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Library_girl 09-14-2011 02:08 AM

Singles dating: online VS real world?
Hello singles,
I'm starting this thread just to see what everyone thinks about online dating vs. real-world dating. Any and all comments are welcome!

*Do you (or would you) go out with someone you met online, such as from a dating site, chat room, BFP, etc.? (this can be local or long distance or both)
*Do you go out on blind dates? (set up by friends, co-workers)
*Would you go out with someone who has dated someone you know?
*Which do you think is better: meeting and dating people from an online source, or meeting and dating people you meet in real life?

Any other comments on this subject would be great.....these are just questions off the top of my head. :deepthoughts:


J. Mason 09-14-2011 02:15 AM

*Do you (or would you) go out with someone you met online, such as from a dating site, chat room, BFP, etc.? (this can be local or long distance or both)
*Do you go out on blind dates? (set up by friends, co-workers)
*Would you go out with someone who has dated someone you know?
*Which do you think is better: meeting and dating people from an online source, or meeting and dating people you meet in real life?

Yes I have and I would go out with someone I met online!

NO blind dates, and no I would not go out with someone who has dated someone I know.

It's a toss up, I have done the online dating and the real life dating, so I do not see either one as better than the other!

bigbutchmistie 09-14-2011 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Library_girl (Post 417390)
Hello singles,
I'm starting this thread just to see what everyone thinks about online dating vs. real-world dating. Any and all comments are welcome!

*Do you (or would you) go out with someone you met online, such as from a dating site, chat room, BFP, etc.? (this can be local or long distance or both)
*Do you go out on blind dates? (set up by friends, co-workers)
*Would you go out with someone who has dated someone you know?
*Which do you think is better: meeting and dating people from an online source, or meeting and dating people you meet in real life?

Any other comments on this subject would be great.....these are just questions off the top of my head. :deepthoughts:


I would and have gone out with someone I met from dating sites, butch femme planet both long distance and locally

I have gone out on blind dates set up by my friends

I wouldnt date someone that dated someone I knew. Its just not right.

To me online first. Due to the fact that I am shy and cant just ask someone out initially. But if a femme asked me out in real time I wouldnt say no if I liked her too :)

*Anya* 09-14-2011 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by Library_girl (Post 417390)
Hello singles,
I'm starting this thread just to see what everyone thinks about online dating vs. real-world dating. Any and all comments are welcome!

*Do you (or would you) go out with someone you met online, such as from a dating site, chat room, BFP, etc.? (this can be local or long distance or both)
*Do you go out on blind dates? (set up by friends, co-workers)
*Would you go out with someone who has dated someone you know?
*Which do you think is better: meeting and dating people from an online source, or meeting and dating people you meet in real life?


*Yes, I would date someone I met online. I am not 25 and don't go out to clubs anymore. One must be careful of course-I am not talking about Craig's List! A lesbian dating site or the planet, yes I would. I think you can gain a sense of a person from how they how they put their thoughts, values and beliefs together in writing. I read posts and often think: "Great brains, love the writing, would like to know her better". Even when we try to put our best foot forward online, our real selves do shine through the words we put down.

*LDR is very hard for me. On one hand, the ability to put thoughts to paper (computer actually) fosters communication but it is still difficult to try to establish a true, trusting relationship long distance. I am talking thousands of miles, not just a few. It is a challenge to really, truly, with a whole heart; connect emotionally with someone that you can't even touch, hold or make love with. Yes, I have tried it. Additionally, the two people have to be in the same place emotionally. I am slow to love. My heart is a little crispy. I am shy and kind of an introvert. I don't just jump into anything quickly. It is difficult for me to communicate on a deeper level in a LDR. Hundreds of miles distance
would be easier for me, than thousands. I know people do it every day and I never say never.

*Blind date? Maybe. If it were a friend with very good judgment. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. A few hours of my time could wind up giving menthe greatest gift of all- love.

Kobi 09-14-2011 06:56 AM

I prefer real life/real time stuff. So, internet dating, LDR and such do not appeal to me. Relationships are hard enough without adding in distance and other obstacles.

Luckily, I live in an area where there are opportunities to meeting a variety of fine women.

Dont believe in blind dates.

Dont advocate dating someone who has seriously dated someone I know. That would be weird.

Glenn 09-14-2011 09:48 AM

After years of being in real relationships, I actually prefer online ones. I once dated, married, made love to, argued, and divorced a femme thousands of miles away for nearly three years all online. I did'nt speak more than a paragraph, or have to spend anything. or go anywhere. I did'nt have to do anything. In fact, it was the best relationship I ever had!;)

Just_G 09-14-2011 10:43 AM

Most of the women I meet are met online. I had a policy for years that if you lived within a 100 mile radius of me, I would not date you. I am leaning back towards that, but it is hard with the cost of travelling these days.

As far as blind dates go...hell to the NO! My friends always think that since I am gay and their friend is gay, that we would be the perfect couple! That makes me queasy just thinking about the ignorance behind that kind of thought process! My friends think that I would like the sporty/jock type of girl because that is how they see me....wrong again!! I am not sporty/jock...I am butch. I also don't care for the softball playing, typical androgenous lesbian. No offense to those of you that like them or are one...I just don't prefer to date them. So, back to the topic: No, absolutely NO BLIND DATES!! (unless of course it is set up by one of my BFP friends...they know exactly how I like 'em! :winky:)

Would I go out with someone that dated someone I knew? No. I have a hard time dating locals because the pond here is so small. I don't like the gossip that comes along with that whole package. "Did you hear what she did to so-and-so?" Nor do I like people knowing my business when I date someone, i.e. things that happen behind closed doors. :blink:

I think that both meeting people on line and meeting people in person have their advantages. Meeting them online, I tend to get to know them a little bit better and know more about them prior to meeting. Meeting them in person, I know right away if there is that physical chemistry and I can read their body language to know if they might be interested.

I was with a woman I met through a butch/femme singles site, she lived 3 hours away and we saw each other like every other weekend. It was the best relationship I have ever had. I had my space to work and do things in my hula hoop, and she had time to spend with her kids and take care of her hula hoop, then when we would get together, we didn't have to worry about anything but spending time together. It worked wonderfully for both of us!

pajama 09-14-2011 11:50 AM

I have gone out with lots of people I met through online dating sights. Some were nuts, most were not. Met one of the most wonderful people that way, my ex-wife. But I haven't ventured back into dating sights for over 8 years, just 'cause I do fine without them. And quite frankly, I don't sustain relationships worth a crap, so I'm not going to put the work into meeting someone through a sight that is required just to have it end a few months later.

I have never been on a blind date, but would be open to it. Might not meet a mate, but might meet a new friend. So sure, why not?

I would/have dated someone that dated someone I knew. Good lord, I have tons of friends. This would seriously curtail the posibilities if I didn't date someone who dated someone I KNEW. Now would I date an ex's ex, or a best friends ex. Possibly not.

For me, I prefer meeting people in person so I can work my magic. ;)

SugarLips 09-14-2011 12:55 PM

*Do you (or would you) go out with someone you met online, such as from a dating site, chat room, BFP, etc.? (this can be local or long distance or both) Yes I have and would do it again. Both local and long distance (although I think it's harder to have a long distance relationship in general)

*Do you go out on blind dates? (set up by friends, co-workers) I did once and I will NEVER do it again. However, I am more than willing to have an arranged meeting within a group setting. This way there is no pressure on either of us.

*Would you go out with someone who has dated someone you know? Probably not. I haven't so far. I tend to have a "circle of friends" policy that I just don't break.

*Which do you think is better: meeting and dating people from an online source, or meeting and dating people you meet in real life? I think each has their pros and cons. You can be taken in by a scumbag just as easily if you meet them in real life as you can meeting them online... And you can just as easily meet some amazing people online as you can in real life.

LaneyDoll 09-14-2011 01:09 PM

*Do you (or would you) go out with someone you met online, such as from a dating site, chat room, BFP, etc.? (this can be local or long distance or both)
Yes. I have met people online that I dated or fell in love with or dated but realized we were better as friends.

*Do you go out on blind dates? (set up by friends, co-workers)
No. I think it is a bad idea. My mom once secretly arranged for me to meet someone. I was supposed to meet her and she had them waiting. The problems were numerous. 1. It was a man. 2. He was in overalls. 3. He was in overalls knowing he was supposed to meet someone. 4. He barely talked to me anyway. 5. He was in overalls knowing he was supposed to meet someone he could be set up with. (Nothing against overalls but come on, I do not want to meet you for the first time and you look like you are going hunting or plowing a field.

*Would you go out with someone who has dated someone you know?
Yes. Assuming they ended things because they just did not match. I have dated someone that I was better friends with but who would have been perfect for another friend. But I do not arrange meetings/blind dates etc.

*Which do you think is better: meeting and dating people from an online source, or meeting and dating people you meet in real life?
For me, probably online. I find it hard to meet other people. I have been told that I am intimidating. But that is my fault. Since my fave alt bar does not get busy until late, I go from the dungeon. Leather corset, leather skirt, super high heels and full blown femme mode equates that the only people who talk to me are the cute little gay boys who want to pet me. I probably look like the most unapproachable person there.

You would think that I would learn-lol.


sara-bera 09-14-2011 01:35 PM

I have dated people from all different places online, many times.

I've been set up on a couple blind dates, but I don't really care for it.

I'm not sure if I'd go out with someone who's dated another person I know. The circumstances haven't occurred yet. I think it would depend on the situation and the people involved.

Which is better... well, I really prefer meeting people in person, but that happens very rarely. I'm painfully shy (though I've been working on it) and just a little bit old fashioned (I prefer the masculine/butch half of the equation makes the first move) so I tend to meet people online more often.

I'm afraid online dating is a bit challenging at times. I'm trusting and that allows me to be easily fooled, if the pursuant is of that ilk. I'm learning to be a little more careful and that it's not 'demanding' of me to want to talk to someone on the phone or see a recent picture of them. I don't like to be pushy or aggressive, but I do need to be a little more realistic and make requests, at the very least, when I'm getting to know someone.

That being said, the internet has been a really useful tool to meet people. I've made lots of friends, even a couple that I see prett y regularly. And you never really know where you will find love if you're open to the possibilities!

JAGG 09-14-2011 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by popcorninthesofa (Post 417501)
After years of being in real relationships, I actually prefer online ones. I once dated, married, made love to, argued, and divorced a femme thousands of miles away for nearly three years all online. I did'nt speak more than a paragraph, or have to spend anything. or go anywhere. I did'nt have to do anything. In fact, it was the best relationship I ever had!;)

Wait what???:seeingstars:

Julie 09-14-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by popcorninthesofa (Post 417501)
After years of being in real relationships, I actually prefer online ones. I once dated, married, made love to, argued, and divorced a femme thousands of miles away for nearly three years all online. I did'nt speak more than a paragraph, or have to spend anything. or go anywhere. I did'nt have to do anything. In fact, it was the best relationship I ever had!;)

How do you make love to someone online?
Or are you just speaking phone, video, cyber?
And how do marry them?
Are you being sarcastic - because my head is spinning!!!

Julie 09-14-2011 02:40 PM

*Do you (or would you) go out with someone you met online, such as from a dating site, chat room, BFP, etc.? (this can be local or long distance or both)
I am currently in a LDR with someone I met online. It has been almost 2 years!

*Do you go out on blind dates? (set up by friends, co-workers)
I have been on one blind date and it lasted 7 years.

*Would you go out with someone who has dated someone you know?
Someone I know or Someone who was in a relationship with them? YES to someone I know - MAYBE to someone who previously was with them. Depends on my relationship with the Someone. If it is a good friend, absolutely NOT!

*Which do you think is better: meeting and dating people from an online source, or meeting and dating people you meet in real life?
I have had both and I cannot say one is better than the other. It really depends on the person you are dating.

I am also really quirky when it comes to online relationships. Dreamer and I have been seeing one another for almost two years. I just don't understand how people can say they are IN LOVE and in a relationship, when they have never met. How can you know, when you have never shared physical energy. I know love can be BIG for some people, but I am fairly literal in every sense. I do not consider phone sex to be sex, as the same way as sharing your physical body with another. It took me well over a year of admitting to myself and others, that I was even in a relationship. Even though, we had spent time together physically and I love this person. We are not together full time, and so it is hard for me to understand. Even though my relationship was committed. I hope that makes sense. I just have a hard time grasping the idea of online (I am in love with you and we have never met) relationships.


clay 09-14-2011 02:44 PM

me, too...Jagg!

Originally Posted by JAGG (Post 417633)
Wait what???:seeingstars:

SugarLips 09-14-2011 03:07 PM

Me three!....

clay 09-14-2011 05:30 PM

*Do you (or would you) go out with someone you met online, such as from a dating site, chat room, BFP, etc.? (this can be local or long distance or both) I did, I have, and I will....My last partner & I met in the OLD w4w chat room...and we were together for 15 years!!! As some others have posted...you can find good both IRL and Online! Same goes with "bad apples".
*Do you go out on blind dates? (set up by friends, co-workers)
I have gone on blind dates....many, many years ago. I am just not into that now...but mine was a positive experience.

*Would you go out with someone who has dated someone you know?
Probably not if they had "dated" that person, but would consider it, if I were in that situation.

*Which do you think is better: meeting and dating people from an online source, or meeting and dating people you meet in real life?
I have had just as much positive from both venues...so can't say one or the other wins out. Both have their pros and cons. Online and LDR affords you to get better acquainted at a slower, more relaxed pace...and IRL allows you to actually see them in the flesh. Online, I tend to agree with some other posters, you get a "feel" for them more realistically in their written words as opposed to their spoken words. There is just something mystical, magical about, and having the the luxury of, reading their words, at your time and pace, and digesting..and being able to peruse them frequently..as oppsoed to IRL, spoken..you hear them then, and later try to recall what was said...online you have a digest to look at, so to speak. I can actually "feel" someone's energy in written words...someone had said in another thread, about how can you "fall in love" online...while I agree with that, for me, my love has many layers. I can feel love..and express that...no, I am NOT saying I am IN LOVE to them, I am sharing a level of love I have for them...be it their soul..their personality, or their words..or their actions...no two of us are alike, so what one may see, feel, etc...another may not..that is the beauty of the human race..we are each one UNIQUE! Love starts as a small seedling..and is nurtured, tended, and fed..so it can grow over time..and "time" to one is not the same to another...I happen to be one of those people who feels love...in so many forms, and am not afraid to share it. I OWN that one, and am proud of it. I tend to let go of the "negatives" and focus on the goodness, the positives...so....have a grand evening, everyone!

DapperButch 09-14-2011 06:04 PM

Ok, so since two other non-single people answered...
*Do you (or would you) go out with someone you met online, such as from a dating site, chat room, BFP, etc.? (this can be local or long distance or both).

Since the 90's this has been my usual way of "meeting" people to date (personal ads...not web sites). I find you can sift through people quickly this way. I don't do long distance and always date within a 30 mile radius (except maybe once or twice).

*Do you go out on blind dates? (set up by friends, co-workers)
Yep. Current partner is from a blind date!

*Would you go out with someone who has dated someone you know?
Nope. Never.

*Which do you think is better: meeting and dating people from an online source, or meeting and dating people you meet in real life?
None is better than the other.

DapperButch 09-14-2011 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Julie (Post 417642)
[B] I just don't understand how people can say they are IN LOVE and in a relationship, when they have never met. How can you know, when you have never shared physical energy. Julie

I concur! Not even the relationship or in love thing.... I think it is even weird for people to say they are "dating" before they meet.

What the heck?

lettertodaddy 09-14-2011 06:31 PM

Every partner I've met in the last 12 years or so has been through online dating. I don't know how to meet people in real life, it seems.

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