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StillettoDoll 01-26-2011 05:06 AM

2011 Year of the Rabbit
Happy New Year! Feb. 3rd.... The year of the Metal Rabbit promises to bring some much-needed peace and tranquility. If you are like most people, you probably feel like you were on a roller coaster in 2010, the year of the Tiger. That will generally not be the case in 2011, as the Rabbit is everything the Tiger is not.

“Let there be peace -- and let it begin with me” is the Rabbit motto. The Tiger makes waves, but the Rabbit mends fences. Diplomacy reigns. If you want to improve your chances of success, negotiate and cooperate rather than force your ideas on others. It’s also a time to kiss and make up. Forgive and forget. Let’s all get along. Make love not war. If last year the emphasis was on excitement, it’s now is on harmony.

2011 Chinese Year of the Rabbit Horoscopes by Sign
What chinese sign are you ?

girl_dee 01-26-2011 05:51 AM

Spot on!
If last year was a bit wild for you, things might calm down a bit in the Year of the Metal Rabbit. Your sign's element is Fire, which has a harmful influence on the Metal year element -- make sure you plot your course carefully. Even though your favorability for the year is only 65%, almost all your months will be favorable. Your determination and perseverance might need a tune-up. Are there ways you can boost your motivation? Give yourself a daily dose of self-confidence with words of affirmation. There's room for you to accomplish great things.

Without a moment's notice, you might have to suddenly change directions in your career. Perhaps your job title will expand. Maybe your company will enter into a merger. Can you see how this might be an opportunity for something better? If you find yourself at a crossroads, take some time to figure out your direction. You might not find answers right away. Trust that your path will unfold regardless of your confusion. The Rabbit lends you more creativity and insight, so trust those flashes of intuition when it comes to your life's work.

If you're attached, you might enjoy the quiet comforts of home more than usual this year. Compatibility issues should get easier -- especially when it comes to your and your partner's living habits. If you're single, you might meet the yin to your yang in a new partner. Sensual pleasures will be heightened, so make sure your home smells good, looks good, and feels good. Silk sheets? Soft leather couches? Scented candles? Do whatever it takes to please your senses. Others will be drawn in to your home like a moth to the flame.
The Rabbit is a bit of a hypochondriac, so don't mistake stress or fatigue for something worse. You should enjoy relatively good health this year, but make sure you eat right and get plenty of rest. Are you prone to the winter flu? Go to the pharmacy and get your flu shot asap. Also, be careful about stress-induced migraines. If you're a typical Snake, your nervous system is a bit more sensitive than others. Take care of your mental and physical health -- the two are intricately connected.

Daktari 01-26-2011 06:24 AM

I'm a Chinese bunny. Let's hope that this year is a huge improvement on last year. I need some stability. Sounds like the Year of the Bun-bun could potentially be a good one (..that is if one believes in such things).

The_Lady_Snow 01-26-2011 06:35 AM

I'm a cock.

Rook 01-26-2011 06:45 AM




NJFemmie 01-26-2011 06:52 AM



Gemme 01-26-2011 10:24 AM

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? The good news is that this year's ruling animal, the Rabbit, is one of your complementary signs. The bad news is that the year's element, Metal, has a destructive relationship with your sign's element of Wood. In plain English? You'll probably have a so-so year. But don't get discouraged -- as a Tiger, you have the guts and gusto to face challenges like a Mortal Kombat fighter. When you're not engaged in battle, it could be a good time to lay low and borrow some of the Rabbit's reserve. If you plot your course ahead of time, you'll be able to navigate the changing waters of this year with grace and agility.

It would probably be wise to stay under the radar at work and continue on your current career path. A change might be on the horizon, but it probably won't be one of your own making. You might have to zig when you want to zag. Are you feeling restless at your cubicle? The Rabbit doesn't share your wild sense of adventure. It's best to direct your boundless energy toward overtime, not spontaneous decisions about switching jobs. During your favorable months, bring your brilliant ideas to the table. Your passion and insight might bring well-deserved recognition.

You'll probably have to deal with a few mood swings in your relationships this year. Under the Rabbit's influence, it's a good time to smooth over communication problems and be diplomatic. A friend or lover might come to your rescue when you need it most -- make sure you express your gratitude. Try to transcend your differences with others by becoming more sensitive. Keep an open mind if people don't agree with you. Even if you can't control things at work, make the effort to improve things at home with your loved ones.

If you're a typical Tiger, you probably go, go, go, until you can't go anymore. Am I right? You might not be able to keep up that pace this year, but that's not a bad thing. The Rabbit favors peace and quiet, so consider how to make your life a bit more relaxing. Paint your bedroom blue to promote tranquility. Add a bamboo plant to your living room to bring in the Earth element. Take up cooking at home instead of gallivanting around town at night. Your health will benefit from the take-it-easy approach in the coming months.

You have the Tiger's luck on your side, so money may be a better area in your life this year. Several months will bring Triple Metal days -- where the element of the year, month, and day all match up. So make sure you mark those on your calendar. Metal is the element most closely associated with wealth. Have any money-making ideas up your sleeve? Save any risk-taking for your Super Luck days or Triple Metal days. Be conservative during your unfavorable months. The Rabbit's love of luxury might tempt you to buy lavish things. Don't give in. Your money is better spent on practical necessities.

JustJo 01-26-2011 10:57 AM

Same as Gemme..... I'm a tiger.


Jesse 01-26-2011 12:44 PM

I am a dog. :blink:

Yes I said it.

In fact, I am a metal dog. :)

ravfem 01-26-2011 01:06 PM

On some charts i'm a goat, on others i'm a sheep.

Figures it is complicated like that.... i am a gemini ya know.


sylvie 01-26-2011 01:12 PM

<----- an ox... lovely...lol..

but, i like what it says!

Blade 01-26-2011 02:14 PM


Apocalipstic 01-26-2011 02:36 PM

A freakin' bunny

princessbelle 01-26-2011 03:16 PM


Rockinonahigh 01-26-2011 05:03 PM

Im a full blown Aries,sooooo how do I find out what my chineese sign is suposed to be?

Jesse 01-26-2011 05:08 PM

If your birthdate on your profile is correct, you are a pig. It goes by 12 year cycle.


Originally Posted by Rockinonahigh (Post 272796)
Im a full blown Aries,sooooo how do I find out what my chineese sign is suposed to be?

StillettoDoll 01-26-2011 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rockinonahigh (Post 272796)
Im a full blown Aries,sooooo how do I find out what my chineese sign is suposed to be?


Rockinonahigh 01-26-2011 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jesse (Post 272799)
If your birthdate on your profile is correct, you are a pig. It goes by 12 year cycle.

Thanks for the info..it fits cause I can be a little piggy about some things..who knew?

Rockinonahigh 01-26-2011 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by StillettoDoll (Post 272805)

So thats how it works,very interesting,thank you.

Rockinonahigh 01-26-2011 06:43 PM

Well looks like im one lucky pig.The scopes says im finaly going to get real lucky in my career,money and love life.Even my health will improve as long as I take care of it and dont over indulge.I am all for that happening...bring it on!

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