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Blade 01-10-2011 07:04 PM

What is maturity to you?
When do you know you are mature?
Does it come in stages?
Life stages, ages, events, or just come with time?
Relationship maturity?
Parenting, partnering, social maturity?

I know we all have said that's so immature or he/she is so immature or that was an immature thing to say/do. Or my kid is mature for his/her age, and on and on. So talk about maturity anyway you like, just be nice. Maybe someone will learn something, maybe someone will grow from what we share.

Blade 01-10-2011 08:01 PM

What is maturity to you?
Fully developed; grown up in terms of physical appearance, behaviour or thinking; ripe.
When do you know you are mature?
I think everyone matures in different areas at different times, depending on their lifes experiences in situations
Does it come in stages?
Life stages, ages, events, or just come with time?
All of the above, I don't think I would react or behave in the same manor to a situation as I did when I was 20, 30 or 40. I pretty much believe maturity to be a continuous growth
Relationship maturity?
Hmmm have to think on that one
Parenting, partnering, social maturity?
This one too

suebee 01-10-2011 08:06 PM

My level of maturity may very well be linked to hormonal factors. :seeingstars:

Interesting topic Blade! :)

Blade 01-10-2011 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by suebee (Post 263440)
My level of maturity may very well be linked to hormonal factors. :seeingstars:

Interesting topic Blade! :)

yeah me too some days. But it's been a year now since I realized those were hormonal and I've learned to deal with that too

princessbelle 01-10-2011 08:21 PM

What is maturity to you?
The ability to rationally think and preserve thoughts and organize them in an thoughtful, meaningful, exact form prior to acting on them.

When do you know you are mature?
If i feel good and at peace with decisions and they cause no harm to myself and others and can look back on those decisions and know i did good.

Does it come in stages?
I believe there are certainly different levels, higher ability of maturity comes with more complex situations that are managed with more than single or binary thoughts.

Life stages, ages, events, or just come with time?
All of the above.

Relationship maturity?
Comes with practice, patience, self esteem and perseverance

Parenting, partnering, social maturity?
Again, comes with time and acceptance of the ability to learn and grow and embrace ourselves and others as well as keeping an open mind for all aspects of living.

Butttttttttttt being a kid at heart is way more fun.

Gemme 01-10-2011 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 263327)
What is maturity to you?
When do you know you are mature?
Does it come in stages?
Life stages, ages, events, or just come with time?
Relationship maturity?
Parenting, partnering, social maturity?

Maturity, to me, is not only knowing what the right thing to do is but doing it, even if it hurts.

When you do those things that are right and don't spend the rest of your life being miserable about it.

I believe it comes in waves. Sometimes the tides correspond with relevant and appropriate life experiences and sometimes they come quietly, when we're not aware. I also believe a person's maturity can fluctuate daily, whether due to social situations, hormones, or general asshattery.

Relationship maturity is not only thinking of yourself but of your partner and also of the relationship as a separate but connected entity all on its own and doing things that are good for the relationship, even if they conflict with what may be good or best for one or both of you.

I have known VERY few people who were ready for parenthood. Parenthood brings loads of gifts with it: responsibility, tears, laughter, maturity, insight, joy, and the ability to look outside of oneself for more than a nanosecond. Those who are good parents learn from these gifts. Those who aren't, don't.

Social maturity is a mixed bag for me. There are those who are very mature in just about every area of their lives and then they go out with friends and get blotto and do extremely stupid and immature things. In social situations, I notice that it's very easy to fluctuate from one level of maturity to the complete opposite very quickly. Even when alcohol is not a factor, I've seen this. Mob mentality for stupidity, I guess.

Designated drivers (being one or making sure you have one in place before you drink) would be a good example of social maturity. Not acting inappropriately.....like being a loud jerk at a small movie showing or laughing at a funeral (though I know there are those who have nervous laughter in certain social situations) or being a jerk to someone you asked to dance and they said no.

Converse 01-10-2011 09:48 PM

Maturity – there is a stage in our life when we realize that we aren’t the centre of the universe, when we see that not everything is about us, we start to think about others- independent from how they impact us. This is different from being simply considerate; it is about an awareness and understanding of things outside of our range of influence, and accepting that separate and unconnected orbits exist- and that they are of value.

Maturity also gives us an ability to see further, it allows us to plan using lessons gained from life experiences. It allows us to reflect over what went before and see it from a new wider perspective.

Maturity is when we have more questions about ourselves than we once had but don’t expect others to be as interested in our self discovery as we are.

Maturity is when we consider not the impact that others have on us, but the impact we have on others.

Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.
~Tom Wilson

Blade 08-14-2018 02:07 PM

Well it looks like I started this thread 7 years ago. Let's see if any of the newer folks would like to chime in on this conversation or perhaps have a different perspective on what maturity means

kittygrrl 08-14-2018 02:36 PM

:rrose:the realization that quantity is no substitute for quality

:rrose:that true beauty comes from within, the shell (it comes in) becomes less important. this may be taken as a given, but how honest are we with ourselves? One of the biggest regrets we shall ever have, in this life, will be the regret we have because of the lies we tell ourselves, instead of dealing with the reality we've built for ourselves. We can change, but only when we acknowledge truth and a desire to become something more pleasing

RockOn 08-14-2018 02:44 PM

I turned 62 this summer and most days still feel like a big kid in my head. If I get feelings of maturity and am able to recognize it, I will come back here and do a "tell all."


By the way, not something to be proud of but just the way it seems to be for me ... we get what we get ... and deal with it ... I spend most of my free time away from work alone with my pets and this is my joy ... no one has to suffer my immaturity ... at work it doesn't matter since I am a software developer - most of us are quirky - some to the mega extreme and make my immaturity look invisible LOL! Regardless, at work or play ... I am safe and you are too! ;)

Femmewench 08-15-2018 01:18 AM

Until about 10 years ago, I always said my inner child was 40 years old. My mother wanted a little adult and that's what she created. With the help of really good therapy, I discovered the child hiding behind the 40 year old. I don't exhibit it often, but I'm now mature enough and secure enough that I'm not bothered at all by it when I do. The rest of the world can just deal.

Also, I've been old enough for quite a while now that I truly don't care what people think - those I don't know at least. It's very freeing.

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