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Genesis 10-16-2015 12:11 AM

Urban Fusion Belly Dance - Ebony and Raqs Caravan Urban - New York Theatrical

Talon 10-29-2015 02:30 PM


Genesis 10-29-2015 11:04 PM

Sahara Piksie - Tribal Fusion Medusa

Genesis 10-29-2015 11:09 PM

Sirin Tribe - Tribal Fusion (Takaya Mija full choreography)

Genesis 11-05-2015 09:11 PM

"Solo por un beso" dance

Genesis 11-15-2015 10:09 PM

Let me dance

An empowering ballet class with dance tutor and choreographer Carla Steenkamp Sheills.
Thank you to the London Symphony Orchestra for permission to use this recording of Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet Dance of the Knights.
Filmmaker: Justin Owen. — at The Bull Hotel.

Genesis 11-26-2015 12:40 AM

Ilgın Tetikcan & Ayşe Karaoğlu - 2

Genesis 11-26-2015 12:43 AM

Ilgın Tetikcan & Ayşe Karaoğlu - 4

Genesis 11-29-2015 10:48 PM

Breath and Sound - Tom Goss feat. Matt Alber

Genesis 11-30-2015 11:31 PM


Genesis 12-09-2015 03:07 AM

Brazilian Samba Dancing Performance in San Diego

Genesis 12-09-2015 11:08 PM

Tough Lover - HD FULL Movie Clip - Burlesque

Genesis 12-09-2015 11:12 PM

Cell Block -Tango - Chicago

Genesis 12-09-2015 11:19 PM

Heart's Labyrinth- Extraits du spectacle

Heart's Labyrinth de Jiří Kylián
Ballet de l'Opéra de Lyon
Du 8 au 16 septembre 2015 à l'Opéra de Lyon

Genesis 12-09-2015 11:24 PM

Model: Kristin Allen
Photographer: Allen Parseghian

Genesis 12-14-2015 05:06 PM

Guillermo Cerneaz & Gaby Mataloni at Portland Tango Festival 2015

Guillermo Cerneaz & Gaby Mataloni
Portland Tango Festival 2015
Video by Steve Francis

Genesis 12-17-2015 09:34 PM

Flamenco Belly Dance Fusion

Umass Belly Dance Club
Teacher: Jackie Barzvi

Fancy 12-18-2015 11:00 AM

<3 West Coast Swing

Competition WCS dancers: Erica Berg and Jason Barnes
Music: Feel Good by Gorrilaz

Genesis 12-18-2015 04:50 PM

Janet Jackson - "Burn It Up" - JR Taylor Choreography

Genesis 12-18-2015 06:24 PM

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody Reinterpreted - English National Ballet

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