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Jess 11-03-2010 06:48 PM

Trans News/ Issues
I'm not exactly sure where to put this, because I didn't see a news or legal issues thread, so I figured I should just start one.

I heard about this a couple days ago and finally found an article regarding the new identification restrictions going on with airlines. It may be nothing to most people, but for trans- persons who often times their ID ( DL/ Birth certificate, etc) does not match their physical appearance, this could become an issue.

Just a heads up so folks can be prepared when travelling.


Jesse 11-03-2010 07:15 PM

Good article.

Heck just knowing that, "24 million Americans will take to the skies from Nov. 19-30" makes me nervous!

Waldo 11-03-2010 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jess (Post 220161)
but for trans- persons who often times their ID ( DL/ Birth certificate, etc) does not match their physical appearance, this could become an issue.

This is a non-issue.

It has nothing to do with your physical appearance. It has to do with what is printed on your identification and what is on your boarding pass and if the photo matches your presentation.

Just be sure that when you reserve a ticket you're using the same gender which is printed on your ID and you're good to go.

I flew on Monday and had zero issues with this change even though half the time I travel people mistake me for male. I did, however, encounter a very aggressive physical search at the gate before boarding my flight. Unrelated, as far as I could tell, though still quite uncomfortable.

Jess 11-03-2010 08:03 PM

cool, if it is a non-issue... I know some folks who live as.. look like.. are never questioned as male until they pull out their DL and it reads Female...

shrugs.. just thought it a noteworthy item.

Corkey 11-03-2010 08:21 PM

You didn't hear of our adventures in voting I'm assuming.
Yea sometimes people can be awfully dumb.
Old lady takes our names, gives my license to another old lady 'cause neither one of them can spell our last name, and it isn't that hard.
She looks at me male (first name), female (middle name), says my name out loud, as if the two were incongruent with what her eyes were seeing.
It happens more often than one thinks.
Some folks just have no manners.

Thanks for the info Jess.

DapperButch 11-03-2010 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Corkey (Post 220257)
You didn't hear of our adventures in voting I'm assuming.
Yea sometimes people can be awfully dumb.
Old lady takes our names, gives my license to another old lady 'cause neither one of them can spell our last name, and it isn't that hard.
She looks at me male (first name), female (middle name), says my name out loud, as if the two were incongruent with what her eyes were seeing.
It happens more often than one thinks.
Some folks just have no manners.

Thanks for the info Jess.

Yes, I had a similar situation (gender confusion), yesterday while voting....volunteer getting confused...female name, but a guy standing in front of you? Another volunteer had to step in to explain it to the older gentleman...yes, this IS ____ (meaning, yes, this is a female in front of you)...and my license pic matches how I look now, too! His eyes just couldn't match up the idea of the person in front of him matching with the female name.

lol..happens all the time...

Linus 11-03-2010 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Jess (Post 220161)
I'm not exactly sure where to put this, because I didn't see a news or legal issues thread, so I figured I should just start one.

I heard about this a couple days ago and finally found an article regarding the new identification restrictions going on with airlines. It may be nothing to most people, but for trans- persons who often times their ID ( DL/ Birth certificate, etc) does not match their physical appearance, this could become an issue.

Just a heads up so folks can be prepared when travelling.



Originally Posted by Waldo (Post 220207)
This is a non-issue.

It has nothing to do with your physical appearance. It has to do with what is printed on your identification and what is on your boarding pass and if the photo matches your presentation.

Just be sure that when you reserve a ticket you're using the same gender which is printed on your ID and you're good to go.

I flew on Monday and had zero issues with this change even though half the time I travel people mistake me for male. I did, however, encounter a very aggressive physical search at the gate before boarding my flight. Unrelated, as far as I could tell, though still quite uncomfortable.

As someone who travels regularly, I can attest as to how much of a non-issue this is. My passport still has my birth name and gender on it with a picture pre-transition. I have never been stopped, pulled aside or questioned about it. I have heard that TSA has had some sensitivity training on this and if there is a need to do a body pat down (e.g., refusal to go into the body x-Ray machine) you can choose which gender of personel you want to pat you down (based on comfort level).

That said, however, as a white guy I would bet that this has more to do with my skin colour and name than anything else.

Jesse 11-06-2010 11:37 PM

California: Transgender Candidate Is New Judge
"Voters in the San Francisco Bay Area elected the first transgender trial judge in the country on Tuesday. Victoria Kolakowski, a lawyer who underwent gender reassignment surgery more than two decades ago, won the race for Superior Court judge in Alameda County with more than 50 percent of the vote. "


Soon 12-12-2010 09:36 PM

Canadian Military Changes Transgender Policy

The Canadian military has changed their policy on transgender troops to be more inclusive of non-cisgender soldiers.

While the United States continues to debate whether openly gay soldiers should be allowed to serve, the Canadian Armed Forces are making themselves more inclusive for their transgender members.

Under the new policy, Canadian soldiers are instructed to wear the uniform of their “target” gender, regardless of their biological sex. Military personnel are also instructed to give transgender soldier privacy and respect for their decision — for example, not asking reasons when a soldier changes his or her name on military records.

However, not all is in favor of soldiers who come out and live as transgender during their tour of service: the new policy does not allow military honors to be reassigned to new names, even names adopted as part of a gender transition. The policy backs up this decision by stating that “there is no legal authority for rewriting history.”

The Canadian Forces have a history of demonstrating respect and inclusivity towards soldiers of all orientations. Since openly-gay soldiers were allowed and granted protection from harassment and discrimination in 1992, gay soldiers have enjoyed the same rights as their straight counterparts. Same-sex couples can get married in military base chapels, and their unions entitle them to the same benefits as other married military couples. Representatives and soldiers from the Canadian Forces are routinely seen at Canadian pride events, with a significant number of straight soldiers opting to participate in the events alongside their gay counterparts. The Forces have even covered sex reassignment treatments for transgender soldiers since 1998, and several soldiers each year undergo the treatments during their time in service of their country.

Even coming from such a good base of respecting the dignity of transgender soldiers, the Canadian Forces’ policy change has been praised as a critical move forward by Canadian LGBT advocates. “This is an important step towards recognising a community that has always struggled for equal rights and basic human protection,” Cherie Macleod, executive director of PFLAG Canada, stated in PinkNews. “When government becomes more inclusive, over time, society will follow.”

Soon 12-14-2010 07:34 PM

And the USA Religious Right Wing's Response:

Originally Posted by HowSoonIsNow (Post 246293)
Canadian Military Changes Transgender Policy

The Canadian military has changed their policy on transgender troops to be more inclusive of non-cisgender soldiers.

While the United States continues to debate whether openly gay soldiers should be allowed to serve, the Canadian Armed Forces are making themselves more inclusive for their transgender members.

Under the new policy, Canadian soldiers are instructed to wear the uniform of their “target” gender, regardless of their biological sex. Military personnel are also instructed to give transgender soldier privacy and respect for their decision — for example, not asking reasons when a soldier changes his or her name on military records.

However, not all is in favor of soldiers who come out and live as transgender during their tour of service: the new policy does not allow military honors to be reassigned to new names, even names adopted as part of a gender transition. The policy backs up this decision by stating that “there is no legal authority for rewriting history.”

The Canadian Forces have a history of demonstrating respect and inclusivity towards soldiers of all orientations. Since openly-gay soldiers were allowed and granted protection from harassment and discrimination in 1992, gay soldiers have enjoyed the same rights as their straight counterparts. Same-sex couples can get married in military base chapels, and their unions entitle them to the same benefits as other married military couples. Representatives and soldiers from the Canadian Forces are routinely seen at Canadian pride events, with a significant number of straight soldiers opting to participate in the events alongside their gay counterparts. The Forces have even covered sex reassignment treatments for transgender soldiers since 1998, and several soldiers each year undergo the treatments during their time in service of their country.

Even coming from such a good base of respecting the dignity of transgender soldiers, the Canadian Forces’ policy change has been praised as a critical move forward by Canadian LGBT advocates. “This is an important step towards recognising a community that has always struggled for equal rights and basic human protection,” Cherie Macleod, executive director of PFLAG Canada, stated in PinkNews. “When government becomes more inclusive, over time, society will follow.”

"According to LifeSiteNews, sexually confused service members in Canada will be required to cross-dress as a matter of military policy. Yes, you read that right. Cross-dressing will not just be a privilege in the Canadian military, it will be an obligation.

"According to a just-issued mandate, military personnel must conform to the dress code and standards of their 'target' gender. So a man who believes he is a woman will be required to start dressing as a woman, despite carrying around fully functional male equipment. This is regardless of whether genital mutilation surgery has taken place or not. [snip]

"If you want to see where the overturning of 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' will lead in the U.S., just take a glance at our neighbor to the north. It’s not a pretty picture." - American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer.

Linus 12-14-2010 07:44 PM

Ah yes. The AFA. lowering the bar even more.

betenoire 12-14-2010 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by HowSoonIsNow (Post 247537)
"According to LifeSiteNews, sexually confused service members in Canada will be required to cross-dress as a matter of military policy. Yes, you read that right. Cross-dressing will not just be a privilege in the Canadian military, it will be an obligation.

"According to a just-issued mandate, military personnel must conform to the dress code and standards of their 'target' gender. So a man who believes he is a woman will be required to start dressing as a woman, despite carrying around fully functional male equipment. This is regardless of whether genital mutilation surgery has taken place or not. [snip]

"If you want to see where the overturning of 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' will lead in the U.S., just take a glance at our neighbor to the north. It’s not a pretty picture." - American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer.

Argh, what a raging douchebag. I am so tired of rightwing extremists in the US bitching about us all the time and trying to use us as an example of "what not to do". Lordy.

Thanks for sharing even though I am angry now. ;)

EnderD_503 12-15-2010 10:04 PM

Well the AFA will certainly disaprove of this then: http://www.xtra.ca/public/National/C...lays-9536.aspx :D

Closer than ever to giving trans folks basic human rights Canada-wide.

Honestly, I can't help but find it somewhat amusing when religious extremists go on about trans "privilege" and "teh horrors of socialism!...people might have *gasp* rights!" *dies of shock* Anyone else not surprised Harper didn't show up for the vote?

Also, great article that I thought I'd drop in here: http://www.xtra.ca/public/National/M...enda-9527.aspx

DapperButch 12-15-2010 11:20 PM

Once again Canada shows us they are cooler than the U.S. :sigh:

Berlmeister 01-02-2011 02:49 PM

I can't find the article now sadly, but I very recently read that secretary of state hillary clinton has compaigned succesfully and now transfolk no longer need to prove that they actually physically 'match' in any way to the sex/gender posted on their passports. meaning one doesn't have to have any kind of srs or demonstrate that one's gender matches their sexual traits from birth. now that's not written in My words but the words I can recollect from the original article.

Soon 01-02-2011 03:50 PM

Trans man denied marriage license in Michigan

Rufusboi 01-03-2011 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Berlmeister (Post 258056)
I can't find the article now sadly, but I very recently read that secretary of state hillary clinton has compaigned succesfully and now transfolk no longer need to prove that they actually physically 'match' in any way to the sex/gender posted on their passports. meaning one doesn't have to have any kind of srs or demonstrate that one's gender matches their sexual traits from birth. now that's not written in My words but the words I can recollect from the original article.

Hello- This is true. To obtain a passport you are not required to have surgery. You will need a letter from your doctor stating you are undergoing "treatment" for sexual reassignment. In other words, hormones. The state department does not require anything else in the letter. I recently had my passport changed. I sent them a letter from my surgeon, which they rejected, and had to go to my doctor who prescribes the T for a letter. The state Dept. has this info on their website and states that they do not beleive any government entity should require surgery of a citizen. Its made it easy to get a passport. However, when you go to change things like birth certificates or social security number they want a letter stating surgery has been performed. You also need a male birth certificate when you apply for the passport. So ultimately, you have to have some kind of surgery to get all the docs you need, including the passport.

I have found the best route to follow is birth certificate first, then passport, then SS#, and finally dirver's license. A lot of people don't know that the SS Admin has your gender on file. Driver's license offices now cross check your social security number so in most states (I live in Texas) it is best to have the SS# gender marker changed before applying for the driver's license. They started doing the driver's license, SS# cross checking either after 9/11 or the Patriot Act. A lot of people don't know this is being checked with applying for a driver's license. If you have any questions let me know. I have all docs changed now.

My birth cert is out of Kentucky and they require top surgery only to qualify and this is for MTF or FTM. If you are born in Illinois, they require both top and bottom before they will change the birth cert. So although Clinton has made these changes, which are very welcome, we are still stuck with state requirements for birth certificates and these requirements vary but they almost all require some kind of surgery. I was also told that changing gender on the SS# also varies from office to office and who processes the paperwork. My local office accepted the surgeon's letter and top surgery only. But again, this can vary. We are pretty much subject to state laws and government workers. I got lucky in some areas including the state I was born in. What we need is a federal law and one set of federal guidelines.


Soon 01-03-2011 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rufusboi (Post 258535)
Hello- This is true. To obtain a passport you are not required to have surgery. You will need a letter from your doctor stating you are undergoing "treatment" for sexual reassignment. In other words, hormones. The state department does not require anything else in the letter. I recently had my passport changed. I sent them a letter from my surgeon, which they rejected, and had to go to my doctor who prescribes the T for a letter. The state Dept. has this info on their website and states that they do not beleive any government entity should require surgery of a citizen. Its made it easy to get a passport. However, when you go to change things like birth certificates or social security number they want a letter stating surgery has been performed. You also need a male birth certificate when you apply for the passport. So ultimately, you have to have some kind of surgery to get all the docs you need, including the passport.

I have found the best route to follow is birth certificate first, then passport, then SS#, and finally dirver's license. A lot of people don't know that the SS Admin has your gender on file. Driver's license offices now cross check your social security number so in most states (I live in Texas) it is best to have the SS# gender marker changed before applying for the driver's license. They started doing the driver's license, SS# cross checking either after 9/11 or the Patriot Act. A lot of people don't know this is being checked with applying for a driver's license. If you have any questions let me know. I have all docs changed now.

My birth cert is out of Kentucky and they require top surgery only to qualify and this is for MTF or FTM. If you are born in Illinois, they require both top and bottom before they will change the birth cert. So although Clinton has made these changes, which are very welcome, we are still stuck with state requirements for birth certificates and these requirements vary but they almost all require some kind of surgery. I was also told that changing gender on the SS# also varies from office to office and who processes the paperwork. My local office accepted the surgeon's letter and top surgery only. But again, this can vary. We are pretty much subject to state laws and government workers. I got lucky in some areas including the state I was born in. What we need is a federal law and one set of federal guidelines.


My husband did not need to have his birth certificate changed in order to obtain the corrected passport. He has all documents (SS, DL, Passport etc.) with his correct gender.

Some states won`t change a birth certificate at all (I think there are three of these).

Soon 01-03-2011 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by HowSoonIsNow (Post 258690)
My husband did not need to have his birth certificate changed in order to obtain the corrected passport. He has all documents (SS, DL, Passport etc.) with his correct gender.

Some states won`t change a birth certificate at all (I think there are three of these).

Also, some States won`t issue a new birth certificate but will amend the old one (with the old information still ON the BC).

Not sure if this is up to date but this site has a lot of info on States and Provinces and the changing of a BC:

http://www.drbecky.com/birthcert.html (p.s. Ohio is one of the states that will not change the sex on a BC--haven`t ran across the other one(s) that won`t)

Soon 01-03-2011 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by HowSoonIsNow (Post 258690)
My husband did not need to have his birth certificate changed in order to obtain the corrected passport. He has all documents (SS, DL, Passport etc.) with his correct gender.

Some states won`t change a birth certificate at all (I think there are three of these).

Should read--He has all other documents changed (SS, DL, Passport) without having had his BC changed.

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