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kittygrrl 03-10-2019 03:19 PM

Politics-What's on your mind?
This is a thread to exchange ideas and views on what is happening currently in U.S. I would love it if everyone stays positive but even if you can't try to understand the other person's point of view. Differences of opinion are fine but let's be kind about it. Also another rule, no rehashing of 2016. It's only relevance is that the propaganda against some of the candidates kept people home and felt their vote didn't count. Let's not let that happen again!!!@@ Understanding each other's point of view is so important. Being heard is important. We don't have to agree but while we breath we are capable of listening & digesting other points of view. There is nothing to be afraid of but fear itself. Fear & Anger are the mind killers. Let's win in 2020!!!@@ Oh.....and ALL opinions are Welcome!!@@ You don't have to be U.S to come here and have a point of view! Welcome!!!@@

kittygrrl 03-10-2019 03:30 PM

My thoughts...i haven't been too involved in any of the political threads of late for personal reasons. Mostly having to do with the passionate defence and offense i took with certain points of view and one candidate in particular in 2016. I was insufferable and full of angst and where did it get me? Nowhere. I like to think I can learn from my mistakes. I miss Anya. I wish she were here to share how she feels. I've no real favorites at this point. I was really into Senator Kamela Harris at one point but lately she just comes off as smug and commercial...Warren is just out there with her latest idea of breaking up all the big tech companies. We are not living in Utopia and it's a pretty extreme point of view. I can see where facebook needs government oversight at this point because they keep using the personal information they gather to make money. ie, the latest, is our personal phone numbers they are selling...all of this seems out of control with Trump's attack on our freedom and the big tech companies trying to grab the rest...what are we supposed to do???? How can we protect ourselves???@@ Currently i'm more in the mood of asking questions and hearing what others think.....this helps me to think more clearly...is this weird??..don't know but it works for me..

homoe 03-10-2019 07:18 PM

I think I may enjoy posting in this thread more than the other political ones simply because it's called.........

Politics-What's on your mind?

What might be on my mind won't necessarily be on yours, and that's perfectly fine! I, like Kittygrrl, hope we can stay on the positive and kind side!

kittygrrl 03-10-2019 10:54 PM

just woke up ..just thinking of beto documentary on himself..umm i am just wondering why he made it? maybe he believes he's an icon or reincarnated kennedy?...he has a lot of oil & gas money behind him...so climate change isn't his thing. i'm curious why he was so popular and why he thinks he would be a good president?..just seems like more of the same, from here.:confused:

kittygrrl 03-11-2019 11:16 AM

CNN Townhall w/ Pete Buttigieg!

cathexis 03-12-2019 02:04 AM

What I'm concerned about is US involvement in other country's business, particularly Venezuela. I think we need to get out and stop trying to have a coup de tat against Meduro. It seems that most Venezuelans don't want us there interfering with their Sovereignty.

The US "humanitarian aid" was blocked by their people. They don't want to deal with the strings attached. Our Country is causing the blackout. Do we actually want people to be so gullable as to believe that a country with that much oil/natural gas is unable to keep their grid up! PLEASE.

Venezuelans want us out, Cuba has assured them that they won't face this alone. Bolivia is with them, as well. The US needs to bug out of Central and South America as well as the Caribbean. If they want to change their government, let them be. Countries in South America have been trying to have Socialist revolutions since before Che Guevara started working with them.
How can we prevent the US from making war in the region?

Martina 03-12-2019 02:45 AM

Maduro needs to go, but we're making it worse. So rare for US intervention to make it better. When it could help but it's not in "our interest," we don't bother, like in Rwanda. I get that the UN and Europe are worse than useless, but we almost never help. Maybe Haiti in 94, but Clinton admits he wouldn't have intervened there if he hadn't just royally screwed up re Rwanda. It's rare that we help and common that we spread destruction and death.

kittygrrl 03-12-2019 07:52 AM

On my mind-Should we impeach? In a perfect world, yes but to be honest I don't think it would ever clear the Senate. The extreme left would like to do it anyway..i don't think they are thinking too clearly. The moral high ground doesn't really work in the real world. The House would have enough votes, the Senate would cancel them out and who would win? If history is any indication, Trump would become even more popular. It seems the populus {at large) has gotten use to a lying, greedy, amoral President as the norm. The best we can do is get a decent candidate to run against him and concentrate on turning out the vote.

Also i keep hearing about Beto running...i'm so over it!!!@@

Martina 03-12-2019 08:15 AM

I don't like agreeing with Pelosi, but I agree that impeachment is a waste of time. Better to concentrate on electing Democratic Senators as well as a new President.

MsTinkerbelly 03-12-2019 09:00 AM

I’m not certain if ANYONE would be worse than Trump, but should he be impeached we will have Pence as President (unless they prove crimes against him), and we (the gays) would be under attack.

It’s like asking if you want to be tortured by electrocution until dead, or if you want to be water boarded until dead...you are still dead!

With the House under control of the Democrats, Trump is a little more limited in the damage he can do; voting him out seems our best avenue at the moment. That could change, if the crimes found by Mueller are enough to force him to be indicted and tried as the criminal he has always been.

~ocean 03-12-2019 12:50 PM

I agree tinker totally ~ Pelosi said it perfect impeachment of Trump ~ He's just not worth it.

homoe 03-12-2019 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 1242578)
I don't like agreeing with Pelosi, but I agree that impeachment is a waste of time. Better to concentrate on electing Democratic Senators as well as a new President.


Orema 03-12-2019 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by ~ocean (Post 1242594)
I agree tinker totally ~ Pelosi said it perfect impeachment of Trump ~ He's just not worth it.

I think he’s not worth the effort only because it would be a useless effort.

And it’s exactly what he and his following would use to position him as a victim.

Still, history will not be kind to Trump, McConnel, Graham, Collins, Ryan, the lot of them. There is that.

kittygrrl 03-15-2019 06:08 AM

saw Beto rollout....hohum...but i'm possibly jaded...i like mayor pete best so far..he answers directly..i like that..and it's hard for me to like anything about politics these days...

tantalizingfemme 03-16-2019 06:24 AM

I am pretty politically active in my state. There has been so much infighting that there is a huge divide within the democratic party. Splinter groups are created regularly. If this is indicative of what is happening nationally, I believe we will have Trump back for 4 more years.

C0LLETTE 03-16-2019 09:41 AM

I'm curious. What exactly is so appealing about Beto except that he is tall ? What desperate battle has he ever fought; what position has he ever defended that would have have threatened his position of white (tall ) privilege?

Non- Americans may have no say in the voting in American political elections. But I assure you we have a huge stake in the outcome.

Kätzchen 03-16-2019 10:27 AM

I'm choosing to believe in people making a better choice, come the next presidential election. I know that for me, I will be voting a democratic ticket, for whoever the Democratic nominee turns out to be.

I don't believe that Americans will stand by and watch out country go down in flames. It's seems fairly obvious, each day that goes by, that journalists are keeping Americans apprised of the highly politically charged issues our country is facing.

It's never too late to do the right thing, so that's what's been on my mind and it's what I'm choosing to believe in.

I also feel that Democrats in the US House are working a relentless schedule, and keeping on top of things that needs the attention it deserves, as well as The Press.

<<<<<<<~~~ Voting Blue (Democratic Ticket).

CherylNYC 03-16-2019 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by MsTinkerbelly (Post 1242580)
I’m not certain if ANYONE would be worse than Trump, but should he be impeached we will have Pence as President (unless they prove crimes against him), and we (the gays) would be under attack.

It’s like asking if you want to be tortured by electrocution until dead, or if you want to be water boarded until dead...you are still dead!

With the House under control of the Democrats, Trump is a little more limited in the damage he can do; voting him out seems our best avenue at the moment. That could change, if the crimes found by Mueller are enough to force him to be indicted and tried as the criminal he has always been.

I disagree. A person who commits a crime should face legal consequences. Any/every person. When, (or if), the Mueller report ever comes out the legislature must act in accordance with the US Constitution. No matter what. Trump has been undermining so many of our institutions on a daily basis that I fear for our future. Failure of the legislative branch to act as a co-equal branch of government with appropriate oversight of the Executive branch further undermines the rule of law.

Yes, Pence is scary. No, I don't think acting as if he's an insurance policy against impeachment is the right plan. Excusing a sitting President from responsibility for his crimes would be remarkably shortsighted. Let's remember that this is all playing out against a backdrop of howling mad keyboard warriors from the left who started calling for Trump's impeachment before that evil f*ck even took office. Impeachment is a drastic action taken against someone who has committed high crimes and misdemeanors WHILE IN OFFICE! Those premature calls for impeachment undermined the credibility of anyone who has legitimately called for impeachment ever since.

Frankly, I doubt that Pelosi intends to protect Trump from impeachment. I think she's positioning herself for maximum credibility when the Mueller report is finally released. Assuming that the Mueller report finds criminal malfeasance on Trump's part, (treason, obstruction of justice, etc.), I expect Pelosi to initiate impeachment at that point.

kittygrrl 03-16-2019 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by MsTinkerbelly (Post 1242580)

It’s like asking if you want to be tortured by electrocution until dead, or if you want to be water boarded until dead...you are still dead!

I am absorbing all the interesting comments in this thread...compact thought (with intelligence) said beautifully!!@@

I especially love MsTinkerbell's funny observation about choosing!@@..I'm going to use it in rt, hope she won't mind!:byebye:

MsTinkerbelly 03-16-2019 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by kittygrrl (Post 1242912)
I am absorbing all the interesting comments in this thread...compact thought (with intelligence) said beautifully!!@@

I especially love MsTinkerbell's funny observation about choosing!@@..I'm going to use it in rt, hope she won't mind!:byebye:


Originally Posted by CherylNYC (Post 1242910)
I disagree. A person who commits a crime should face legal consequences. Any/every person. When, (or if), the Mueller report ever comes out the legislature must act in accordance with the US Constitution. No matter what. Trump has been undermining so many of our institutions on a daily basis that I fear for our future. Failure of the legislative branch to act as a co-equal branch of government with appropriate oversight of the Executive branch further undermines the rule of law.

Yes, Pence is scary. No, I don't think acting as if he's an insurance policy against impeachment is the right plan. Excusing a sitting President from responsibility for his crimes would be remarkably shortsighted. Let's remember that this is all playing out against a backdrop of howling mad keyboard warriors from the left who started calling for Trump's impeachment before that evil f*ck even took office. Impeachment is a drastic action taken against someone who has committed high crimes and misdemeanors WHILE IN OFFICE! Those premature calls for impeachment undermined the credibility of anyone who has legitimately called for impeachment ever since.

Frankly, I doubt that Pelosi intends to protect Trump from impeachment. I think she's positioning herself for maximum credibility when the Mueller report is finally released. Assuming that the Mueller report finds criminal malfeasance on Trump's part, (treason, obstruction of justice, etc.), I expect Pelosi to initiate impeachment at that point.

** kittygirl i’m Flattered

I did not advocate that Trump NOT be charged or impeached, I only pointed out that you (collective you) should be careful what you wish for.

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