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bigbutchmistie 03-13-2010 09:58 PM

Love Letter's To My Baby Girl....
I thought I would start a new thread for all the love letter's that I have written to my baby girl. Whoever and wherever she maybe...

I havent done this before, and someone suggested that I do it. So, I will start with one I had posted on the other site... And will add more of them as I go along.

My Dearest Angel:

Just letting you know that I dream of you, constantly. Knowing eventually, you'll lay next to me. Right before I fall asleep, I look around my darkened room and look out at the moonlight.... wishing you a good night and sweet dreams.

I think of all your wonderful qualities and those little habits you have, whatever they may be. I will love it all - no matter how annoying they will be to me - because, I will love you the way you are and I wouldn't be your soulmate if I didn't.

Since we have yet to meet, I don't have a picture of you . I can't picture you within my mind - because I can't create such sweet perfection. What's in my mind though, when I think of you, is this blessedly beautiful blurred vision. No true form - but it gets clearer with each passing day.

I can see the little things, reasons why I will love you. I can see your hands. They are so loving and gentle. Those hands look so kind and smooth. I won't ever let go. I can see the clothes you wear. The dresses and the clothes and the jeans and the skirts and the shoes. You fit into them so perfectly. Your unique style and fashion.... all those patterns and colors. I won't ever stop complimenting you.

Even though I don't know you yet, there are many reasons why I will love you. I will love the sound of your laugh. How it's so cute to listen to and how it will be so contagious that it'll always make me laugh. I will love your powerful personality and your attitude towards life. I will love your smile, which will be the first thing I will compliment you on when we meet. I wouldn't be able to contain myself with my own smile, while gazing at those glittering, blissful teeth and those gentle dimples. I will love your lips, that will be quite seductive. There are so many reasons, why I will love you.

I look forward to every moment that we will share together. Those sleepless nights where we just lay in bed talking until the sun rises. Talking about our lives - opening up our souls. Opening each other and letting in our past. Sharing our deep secrets and inner-most thoughts, ideas, desires and beliefs. I will crave shedding my turtle shell and being completely true to you.

Even though you may dislike my bad habits, I know you'll love me for who I am. I know you'll understand who I am, completely.

Until Then My Angel,
Just Me

bigbutchmistie 03-13-2010 10:30 PM

My Dearest Unknown Angel:

I miss you. I miss all the time we are losing right now. I miss how every night I sleep alone, without you, and wonder where you are. But maybe this time without one another is a time for us to grow separately into who we want to be, and who we will be.

Know that when I first meet you, you will have already won me over. You will not need to search for all the right words, I will have already heard them. You will have already exceeded all my expectations.

And even if our story goes unwritten for the next few years, know that I have been writing it for some time now. These letters are the beginning of our story, and I cannot wait for you to read them.

I cannot wait for you to appear and for us to begin our journey together, my love.

Until Then,

Soft*Silver 03-13-2010 10:33 PM

whoever she is
where ever she is
she is one lucky girl....

dammit Mistie...I SO want you to find her!

bigbutchmistie 03-13-2010 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by softness (Post 66534)
whoever she is
where ever she is
she is one lucky girl....

dammit Mistie...I SO want you to find her!

Awww ty Ms Softness :) She will come... One day... Just not time yet... And that is A Ok with me. :) At least she will have this to come too and read. And thank you! Thank you for your support as always my friend. I know that she will be everything that I have ever dreamed of and even more. But it will be I who will be the lucky one...

Soft*Silver 03-13-2010 10:37 PM

smiling warmly .... you both will be the lucky one....


Originally Posted by bigbutchmistie (Post 66537)
Awww ty Ms Softness :) She will come... One day... Just not time yet... And that is A Ok with me. :) At least she will have this to come too and read. And thank you! Thank you for your support as always my friend. I know that she will be everything that I have ever dreamed of and even more. But it will be I who will be the lucky one...

bigbutchmistie 03-13-2010 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by softness (Post 66539)
smiling warmly .... you both will be the lucky one....

Awwww thank you my friend :)

bigbutchmistie 03-14-2010 10:43 AM

Dearest Baby Girl:

Good morning angel. I hope you slept well last night. I have made us bacon and eggs and biscuits and gravy. I know you love orange juice and Ive made you some... Would you like coffee first?

Have a great Sunday angel. You are on my mind. Would have been so nice to have you in my arms...

Until Then,

KayCee 03-14-2010 11:37 AM

Your first post is so beautiful bigbutchmistie, it gave me shivers! Hope you find your baby girl soon!


bigbutchmistie 03-14-2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by kat6071 (Post 66799)
Your first post is so beautiful bigbutchmistie, it gave me shivers! Hope you find your baby girl soon!


thank you :)

bigbutchmistie 03-14-2010 08:59 PM

Good night sweetheart sleep tight wherever you are. God hold you in his arms while we are apart...

bigbutchmistie 03-19-2010 09:19 PM

My Dearest Princess:

Since I havent been able to find you, still I decided to sit down and write to you this letter.

My darling please forgive me for not using your name, I simply have no idea what it is, you see we havent met yet.

Y'know, it feels strange expressing my deepest personal thoughts to a woman I haven't even seen, but I'm making an exception for you because, after all, we will eventually be together for the rest of our lives.

Plus, just because we haven't been able to locate each other yet, doesn't mean we can't share our feelings, right?

I'll be honest -- this past year has been a difficult one. After many years of not being able to find you, the frustration of the endless searches started to get to me. I started to feel as though I would never meet my soul mate, never meet you. My heart sank. It seemed like I was right on track for turning into the male equivalent of the old spinster with seven cats and a passion only for crocheting sweaters for friends and relatives lucky enough to have found relationships. I felt myself beginning to experience the Seven Stages of No Soul Mate Grief.

First, there was Shock -- the horrifying realization that it's absolutely likely we may never meet. It seemed as though every woman I met had a giant neon NOT YOUR SOUL MATE sign atop her head. That shock ended up driving me to drink. But I'm not big on alcohol, so I'm now attending a 12-Step program for Coffee. One day at a time.

Denial followed shock. All evidence to the contrary, I informed anyone who asked about it, that it was simply a question of time and luck before I'd meet my soul mate. They'd nod and give me a half-smile, attempting to be supportive, but, oh yes, I could see the pity in their eyes. It was the same look they gave Jennifer Aniston after she said she's even happier with fill-in-her-latest-boyfriend-here than she ever was with Brad Pitt. Or that they gave Russell Crowe after he said that was the first time he ever threw a telephone at a concierge's head. They realized I was only fooling myself. I knew they were right, but couldn't admit it, wouldn't admit it. I felt like Nixon telling the nation "I am not a crook," . Was I any different, saying "My soul mate is just around the corner"? No, clearly, I was only fooling myself

As I moved into the Bargaining stage, I attempted to cope with my loss of soul mate hope by making a deal with God. "Lord, if You allow me to meet my soul mate, I'll become a better person. I'll attend church more often, I'll be kinder to people, I'll make donations to charity even if they don't send the cool, self-sticking address labels, I'll stop taking your name in vain when the driver in front of me is too slow to make it through the yellow light, I'll subscribe to PBS. I'll floss."

Of course, the Guilt stage was no big shocker to me, as I was quite experienced in that arena. It took the form of multiple "If onlys." If only I hadn't turned so and so down just because she sounded like a goat when she laughed.

It's no wonder I reached the Anger stage. I was angry at life for forcing me to keep paying monthly fees to online dating websites rather than the much easier and far more economical method of simply accidentally bumping into my soul mate in an elevator or supermarket, with appropriate Phil Collins or Elton John soundtrack music, just like in the movies. I was angry at myself for not having developed whatever relationship skills might turn me into a babe magnet. I was angry at my parents for not having given me the genetic gifts of George Clooney's looks, Bill Gates' intelligence, Fred Astaire's dancing ability, 50 Cent's street cred. Yes, that's right, a Christian guy with 50 Cent's street cred. If we can put a man on the Moon, why couldn't that happen, too?

Depression followed closely upon Anger. Look what you did to me and you didn't even know me. I lost interest in meeting my soul mate, much less dating at all. I sounded as though all the life and energy had been drained from my voice. I slumped. I couldn't even motivate myself to call a depression hotline. And here's how I realized I was truly, deeply depressed -- Starbucks just didn't do it for me anymore. I went for Coke . Coke my darling!, Coke! Do you know how deeply depressed a person has to be to open a can of Coke? The horror. How can Coke executives even sleep at night? But it's all I felt worthy of.

And now my darling the final stage. How did I finally arrive at the last of the Seven Stages of No Soul Mate Grief -- the stage of Acceptance and Hope?

You see I have left it up to my Creator. When its time you will appear. And you will be more beautiful than any sunrise I have ever seen. Your scent will be intoxicating. And you will feel like Heaven in my arms. You will accept me flaws and all just like I will you.... We arent perfect my love but we will be perfectly perfect together...

Your Prince

bigbutchmistie 03-21-2010 05:05 PM

Dearest Angel:

Here are the most beautiful wedding vows I have ever heard:

I never thought that I could meet someone like you.
You are my friend.
You are my smile.
You are my everything.

You are a breath-taking reflection
of God's heart for me....
of how he pursued me...
and loved me even when I didn't love myself.
You held my hand in the darkness
and you pulled me out into the light.

I love you...
You are my light.
And it doesn't matter what happens
in this life as long as you're with me.

When I look at you, I know that there's a God
and that he loved me so much
that he took the time to create you...just for me.

I love you....past my mind....beyond my heart....
I love you from my soul.
And that's the space where only you and God dwell.

bigbutchmistie 04-03-2010 08:12 PM

Here baby girl a poem for from me by Maya Angelo

In and out of time

The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance...
our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out of time.

When the first stone looked up at the blazing sun
and the first tree struggled up from the forest floor
I had always loved you more.
You freed your braids...
gave your hair to the breeze.
It hummed like a hive of honey bees.
I reached in the mass for the sweet honey comb there....
Mmmm...God how I love your hair.

You saw me bludgeoned by circumstance.
Lost, injured, hurt by chance.
I screamed to the heavens....loudly screamed....
Trying to change our nightmares into dreams...
The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance our long way home.
I was always yours to have.

You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out
in and out
in and out
of time.

bigbutchmistie 05-22-2010 09:38 PM


Just so you know you will be the only one who ever could tame this Beast :) I saw this and thought of us. Cause I know that once in a life time fairytales exist for us all. And one day, I will find mine with you.


Guy 05-22-2010 09:45 PM

Really sweet thread BBM, hope you find her soon.

Lady Pamela 05-22-2010 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by bigbutchmistie (Post 66508)
I thought I would start a new thread for all the love letter's that I have written to my baby girl. Whoever and wherever she maybe...

I havent done this before, and someone suggested that I do it. So, I will start with one I had posted on the other site... And will add more of them as I go along.

My Dearest Angel:

Just letting you know that I dream of you, constantly. Knowing eventually, you'll lay next to me. Right before I fall asleep, I look around my darkened room and look out at the moonlight.... wishing you a good night and sweet dreams.

I think of all your wonderful qualities and those little habits you have, whatever they may be. I will love it all - no matter how annoying they will be to me - because, I will love you the way you are and I wouldn't be your soulmate if I didn't.

Since we have yet to meet, I don't have a picture of you . I can't picture you within my mind - because I can't create such sweet perfection. What's in my mind though, when I think of you, is this blessedly beautiful blurred vision. No true form - but it gets clearer with each passing day.

I can see the little things, reasons why I will love you. I can see your hands. They are so loving and gentle. Those hands look so kind and smooth. I won't ever let go. I can see the clothes you wear. The dresses and the clothes and the jeans and the skirts and the shoes. You fit into them so perfectly. Your unique style and fashion.... all those patterns and colors. I won't ever stop complimenting you.

Even though I don't know you yet, there are many reasons why I will love you. I will love the sound of your laugh. How it's so cute to listen to and how it will be so contagious that it'll always make me laugh. I will love your powerful personality and your attitude towards life. I will love your smile, which will be the first thing I will compliment you on when we meet. I wouldn't be able to contain myself with my own smile, while gazing at those glittering, blissful teeth and those gentle dimples. I will love your lips, that will be quite seductive. There are so many reasons, why I will love you.

I look forward to every moment that we will share together. Those sleepless nights where we just lay in bed talking until the sun rises. Talking about our lives - opening up our souls. Opening each other and letting in our past. Sharing our deep secrets and inner-most thoughts, ideas, desires and beliefs. I will crave shedding my turtle shell and being completely true to you.

Even though you may dislike my bad habits, I know you'll love me for who I am. I know you'll understand who I am, completely.

Until Then My Angel,
Just Me

Most incredible!! I love the thought that one day ( if not already ) she will read this and connect it to you...Very beautiful!! I did one similar to my soulmate on another thread...Very well done!

bigbutchmistie 05-22-2010 10:27 PM

My Dearest Love:

I dont know who you are or where you are. But I know you exist. I feel you in my heart and see you in my mind.

When I look at the stars, I feel hope, I know that somewhere you are looking at the same beautiful stars searching for me, lost in thoughts of us and the life that we will someday share.

Everything and everyone before now will have been lessons learned. So we could be part of who we are. Its forever a part of our story, a journey of us finding ourselves and each other.

Trust in me and I will honor your love. I am all you have dreamed I would be and more.
I am your destiny and you are mine. The partner you envision When hurt and pain seem to engulf you, with feelings that need to be shared

I am your own private hope. It was me who sustained your faith. when you felt that there was no tomorrow I am what you always believed I would be faithfully, patiently watiting for you

I cannot come to you until you are ready. Until your heart is free and has closed all the chapters that keep you from me.

In your soul although hidden you truly know me, I am the one who has always been standing by your side through all the sorrows and sadness my eternal promise that lives inside. It is Truth, Honesty and Unconditional.

Remember our love waiting with sincerity and pureness. With the angel's blessings and God's Amen. Born of our hearts eternal burning in our souls

When we meet we will feel peace harmony and passion. Not the temporary burst of adolescent glow When we look into each others eyes we will feel as if we have spoken without saying a word

Miles apart so it would seem. More than reachable for a willing team. My personal website created for you ready to share my thoughts and emotions of two. To know I am here waiting for you.

One set of footrpints instead of two. I walk alone in search of you. Wondering aimlessly from day to day. searching hoping that you pass my way. And someday soon we will walk as two.

This road of life is lonely and long. By my side is where you belong. To guide me through each passing day. The up's the down's and come what may.

I walk this lonely winding path. And pray you find me soon at last. To live together till our life is done. Where there are two sets of footprints instead of one.

Each day as the sun begins to rise bringing a new beginning I search for you. Will today be the day that we meet? Neither you or I will accept defeat.

I await for you...

All My Love,

bigbutchmistie 05-23-2010 12:18 PM

Thank you all for your sweet emails, PM's, thanks, etc on my letter's. :)

happygirl 05-24-2010 04:57 PM

I hope I did this right
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcF9ICgLqi4"]YouTube- Michael Bublé - Haven't Met You Yet With Lyrics[/nomedia]

I heard this today for the first time, and thought of this thread.

bigbutchmistie 05-24-2010 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by happygirl (Post 113397)
YouTube- Michael Bublé - Haven't Met You Yet With Lyrics

I heard this today for the first time, and thought of this thread.

Hello and thanks for stopping by my board. I just wanted to say I love that song, and have posted it elswhere. I just havent posted here to my babygirl whomever and wherever she is. Thanks for coming in here and posting it. :) Take care

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