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-   -   It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month... (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2150)

JustJo 10-06-2010 10:54 AM

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month...
...and, after putting it off for 5 years, I went to get my mammogram today.

A little ouchy, but not too bad...and important for all of us to do.

For everyone who takes the plunge and gets it done :bouquet:

AtLast 10-06-2010 12:55 PM

To my Mom, Grandma, Aunt Mary, cousin Joanne and Susan Grace.... we will continue your battles. Your deaths and challenges will not be in vein.

Do your self-exams, get the mammograms!

lipstixgal 10-06-2010 01:39 PM

I didn't get mine yet either and yes they are a little ouchy with that presssing!!

JustJo 10-07-2010 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by lipstixgal (Post 203665)
I didn't get mine yet either and yes they are a little ouchy with that presssing!!

A little bit, true...but well worth the temporary ouch.

I encourage you all to do it. I'm the world's biggest baby...and if I can tolerate it, you can too! :)

lipstixgal 10-07-2010 11:19 AM

Well I'm just waiting on the breast center in Hackensack to give me a call on the date and the time!! Hopefully before the month is over I plan on moving out of here NJ by NOvember 2010 or else I will get it once I'm in florida!!

sylvie 10-15-2010 07:24 AM

i hear a lot of different ages from people, my doctor doesn't seem too worried about my starting to get them regularly.. what worries me with her though is she isn't a doctor that seems completely interested in what she does.. you make an appt and she's rushing you out for the next person to get in.. (no new doctor openings for awhile now lol)

so if i told her i wanted to go for one, she'd help arrange that but, she'll never suggest , sadly..so just curious..what age did you all starting getting them regularly, and how regularly do you get it done.. it's not something that's in my family, however, would still be good to do i'm sure.. i always do checks on myself, of course.. i have for a few years now..felt something suspicious twice now, but hasn't been anything to worry about (my doctor says, lol)

i'm 37 years old , will be 38 in feb.. so just curious when do you start getting it checked regularly and how regularly.. ?♥

Scorp 10-15-2010 07:36 AM


Get rid of that doctor.

What type of insurance do you have?

There is usually a phone number on the back of your insurance card and you can speak to a representative and ask them to suggest a doctor within your network and your location.

Secondly, there was a lot of controversy about the age when to get a mammogram. I had my first one at 17 because there was a lump under my arm. Thankfully it was benign. People thought that was insane and too young to have one done. However, breast cancer runs in my family and I'm susceptible to lumps, fibroids, etc. So, I would go regularly. For the last 2 years, I would have to have mammograms and ultrasounds every 6 months (if you can believe that) because of what appeared to be abnormal findings. Just this past year, I was told having them done annually is now sufficient enough.

You need to be your own advocate and sometimes doctors with these particular so-called bedside manners are somewhat of a red flag. You need to be comfortable with your doctors.

Let me know how you make out if you're able to find another doctor an again, the type of health insurance you have.

I usually do my own research when I get a doctor referral and check their credentials. I check to see if they've had malpractice suits, etc.

Good Luck and let me know if I can help.


Originally Posted by sylvie (Post 208132)

i hear a lot of different ages from people, my doctor doesn't seem too worried about my starting to get them regularly.. what worries me with her though is she isn't a doctor that seems completely interested in what she does.. you make an appt and she's rushing you out for the next person to get in.. (no new doctor openings for awhile now lol)

so if i told her i wanted to go for one, she'd help arrange that but, she'll never suggest , sadly..so just curious..what age did you all starting getting them regularly, and how regularly do you get it done.. it's not something that's in my family, however, would still be good to do i'm sure.. i always do checks on myself, of course.. i have for a few years now..felt something suspicious twice now, but hasn't been anything to worry about (my doctor says, lol)

i'm 37 years old , will be 38 in feb.. so just curious when do you start getting it checked regularly and how regularly.. ?♥

sylvie 10-15-2010 07:44 AM

i'm in canada, so we have medicare here..
so when another doctor opens up for new patients i'll surely be jumping on board, i call regularly to find out if any doctors have new openings.. my father has been as well..

thanks so much for answering.. lately i've been feeling like i 'should' be getting them regularly, not just "if" i feel i need something checked.. my doctor just seems more interested in getting as many people in her office as possible, no bedside manner at all and i'm not comfortable with her whatsoever.. i always feel like i'm inconveniencing her, actually..

i have an appointment coming up, so i'll mention to her about that too, and get something set up.. much thanks Scorp!

Julie 10-15-2010 07:45 AM

I have been going since I was 30 (every six months) and I am now 48.

I had a partial mastectomy and go -- 1x a year for a Mammo and MRI and 2x a year for an Ulstrasound.

There is pain when the machine presses down on your breast -That pain is nothing compared to the treatment or the recovery of a mastectomy or the pain you will experience from dying from breast cancer --

I do not mean to be so harsh - but those are the facts.

Be lucky you have health care and can go. There are women in this country and others, that will never have the opportunity to feel the pain or save their breast or their lives.


sylvie 10-15-2010 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by InfiniteFemme (Post 208149)

Be lucky you have health care and can go. There are women in this country and others, that will never have the opportunity to feel the pain or save their breast or their lives.



that makes me really sad.. thank you Julie for your information, i will definitely get on it.. and although harsh, it's honest and i'm very appreciative for your words. i've been feeling i should be doing more, lately..so you've both helped me tremendously.. thank you!

Julie 10-15-2010 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by sylvie (Post 208155)

that makes me really sad.. thank you Julie for your information, i will definitely get on it.. and although harsh, it's honest and i'm very appreciative for your words. i've been feeling i should be doing more, lately..so you've both helped me tremendously.. thank you!


I hope it also makes you angry and you are so very welcome.

Get on it TODAY! Make your appointment. ALSO... I demand (seriously) to speak to the radiologist at every appointment I go to. I do not want to hear from a technician that I will hear from them or from my doctor in a couple days. It's not happening - I am not going home.

I will not LEAVE that office until after (not with MRI) I hear my scans are clean or dirty.

Julie who expects to hear you have an appointment.

Kenna 10-15-2010 08:26 AM

National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP)
a.k.a. Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention Treatment (BCCPT) Program
"HealthyWoman Program" (for Pennsylvania)
"Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program" (for North Carolina)
for other program names/contacts, please see the link below...

I thought, after a private interaction with someone here on the site, that it might be a good idea to publicly talk about the BCCPT Program that is MANDATORY for all States and U.S. Territories (after the passage of the Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality Prevention Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-354).

It makes me very sad to think how many individuals who are not aware of the "no cost" programs that are available. It enrages me that some States do not actively advertise their programs (I think because they are afraid of spending $$$??)

"CDC's National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) [ http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nbccedp/about.htm ] provides access to breast and cervical cancer screening services to underserved women in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, 5 U.S. territories, and 12 tribes."

"CDC's NBCCEDP provides low-income, uninsured, and underserved women access to timely breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services. Since 1990, NBCCEDP-funded programs have served more than 3.7 million women."

Here's a Program Contact list for all States and U.S. Territories:

For many years, I was a low-income, single mom without ANY insurance and with a serious family history of breast cancer.... I did NOT know of the BCCPT Programs that Virginia or Pennsylvania were mandated to provide. It was not until I became a Department of Public Welfare Caseworker and later a Human Services Program Specialist, having the opportunity to work along side the Department of Health, that I was made aware of the BCCPT Programs.

I hope the above information is helpful to at least one person here...
Not having insurance coverage shouldn't be a roadblock to receiving appropriate screenings and health care.

This next statement was taken from Pennsylvania's website for the HealthyWoman Program:
The following services are provided to eligible women at no cost:
o Yearly breast mammogram
o Pelvic exam and Pap test
o Diagnostic follow up on abnormal test results
o Provide Culturally appropriate information and patient education materials
o Provide case management and referral into Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention Treatment (BCCPT) Program when cancer or a pre-cancerous condition is diagnosed
o Evaluation of screening programs and identification of access to care issues

Delish 10-15-2010 08:53 AM

My ex is 36 and she has been going for 5 yrs now getting mammograms because of the family history of breast cancer. She was actually planning on transitioning and we had the date of her mastectomy set for Nov 5 this yr when she found out she had inflammatory breast cancer. The next week, they day of her 1st chemo treatment, they did a body scan and found that she had 5 hot spots. 3 in her spine so it's not looking good for her.

I called yesterday to get my annual mammogram and my insurance doesn't pay for a general exam until I turn 50..WTF? The people that I know that has had breast cancer would have never lived to see 50 if they wouldn't have found it sooner.

We, as women have to do what we have to do to take care of ourselves!


Originally Posted by sylvie (Post 208132)

i hear a lot of different ages from people, my doctor doesn't seem too worried about my starting to get them regularly.. what worries me with her though is she isn't a doctor that seems completely interested in what she does.. you make an appt and she's rushing you out for the next person to get in.. (no new doctor openings for awhile now lol)

so if i told her i wanted to go for one, she'd help arrange that but, she'll never suggest , sadly..so just curious..what age did you all starting getting them regularly, and how regularly do you get it done.. it's not something that's in my family, however, would still be good to do i'm sure.. i always do checks on myself, of course.. i have for a few years now..felt something suspicious twice now, but hasn't been anything to worry about (my doctor says, lol)

i'm 37 years old , will be 38 in feb.. so just curious when do you start getting it checked regularly and how regularly.. ?♥

Andrea 10-15-2010 10:29 AM

Please consider registering with Avon's Army of Women to work towards a cure for breast cancer.

JustJo 10-15-2010 11:10 AM

I'm glad to see this thread kept alive....

I had a baseline in my early 40s...and then slacked off for 5 years. I'm 48, just had my second mammo....and just got the call and letter to see my doctor and have a conversation about my right breast, and then another mammo.

Honestly, I'm scared shitless. And, yes, I'm following up.

katsarecool 10-15-2010 11:28 AM

JustJO, thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way.
The latest guidelines I heard (and it often changes) is mammo at 40 if there is a family history and 50 if there is not.

I had my baseline at 37 because I insisted and there is a family history. Mother died at the age of 55 from breast cancer. I have three sisters and so far we are all clear.

Julie 10-15-2010 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 208260)
I'm glad to see this thread kept alive....

I had a baseline in my early 40s...and then slacked off for 5 years. I'm 48, just had my second mammo....and just got the call and letter to see my doctor and have a conversation about my right breast, and then another mammo.

Honestly, I'm scared shitless. And, yes, I'm following up.


Sending you positive thoughts!!! Do not wait for the appointment. Call and ask your doctor to telephone you NOW! You should not have to wait for an appointment - the waiting is UNFAIR and only creates anxiety and panic.

Just remember to breathe and know you are NOT ALONE!

I am sure it is fine -- Often at our age we (especially if we are large breasted) have Fibroid Adenoma's which are benign. Not uncommon. I have had a dozen biopsies and this is what they have been 90% of the time for me.

Every tumor I have had - they told me the day they found it and I had it biopsied the next day and within a week knew the results.


katsarecool 10-15-2010 11:46 AM

What Julie says exactly!!!!

sylvie 10-16-2010 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by InfiniteFemme (Post 208164)


I hope it also makes you angry and you are so very welcome.

Get on it TODAY! Make your appointment. ALSO... I demand (seriously) to speak to the radiologist at every appointment I go to. I do not want to hear from a technician that I will hear from them or from my doctor in a couple days. It's not happening - I am not going home.

I will not LEAVE that office until after (not with MRI) I hear my scans are clean or dirty.

Julie who expects to hear you have an appointment.

Julie, thanks so much..
yes, i do have an appointment next week with my doctor, so i'll be going for one very soon.. as soon as i have 'that' appointment i will let you know, it shouldn't be long after.. when 'i' decide i need something looked into, she's good about getting me there, at least that.. thank you for your tips, as well.. ♥ they're very much appreciated!

i will be very good about going for the mammograms now.. ♥ i have an upcoming ultrasound for a uterine fibroid tumor, and i guess it's got me thinking deeply about taking care of me in all ways necessary.. hence the questions here..

Delish, thank you so much for your response as well. i do have a family history of cancer as well, so i knew this was or would be necessary .. no breast cancer in my family, however.. but still good to be checked.. and so sorry about your ex :-( my gosh.. and 50 years old? that's actually really scary, angers me and saddens me all the same time..we definitely do have to do what we can to take care of ourselves..

Sweet, great information, i hope it helps someone here too, ty for posting it! ♥

JustJo, sending you positive thoughts your way! (((huggz)))

Sparkle 10-20-2010 05:33 PM

A new study on HRT further confirms findings that HRT increases not only the incidence of breast and lung cancer, but also deaths from breast cancer.


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