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GeorgiaMa'am 04-07-2017 09:16 PM

Can't Sleep? Insomnia? Post here.
It seems like so many of us are having trouble getting to sleep, or staying asleep, or getting enough sleep. What's keeping you awake - is it physical, or emotional, or environmental? What helps you sleep - if anything? Post here about your lack of sleep, or just post here when you can't sleep.

GeorgiaMa'am 04-07-2017 09:27 PM

Like so many nights, I just can't get to sleep. I have trouble turning off my thoughts - they just swirl around in my head, spinning and spinning, and causing worry, or long trains of thought. My dad passed away recently, and lately I especially can't get thoughts of him and the days immediately following out of my head. I've also been really distracted at work lately - mainly by the same thoughts that keep me awake - and I've been sleepy at work due to the lack of sleep. I'm falling behind in my work, and I've made a couple of blunders as well. People have been very kind, but I worry because I know they rely on me to help them do their own work. I don't feel very reliable these days. - Ahh, and this is what is spinning in my head tonight, even if it is a Friday and I don't have to go to work for the next couple of days.

So I've given up trying to sleep for awhile tonight and I'm killing time here on the Planet. I've heard that thing about how viewing screens of any kind for 30 minutes before bed can keep you awake, but avoiding screens doesn't seem to be helping any.

'Sweet Dreams' to all who pass this way . . .

MsTinkerbelly 04-07-2017 09:46 PM

Twenty-five years ago I was going through a really hard time...it went on for months. I had insomnia, which led to exhaustion, which led to depression......

What saved me was taking a class on "guided imagery"; learning to take myself out of my problems and focusing on somewhere I would really like to be, led to the ability to calm and soothe myself into a place where sleep came easier.

Sleep well!:moonstars:

Stone-Butch 04-07-2017 09:51 PM

I have insomnia and then when I do sleep I go into a coma. I am going to my second sleep study next month as they have ruled out apnea so they still want to know why my sleep pattern is so off and so do I. I lose a lot of day time as I am up all night and sleep a good part of the day. Sometimes I get lucky and get on a routine but it does not last long and I am sleep deprived for another couple weeks.

Soft*Silver 04-07-2017 09:53 PM

I have chronic insomnia. Its part of fibromyalgia. My body hurts, so I cant sleep. When I do fall asleep, as I move, my body hurts and I wake up.

I have found that treating the fibro right, with diet, exercise and meds, can reduce the insomnia. And sometimes, it doesnt

the latest thing that has been helping is melatonin. Lord I love it!

AmazonDC 04-07-2017 10:03 PM

Can't sleep.. too much on My mind I guess...

JDeere 04-07-2017 11:40 PM

I can't sleep, it is because I am too excited for later on this morning!

nycfem 04-08-2017 12:38 AM

I've been at my new job almost a year, and getting up in the morning has not really become much easier. I have such a hard time getting to bed at a decent hour. Maybe it's the computer screen, the whole blue light thing. I live for time off and the weekends when I can sleep in.

cathexis 04-08-2017 12:50 AM

Have a nocturnal sleep pattern awaking in the early afternoon and going to

bed anywhere from 4-6am. I worked 7pm-7am for 30 years. It's not too bad

except for times when bored or lonely. Sometimes my cats keep me

company, but they are on a more daytime oriented schedule. They often go

to bed with my Partner around midnight. Some cats! Geez!

FireSignFemme 04-08-2017 01:30 AM

I’ve been having trouble sleeping due to anxiety. My doc has me on meds for it, which is helping. However, the meds are making it difficult for me to sleep. If it continues my doc says they will put me on sleeping pills on an as needed basis, but first they have to see if the problem resolves on its own. Meanwhile, because everyone I know is sleeping right now, I’m so bored. There’s no one to talk to, even my cat is zonked out – traitor.

Chancie 04-08-2017 06:46 AM

I can generally fall asleep, but in times of stress, I can't stay asleep. I take two different prescriptions that generally do help, but right now, I'm waking up at 4:30 or so every morning. My mother's death and my complicated relationship with my sister feel hard and stressful. I'm having long complicated anxiety dreams.

Gemme 04-08-2017 11:15 AM

Lately, I've had issues winding down enough to be able to sleep. It's a process.

Soft*Silver 04-08-2017 11:34 AM

its proclaimed that having set rituals for bedtime helps. My dog Moon Baby knows my "get ready for bed" movements to a T....she rises the minute my recliner sets up and she heads straight for the kitchen counter where my meds are.

She knows when we go upstairs, she gets to lay next to me in bed and we cuddle for a few minutes. She doesnt stay next to me, as she gets herself up and sleeps at my feet.

I always put lotion on before I slide into the covers.

I listen to Dr Phil on my cell phone as I fall asleep. Combined with the melatonin, I fall asleep quickly. well, quick for me...

girl_dee 04-08-2017 01:46 PM

Oh where do i even start????

Gemme 04-08-2017 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by girl_dee (Post 1137256)
Oh where do i even start????

I usually prefer the beginning but wherever works for you is good for me.

Kätzchen 04-09-2017 01:07 AM

Lately, over the past few months, maybe almost a year now, I've sometimes had troubles getting enough rest. Sometimes my nor being able to fall asleep is of my own doing (like reading headline news, which is terribly distressing to me), or sometimes my not being able to sleep has been health related.

I've tried several ways of aiding my own ability to fall asleep, so that I get the best rest possible, by either listening to 'white' noise types of audio sounds or to recordings of ocean waves or Tibetan wooden bowls or bells. Sometimes if I'm emotionally stressed out, I might end up having a good cry.

But I think what's worked for me in the past, especially when I could afford it because it can be costly, is going in to see a certified clinician for Energy Therapy. I once had several sessions with a staff practitioner who did energy work on my body by using acupuncture, plant essences and soothing touch/massage therapy.

There was a really nice article in the January 2017 issue of Prevention magazine that talked about energy healing arts in the field of Natural Medicine. You could look it up online at their website or maybe even try to see if your local library keeps copies of this magazine in their periodicals section.

cathexis 04-09-2017 01:28 AM

To anyone awake, I bid you good evening. Am up as usual.

girl_dee 04-09-2017 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 1137281)

I usually prefer the beginning but wherever works for you is good for me.

You are SUCH a .... Gem, Gemme.

Here is one theory.

my whole life sleep has been a battle. Since I was a child I have had horrific nightmares. I was attacked but a huge dog (i was not mauled or anything) but i was a wee thing about 5, and i remember e eit like it was yesterday. i hated that dog and knew he was big enough to jump the fence. His name was Dino. i remember seeing him hop over that fence and come my way. i ran, he ran faster and he got me when i was near my house. My father came running out and i could hear everyone screaming *DINO!!!!*. i was ok thank goodness and i never did see Dino again, but for YEARS i had nightmares not about that Dino, but about the Dino from the Flintstones that turned evil, and in my dreams he would gather up all his evil dog friends and wait for me, and attack me. i would go running to my mother who let me sleep on the floor next to her bed, which is where more monsters would hide. :blink:

As time went on, my nightmares morphed into other forms of *monsters*. It was always safer to just stay awake, until i was so dead tired i had to sleep.

These nightmares have plagued me forever, BUT for the past week, i have not had any.

My point is that i think this set the foundation for insomnia.

girl_dee 04-09-2017 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kätzchen (Post 1137333)
Lately, over the past few months, maybe almost a year now, I've sometimes had troubles getting enough rest. Sometimes my nor being able to fall asleep is of my own doing (like reading headline news, which is terribly distressing to me), or sometimes my not being able to sleep has been health related.

I've tried several ways of aiding my own ability to fall asleep, so that I get the best rest possible, by either listening to 'white' noise types of audio sounds or to recordings of ocean waves or Tibetan wooden bowls or bells. Sometimes if I'm emotionally stressed out, I might end up having a good cry.

But I think what's worked for me in the past, especially when I could afford it because it can be costly, is going in to see a certified clinician for Energy Therapy. I once had several sessions with a staff practitioner who did energy work on my body by using acupuncture, plant essences and soothing touch/massage therapy.

There was a really nice article in the January 2017 issue of Prevention magazine that talked about energy healing arts in the field of Natural Medicine. You could look it up online at their website or maybe even try to see if your local library keeps copies of this magazine in their periodicals section.

This is very interesting, i did massage work and each time i saw a client i asked them what benefits they noticed, and they would say *better sleep*

Sex helps too. :sunglass:

AmazonDC 04-09-2017 07:04 AM

Bed at 3 am and up at 6 because My sister thinks I am awake since I usually wake up at 4:30 am ...... going to be a veryyyyyy long day

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