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cinderella 03-11-2010 12:24 AM

Poems...come share your work.
I wanted a place to put my poems, but did not want to dedicate a thread solely for my work. So I hope I can induce you all to come here and post your musings. I will start with one I wrote a few years back, and is one of my favorites. Feedback and impressions are welcome.

The Lost Summer
God's good earth is calling,
It beckons I return
To greener days,
And childhood plays,
And lost days that I yearn.

Each field and glen remembers
When a barefoot boy did roam
Its hills and dales, its wooded trails,
And now wants him back home.

I sit beneath the shady elm
That once served as my store
For secrets and for treasures dear,
To keep forevermore.

A robin's egg, a spiders web,
Wax and a ball of string,
A kite to fly on windy days
A bluejay's faded wing.

But now I'm tired and weary,
And too old to run and play,
Yet in those dreams of long ago
I search for yesterday.

To find the glory in the flower,
The splendor in the grass,
Forgotten through life's hardships
Come to claim my soul at last.

Soft*Silver 03-11-2010 11:44 PM

In the soft darkness of night the rain comes
gently slipping from sky to earth
making sound as it approaches me
soothing me this late as I await
another breaking dawn

as others sleep
I cannot
way too much for me to leave
my mind simply seeks
with the rain

I quiet my breath
and turn down low the lights
blow out the candles used for prayer
and I ease myself into my bed
to listen as the rain sings softly
lullabyes to me
coaxing me to slumber
with the other diurnal beasts

I close my eyes
and hold onto its sound
and begin to breath in cadence
with its dance

soon I am one with not just the rain
but of the darkness
the earth
the wind
and my soul passes from Here to There
where we all Begin

In my sleep I hear the rain
it laughs so soft
as it hears my gentle breathing
I feel like a child in its mother's arms
craddled and rocked
rhythm and warmth
between heaven and earth

good night rain
good night softness
good night all
good night All

cinderella 03-16-2010 07:24 PM

This is a poem I wrote for the love of my life of eons ago...the feelings still remain...

The Questioning Heart
Tell me my love, what shall I do
To stop my heart from loving you?
What will I do with this love of mine,
I try to kill it, but it just won't die.

It sleeps and dreams in the quiet dark
Hiding in shadows an eternal spark
That now and then erupts in flames,
Feeding a fire I cannot contain.

The flames consume and burn my soul,
'Til there's nothing left of me at all.
In plumes of smoke my soul departs,
Leaving in ashes my shattered heart.

The heart that sought with desperation,
To find in you some consolation,
With kisses lost so long ago,
With secrets only we would know.

But lost forever now it seems,
Our vows of love and whispered dreams.
Tell me my love, what shall I do,
To stop my heart from loving you?

CAS copyright 2004

SuperFemme 03-16-2010 07:24 PM

Scarlet F

Cinderblock walls.
No oxygen.
Five thousand angry women.

Forever branded with the Scarlet F
Felon Felon Felon

One woman at a time.
Five thousand similar stories.

Daddy or Uncle or Mommas man
hurt them in ways nobody should
think of hurting a child.

First hit of heroin given by Momma
right before she sold them for sex
to get the money to buy the heroin

No love. No light. Maybe an escape
into the arms of a man far worse
than Momma.

They crack one at a time.
Murdering that man worse than Momma
until they become one organism.

Five thousand pulsating broken unloved
beat down souls. Finally branded with the
Scarlet F. No hope. No way out. No love.

Society believes they deserve it and then
one at a time...they believe it too.

Where is the brand left on those that looked
past them, around them, and maybe even AT

Don't get involved. It's none of your business
until someone steals your purse.

Momma, Uncle, Daddy, Husband!
Where is YOUR Scarlet letter?

Five thousand Scarlet F's in ONE of many
facilities built to hold them in.

Five thousand stories that have a common

America has no idea what that Scarlet F really
means. Or the cycle of carnage that will keep
new F's coming.

cinderella 03-16-2010 07:30 PM

Wow! This is very disturbing. This is meant as a compliment. Thanks for sharing.


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 68181)
Scarlet F

Cinderblock walls.
No oxygen.
Five thousand angry women.

Forever branded with the Scarlet F
Felon Felon Felon

One woman at a time.
Five thousand similar stories.

Daddy or Uncle or Mommas man
hurt them in ways nobody should
think of hurting a child.

First hit of heroin given by Momma
right before she sold them for sex
to get the money to buy the heroin

No love. No light. Maybe an escape
into the arms of a man far worse
than Momma.

They crack one at a time.
Murdering that man worse than Momma
until they become one organism.

Five thousand pulsating broken unloved
beat down souls. Finally branded with the
Scarlet F. No hope. No way out. No love.

Society believes they deserve it and then
one at a time...they believe it too.

Where is the brand left on those that looked
past them, around them, and maybe even AT

Don't get involved. It's none of your business
until someone steals your purse.

Momma, Uncle, Daddy, Husband!
Where is YOUR Scarlet letter?

Five thousand Scarlet F's in ONE of many
facilities built to hold them in.

Five thousand stories that have a common

America has no idea what that Scarlet F really
means. Or the cycle of carnage that will keep
new F's coming.

SuperFemme 03-16-2010 07:31 PM

Thanks. It IS disturbing, and does well when in a spoken word format.
nice thread.

Venus007 05-01-2010 10:53 AM

I want to be pinioned, pierced, filled, put in my place.
I want to be shot through with the thick kundalini arrow.
Spin my chakras baby .

I want flesh and bone.
Shake me until I rattle
Pulled under in your tide.

Turn to the big bad wolf before my eyes (my what big teeth you have)
Push back my little red riding hood and lick your chops
Howl with raw throat .

Carnal carnivore
I am predator and prey
Devoured and devouring

Breath to hips to breath, unbroken circle,
Locked together, fiery wheels within a wheel
Spinning thunder in my bed

Venus007 05-01-2010 10:54 AM

My lover is a leopard pelted goddess
My lover is a leopard pelted goddess,
A ripe fruit that must be eaten in the bathtub;
Nectar flowing down
Chin and hands.

In the basin of her hips
I press my lips to the fire,
My tongue to the work of the flames
And am consumed as I knew I would be.

This is my holy heart of fire
This is my sacred gift.

I'mOneToo 09-28-2010 11:58 PM

on a bar stool
six feet tall
gorgeous tendrils
of curly blonde hair
i ran my hand through it
caught it in the back,
entwined it in my fingers
held it
pulled it slowly
our lips
so close
i moved to her ear
my suggestion
was her answer
ah, negotiation...
"i need to..."
what, what?
in her timidity
she bit my neck
i disengaged to ask
"what do you need?"
she licked my earlobe
and whispered her request,
"i need to see your ID."

baby butch.
diaper dyke.
barely 21,
yes, I showed her proof.
a year later
we laughed about that
at our anniversary dinner
when we celebrated
our one-night stand
that held up
through 12 months
of silly string
and delusions
that made up
our "R"elationship
we exchanged rings
called ourselves married
enjoyed all the trappings therein
and were thus... trapped.

many years later
when history
repeated itself
i tried to remember
that kind of september
when life was so tender
though it wasn't always mellow
and september is not always

but i have learned
through all those septembers
that when october comes
blowing leaves into corners
where they get stuck
in the cobwebs
on the shelves
of the mind
there will always be
a fall
and i will always
catch myself

remembering with kindness
the septembers that fell apart
and drifted away
with the falling leaves

Venus007 05-08-2011 12:54 AM

Written in 2002
Turned away from the summit, I camp among your foothills and
recall the days when I took for granted I would always be able to
walk the shining path, through the clouds to your secret garden.

I wait for the storms to clear and the way to open.
I watch others born down from the heights unable to even rest in the shadow of the mountain.
I wonder if they found the precious things I left there.

The sun flashes off the peak and I am Ulysses lashed to my tent pole listening to the song of the sirens.
They beckon me to climb, to force my way up. To face the icy winter storms and
snowy billowing avalanche; to be hurtled down the mountain,
broken, and cast out from even the comfort of the foothills because the mountain does not will it.

There is beauty here, on these lower rises, on these fertile hills.
I watch the intrepid adventurers parade by; packs earnestly strapped on, scoffing at this small tent on the mountainside, confusing patience with weakness.
I have seen their bones pile up over the years. All that is left of them is the plastic they leave behind and the damage from their fires.

They are lured by the peak, like a junkie to a needle, like a moth to a candle, like I am though I endure.

Mr Nice Guy 05-31-2011 10:08 PM

Your glaring eyes tell me what you think.<<disallowed word>>
Your vicious in your thoughts.<<disallowed word>>
I know you don't like me.<<disallowed word>>
Why?<<disallowed word>>
Is it because I'm gay? Or is it because I'm butch?<<disallowed word>>
Well guess what? I don't care!
I was put in this world just like you so take the target you put on my back and shove it!
I don't need your crap or your ideals of what life should be.<<disallowed word>>
I don't need your labels either cause I have my own.<<disallowed word>>
You must not live by my code of conduct because I believe we all should be free to be ourselves.<<disallowed word>>
You have a way with words and I wouldn't call it fluff.<<disallowed word>>
I shouldn't waste my time fighting your bigotry.
I will be the big person and walk away and leave you with your mouth hung opened and a yellow stripe on your back.<<disallowed word>>

T4Texas 06-01-2011 01:07 AM

Letting go

there are times when life will give us
the hardest things to do
when we have to try to forget
what was at one time me and you
the changes that come to pass
are sometimes harder than you know
and its never all that easy
to be letting go.

if only love could carry
us through all those things
if it would just rise up
and take us on its wings
perhaps we'd never have the pain
or the loss that seems to grow
and we'd never have to suffer through
the ordeal of letting go.

If I could have done things different
or said a word or two
just any little thing at all
that might have inspired you
I certainly would have given it
just so that you would know
that I never wanted to be the one
that would have to be letting go.

I always will remember
the times that we both shared
and I'll never forget the times
that you tried so hard to care
but now I must be on my way
to the future, whatever it holds
and I hope some day you will understand
how much I hated letting go.


Mr Nice Guy 06-01-2011 04:13 AM

The tears I cry today are for memories of yesterday.
Seeing you again makes it all new.
I thought that after all theses years I would be over you.
I guess I'm not and this shocks me to the core.
You wave goodbye and I stand there and watch my feelings walk out the door.
God please help me, please take away this pain.
Make me see that once was yesterday is not today.
You can't hang on when there's no rope to hold.
Just walk with your face held high and heart full of hope.
Someday your soulmate will come and take your heart away.
Today or tomorrow but never yesterday.

This poem was inspired by the threads I read.

Mr Nice Guy 06-18-2011 06:34 AM

I lie awake as darkness falls and
Listen for the sound of silence.
It touches a part of me that no one sees and only I can feel.
It's my heart laid open like a book thats being read.
Or a curtain that has yet to be closed.
It's my greatest treasure down deep the depth that no one knows.
A colour of beauty that would steal your breath away.

T4Texas 06-18-2011 08:31 AM

No matter how many days
we spend apart
I still have a place for you
right here in my heart
a tiny little nook
set aside for you
no matter what you say
or no matter what you do
it doesn't matter how the world
might spin from end to end
that little place will still remain
a refuge for a friend.

You'll always have that place
no matter how things go
if some day you come to find
you must move along, just know
there will be no animosity
no anger or despair
just someone who always cared
and wanted to be there
You've given me a gift
I never can repay
you've given me myself again
somewhere along the way.

You remind me of the Texas sky
at the end of a perfect day
when the ribbons of red reach far and wide
then fade to deepest grey
it's all a part and parcel
of the mystery that is you
I hope that I shall never lose
that moment when I knew
you were the woman I wanted to know
and to keep a little close
the one who brightened up my life
and made me less a ghost.

Mr Nice Guy 06-23-2011 03:22 PM


Take your sign of death, your raven that sits upon my heart.<<disallowed word>>
My heart is not dead yet.<<disallowed word>>
You cannot steal my soul to quench your desire of need.<<disallowed word>>
You cannot cradle my soul and expect me to just lay.<<disallowed word>>
You will hear my shouts of protest and know my wrath.<<disallowed word>>
You will know that I will not go willingly.<<disallowed word>>
I will stand up and look you in the eye and whisper in your ear with venom.<<disallowed word>>
" I am me and I choose to stand strong with hope and faith " I give this to you as my rendering, a statement, a fact. "<<disallowed word>>
This is my life's verdict.<<disallowed word>>
"I will love again."
<<disallowed word>>Take this on a wing and a prayer.<<disallowed word>>

luv2luvgirls 06-24-2011 07:10 AM

what a great thread! Thank you Cinderella for making it and inviting us to share
I must say all of these poems hit me for so many different reasons,thank you all for sharing them :) here is two of mine..

let it burn...be consumed in the flames
tears stream silent falling like rain..
wash my face cleanse my soul..
bring me back out again whole..

...with each emotion comes a price
feelings are like rolling the dice
even when one is pure and true
its opposite is waiting to claim you

in sorrow we see the better side of the you and me
in pain we digress to scared to confess
in love we are blind to all rhythm and rhyme
in hate we are consumed by the flame of doom
in happiness we feel like conquering the world


LaneyDoll 06-24-2011 08:01 AM

disenchantment: (English) Singular Noun (plural noun-uncountable) 1.the act of disenchanting or the state of being disenchanted. 2. freeing from false belief or illusions


You say I don’t exist
Yet I lie here in your arms
So how did I end up here
Once I fell for your charms?

All the times I wanted you
So close and yet so far
I could almost reach and touch you-
Like grasping for a star.

I listen to your heartbeat
And feel the breath you take,
I touch the warmth of your skin
As I lie here and I break.

But when you talk I hear you
And tears fall down my face,
When you say I that I’m not real
That I don’t have a place.

You gently kiss my lips
And run your fingers through my hair
So why did I feel these things
When I’m not even there?

To you, I don’t exist
And yet you held me tight,
As the moon left for the sun
And morning replaced the night.



cinderella 06-24-2011 09:58 AM

You're more then welcom,luv2. Glad you are enjoying the posts. I particularly liked this one of yours...very touching.


Originally Posted by luv2luvgirls (Post 364469)
what a great thread! Thank you Cinderella for making it and inviting us to share
I must say all of these poems hit me for so many different reasons,thank you all for sharing them :) here is two of mine..

let it burn...be consumed in the flames
tears stream silent falling like rain..
wash my face cleanse my soul..
bring me back out again whole..

...with each emotion comes a price
feelings are like rolling the dice
even when one is pure and true
its opposite is waiting to claim you

in sorrow we see the better side of the you and me
in pain we digress to scared to confess
in love we are blind to all rhythm and rhyme
in hate we are consumed by the flame of doom
in happiness we feel like conquering the world


luv2luvgirls 06-24-2011 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by cinderella (Post 364623)
You're more then welcom,luv2. Glad you are enjoying the posts. I particularly liked this one of yours...very touching.

thank you Cinderella :)...im in the mood for expressing hope you dont mind more :P

up and down and round again
wondering if today it will end
love falls on deaf ears
bringing the sound of my fear
gently i sway
...to the rhythm I play
in my heart so true
the beat is for you
lyrics in my head
fall like spent lead


you didnt see,couldnt feel
the hurt inside was so real
finding ways to cope with loss
wondering why its so easy to toss
your words ring false and untrue
I'll never get over you
one day I will lift my head
face the world feeling dead
‎life has been good to me
raise my glass and let it be
have a drink on me toast my pain
lift your glass and let it rain
down your throat it slides
warm as fire as it glides
its ok I learned life is that way
consume me in the flame
so I rise again another day


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