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dreadgeek 03-16-2010 10:52 AM

Politics: The Dark Ages edition
An allegedly responsible member of Congress has said that, get this, *demons* are infesting the capitol. Yes, demons. Yes, as in big, horrible monsters from the depths of Hell. Infesting the capitol.

Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) had this to say against the health care reform bill:

And then, out of nowhere, Gohmert began spreading the word that underworld spirits were lurking around the Capitol building behind him.

"There's a whole lot of demon going on," he said. "There are a lot of demons around here apparently."

When oh when are we going to get to a place where nominally responsible people don't feel comfortable making such ridiculous statements in public? In any kind of *sane* country, Gohmert would be laughed out of public life. But here, his comments pass without so much as an askance look and a "whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis".

It reminds me of nothing so much as the witch trial scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Knight: "How do you know she is a witch."
Peasant: "She turned me into a newt."
Knight: A newt?
Peasant: Got better.

One wonders what century this guy believes he is living in.

The full story in all of its amusing horror.


Linus 03-16-2010 10:55 AM


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp_l5ntikaU"]YouTube- monty python-witch scene[/ame]

What's scary is that others accept this as well... it's not just one "nut" but a whole bowl full.

Bit 03-16-2010 11:05 AM

It makes me really angry. This guy no more believes in demons than you do, Aj; he clearly wants to move up in national power, and he's shamelessly manipulating a gullible lot of people to do so. He knows just what allegations to throw out there to inflame the public, and he's cold-blooded about it; it shows in his picture.

Thanks for posting this thread, as I wouldn't have known about this jerk otherwise. So, the Teaparty is already racist and now they're "alll het up" about demons... doesn't take a genius to know who they'll be after next.

Sometimes I just wanna bury my face in my hands and scream for a while over the greed of some people and the concomitant feverish rush to ignorant prejudice of others. *shakes head in frustration*

dreadgeek 03-16-2010 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Bit (Post 67932)
It makes me really angry. This guy no more believes in demons than you do, Aj; he clearly wants to move up in national power, and he's shamelessly manipulating a gullible lot of people to do so. He knows just what allegations to throw out there to inflame the public, and he's cold-blooded about it; it shows in his picture.

Thanks for posting this thread, as I wouldn't have known about this jerk otherwise. So, the Teaparty is already racist and now they're "alll het up" about demons... doesn't take a genius to know who they'll be after next.

Sometimes I just wanna bury my face in my hands and scream for a while over the greed of some people and the concomitant feverish rush to ignorant prejudice of others. *shakes head in frustration*


I hope you're right about this guy not believing a word he says about demons (although the fact that there are people who *will* believe him is just as terrifying). If he's just a cynical politician, playing cynical politics, then typically that lot can be trusted not to drive the bus off a cliff. There's always *some* reason not to take that last step. If, however, he believes what he's saying (and, quite honestly, I presume that he *does* believe it) then that's far more disturbing because True Believers will drive a bus off a cliff (or fly planes into buildings) if for no other reason than to prove their point.

I find it disturbing that in this day and age, people of power and responsibility and talk about demons in public without ANY fear that they will be laughed out of town as a loon. As a nation it seems we've jumped the cognitive shark.


Medusa 03-16-2010 11:59 AM

I've been out of the loop the last few days and can't believe I missed the demon commentary!

See, scarily enough, I'm kinda thinking that the guy might actually believe that there really are demons running around on Capitol Hill. I will fully own that seeing the (R) after the guys name and that he was from Texas has completely shrouded my thinking with the veil of "must be one of those zealot Republicans".

*pause for dramatic effect while I read the Wiki on this guy*

Oh HELL, he's a "Birther" too.

He also apparently thinks that repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" will lead to "Nazism and legalisation of Necrophilia, Beastiality, and Pedophilia."

It's official. I believe the guy ACTUALLY believes that "demons" are loose on the hill.

It's hard not to wonder how other countries view the asshats in our political system as anything but unevolved, hysterical morons. Now, someone please stop me before I draw a parallel between religious hystericals and Republicans.

MsDemeanor 03-16-2010 12:00 PM

Let's see, Gohmert is a birther (co-sponsor HR 1503), a texas baptist, the guy who figured out that we could solve the economic crisis by giving everyone a 2 month vacation from paying federal taxes, carried signs to Obama's congressional address that said “What Bill?” and “What Plan?”, thinks that the Hate Crimes act is dangerous, and represents a state that is in the process of rewriting history so that wing nut conservatives are given more space in history books than, oh, say, the guy that wrote the Declaration of Independence.

I think that he's dead serious.

More terrifying is that people voted for him, so there are a lot more out there just like him.

Edited to add that Medusa and I posted at the same time and that I have no intention of stopping her from drawing a parallel between religious hystericals and Republicans, as I can't recall seeing a whole lot of religious hysterical Democrats floating around the Capitol or Faux Newz.

Bit 03-16-2010 12:29 PM

He's as serious as any surfer riding the waves; choose the wrong one and you're swamped, have to swim for it... but do I think he, himself, actually personally believes the crap he's selling? No, I believe he is a user who is using other people's fears and hysteria to get him what he wants.

I have yet to come across any politician who actually believes the right-wing nonsense they spout; like cynical church leaders, they just follow the money to power. It gives politicians and church leaders who are not cynical a bad name--but then, users never care about things like that as long as there is money (and power!) in it for them.

Medusa 03-16-2010 01:11 PM

More irony:

A government official calling for the end of government. (another Republican)


Medusa 03-16-2010 01:15 PM


I'm actually a little more than disturbed by all of the fuckery in the news today.

Here is an article about Jim Bunning (the dude who wanted to put a hold on unemployment bennies for millions of folks) trying to block President Obama's nominations to a couple of different positions using some idiocy about a CANADIAN smoking law.



Apocalipstic 03-16-2010 01:22 PM


If there are demons actually around, they are the ones who decided torturing people was oK.

I am with Bit, I think he is a politician playing to his base.

Linus 03-16-2010 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 67969)

I'm actually a little more than disturbed by all of the fuckery in the news today.

Here is an article about Jim Bunning (the dude who wanted to put a hold on unemployment bennies for millions of folks) trying to block President Obama's nominations to a couple of different positions using some idiocy about a CANADIAN smoking law.



So if Canada does it, it's ebil but if the FDA (yes, the US Gov't) does it it's ok? :|

No wonder the longest undefended border doesn't exist any more.

Apocalipstic 03-16-2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 67984)
So if Canada does it, it's ebil but if the FDA (yes, the US Gov't) does it it's ok? :|

No wonder the longest undefended border doesn't exist any more.

It's just insane. Insane.

Apocalipstic 03-16-2010 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by dreadgeek (Post 67934)

I hope you're right about this guy not believing a word he says about demons (although the fact that there are people who *will* believe him is just as terrifying). If he's just a cynical politician, playing cynical politics, then typically that lot can be trusted not to drive the bus off a cliff. There's always *some* reason not to take that last step. If, however, he believes what he's saying (and, quite honestly, I presume that he *does* believe it) then that's far more disturbing because True Believers will drive a bus off a cliff (or fly planes into buildings) if for no other reason than to prove their point.

I find it disturbing that in this day and age, people of power and responsibility and talk about demons in public without ANY fear that they will be laughed out of town as a loon. As a nation it seems we've jumped the cognitive shark.


Well, this is not a really far leap from "God" telling W to go to war and how to govern. If God can run the country, then so can demons?

Really the idiocy of it all is almost too much to bear.

All this magical thinking makes me sick at my stomach. And yes, this is not far at all from the Dark Ages.

dreadgeek 03-16-2010 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by apocalipstic (Post 67991)
Well, this is not a really far leap from "God" telling W to go to war and how to govern. If God can run the country, then so can demons?

Really the idiocy of it all is almost too much to bear.

All this magical thinking makes me sick at my stomach. And yes, this is not far at all from the Dark Ages.

Isn't it just too much? You know the strange thing is that this change happened suddenly! As late as the late 70's/early 80's if ANY politician had made such a statement on the record their career would be over and done with. Now, it's just a normal part of political discourse.

I'm waiting for someone to start claiming that witches are the cause of climate change.

Diva 03-16-2010 02:04 PM

I realize it's not my responsibility to tell all Y'all this...but may I just say that I read things like Aj's opening post and am ashamed of some of the pure~dee CRAP that comes out of the mouths of some Texas politicians?

I realize there are idiot politicians in every state.....but it does seem as though Texas has more than her fair share.....

And to think they actually believe what they are spewing just baffles my mind!

Thankfully, Austin IS an oasis in the middle of all the insanity.....but NOT so thankfully, our [republican] governor lives here......and he's a 'good ol' boy' from the word GO.

Heaven help us.

Medusa 03-16-2010 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by dreadgeek (Post 67997)
I'm waiting for someone to start claiming that witches are the cause of climate change.

Remember Paul Cellucci (R) from MA?! :P


I'm trying to find an article talking about how he had no problem with "accosting" those who practiced Wicca or paganism. I remember reading about it wwwaaaaayyyyy back when

Apocalipstic 03-16-2010 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by dreadgeek (Post 67997)
Isn't it just too much? You know the strange thing is that this change happened suddenly! As late as the late 70's/early 80's if ANY politician had made such a statement on the record their career would be over and done with. Now, it's just a normal part of political discourse.

I'm waiting for someone to start claiming that witches are the cause of climate change.


Seriously, an Inquisition is right around the corner.

I so thought that when President Obama was voted in that people were ready for a huge change, that there was hope for sanity in government. But no....we have idiots coming up with insane stuff to try and stop us from making any progress. He must be so incredibly frustrated, I don't think he had any idea how bad things really are.

Jett 03-16-2010 02:27 PM

It's a damn good example of the state of much of our society.

Unfortunately the people like him getting elected and moving into these high positions are there because large portions of society agree with them. It's not just him, and it's scary really.

Though I've never been surprised at the things people do and think, and for a while I felt like the greater part of society had evolved slightly beyond certain blatant stupidities (for the most part at least I thought). But lately there's a lot big reminders in the news of how very very far we have to go, the "tea party"s recent emergence and their racist messages, and other similar things of late.

I'd like to think that the insanities belonged to just the individuals speaking them (Gohmert, Pat Robertson, Fred Phelps the list goes on and on)... but unfortunately those people have insane (literally) numbers of followers that raise them up to and keep them in their positions.

If they don't actually believe what they're saying, it's still disturbing because they're addressing what they know people believe and want to hear from them.

MsDemeanor 03-16-2010 03:01 PM

When Texas decides to leave the Union, hopefully before the next round of textbooks are published, we need to find a way to relocate Austin.

Ye, I know that there are some good people in Texas, but I come from a long line of the not so good ones, so my perspective is a little skewed.

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