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Linus 05-16-2010 07:53 AM

Gulf Oil Slick
I'm surprised we don't have a thread on this. And I figured might be worthwhile to discuss. Reading HP today I found this:


Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots.


BP has resisted entreaties from scientists that they be allowed to use sophisticated instruments at the ocean floor that would give a far more accurate picture of how much oil is really gushing from the well.
I think the gov't should slap them with a major fine and a cap on how far they can raise the prices due to the fine. This whole situation is appalling in how it's been dealt with and how the resolution to stop it has been going on. All 3 of the companies CEos should be made to swim through that crap.

More than ever, it has made me NOT want to get a license and drive a car. :angry:

Medusa 05-16-2010 07:57 AM

I am absolutely SICK over this and completely PISSED OFF that these companies think they have the fucking RIGHT to keep scientists from observing, taking photos, or doing experiments while there are millions of gallons of oils just spilling out into the ocean.

I cringe to think of how many sea creatures and birds will be dead because of this. There already has been reports of dead dolphins, shrimp, and fish and many articles say that the fishing industry off the gulf may be so damaged it might never recover.

Soon 05-16-2010 08:00 AM

I have to space my reading of articles on this tragedy out; it's too much.

Apparently, Obama gave the companies a piece of his mind the other day. I haven't watched it yet, though.

BestButchBoy 05-16-2010 08:03 AM

It is an oceanic holocaust that will have an exponential effect on all of life as we now currently know it. To think otherwise, I believe, is to delude oneself.


Blade 05-16-2010 08:10 AM

I agree Linus the government should freeze gas prices coming from BP. It seems there should be something BP or the government could do to stop the leak. I can't believe nobody had a disaster relief plan in place for this. I mean we didn't just start drilling a few years ago, it's been a long time and most companies have a disaster relief plan or a OSHA regulated or EPA regulated plan for emergencies.

I'm about tired of paying $2.89 for gas and it is summer and it is going up. I was only paying $1.60 this time last year. Can you imagine how much they will jack up the price of gas when government fines and EPA fines and the cost of clean up effect their bottom line?

Medusa 05-16-2010 08:15 AM

Im admittedly pretty ignorant over the who and what of this situation but if BP is owned by the Brits at least in some part, are they required to help cleanup the spill and fix the leak?
Or is BP a private entity owned by a Brit, therefore making the British government not responsible for anything?

Linus 05-16-2010 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 107231)
Im admittedly pretty ignorant over the who and what of this situation but if BP is owned by the Brits at least in some part, are they required to help cleanup the spill and fix the leak?
Or is BP a private entity owned by a Brit, therefore making the British government not responsible for anything?


They are private.. and they are a big private.

Andrew, Jr. 05-16-2010 08:27 AM

I am horrified over this oil spill. It is nothing like what BP originally stated, and then the pictures came out...my heart sank. Mother Nature is pissed. This has and will continue to change the face of our oceans, animals, and our way of life for generations.

This is just another example of corporate greed.

Blade 05-16-2010 08:34 AM

Yes the ecological system has and will continue to take a huge hit from this. Sad thing is BP doesn't seem to care. I bet they'd give a rats ass if the Feds cut off their ability to sell gas until it was cleaned up. I know they wouldn't do that because that wouldn't be good for the unemployment since most stores are open 24 hrs and that would effect a lot of people economically.

Some where someone has an idea to get BP stepping up to the plate in a manner that will stop this leak and start the clean up and restoring of the ocean and its inhabitants.

Medusa 05-16-2010 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 107234)

They are private.. and they are a big private.

Now see, this is what bothers me about them refusing to allow scientists to view the leak. If they are PRIVATE, who the fuck are they to tell someone that they cant go down to the ocean floor. BP doesnt own that part of the ocean, right?
Who the fuck are THEY to tell anyone that they can't observe all the damage that their company is doing to the environment.

Im crazy pissed about this and cant believe that its been gushing for 2 fucking weeks and still NO end in sight.

Andrew, Jr. 05-16-2010 08:49 AM

No end in sight. And the latest with the long tube going into the sputing well failed as well. We are still at Ground Zero. I think BP needs to open up all connections and take the publics ideas. This is not the same world as it was 2 years ago or 5 years ago. I know I won't be buying their products.

weatherboi 05-16-2010 09:04 AM

Thanks Linus for opening this thread!!!

I am intimately acquainted with the Gulf Coast. I have spent many a houseboat vacations putting up and down Cayo Costa seashore. I also have spent many September weekends diving for scallops in the Steinhatchee area of Florida. I gave a quick call to check in with the owners of the place I stay when I go scalloping. Now this is the Northern coast before the panhandle just along the south end of the curve of Florida panhandle. She told me they were already seeing birds and animal life coming in contact with oil. She said there will be no scalloping business for her this year. She was very upset. She was born and raised there. After getting off the phone with her I got pretty nervous calling the couple that owns the houseboat rental business I use when I go down there. They realized right away when this happened how it is going to ruin their business. I could hear her voice cracking when we talked about the animals and plant life that will be wiped out. I may not care for the politics of my state but I can say I have had a love affair with Floridas waterways and all they have to offer since i was a small child. I am sad over this!!!!

Rockinonahigh 05-16-2010 09:22 AM

When the platform sank they said there was NO leak,then we had a BIG leak and it has gone on far to long.They keep trying new things to stop it but I know they have got a centerfuge machine that can suck up sea water and oil and separate the two..WHY ARENT THEY USEING IT????The well owners, who ever they are,have screwd up the ecosysten of my state for generations to come.If they had used some things I have herd about like paper shreded that will soak up oil or big nylon bags to store the spill in by sucking up the oil and sea water into it.They store oil and gas in these things and float them out in the ocean..its should work for this as well.Now how do I know this..My X was,last time I saw him was into big oil as an exutive and has showd me the things mentioned..years ago.

Andrew, Jr. 05-16-2010 09:39 AM

This is what I mean. They have to know what to do. Something is up. I feel like a hostage.

Jett 05-16-2010 09:48 AM

Animals Caught in Gulf Oil Spill: How you can Help

A Matter of Trust

Spirit Dancer 05-16-2010 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by weatherboi (Post 107266)
Thanks Linus for opening this thread!!!

I am intimately acquainted with the Gulf Coast. I have spent many a houseboat vacations putting up and down Cayo Costa seashore. I also have spent many September weekends diving for scallops in the Steinhatchee area of Florida. I gave a quick call to check in with the owners of the place I stay when I go scalloping. Now this is the Northern coast before the panhandle just along the south end of the curve of Florida panhandle. She told me they were already seeing birds and animal life coming in contact with oil. She said there will be no scalloping business for her this year. She was very upset. She was born and raised there. After getting off the phone with her I got pretty nervous calling the couple that owns the houseboat rental business I use when I go down there. They realized right away when this happened how it is going to ruin their business. I could hear her voice cracking when we talked about the animals and plant life that will be wiped out. I may not care for the politics of my state but I can say I have had a love affair with Floridas waterways and all they have to offer since i was a small child. I am sad over this!!!!

We were recently there in the Panhandle and yes there were brids and sealife coming to shore via the tides, dead covered in oil. my heart breaks for our sea life and the businesses. It's also true business is going to suffer BIG TIME the shrimpers were venting at the local Marina and it wasn't pleasant to hear.
Someone needs to step up PDQ and take accountability. Let whomever necessary tell BIG MONEY how to CLEAN this mess up.

Rockinonahigh 05-16-2010 09:52 AM

Andrew..yesterday I filld up my car at the circleK for $2.89 a galon....ouch! Hostage isnt the word ,if the prices are this nigh now ,godess help us by time this is over.

Boots13 05-16-2010 09:55 AM

This is a catastrophe of such proportions we will feel the impact of the devastation for decades.

How many times did we campaign against this? I cant believe the impunity private enterprise has shown, despite the concerns and warnings from us "tree-huggers". Such denial in thinking that this would or could never happen has set them up for the catastrophe we are all experiencing now.

I am sick over what has been done, and despite any entity's best effort, the oil continues to flow.

Andrew, Jr. 05-16-2010 03:31 PM

See this is what I don't understand. As a youngster I was pounded into a pulp about being responsible, and respectful of nature. And here I am with my 2 great nephews asking me why the grown ups aren't doing anything. I just am at a loss of what to say. Really, I have no idea of what to say because here on the East Coast there is nothing shown being done that is slowing down the flow of oil, or cleaning up the spill. Everything is like this and that. Nothing of real importance. I am just so upset over this event, and everyone knows it.

Gas here is about the same price. It is a dent in my wallet each week.

Medusa 05-16-2010 04:14 PM

I am trying to do some research to find out how BP and other oil companies get approval to drill so close to our shores and the shores of Mexico and islands in the Carribean.
Anyone know where to look?

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