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WheelieStrong 12-22-2010 10:50 AM

Dating "non single" people
Ok so the guy i'm so very in love with is not single, but he sees his bf regularly, does not live with him.. (w)

My Head says run an don't stop running.
My Heart says i don't care, i love him, this is definitely love and the rest will work itself out.

i chat to his mum regularly too so he's not hiding me or anything. :)

But my reason for this post isn't him, it's me (mostly)..

i really am in love (yes i'm a fool!) we talk every night, text all day, (and not just about sex lol) and he's coming over to spend new year with me, so even with the few issues i have, i am not debating my current relationship.


I "always" (like 90% of the time) want or fall for people i can't have, can't physically be with or are "non single"

i already worry a lot about quite litterally everything i can seem to find anything to worry about, so i keep trying not to worry about this.

i know this makes me a bad guy, but what's going on???

My first ever relationship was with a married woman but to be fair to myself, i do need to say, she let me beleive she was free and single, let me fall for her then told me she was married with two kiddies.. Talk about starting as you mean to go on.

Peach 12-23-2010 06:16 PM

A relationship that starts in cheating, ends in cheating, at least thats how *I* feel. If this guys other partner knows about you, and is ok with you seeing each other, fine. But if they DONT know then respect the relationship and stay out of it.

princessbelle 12-23-2010 06:36 PM

I sure am not an expert by any means. But, you post asking for advice/opinions so here is mine:

Follow your head. Sounds like real committment (an observation, not a judgement) is maybe an issue by wanting someone you can't have. That may be what YOU want and need. But, what about them and what you are doing to their lives/lovers?

Stay clear, don't pass go, don't keep stirring the pot......for everyone's sake.
It smells "trouble".

Perhaps, one day, a relationship will come along that is free and clear and open and honest for EVERYONE involved. You may be ready at that point. Then, in my humble opinion, call it "love".

Just my .2.

Good luck to you.

atomiczombie 12-23-2010 07:44 PM

It seems pretty dysfunctional to date/fall in love with people who are committed to someone else. Maybe it's you who aren't available, and you just want something without any real chance of a relationship, have you thought of that? If so, then just date poly people who have primaries, or just date single people with the understanding that it won't go anywhere. Doing what you are doing now is just asking for a shit load of drama. Drop him. That's my .02

Soft*Silver 12-23-2010 07:54 PM

I have been the woman at home, waiting for her man to leave his mistress.

it sucks. Its the worst imaginable pain. And I still bear emotional scars from it.

I am not emotionally available because of this so I am staying out of relationships. I would rather be alone on my own than lonely in a bad relationship, and I wont do to some other person what was done to me. I wont take someone else's partner.

take what you want from my post. Or take nothing. You are the only one who will determine if you will hear wisdom or act on your own design...

Blade 12-23-2010 09:55 PM

I heard that! Great observation and great advice!


Originally Posted by guest (Post 251952)
A relationship that starts in cheating, ends in cheating, at least thats how *I* feel. If this guys other partner knows about you, and is ok with you seeing each other, fine. But if they DONT know then respect the relationship and stay out of it.

DomnNC 12-24-2010 01:59 AM

If all parties involved know of each other then so be it, but if they don't, shame for shame.

Put the shoes on your feet, would you want someone sneaking around behind your back with your boyfriend?

Lastly, it appears you are protecting yourself, ie, what are you so afraid of that you can't go out and cultivate your own relationship with someone who is single? What are you afraid of? Perhaps a little therapy would be in order to figure that out. That would be time more wisely spent than interfering in an established relationship. Just my thoughts.

WheelieStrong 12-24-2010 09:58 AM

hi, thank you for all your replies, i beleive every single one of you have made good points!

I guess my ex has a lot to do with this too.. We still live together (she is also my paid care staff) although we haven't been a couple for many years, some friends beleive she is the reason i seem to attract or be attracted to non single folk, one example i was given is, my friend beleived if i went for a non single person, they couldn't (apparently) expect me to change my living situation etc.

i know for sure my ex is the reason i posted here instead of talking to an in the flesh person.. i know for sure that even though she likes the chap i am seeing, she is so obviously jealous (which i don't understand).. i don't want to talk to her about this, which normally i would cause all my friends are online..

But that would be rubbing her nose in the situation, right?

And i worry about telling her anything less than flattering about my situation as she already has the power to make my life a living hell!!!

i don't want her to have anything to use against this chap!

i am trying to get therapy, just waiting to hear back from the relivent people

Deborah 12-24-2010 10:10 AM

You obviously realize this isnt acceptable or attractive behavior or you wouldnt have posted....if you are unable to afford therapy or want to try another route...look into Codependents Anonymous, free meetings and can go or do online just about anytime...there may be some self esteem issues or other things that cause you to choose these types of relationships....just a sugestion

citybutch 12-24-2010 10:14 AM

I think you just answered your own question.


Originally Posted by WheelieStrong (Post 252274)
hi, thank you for all your replies, i beleive every single one of you have made good points!

I guess my ex has a lot to do with this too.. We still live together (she is also my paid care staff) although we haven't been a couple for many years, some friends beleive she is the reason i seem to attract or be attracted to non single folk, one example i was given is, my friend beleived if i went for a non single person, they couldn't (apparently) expect me to change my living situation etc.

i know for sure my ex is the reason i posted here instead of talking to an in the flesh person.. i know for sure that even though she likes the chap i am seeing, she is so obviously jealous (which i don't understand).. i don't want to talk to her about this, which normally i would cause all my friends are online..

But that would be rubbing her nose in the situation, right?

And i worry about telling her anything less than flattering about my situation as she already has the power to make my life a living hell!!!

i don't want her to have anything to use against this chap!

i am trying to get therapy, just waiting to hear back from the relivent people

Sachita 12-24-2010 11:27 AM

I'm pretty open-minded and monogamy doesnt work for some people. Deception is a whole other matter and in situations where it is present it brews the worse krama of all. Someone is going to get hurt bad. As citybutch said, "you answered your own question." In my experience ex's complicate things but it sounds like its complicated enough without that.

If a person cheats they will do it again imo

Ebon 12-24-2010 11:31 AM

If he's cheating with you emotionally or physically and you guys get together he's going to do the same thing to you. You will become her. I know you probably won't listen but you should stay away. What begins in chaos ends in chaos. I feel bad for his girl that is just not cool.

Daywalker 12-24-2010 12:20 PM

Funny, you know yourself so well...yet you don't.

Ever watched TV shows where someone sticks their hand in a Gators mouth?

And you think, why would they do that?
Then, they get bit.
The next week, there they are sticking their
hand in the Gators mouth again.

And you say to yourself...why in thee hell are they
still doing that when they know they gonna get bit?

Marinate on that one for a while.


Oh, and Merry Groovy Holidays.



The_Lady_Snow 12-24-2010 12:36 PM

Happy Holidays!

Good luck figuring out if you want to be cheating, a cheater or whatever happens as long as you can look in the mirror at yourself and be ok then I say go for it. It's all shady from this standpoint, but in reality you are going to do what you want and where your desires and lusts take you. In the end it's about being able to look in that mirror and say, I live right, I can walk with my head held proud and I sleep well at night.

Invictus 12-24-2010 01:21 PM

To put my humble opinion on your situation briefly...
Are you out of your mind?

To expand upon my thoughts further...

First, your "ex" is your caregiver. The line between personal and professional relationship seems to be only one of the issues involved. An "ex" as an employee is never comfortable for anyone.

Second...thats what you are, second in someone's life. If you are willing to settle for 2nd place so be it. Remember though, that 2nd place is 1st loser.

WheelieStrong 12-24-2010 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by The_Lady_Snow (Post 252317)
In the end it's about being able to look in that mirror and say, I live right, I can walk with my head held proud and I sleep well at night.

Not to sound all dramatic or anything, i mean this from within my heart..
i don't remember ever being proud to be me, and sleeping at night is a major issue.

i just worry i'm never going to be a good person, no matter what!

WheelieStrong 12-24-2010 01:34 PM

June, i'm not going to be upset with others for their oppinnions, i asked for them, you take the rough with the smooth.

But that's exactly why this is good place to ask about stuff more veiws/oppinnions and less chance of direct bias (i hope)

Thank you

WheelieStrong 12-24-2010 01:37 PM

Invictus i aggree with every word, she is not my ex because i want it that way, nor is she my care because i want it.

idealy i'd like someone for myself, and for me to be theirs but it just never happenned.

The_Lady_Snow 12-24-2010 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by WheelieStrong (Post 252332)
Not to sound all dramatic or anything, i mean this from within my heart..
i don't remember ever being proud to be me, and sleeping at night is a major issue.

i just worry i'm never going to be a good person, no matter what!

If it doesn't bother you then keep doing what you are doing, we can only hope for the best for you. Sincerely good luck on whatever you choose.

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