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-   -   Rocks, Stones, Gemstones--Metaphysical Purposes (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=206)

Arwen 11-11-2009 08:24 AM

Rocks, Stones, Gemstones--Metaphysical Purposes

I posted a bit about the colors of this site (for posterity's sake in case we change, they are currently green and pink) being the same as those in the Watermelon Tourmaline.

I thought it would be nice to have a place where we could talk about rocks if you are into all that woo-woo jazz. I most definitely am.

I've been studying the metaphysical properties of stones since 1985 or so. I've taught classes on it and used to the the instructor for this at the College of Wicca and Old Lore in Denver (now defunct.)

I know I'm not the only queer in the world to love stones. Who else?

And no, not 420 and not Mick Jagger, y'all.

Bunch of sillies...

Linus 11-11-2009 08:27 AM

I'm actually just curious about what goes behind the "woo-woo jazz" of stones. Perhaps for the newb a little cheat sheet or FAQ?

Ebon 11-11-2009 08:40 AM

I used to collect stones when I lived in Australia. Me and my ex would go to gem shows and get some pretty stuff. My favorite woo woo jazz stone is Hematite. I love how it is supposed to keep away negative energy and what not. But we bought an Amethyst stone and someone told me if you sleep next to it you will have bad dreams. So of course I tried it and yeah don't sleep next to an Amethyst stone. :eek:

Arwen 11-11-2009 08:40 AM

Linus, here is a piece from my stones website that I put together. (If you want to see the stones referenced, go here. http://www.anisoptera.com/stones/seven.htm)

Arwen's Guide to Stones

My hope here is to share with you what I think are seven good stones to begin working with. This is not a replacement for acknowledged Alleopathic or Homeopathic remedies. There are pictures of many of these stones in my Stone Gallery.

1. Apache Tear-- I chose this because of its grounding ability and its negativity absorption. It is also a teacher of past things and can help bring up latent memories. Here is a piece I love!

Other black stones are : Black tourmaline, Hematite, or Obsidian.

2. Carnelian-- This is for the belly and emotional issues. It helps you deal with things that are trapped and stuffed inside of you.

Other orange stones are: Orange Calcite, Amber

3. Citrine-- One of the two stones that are said to need no cleansing, Citrine is my energy stone. It affects the Solar Plexus chakra. Use this one when you are studying or need that extra bit of focus. This is a necklace I own of citrine.

Other yellow stones are: Yellow flourite, Amber, Gold Tiger's Eye

4. Rose Quartz-- Because it promotes self-love and self-healing. It is very very gentle and takes a great deal of emotional pain. It can be a great lesson giver as well when it shatters from overuse.

Other pink stones are: Unakite (actually this is green and pink),Pink Tourmaline, Morganite

5. Sodalite-- For the throat and communication centers. I like to call this one the Great Communicator. It facilitates getting your ideas out of your head/heart and into a form that can be understood by others. It is a lovely stone that is perfect for people whose jobs require them to communicate. Here is a piece (the large one in the middle) I have.

Other blue stones are: Indicolite, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Kyanite , Blue Lace Agate

6. Amethyst-- Because Amethyst is a negativity remover and a soother. A beginning healer would be able to use its energies easily and would be very encouraged by how simple Amethyst is to work with. This is a cluster I love.

Other purple stones are: Sugilite, Purple Flourite. Charoite

7. Clear Quartz-- This one is a basic because it is so easy to work with. It programs very well and cleans easily. I also think it lets you know when it needs cleaning better than most. And, once someone has gotten 'adept' at stones, quartz will adapt to more complex things as well. Here is a picture of special quartz I have.

Other clear stones are: Herkimer diamonds, diamonds

Arwen 11-11-2009 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Organicbutch (Post 3252)
I used to collect stones when I lived in Australia. Me and my ex would go to gem shows and get some pretty stuff. My favorite woo woo jazz stone is Hematite. I love how it is supposed to keep away negative energy and what not. But we bought an Amethyst stone and someone told me if you sleep next to it you will have bad dreams. So of course I tried it and yeah don't sleep next to an Amethyst stone. :eek:

Grin, that's the power of suggestion at work for ya! Amethyst is actually known to be the nightmare breaker not the nightmare maker. :)

It is also known as the drunkard's stone. That's because Bacchus fell in love (well okay, lust... as much as a permanently drunken God can be) with a nymph named Amethyst.

He went towards her. Now you have to know that Bacchus rode in a chariot pulled by tigers. Just what the world needs, right? A drunk driver pulled by tigers.

Naturally Amethyst was scared. So she shrieked and ran and prayed to her patron Goddess, Diana.

Diana wasn't really in the mood for it so she turned Amethyst into a clear pillar of crystal. Bacchus realized his mistake and in his sorrow poured his jug of wine on the stone turning it the clear beautiful purple we see today.

He then stated that anyone who carried a piece of this stone could ward off the effects of alcohol.

Another variation of this tale is that he was ticked at all mortals and vowed to set his tigers on the next human he saw. That was Amethyst. I like my version better because it's more of a love story. LOL

Hematite is known to lower blood pressure as well as be an absorber/reflector of negativity. I can't wear regular hematite because it makes me really ill (I have low blood pressure already.)

If you crack it open, you will find why it is called Hematite (first part is related to the Greek word for "blood"). It's red inside!

I really love Specular Hematite too.

WhiteTigress 11-11-2009 09:22 AM


I've got a few stones that are significant for me. I've got several amethysts, in the form of a point, a chunk of geode, wands, and a merkaba. Theses are scattered around my home, as they tend to keep my dreams peaceful, along with a gentle balance of energy.

My majick box has my stones that I use for rituals and healing, but I couldn't tell you right off-hand what all I have in there right now. I know that I've got clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, hematite, lapis lazuli, but I can't say for sure what else at the moment. When I am in a a majick shop or other place where stones are offered, I just wait for the ones that speak to me, and I am called to take them home. I literally can feel when one is right and one isn't. It's instinctive. I don't require that they have a certain shape, color, or clarity, but I just close my eyes and hold them, and I can tell if they speak to me or not.

There are other stones that I can't or won't consider wearing, but I may add them to my box, because of connections they may have to people in my past. For instance, I can admire the beauty of emeralds, but I cannot bring myself to wear them, because they were the birthstone and were greatly loved by my late mother. I don't resent them for any reason. It's just that they bring my heart close to her when I'm around them, and the missing of her makes my heart ache for the longing of her company. Even speaking about it is bringing tears to my eyes, and she left this plane almost 23 years ago. In fact saying this makes me aware that the anniversary of the parting is in just 11 days.

OK, no time for tears. I've got a full morning ahead of me, and then I'm off for the afternoon to help my angel move in.

Know this...I will be pulling out the stones and sage, once everything gets settled, to restore balance to my home, and to seal hir safe in its embrace.


Arwen 11-11-2009 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by WhiteTigress (Post 3268)
When I am in a a majick shop or other place where stones are offered, I just wait for the ones that speak to me, and I am called to take them home. I literally can feel when one is right and one isn't. It's instinctive. I don't require that they have a certain shape, color, or clarity, but I just close my eyes and hold them, and I can tell if they speak to me or not.

I know exactly what you mean, WT. They do call. It's why I try my best to stay out of metaphysical shops. OrganicButch saw me in one. It's not a pretty sight. LOL

And peace to you for your mother's passing anniversary. My mama crossed the Veil seven and a half years ago. I miss her terribly and talk to her all the time.

Bit 11-11-2009 10:04 AM

What a lovely, lovely thread! Thank you for starting it, Arwen!

Of the two of us, Gryph is really more the stone person, but I do love them also. He's got big stones in the doorways to ward and guard our place, and we both carry small stones in our pockets. Maybe he'll come in and post more about our stone people.

SuperFemme 11-11-2009 10:52 AM

Arwen! Who knew? We must chat about gemstones.

My mother has me wearing bloodstone all the time. I wear aquamarine and riverstone as well. These are the things she gives me to combat the leukemia and blood clots. She communicates with her guides to ensure I have the right thing and then hand makes the necklaces.
I wash them in sea salt and warm water twice a week, and dry them in the sun.

I have never heard of the healing power of stones, but Momma is adamant and while I initially thought it was silly I now think there is for SURE healing properties. No surprise my dad thinks it's a waste of time.

I'd love to hear what you think may help. Mom just set up a thing with the homeopathic doctor in her town where she does gemstone consulting once a week and sometimes readings. I am awaiting her to send some kind of red stones for my son whom she says is a Ruby Child. What is a Ruby Child?

Do you think color is important in ones environment as well? Mom wants lots of reds in the boys room and is sewing curtains, pillows and some other stuff for his room. This is all new to me and I'd love to hear others thoughts.

Ebon 11-11-2009 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Arwen (Post 3256)
Grin, that's the power of suggestion at work for ya! Amethyst is actually known to be the nightmare breaker not the nightmare maker. :)

It is also known as the drunkard's stone. That's because Bacchus fell in love (well okay, lust... as much as a permanently drunken God can be) with a nymph named Amethyst.

He went towards her. Now you have to know that Bacchus rode in a chariot pulled by tigers. Just what the world needs, right? A drunk driver pulled by tigers.

Naturally Amethyst was scared. So she shrieked and ran and prayed to her patron Goddess, Diana.

Diana wasn't really in the mood for it so she turned Amethyst into a clear pillar of crystal. Bacchus realized his mistake and in his sorrow poured his jug of wine on the stone turning it the clear beautiful purple we see today.

He then stated that anyone who carried a piece of this stone could ward off the effects of alcohol.

Another variation of this tale is that he was ticked at all mortals and vowed to set his tigers on the next human he saw. That was Amethyst. I like my version better because it's more of a love story. LOL

Hematite is known to lower blood pressure as well as be an absorber/reflector of negativity. I can't wear regular hematite because it makes me really ill (I have low blood pressure already.)

If you crack it open, you will find why it is called Hematite (first part is related to the Greek word for "blood"). It's red inside!

I really love Specular Hematite too.

Totally must have been the power of suggestion because I had some really messed up dreams. I love that story though I will get some Amethyst and I need more Hematite. Some to break open just to see the inside and some to have for myself.

Semantics 11-11-2009 12:00 PM

Fellow lover of rocks, metals, and stones here. :)

I make gourd art and often decorate the bowls with different stones, depending on who I'm giving the gift to. I also collect stones for myself for metaphysical purposes. I learned about gemstones from my mother.

A few of my favorites are fire opal, jasper, hematite, and amber. I also love silver and copper.

Bootboi 11-11-2009 12:29 PM

I'm a rock lover as well. Great thread.

I have some rose quartz and Amethyst that was given to me by a healer in Sedona, AZ

I also picked up some Red Stones from the Bell Rock Vortex area in Sedona as well. It is legended for its healing powers as well.

The Sedona area in general is a fantastic metaphysical and geological area. A place where I need to revisit now that I am in a better place in my life.

I'm usually not one to believe in hocus pocus stuff but without question the Sedona area has a very strong metaphysical presence. You would have to be dead not to feel it while visting.

girl_dee 11-11-2009 02:45 PM

I am a lover of all things rocks, gems and stones!

I have had an extensive rock collection including rocks from Guatemala to Alcatraz... some from Australia and Hawaii.. all given to me my caring people and some I gathered myself. I do feel rocks carry energy and I love how they feel. I have used them in massage with clients..

I use Quartz crystal to clear bad energy out and let the good in.. Seems to work too!

I have a rose quartz that is my favorite ..

I do love this thread!

Arwen 11-11-2009 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bit (Post 3280)
He's got big stones in the doorways to ward and guard our place, and we both carry small stones in our pockets. Maybe he'll come in and post more about our stone people.

I'd love to hear more about them. Oh Gryyyyyyyyyyph, where are you, darlin?


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 3298)
My mother has me wearing bloodstone all the time. I wear aquamarine and riverstone as well. These are the things she gives me to combat the leukemia and blood clots. She communicates with her guides to ensure I have the right thing and then hand makes the necklaces.
I wash them in sea salt and warm water twice a week, and dry them in the sun.

I would very much agree and I would suggest you get some brown jasper as well. It's a good healing, stable stone.


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 3298)
I am awaiting her to send some kind of red stones for my son whom she says is a Ruby Child. What is a Ruby Child?

Do you think color is important in ones environment as well? Mom wants lots of reds in the boys room and is sewing curtains, pillows and some other stuff for his room. This is all new to me and I'd love to hear others thoughts.

I agree with your mama about the color being important. I know next to nothing about Ruby people. I think maybe they are the children of Indigos? bit? Do you know?

Adele, I'll do some research on other healing for you. My first thought is that you also need garnet. Check with your Mama though. She sounds like my kind of gal!


Originally Posted by Organicbutch (Post 3307)
Totally must have been the power of suggestion because I had some really messed up dreams. I love that story though I will get some Amethyst and I need more Hematite. Some to break open just to see the inside and some to have for myself.

We can go back to the rock shop...if I can find it. I don't remember the name of it, do you?


Originally Posted by Semantics (Post 3322)
I make gourd art and often decorate the bowls with different stones, depending on who I'm giving the gift to. I also collect stones for myself for metaphysical purposes. I learned about gemstones from my mother.

A few of my favorites are fire opal, jasper, hematite, and amber. I also love silver and copper.

I adore fire opal but it LEAPS out of my hand usually. People laugh but it does. Amber...do not come around me if you have on amber jewelry.

I will totally mug you for it!


Originally Posted by Bootboi (Post 3335)

I have some rose quartz and Amethyst that was given to me by a healer in Sedona, AZ

I also picked up some Red Stones from the Bell Rock Vortex area in Sedona as well. It is legended for its healing powers as well.

I truly love Sedona. Have been once. Want to go back some day. Marvelous place.


Originally Posted by Sassy_dee (Post 3382)

I have had an extensive rock collection including rocks from Guatemala to Alcatraz... some from Australia and Hawaii.. all given to me my caring people and some I gathered myself. I do feel rocks carry energy and I love how they feel. I have used them in massage with clients..

I use Quartz crystal to clear bad energy out and let the good in.. Seems to work too!

I really like that you have rocks from all over the world. Just no lava from Hawaii, right? :)

My mother used to despair of me. I always had rocks in my pockets as a kid...then I started it again when I was an adult. ha!

Arwen 11-11-2009 11:02 PM

I am in the middle of a move...well at the tail end of the actual move and the beginning of the unpack/purge.

I just found a rock I thought I'd lost. I'm so happy! It's a Petoskey stone. For those who are unfamiliar with this rock, it is named for Petoskey Michigan. It is fossilized brain coral.

I used to have it on my desk wherever I worked as a reminder.

I would pick it up when everything was going beserk around me and remind myself that to this rock--this ancient thing that was once a living organism (and still, to me, sentient)--all of the madness was but the blink of an eye.

I called it my perspective stone.


Arwen 11-14-2009 08:31 AM

Did you know that a good stone for easing a headache is chrysophase? I once had a large piece that I thought looked like a frozen piece of the sea. I had it on my desk at work. One day a woman walked in and said, "That looks just like a frozen piece of the sea."


I did what any good stone witch would do. I gave it to her. She promised to pass it along to the next person who also got the magic of that particular rock.

Often I've just been a pass-through for stones.

What about you? Ever find the perfect rock only to realize you were supposed to give it to someone else?

Lynn 11-14-2009 09:44 AM

At different times in my life, I've been more attuned to different modalities, including the healing properties of stones. It's just fascinating.

I don't feel much affinity for my birthstone, which is peridot. I do have some pieces, but it's purely an aesthetic connection. I have wondered if there is really anything to the "Hallmark" birthstone lists.

On my fireplace mantle (the whole fireplace is natural slate), I have a display of an amethyst cluster, a rutilated quartz crystal point, a bluebird feather, and a beautiful piece of petrified wood. That last one, the wood, was an estate sale find that made me so happy.

I carry a small piece of rose quartz. For some reason, although I have some hematite, I find it to be overwhelming. I've read some mixed things about hematite, as well as jet. I love things like old jet buttons, but they seem to hold some negativity for me.

My favorite piece of all is a slice of watermelon tourmaline. Tourmalines, in general, are so fascinating. Their ability to conduct energy is amazing. Learning about tourmalines is what elevated the idea of using stones for healing from "alternative" to an approach that made some practical sense.

Ryobi 11-17-2009 11:07 AM

Cool thread Arwen. I have a few questions for you. I'll start off easy.

What is a good way for me to wash the rocks I have. (I was going to say my rocks but, ya know where that would have gone!) I hear different things. What each thing has in common is, it was told to me by someone with not much of a clue. Do they even need to be washed? I will admit, they have kind of a funky "feel" to them lately.

My grandpa polished rocks when I was a kid. I have lost the one he gave me, still has a sad note to it for me. When I was a kid and learned that rocks have "powers", when I saw them polished, I always thought, "entombment of powers". That leads me to another question. When rocks are polished, are their powers altered in anyway? Are they more powerful in their natural state?

Thank you.

(now I want to go lick rocks!) (zip it, you pervs!)

Gryph 11-17-2009 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Bit (Post 3280)
What a lovely, lovely thread! Thank you for starting it, Arwen!

Of the two of us, Gryph is really more the stone person, but I do love them also. He's got big stones in the doorways to ward and guard our place, and we both carry small stones in our pockets. Maybe he'll come in and post more about our stone people.

*grins* So here I am Sweetie and what would you like me to tell these nice folks about the Grandmother and Grandfather stones that guard our home?

Gryph 11-17-2009 12:55 PM

Yes, Arwen dear...Tell me what you would like to know about the stones that are nearest and dearest to my hand(pendulum) and heart(Smoky quartz crystal skull) ;P Besides the large piece of Red Jasper that I picked up from one of the rivers in MN. In fact all my stones made it down here with me on that and other moves.

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