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Medusa 02-05-2010 04:28 PM

iLife - All things, iPod, iMac, iPhone, iTunes
It's no secret, I love my Mac. I also love my iPod and iPhone and will soon love the iPad if I can get over the name. :)

I just discovered the new app for iPhone, "Gmail Push" so that I can get a phone alert when someone reports a post. It ROCKS!

Any other favorite apps I should know about?

Post your tips, tricks, thoughts, etc. here for all things iLife.

Sachita 02-05-2010 04:37 PM

I am lost without my ipod.

Now I want an Ipad. I wanted a kindle but now with ipad I'm thinking this is going to be way cooler.

Selenay 02-05-2010 04:40 PM

I love my mac.

I love my ipod.

I love being an apple girl.

dreadgeek 02-05-2010 04:43 PM

We are a two-Mac household. We also have an iPhone (mine) and two iPods (Jaime's new Touch and my older Nano) along with a Time Capsule and Apple TV. While the iPad is intriguing, honestly, it doesn't solve a problem that I have. I have a Kindle, a Macbook Pro (sweet jesus I love that thing) and an iPhone. I'm still debating with myself whether to buy an iMac so that I have a desktop machine as well as a laptop. (Although my MBP has a 20" Cinema display as a monitor)

In my 20 years of owning computers this is *hands-down* the best rig I've owned.


Oh and thank you for buying Apple products we own stock. :)

Just_G 02-05-2010 04:51 PM

I need and itutor to help me learn how to use the istupid ipod I got for iChristmas!! I am so technically inept, and just kind of old school using my little MP3 player that held 20 songs. Now I can't figure out how to do anything with this ipod!

*sigh* sometimes I hate technology...I just can't seem to keep up! :blink:

SassyLeo 02-05-2010 05:01 PM

I <3 my iPod. And my previous iPod. And the previous Nano.

iTunes is ok. There are actually other music organizers I like better and websites which have better download quality. I use iTunes because it is the default.

When I was researching laptops, I SO wanted to get a Mac, but even with gifted money from family, I just could not afford it. Someday though... :)

I would be enticed to buy an iPhone if was on Verizon. AT&T is not my friend.

The iPad...I'm not sold yet.

AJ & Jamie have an awesome music set up at their house with the TV/iPhone/remote/speaker/Mac/anotherappletechnologythingy... frankly I don't know how it is all set-up. But it is very cool :D

BestButchBoy 02-05-2010 05:08 PM

Mac(s) rock!

Selenay 02-05-2010 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Just_G (Post 44979)
I need and itutor to help me learn how to use the istupid ipod I got for iChristmas!! I am so technically inept, and just kind of old school using my little MP3 player that held 20 songs. Now I can't figure out how to do anything with this ipod!

*sigh* sometimes I hate technology...I just can't seem to keep up! :blink:

If you'd like a tutor I'm happy to help you! Just shoot me a PM :)

dreadgeek 02-05-2010 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Just_G (Post 44979)
I need and itutor to help me learn how to use the istupid ipod I got for iChristmas!! I am so technically inept, and just kind of old school using my little MP3 player that held 20 songs. Now I can't figure out how to do anything with this ipod!

*sigh* sometimes I hate technology...I just can't seem to keep up! :blink:


Write me privately, I will give you my personal email address and we can do a web chat session using my employer's system where I can show you how to manage your music using iTunes. It'll have to be a weekend though as I work full-time and go to school 3/4 time.


Medusa 02-05-2010 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by dreadgeek (Post 44972)
We are a two-Mac household. We also have an iPhone (mine) and two iPods (Jaime's new Touch and my older Nano) along with a Time Capsule and Apple TV. While the iPad is intriguing, honestly, it doesn't solve a problem that I have. I have a Kindle, a Macbook Pro (sweet jesus I love that thing) and an iPhone. I'm still debating with myself whether to buy an iMac so that I have a desktop machine as well as a laptop. (Although my MBP has a 20" Cinema display as a monitor)

In my 20 years of owning computers this is *hands-down* the best rig I've owned.


Oh and thank you for buying Apple products we own stock. :)

Ok Aj! Talk to me about Apple Tv! I have been eyeballing it for a while and almost got it for myself for Christmas but I hadnt done the research and didnt know exactly what it can do.

Can you play iTunes through your tv with it? How about photos on your laptop? Can you see those on the big screen?

dreadgeek 02-05-2010 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 45007)
Ok Aj! Talk to me about Apple Tv! I have been eyeballing it for a while and almost got it for myself for Christmas but I hadnt done the research and didnt know exactly what it can do.

Can you play iTunes through your tv with it? How about photos on your laptop? Can you see those on the big screen?

Okay, I LOVE the Apple TV! So here's what it can do:

1) One machine can sync with it so that it mirrors your iTunes library (for me, because my iTunes library is so huge, I only mirror part of it (videos and TV shows). Anything I buy from the iTunes store on the Apple TV (uses your existing wireless network) will automagically sync back to my MBP. You can also sync music and photos. It's the *same* (in iTunes) as you would use for your iPod so you can select what you want to sync and what you don't.

2) Anything you don't want to sync or don't have space for, the Apple TV will play from the machine you use to sync provided iTunes is currently running on that machine.

3) Any OTHER machine can share its music library on the network and you can play anything on any machine with a shared iTunes library.

4) Anything that *won't* sync to the Apple TV (like Audible files) you can *stream* to the Apple TV and use it as a remote speaker.

5) Any iPod or iPhone that joins the wireless network can be set up as a remote control. When we had our wedding at the house, I posted the wireless password on the front door so any guest who came in could use their iPhone or iPod to request songs in the library.

6) You can stream YouTube.

7) You can stream Internet Radio

8) You can rent movies at about what you would pay for a rental at your video store (sometimes less than video store rentals).

9) It's HD so you can view your movies in high def.

10) If you have a MobileMe (used to be .Mac) account you can view your photo gallery as a slideshow or stream movies that are posted there.

Now the cons:

A) You can't stream Netflix.
B) You can't sync Audible audiobooks you buy direct from Audible but you *can* sync Audible audiobooks that you buy from the iTunes store.
C) There were some early stability issues but the latest firmware upgrade (free) fixed those.

Honestly I think it's well worth the price. One other nice thing about it is that, for me, it acts as a *second* back-up of my media files. So on my home network there are three copies of all of the movies I've bought from the iTunes store. One on my laptop, one in the backup for the laptop, and one on the Apple TV.


IrishGrrl 02-06-2010 01:11 AM

uh yeah Aj..um..you are speaking greek ok.

I cant even post a LOLcat here, and I JUST got a cel phone yesterday..!!

Rook 02-06-2010 07:01 AM

Love Love LOVE my iTouch..
I still haven't mastered adding from iTunes entirely w/o erasing my current List into oblivion...
But, I lurv the apps!! [I frequently play Jeopardy, Scrabble & 3-D chess, any other suggestions for Game Apps?]
I still smirk when thinking of a confusion had..
My mother saw my iPod on her counter, and said 'looks like your brother left his iPhone'...and I said 'that's not his, it's mine'
she asked how could I distinguish, and I said "well, 2 simple ways... his iPhone is somewhat heavier, thicker...And if u flip my iPod it very clearly says 'iPod'"
Her sheepish smile was adorable


Daktari 02-06-2010 07:06 AM

Another iPerson here...I don't have an iPhone, nor do I have an iPod (my current fancy 16gb non iPhone does what I need it to on the phone and music front and is eminently less desirable to thieves). I do however run 2x G5 iMacs, my housemate has the best looking iMac ever made - G4 with the flat panel screen on a chrome arm - although it's very old and asthmatic nowadays. I've even kept hold of my old G3 Blueberry iMac to use as an 'over-flow' external hd...Somewhere upstairs is an old Mac clone with a huge 20in CRT monitor. Finally, my gorgeous girl also runs a MBP with a 19in studio display.

I have never owned a *spits* Windows machine and never would although I have had cause in the past 2 or 3 years to actually use one.

I am thinking about getting Apple TV but haven't quite gotten round to it yet.

I'd love an iPad.

Darth Denkay 02-06-2010 04:45 PM

I saw this thread title and got the biggest, goofiest grin ever!

Love my iBook!

Love my iPod touch!

Love my iPhone!

And will love my iPad, I am quite certain!

I too have never owned anything other than a mac. I first learned programming on an Apple IIe - when floppy disks really were floppy and the screen was green. I am forced to use a pc where I work, but every night come home to my mac.

Although it's not hooked up at the moment I still have my old G3 desktop - beige - right before beige was no longer available. I know I should get rid of it but I just can't... I'd love to get an iMac, but can't quite justify it at the moment.

Got a question: does anyone have MobileMe? What exactly does it do and would you recommend it?

Oh, and another question, software related. I've got a version of word that I think was made especially for the mac but have a really difficult time if I have to work on documents on it as well as a pc. I also can't figure out how to use tracking changes on it. My sense is that it is a sub-par program, but that's just a guess. In any case, any of you who have to go back and forth between platforms, what works for you?

Thanks ya'll, and rock on with your iLife!!!!!

Medusa 03-13-2010 09:28 PM

Favorite iPhone apps?

Arwen was here last weekend and she kept whipping out her iPhone to "listen" to songs on the radio and her phone would recognize the song!

SHAZAM! I HAD to get it!

Any other favorites?

Linus 03-13-2010 09:32 PM

The Kindle one and the NYC Subway maps are great (I have an iPod, no iPhone... yet).

Corkey 03-13-2010 09:36 PM

We love our Mac Book Pro's
I love the Apeture program for my photos!
iTunes rawks and iMovie is da bomb!
It is so much easier to use than any PC.
We've had them for since 2008 for our wedding present for each other.

Medusa 04-03-2010 10:44 AM

Is anyone getting an iPad? Im curious about all the functions!

Linus 04-03-2010 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 78123)
Is anyone getting an iPad? Im curious about all the functions!

I'm waiting until the 2nd or 3rd Gen versions come out. Additionally, the iPhone is being upgraded this summer to run on other carriers other than AT&T. (June/July 2010 apparently) so I'm waiting for that version before I get one. :clap:

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