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-   -   How many hours of sleep did you get last night? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8277)

nycfem 02-03-2017 07:30 PM

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
I, the Queen of Boring Threads, figured I should start this one because I am sucking at getting an appropriate amount of sleep. So I thought we could share each night (or some nights) and give each other tips and support in the process.

I figured it would also make me more conscious of really thinking about it if I have to document it.

I will start tomorrow.

So, folks, whenever you feel like it, share how many hours of sleep you got last night and if you want, related stuff, your sleep goals, what gets in the way, all that stuff.


Chad 02-03-2017 07:41 PM

Thank you NYCfem.

I got 6 hours of sleep last night. I have a strict routine at night because my days are so busy and long. No caffeine at night, eat an early light meal and no distractions like TV or internet.

nycfem 02-03-2017 07:44 PM

I need a strict routine. I cut out all caffeine (except for an occasional 1/4 cup of decaf in the morning) since 2007. I'm horrible about getting off the Internet and horrible about eating too late.

Chad 02-03-2017 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by nycfem (Post 1126279)
I need a strict routine. I cut out all caffeine (except for an occasional 1/4 cup of decaf in the morning) since 2007. I'm horrible about getting off the Internet and horrible about eating too late.

As a field biologist for decades I trained myself to be strict about my body. When working 12 hours a day in 100 degree weather you develop survival behavior. Hydration and sleep are key.

Thank you for starting this thread.

Gemme 02-03-2017 07:55 PM

I think I got about 6.5 hours last night. I really need between 8-9 hours per night to feel human and not grinchy or fussy.

easygoingfemme 02-03-2017 07:57 PM

I probably got 6-6.5. Something in there. Standard weeknight. Probably a little less if you count times waking up and trying to get back to sleep.

I function okay on that amount of sleep but am a little better on 7. 8 can feel like too much but once in a while it happens and is good.

MsTinkerbelly 02-03-2017 08:11 PM

I sleep 7-9 hours a night and never have insomnia. I MUST wear earplugs or I hear every noise and wake up all night long.

Jesse 02-03-2017 08:40 PM

Most nights I sleep for 8-9 hours, last night it was 8 hours. I fall asleep nearly as soon as I am in the bed, and am able to fall back to sleep easily after waking for bathroom trips.

Where I have to be super strict with myself is with shutting down the TV, & computer at a set time, also ending phone conversations, and making myself go to bed. So I have a bedtime routine of sorts that I begin about an hour before bedtime that involves little things such as turning on the bedroom lamp & shutting down the other house lights except for the room the PC and TV are in, take Sadie out for last call, silence the ringer on my phone and then finally shut down the PC and TV at a set time. This allows enough time for my mind to put the day away, if you will, and prepares it for sleep.

If I disregard this schedule the rebellious little kid in me will take over and stay up all night playing online and watching movies, then it takes me a week to get back on track.

Mel C. 02-03-2017 09:22 PM

I usually get 7-8 hours of sleep. The alarm wakes me most days, but I prefer to wake up on my own. I'm tired because I don't want to go to sleep. I'm like a little kid being forced to take a nap. I don't wanna. I'll do anything...watch TV, a movie, chat, Facebook, YouTube...anything to stay awake.

JDeere 02-04-2017 01:43 AM

6-8 hours during the week, weekends as much as possible.

~ocean 02-04-2017 01:49 AM


firegal 02-04-2017 01:56 AM

i,m up to bout 6 hours ....18 months after retiring...didnt realize my job was the reason i was sleeping 4 hours a nite for 20 plus yrs.

clay 02-04-2017 08:29 AM

8 to 9 hrs. of sleep are good for me.

I am a firm believer in "settling my mind & body down" an hour before bedtime. I do not go online after early evening nor do I watch a lot of "news".

My routine is to eat dinner around 530 or 600pm...so as not to go to bed with a full tummy. I rarely drink caffeine, due to atrial fib, so that is not an issue for me anyway. I like my room as dark as possible, & I have slept with a fan on my face & upper body for many decades, and that white noise helps me not hear outside my room noises.

I play with my little dachshund Hopey on my bed a half hour or so, & that is very relaxing for me. She LOVES it, sleeps better in her crate also.

Then do my night routine brush teeth, wash face, etc.

I usually fall asleep as soon as I lay down, & wake sometimes for BR breaks, but usually able to go right back to sleep.

I awaken around 815 am most mornings, rarely am I asleep at any later than that.

My routines are fairly consistent, & work for me. I try to exclude any mental stimulation & filling my belly late evening. I am pretty relaxed so am able to sleep well each night. Sometimes I waken during the night & brain engages, but I try to mentally shut it off again...lol.

Orema 02-04-2017 08:57 AM

Last night was 7 hours. I usually sleep 6 to 7 hours. And i usually wake up every 2 hours or so since i had a heart attack years ago. At first my doctor prescribed Ambien to help me sleep through that night, but that left me feeling groggy and goofy in the morning so i nixed that. Now he's prescribed marijuana. I still wake up every couple hours but it's easier to fall back asleep if I have a toke or two before bedtime and there's no after effect in the morning.

I woke up in the middle of a heart attack and I think that's why I wake up so much when I sleep—subconsciously scared I'll have another one.

I don't have a television in the bedroom and often go to bed with jazz playing timed to go off after 30 minutes.

I was a toker before it was prescribed, but never at bedtime (I saw that as a waste) until I got a prescription for it to help me sleep.


JDeere 02-04-2017 09:49 AM

I actually got 9 hours last night, my body is already set to work mode so probably no sleeping the rest of the day.

I have a hard time falling asleep though and I wake up a few times in the middle of the night, none of the OTC medications or ones I have been Rxed, work to help me sleep. So I just deal with it.

MsTinkerbelly 02-04-2017 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by nycfem (Post 1126277)
I, the Queen of Boring Threads, figured I should start this one because I am sucking at getting an appropriate amount of sleep. So I thought we could share each night (or some nights) and give each other tips and support in the process.

I figured it would also make me more conscious of really thinking about it if I have to document it.

I will start tomorrow.

So, folks, whenever you feel like it, share how many hours of sleep you got last night and if you want, related stuff, your sleep goals, what gets in the way, all that stuff.


You thought this thread would be boring, but it is something that has taken up several pages in the zombie thread. Some people have such a hard time with getting enough deep restive sleep...great thread idea!

Eightballrunner1 02-04-2017 11:54 AM

The last couple of nights have been short on sleep. I went to the dollar tree to pick up a few things so while I was looking around I found a paper back book on the last Godzilla movie by Toho & company. I figured for a dollar it cant be to bad, besides I am huge fan of the big lizard. It is a good read plus clearing up some pointers from the movie that I didn't catch. I think I had a total of 6 hours sleep. Yes I'm putting the book in my collection of Godzilla stuff... right next to my light up, smoke blowing toy Godzilla that's about 40 odd years old that I have had since the movies have been coming on.

Chancie 02-04-2017 12:28 PM

I got eight hours of sleep last night, and I was grateful for it.

I go upstairs early and read in bed or play Words with Friends, and I rarely have any trouble falling asleep.

I do take a combo of prescription drugs to help me stay asleep, but I do struggle with waking up too early.

It is very hard for me to do my best job as a teacher when I don't get enough sleep.

I finally started asking other teachers what Sunday nights were like, and

I discovered that several of my colleagues feel incredibly anxious. August is like the mother fucker of all Sunday nights.

nycfem 02-04-2017 01:32 PM

Total sleep for Friday night (2/3/17) to Saturday morning (2/4/17): 13+ hours

Last night, Friday night, I ate too late, and Indian food to boot! I got in bed at 11:05 PM and fell asleep by 11:30 PM. I took an anxiety pill (Klonopin), wore ear plugs, and listened to a book on CD ("Falling Apart in One Piece") on noise cancelling headphones. BB, my husbutch, was out with a friend that night, so I was asleep before she got home.

I woke up at 6 AM in a state of very strong anxiety, specifically about a single colleague who I have to depend on for catering my events and who tortures me by purposely doing everything wrong and making herself inaccessible and being so mean. Normally I wake up at 5:45 AM to go to work so the fact that that is the time the anxiety kicked in about work issues would make sense.

Everything about this woman and our most recent interaction on Friday started to loop in my head. I tried to distract myself by going on to the computer from 6 AM to 7 AM but it didn't really reduce my anxiety. I also did a scratch-off just in case this worry was for nothing because I might find out I won millions of dollars. Alas instead of winning I paid what they call "the poor man's tax" (the cost of a scratch-off ticket with no win).

I wrote a short email to myself with a few simple sentences of what I would do next in trying to get to the next step I needed with my difficult, mean colleague at work. I think that was helpful because it interrupted the "worry loop" a bit. It gave me a plan for what I would do on Monday, a first step.

Then I took another anxiety pill (Klonopin) and an Ambien (sleep pill) and went back to bed from 7 am to 2 pm. That felt really good. And when I woke up I was not anxious, though BB gets a little annoyed that I sleep so long on weekends.

The thing is that I get like a literal "nap" instead of a night of sleep during the work week which I am trying to change so I do all my catching up on sleep during the weekends. Last night was a particularly rough night. Usually medication is not involved to the extent it was last night.

Despite all these issues, I'm really glad that I got in such a much needed catch-up on sleep. Until I get my weeknight sleep under control, I depend on the sleep I get on Friday and Saturday nights when I don't have to work the next day.

This is a weird first post but the point of the thread is to keep it real. Thanks for reading if you did and I'm always open to suggestions as you get to know me and my sleep issues. I value the support of the BFP community where I can be myself.

Medusa 02-04-2017 02:46 PM

I love your threads, Jennifer!

I got about 6.5 hours of sleep last night and that is a LOT for me. I generally get about 5 per night. Every now and then I will get up to 8 or even 9 hours if I am exhausted but that doesn't happen often.

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