then I am yours
your lil babygirlprincess:rose:

bigbutchmistie 02-21-2010 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Princess4u (Post 54351)
My Dearest Love,

I closed my eyes with a smile on my face, for thoughts of you raced through my mind. As I drifted off to sleep, I could feel your pressing against me, keeping me close, keeping me safe and keeping me warm. I smiled again for you felt so precious next to me. I took a deep breath and your scent caressed every part of me inside and out. I thought to myself, how could life be this good? How could I be this blessed to have one suce as you as my soul mate, my love, my "hym?"

My mind wander spiralling further down into the dark rhelm of sleep and into the parts of me which contain my dreams of you. I found myself sitting alone on a beach with the brigh summer sun glistening upon my skin and dancing a spectrum of colours throughout the stands of my hair. The warm ocean wind dancing through my hair and my coverup was refreshing and yet soothing to my soul. I heard a wistle and turned to the sound to see you in the distance with a dog frolicking in the waves as they caressed the sands edge. My thouht wanst broken for long, I went back to my deep contimplation forgetting that slight distraction. Unaware you had slowly advanced to the edge of my towel and blocking my side from the warmth of the sun. You cleared your throat and I looked up starttled to see you staring down at me.

Oh how fine you were, just pure handsomeness and beauty all mixed in one. You said hello, and I returned the jesture. I knew then, you were the one, your voice swept me away, your confiendence was sultry and your smile, well it took my breath away. I was yours from that moment on as I am yours today, as I will always be yours for all eternity. Please find me when you can and I can promise you what we both have needed, yearned for, desired will be ours to hold. You will find me on the waters edge from here til the end of time. For I am the wind, the sun, the water and the sand between your toes. You will find me there my love, my soul , my Hym. For I shall wait there until the earth spins no more.

Until then I am yours
your lil babygirlprincess:rose:

Nice letter. I hope you find your dream butch soon :)

GeekBear 02-21-2010 01:44 AM

To the most beautiful part of my day,

where to start? I feel truly blessed to have met you. thank you for always caring enough to ask how my day was. I've never met anyone that I could talk to about anything at all and know that I'm not being judged until I met you. thank you that everyday I try and be the best me I can be, you have shown me that I do anything I want as long as I want it bad enough. thank you for the sound of your voice, every morning and every night. what a wonderful thing to wake up to and fall asleep to. you know just what to say and how to say it and you're not afraid to tell me to suck it up or let me know when I'm whining :) you are truly amazing and words can't express how lucky I feel to know you. most of all, thank you for being you. love always, ~geek~

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