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Mister Bent 06-14-2011 09:46 PM

What Makes Regular Folk?
I'm just a regular guy.

I do regular stuff.

I get up every day and go to work, then I come home and check the mail, make dinner, do the dishes, help my son with homework. Then I go to bed and in the morning start all over again.

On the weekends I go to the gym, grocery shop, clean the house, do laundry. Folding is fun. It's all startlingly average.

I was wondering what other regular folks do to define themselves as "regular."

dixie 06-14-2011 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mister Bent (Post 359262)
I'm just a regular guy.

I do regular stuff.

I get up every day and go to work, then I come home and check the mail, make dinner, do the dishes, help my son with homework. Then I go to bed and in the morning start all over again.

On the weekends I go to the gym, grocery shop, clean the house, do laundry. Folding is fun. It's all startlingly average.

I was wondering what other regular folks do to define themselves as "regular."

Pretty much the same things.

Just throw in full time college hours on top of the 60 hour work week ON TOP of helping the teenage son with homework.

My weekends are filled with things like excursions to the flea markets and thrift stores on the hunt for the odd, unusual items. Or perhaps hiking with kid and camera, trying to get good nature pics.

The occasional "Saturday night at the club" with a couple folks from this site. Or picnics and cookouts with family or good friends on sunny Sunday afternoons.

The laundry folding is kinda fun. I much prefer that over dish washing any day.

I think that's kinda "normal".


Diva 06-14-2011 09:54 PM

Regular is good.

I get up.
I turn off the porch light.
I let Lucy out, then feed Ricky, Fred & Ethel.
I let Lucy in and feed her.
I empty the litter box.
Then I get ready for my day, which generally consists of Le Toilette, getting dressed and household putzing before I paint or work on some artistic project.
I live a relatively quiet life, actually.

Some might call it boring. I call it Home.

Ebon 06-14-2011 09:57 PM

I work full time
Weekends and days off I catch up on shows that I missed or hang out with friends
I play video games
Build model cars
Work out
Eat, sleep and shit

Mister Bent 06-14-2011 09:59 PM

I don't actually mind the dishes, but I'm sick of the daily cooking and finally gave the boy the task of cleaning the littler box. I was over it.

A special note to the member repped me to say: "at first I thought this was a bowel regimen thread. I am getting so fucking old."

Your daily fiber regimen is also entirely welcome here! Trust me, a few Ex Lax jokes went through my head as I composed my original post!

Diva 06-14-2011 10:41 PM

Almost every morning.


DoReMiFemme 06-14-2011 10:51 PM

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday.
I work full time, eat 3 squares a day, drink too much coffee and then stay up too late reading when I know I have to be in the office early.

Sundays are laundry days, but I never seem to get to the laundry until Tuesday. My housemates and I let the dishes pile up, then we all bitch collectively about whose fault it is for the atrocity that is our kitchen sink.

I listen to NPR every morning on the way to work, call a friendly voice on the way home to de-stress.

I read up on the news, go to rehearsals, have friends over for dinner.

There's something so comforting about regular things. Our routines and habits become the rhythm, the pulse, the things we do without noticing. I guess they seem regular, but I think they're kind of beautiful.

suebee 06-15-2011 05:40 AM

I get up, let everybody out to pee, then turn the computer on. I have my tea in front of the screen and catch up on what happened in the news while I was asleep. During the day I either run errands or putz around the house. Always housework to be done. Always yard work to be done. Lately I've added looking after the chickens and flowers and seedlings for our all-too-short summer. On the weekends my Sweetie is here and have our weekly supper at the diner (want more coffee? You know where the pot is!), do projects together, do the rounds of the thrift shops and yard sales, and go for a run in the woods with the dogs. (the dogs run - we stroll).

I have been known to go visit a friend or two - usually to see their new critter - whatever that may be.

Not an exciting life, but it's comfy.

girl_dee 06-15-2011 05:54 AM

but but don't you find routine comforting?

I have 3-4 breathing treatments that must be done each day, my day/routine revolves around them most of the time. When I am online playing, usually I am doing a treatment as sitting still for 15 minutes would make me nuts.

I don't like being tied down to a tight schedule, Just as long as it's all done is good.

Peach 06-15-2011 09:21 AM

typical day, get up at 5:45, have tea and breakfast, check computer to see what i missed during the night. go to work. come home, check again. Go for a walk, have dinner, goof around with my honey, watch some tv, go to bed by 9-10. pretty exciting eh? days off I manage to sleep in till 7! we will go out for breakfast now and then, our favorite place just up the road. grocery shop, run errands, if its sunny, head for the local beach or hiking trail. just a plain, ordinary life, and we love it.

Julie 06-15-2011 09:30 AM

I wake up around 7am (latest)
See if Dreamer is still awake (Dreamer is an old fuck and goes to bed early).
Talk to Dreamer if Dreamer is still awake.
Make my coffee - Turn on the computer.
Let the dogs out.
Feed the dogs.
Let the dogs out.
Answer emails.
WORK work WORK (or not).
Walk circles in my house - It's what I do best.
Oh, I always have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


When it's sunny outside - I will just sit and listen to my birds (they are mine).

I do not cook anymore - I gave it up. I do try and vacuum at least once a day - I have four dogs.

Wait for Dreamer to wake up. Then we talk on the phone.
Then from there - It is evening, and I do the same thing.
Talk to Dreamer or now... I have discovered television the past six months. Now I watch it.

I am grossly ordinary and average.

And... I go to sleep - Just like the average jo!

Ms. Meander 06-15-2011 09:58 AM

Highly irregular
I don't think I qualify to post in this thread. :|

Starrynightaw 06-15-2011 10:08 AM

I wake up like everyone else does.
Go threw the day like usual.
Sometimes I do random things to separate myself from the crowd.
According to my boss I'm very by the book on alot of things.

Medusa 06-15-2011 10:23 AM


*Wake up between 4am - 7am depending on Jack's schedule
* Make coffee, let dog out, make lunches
* Check Planet for reported posts, etc.
* Answer emails and private messages
* Check work emails and job reports
* Get ready for work, feed pets, pick up kitchen and clothes
* Carpool to work
* Put in anywhere from 8 - 12 hours at work while periodically checking the Planet, paying bills, making appointments, and handling life stuff
* Pick up Jack and come home according to her schedule
* Let dog out, start dinner, wash a load of clothes or load dishwasher while handling phone calls and checking email
* Eat dinner, clean up dishes, throw ball with dog, walk on treadmill while listening to audiobooks, etc.
* Work an average of another 2 hours on regular job before bed (while still keeping an eye on the Planet)
* Shower, pick up bedroom, read a little, watch trash tv 1 or 2 nights a week, catch up on phone calls with girlfriends, etc.
* Go to bed between Midnight and 2am depending on schedule

Punctuate this with visits from Pops and Pappy, random trips to grocery stores and banks, and the occasional 9pm ice cream run. :)

DapperButch 06-15-2011 10:25 AM

I like this thread.
Another regular folk here.

Monday - Friday:
Alarm set for 6:45AM. Hit snooze until 7AM.
Dog out, then dog eats.
Drink coffee while playing online.
Look at time and then panic.
Jump in shower and then hope to find something that is already ironed.
Iron something b/c nothing is ever ironed.
Get to work 5-10 minutes late. Subsequently, everything is backed up by 5-10 minutes until lunch time.
On time for afternoon schedule.

Dog out. We both eat.
Play online or TV or nap.
Commit to self will go to bed early.
Walk dog around neighborhood for 20-30 minutes.
Go to bed late like a dumb shit so I am dragging in the morning. (usually 11:45PM)

The weekend I sleep until 9-11AM.
With my girlfriend either at my house, her house, or the beach in the summer.
Hike some trails with the dog, go to the beach, or go to a local event happening in my area. Do outside and inside work. Take naps.
Work remotely from home.

Go to bed late on Sunday night like a dumb ass.


gotoseagrl 06-15-2011 11:15 AM

living by numbers.
9, 12, 3, 6, 9, & everything in between, around, upside down & sideways. and if i am lucky, an hour or two or three or four (:cheerleader:) with my vd D ... with whom i would like to spend infinity & beyond ... to the zillionth power.

Mister Bent 06-15-2011 03:02 PM

I'm particular about my laundry.
I sort my underwear by type before putting it away. Folded, of course.

Date/prospect of getting laid

Apocalipstic 06-15-2011 04:27 PM

Pretty regular here. I work 8:30 to 5:30 mostly, hour for lunch.

Grocery, bank, errands, etc.

I also prefer laundry to dishes! and I enjoy ironing.

I like routine usually.

I loveeeee to read, sleep, watch movies and yes, get laid. :)

Heart 06-15-2011 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Mister Bent (Post 359708)

Date/prospect of getting laid

A date and maybe getting laid, eh?

I call that a special occasion. :|

princessbelle 06-15-2011 05:58 PM

I'm a regular folk for sure.

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday i work 12 hour days so i work sleep work sleep and then surprise...work sleep.

Mondays are my down days. I am so exhausted working those shifts i have made a pledge to stay in night nights and recoup, get caught up with family and friends and just chill.

Tuesday through Thursday i sleep in until around 9-10....normal ole stuff...

clean house
take mom somewhere, doc or shopping or god knows what
laundry and all that house stuff
love on my baby bella and catch a movie on tv or an episode of House here and there
talk on the phone..a lot
text...a lot
play on puter
in bed usually 10 or 11

Then comes Friday again. Fridays are my Mondays so i later rinse and repeat the week all over again.

The only difference in this schedule is in the summertime...i swim in the pool or actually float in the pool usually daily when i'm home.

Real exciting....but it's my life and someones gotta do it.

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