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Soon 04-20-2010 08:52 PM

Stressed OUT!?!
A place to let it all out!

What's STRESSING YOU OUT? Family? Friends? Partners? Work?

NO judging...we all get stressed!

Some things that stress me out:

I need to get more stuff done



...and I should take better care of myself, but all I want to do is chill! (as opposed to working out!)


You can let it all out, or advise those of us who feel overwhelmed with stress and how you cope? (i.e. does yoga REALLY work? ;) )

Strappie 04-20-2010 08:54 PM


I'm overwhelmed... and there for I'm procrastinating. grrrrrrr I move May 1st and seems like I have soooo much to pack.

CALGON ..... Take me away.. or perhaps a single hot femme? *smirk*

Strappie 04-20-2010 08:56 PM

Ohhh and one more thing.....

My car is dying a quick death.... Waiting for my tax return to use for the down payment... OMG It just needs to hold out another 2 weeks or so. Then she is off to be donated.

UofMfan 04-20-2010 08:56 PM

Well, for me, I am rarely stressed. I live a very easygoing, comfortable, stress free life, for the most part.

This was not always the case, and at times even today I get a little stressed over some things.

I believe that we each have to find out what works for us. For me, swimming, reading, or talking and letting it out with a good friend does the trick.

Oh and sex, that is the best method for curing stress, for me!
: )

Andrew, Jr. 04-21-2010 08:59 AM

I am very stressed out. I am not going to post why because they are personal reasons. I just ask for people to say prayers for me.



Jet 04-21-2010 09:11 AM

I'm stressed personified. I deal.

Soon 04-21-2010 09:20 AM

I just scheduled an hour massage (my health plan covers them, and I need to take advantage!).

The place where I get them is at my gym, so maybe I'll bring some workout clothes...or at least my bathing suit and go for a swim...that used to help!

This time of year is the craziest for me at work...I have to start taking better care of myself.


Linus 04-21-2010 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by HowSoonIsNow (Post 89370)
I just scheduled an hour massage (my health plan covers them, and I need to take advantage!).

The place where I get them is at my gym, so maybe I'll bring some workout clothes...or at least my bathing suit and go for a swim...that used to help!

This time of year is the craziest for me at work...I have to start taking better care of myself.


I miss my massages. I used to get them regularly in Toronto (once every two weeks) for nearly 3 years. I was also lucky in that my insurance covered about 50% of all my yearly massages so that helped a lot. I may take some time, on in L.A., to find a decent but trans friendly massage therapy to help me relieve some neck and back soreness (where all my stress goes).

Thankfully, I took care of a fair amount of stress by paying down nearly 70% of all my debt. I now have to take care to not let it increase again (I'm seriously contemplating canceling one or both of my remaining cards that I still owe on).

Right now, my main way of dealing with stress is to find quietness. I've found that living in NY my stress has increased, a lot (IMO) due to noise pollution.

MsTinkerbelly 04-21-2010 10:10 AM

I work full time
My daughter tried to kill herself
I take care of my Mother
My health is sucking
I can't find time to go to the gym

Nope, nobody stressed out here!:hiding:

Rockinonahigh 04-21-2010 11:24 AM

Im stressed out over my contenuing back and neck injury,as much as I have done to molly coddle the thing it spazed out on me and I finaly ended up in the ER at LSU hospital last night.ITs a good thing I finaly went cause now I have a fast track to the orthopedic docs to get it fixed or atleast something done with it so I can get as much of my life back as I can.I have been haveing probs with the medicaid doc I have not geting me into the system there cause he just cant seem to fax the request with the med reports to them...for seven months he has screwd around with this,even after LSU has requested this info from him many times.Now I have hope of a get back on track with thigs in general.

Andrew, Jr. 04-21-2010 12:22 PM


I don't understand your post at all. Are you being snarky or are you upset or what? I am just not getting it.

JustBeingMe 04-21-2010 01:18 PM

:freak: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! yep, stressed out here to say the least. Personal stuff ya know, and it sucks big ones!! I can't wait for some of it to freaking END ALREADY :worried: :vigil::praying:!!

Andrew, Jr. 04-21-2010 01:41 PM


It's HUMP DAY! :ymca:

Words 04-21-2010 02:41 PM

Surgery right shoulder.

Surgery left shoulder.

Then shortly afterwards, pelvic/abdominal surgery.

In the meantime...

Constant pain (and not of the 'good' kind). Insomnia. And - just in case I had any notion of actually taking it easy - an imminent house move.

Oh, and W/we B/both gave up smoking a few weeks back.

Nope, no stress here.



Rockinonahigh 04-21-2010 03:49 PM

Im wishing all the stressed out ppl to have a peaceful visit from the goddess of unstress,so that even for a little while we can feel better and rest without pain and worry.Brothers and sisters stay strong.

Gemme 04-21-2010 08:31 PM

All in all, I have it better than a LOT of folks, but the things that have gotten to me lately are:

~learning my hours will be cut very soon aka having the hope of job security shaken in this suck ass economy

~I'm trying to save up money to get some repairs done to my car and having my pay cut won't help. I also found out that one of the things I need to get done may actually make my car run worse. WTF? Oh, and it's going to cost twice what I was told before (by different people).

~I'm preparing to move more than 1800 miles away soon and basically start off from square one, again

~my housemates have been having serious relationship issues and the trickle down effect has been horrible for all of us in the house

~I haven't been the gym in a couple of weeks and I've felt my neck and shoulders tightening up really bad (I was in a car accident some years back and have residual issues) and I've gained weight (lack of working out and abundance of cramming comfort food down my throat) and have been hormonal and I couldn't figure out how to take off my cranky pants

Queerasfck 04-22-2010 08:46 AM

Here I go, the big and small of it. Venting is fun! Once I got going I couldn't stop.
  • lack of sleep
  • my co workers, while they are nice 'ladies' I really hate hearing them talk about Avon all the time
  • the irs and taxes, still haven't done mine
  • the laundry room & the garage--it's like a hoarders in there
  • the greenhouse effect
  • barking dogs
  • feeling disconnected from my kids
  • homophobia in our own family
  • traffic that causes me to have to leave 60 minutes early to work daily
  • that gross new sandwich from kfc
  • bills
  • the days before apretty's monthy visitor is stressful sometimes I wonder if I'll make it through

Andrew, Jr. 04-22-2010 09:15 AM

*Gossip that is beyond hurtful
*My declining health
*My car is falling apart - the transmission is slipping

JustBeingMe 04-22-2010 11:51 AM

:freak: somedays I feel like pigpen with a rain cloud hanging over my head :badmood: and I wonder if that damn cloud will ever lift. Today is a hard day for me, It's personal so I won't detail it here, but it's extremely stressful as I need this certain something to be over and done with permanently so I can move the hell on with my life. ARRRRGGGHHHH

Martina 04-22-2010 01:24 PM

HUGE HUGE project due Saturday. HUGE.
i busted my knee somehow and can't move around to do things i need to DO
i miss my Ma'am and Sir because i have been working on this damned thing for over a month
i have gained weight and look HORRIBLE
i do not have a printer and i need one
i have to work in one format and convert to another without knowing if it will look right
i have completely lost a lot of things i need for this project
After it is over, i have six weekends straight of classes
THEN i move
NOT counting a million things to do at work
MY roommate's dog keeps sitting on MY couch, and i can't get her off. The roommate has to. She might bite.
Did i mention i busted my knee and hobble in pain wherever i go?

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