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TexasCowboi 08-23-2010 03:35 AM

A Cowboy's World....
Okay, after my little 720 mile round trip to a town called Little Rock Arkansas..... for a thingy called "The Reunion" .... I have decided to move my thread home to the planet.

Even though I was late getting to the Reunion.... I saw faces that I have not seen in a while, and some new faces.... I got to make amends to try and mend a fence that needed to be mended.

The atmosphere was a great one.... very peaceful...... very little drama....even that was handled quickly.

I will be trying to get some of my old posts over here so the new people coming onto this site, can get to know me.

theoddz 08-23-2010 08:50 AM

Great to see you here, Brother!!! :)

I didn't get to make it to the Reunion this year. For some reason my union local seems to always schedule me for a conference on or within a couple of weeks of the big get-togethers here. Well, I'm going to promise to make the next year's event. Maybe we'll get together then. I hope so.

Just wish I could have made it this year, since it was the very first one.

Semper Fi, my friend. :):thumbsup:

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Arwen 08-23-2010 10:14 AM

I was so very happy to see you in Little Rock, T.C. :) However, you are STILL on my list for coming to Austin without a cup of coffee with me. :fastdraq:Grin! hug, darlin'!

dark_crystal 08-29-2010 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by TexasCowboi (Post 178639)
I will be trying to get some of my old posts over here so the new people coming onto this site, can get to know me.

looking forward to it!

WolfyOne 08-29-2010 06:42 PM

TC, it was nice to finally meet you after all these years of crossing in threads

TexasCowboi 11-02-2010 04:45 AM

A Cowboy's World..... the original entry
My original Cowboy's world entry on the "other site" ya'll enjoy

A Cowboi's World.......

I figured I would let you all in on who Texas Cowboi is.

I know some of you all out there think that all I am about is starting Potty Humor Threads and Lists....

There are a few reasons for posting those threads.... the first one being that with all I have seen and all I have been through, I can't go through life being an Asshole and being bitter all the time... (I"m living proof that being those two things all the time, is hazardous to your health..LOL).... and the second reason is that I use humor to de-escalate a bad day or an arguement or anything of the sort. It has helped Me get through some days that not many could get through. It has also helped Me get through 20 years in EMS and 12 years in LE... without many fights...two to be exact.... ( and for those of you who are wondering, some of those years in EMS and LE...were concurrent....)

I started in EMS when I was 15 years old.... and was making life and death decisions immediately....and for years... I was pretty damn good at keeping the emotions from the bad calls bottled up inside... I am still pretty good at hiding things like that....I just chose not to sometimes...

Then it all started to hit Me... little by little... piece by piece... dealing with the pain of telling someone you couldnt save their relative....
the pain as you stare at that blank look in a 6 yr old child's eyes, when you are working your ass off to save him, because an ignorant relative left him alone around a swimming pool....and coming home crying only to have your "lover" tell you to leave work at work.
the anger you feel at not being given a chance to help that person who just ended their life courtesy of Smith and Wesson....
the pain of seeing the fear in the elderly person's eyes when they just had a stroke and are worried about being able to live a normal life, knowing good and well that you cannot do anything for them but hold their frail hand...
and the pain of carrying a body-with the heroin needle still stuck in her arm- out of an apartment, and that body was that of a friend you had just been out havin fun with three hours earlier....
the pain of seeing and kissing your lover on friday night, only to get up for work and see on the headline news saturday morning, that she has been killed by her jealous ex...courtesy of Smith and Wesson

** I guess what I"m trying to get at with all of this... is when you see someone who is being an asshole...or is being bitter... or you see a police officer, paramedic or firefighter laughing at something you think is inappropriate....take the time to think about what that person may or may not have been through.... yes, some are assholes by nature... some are not... some are only assholes as a means of protection...some people use humor as a means of laughing so you dont cry...I, Myself, chose to use My sense of humor as a means to lighten things up...

Here is a little bit of something I wrote during some of those really dark times in My life...

Why do play games with each other?
For their own amusement?
Or for the realm of thoughts they create?
Thoughts of emptiness, like the emptiness of death, the overwhelming feeling as a loved one is lowered into the ground, knowing you'll never see her face again, Only bits and pieces fading in and out in the pages of your memory. Thoughts of remembering the last look of emtiness as the door is closed for the last time.
Thoughts of loneliness, the feeling that comes over you as you look back through time and picture that person, as you remember, those precious tender moments, the ones you'll never have again.
Thoughts of destruction, like that of a flood of thunderclouds building, raining, and pouring, until finally the rumble of those imminent clouds sends the water crashing , rolling downhill, gaining momentum as it wipes out everything in it's path.
Thoughts of pain as you picture the person who thrust a knife of pain deep inside you, thrust deep inside your body and soul, tearing up your insides, tearing up your mind, twisting and turning as it leaves nothing left to live, nothing left that can live.
copywritten by TexasCowboi

** anyways, thats just a little taste of Me...and who I am... the things I talked about above, have made Me who I am today... sometimes cynical, sometimes an asshole, sometimes very very bitter... and sometimes hilarous....
This was not meant to depress anyone and it was not meant to be a Pity Party or anything like that..... as I said earlier, its just an insight as to what made Me who I am today...

and no, I will not stop with the Potty Humor Threads, unless I am asked to do so by Dusa or Jack.
**The Original Cowboi**

TexasCowboi 11-03-2010 07:33 AM

OK.... so mousetraps hurt.... not as bad as rat traps right....

well, me, in my infinite wisdom, got some mousetraps for my dog..... she keeps getting up on the table and the counters, and I had to stop her somehow... because raising my voice with her makes her cower and pee....

so I go to put these mouse traps up on the edge of the counter so when her unsuspecting paws get up on the counter, she gets a surprise.

the First night goes ok.... only 3 traps triggered out of 12 traps set. I go to move the traps the next day, and one snaps onto my finger which of course, led to me jumping and then 5 of the traps went off, causing me to look like a cat on a cactus trying to get away from traps as they were going off.

you had to be there.... I was hysterical from laughter when everything settled down.....

morningstar55 11-03-2010 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by TexasCowboi (Post 178639)

I will be trying to get some of my old posts over here so the new people coming onto this site, can get to know me.

... ya know TC... i think if you put in some new post instead.... the fence might stand up longer..
and ........ for your Cowboy world here is a song just for you..
:) ;)

Arwen 11-03-2010 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by TexasCowboi (Post 219717)
the First night goes ok.... only 3 traps triggered out of 12 traps set. I go to move the traps the next day, and one snaps onto my finger which of course, led to me jumping and then 5 of the traps went off, causing me to look like a cat on a cactus trying to get away from traps as they were going off.

you had to be there.... I was hysterical from laughter when everything settled down.....

Why do I get this image of the dog snickering and whispering, "Dance, Cowboi, I said DANCE!"

DomnNC 11-03-2010 09:30 AM

Hi Cowboy. Here's a little thing that helped me keep a dog off the counters. Take an empty soup can or any comparable can, dump the contents, get a few rocks, marbles or something that will make noise, put them inside the can, tape the lid back on. Next time that pup puts those lil paws on the table or counter, get that can, shake it and roll it at them, works like a charm.

The_Lady_Snow 11-03-2010 09:38 AM


I am so glad you came in here to share!!

I think you should tell everyone about Lucky and Shitty Kitty and your horses and the new dogs!!

OH OH and tell them about the Midol Salt Lick and how it always got you in trouble...

Good to see you back!!!

LipstickLola 11-03-2010 11:56 AM

Hey TC!!

I totally 'get you'. I am super weird in my humor at times, and it comes from a place of pain way down deep inside, the pain of 'the suffering of others'.
Got some irreverent stories from my own medical work experiences of the last 30 years that would curl your hair. It's how we deal! Rock on!! :bowdown:

Blade 11-03-2010 03:22 PM

Good advice DomnNC...you can also use a soda can, or empty pill bottle. One other thing that works good is a choke collar, keep in in your pocket and when he misbehaves throw it at him, aim for his butt. The important thing is to not let him see you throw it.


Originally Posted by DomnNC (Post 219803)
Hi Cowboy. Here's a little thing that helped me keep a dog off the counters. Take an empty soup can or any comparable can, dump the contents, get a few rocks, marbles or something that will make noise, put them inside the can, tape the lid back on. Next time that pup puts those lil paws on the table or counter, get that can, shake it and roll it at them, works like a charm.

Corkey 11-03-2010 05:11 PM

This is gonna sound kinda stoopid, but how often do you walk her and who leads? Sounds like you need to remind her who is the pack leader, boundaries and limitations. Get Caesar Melan's book, or watch his show, it's cheeper.
PS it is so good to see you posting again!

Random 11-05-2010 09:09 PM

I'm a big old fan of the squirt bottle...

We have five cats and they mind me 90% of the time...

It would be 100%, but I live with a soft hearted butch who thinks bad behavior is cute...

I, on the other hand, am not amused with trying to get a cat out of the sink so I can brush my teeth...

How does the old saying go?

I would rather be obeyed out of love, but if I can't be loved, then I would be feared...

TexasCowboi 12-06-2010 01:58 AM


TexasCowboi 06-11-2012 09:04 PM

Well.....apparently it has been over a year since I've posted anything in here......wow.....what can I say..... I've been a busy busy Cowboi.....

Another year has passed, this year I actually got off my ass, took a few days off work and went to the Republic of Texas Motorcycle Rally..... I RODE my bike 4 hours to Austin Texas.... and did not trailer my bike like a lot of others do because they cant take the time in the saddle.... a few minutes after I turned Xena southbound on US 281, I smelled the scrub cedar.....then my silly grin got to flappin in the wind....... I forgot how much I enjoyed riding..... 1450cc's of an American iron horse.... fuckin' rocks..... well.... my grin was flappin' in the wind until I got a few bugs in my teeth!.... LOL.... oh well.... thats the price ya pay when ya ride......spit 'em out and kept going.... for those of you who don't know me.... the smell of cedar is like the smell of home.... that, and the hint of cow poop with a touch of horse poop.... oh, and I cant forget the smell of fresh bale of Coastal hay.....

I will also get off my ass and take a few days off for the Reunion.....and I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone at the Reunion.... just gonna have fun and take in the sights.... maybe go visit a landmark or two in Little Rock.....

TexasCowboi 12-10-2012 02:40 AM

took two weeks off of work to show someone special around the state of Texas..... one of our adventures landed Me in the ER at an Austin area trauma center because of a direct hit from two double barreled horse kicks.... got kicked, knocked down and popped right back up..... kinda..... walked around with a few big-assed bruises and some cracked bones....walking around like I had a huge cactus pad stuck onto my backside...... who else can take a hit like that and still get up.... much less walk away from it? not many that I know of.....

anyways, pynkkameleon helped me a great deal during this.... even stared at me until I agreed to go to an ER.... I wasnt going to go, as I might be seen by others wearing that silly little hospital gown.....

anyways again, I'm ok now.... walk with a hitch in my get-a-long.....

a HUGE KUDOS to the staff at Brackenridge ER.... great job from those folks there....

pynkkameleon 12-10-2012 03:53 AM

What TC failed to mention is that He not only got back up right away but He also managed to get through the next several hours without one complaint or making a face until we could get to the ER.. despite clearly being in pain and discomfort. 2 cracked bones! Yikes! Serious stuff but also so thankful that it wasn't any worse!

I also have to share TC that watching you and Peyote bond with one another after she had her jealous fit was amazing to witness. A very moving and spiritual interaction in my opinion.

Texas is such a beautiful place. I will be counting the days until I can come back and explore more... Thank you!

morningstar55 12-10-2012 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by TexasCowboi (Post 714477)
took two weeks off of work to show someone special around the state of Texas..... one of our adventures landed Me in the ER at an Austin area trauma center because of a direct hit from two double barreled horse kicks.... got kicked, knocked down and popped right back up..... kinda..... walked around with a few big-assed bruises and some cracked bones....walking around like I had a huge cactus pad stuck onto my backside...... who else can take a hit like that and still get up.... much less walk away from it? not many that I know of.....

anyways, pynkkameleon helped me a great deal during this.... even stared at me until I agreed to go to an ER.... I wasnt going to go, as I might be seen by others wearing that silly little hospital gown.....

anyways again, I'm ok now.... walk with a hitch in my get-a-long.....

a HUGE KUDOS to the staff at Brackenridge ER.... great job from those folks there....

wow .. glad your ok ...... i been kicked at times.. but never like that.
i been thrown too .. ha several times.. once .... i think i was slung to the ground at a full run..... geeshh that smarted.
i dont understand ..... why i love horses so much even when they abuse me so . lol

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