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Medusa 11-16-2010 04:17 PM

What is Your Employment Situation?
Hey Folks,

I noticed a lot of people talking lately about their employment status or losing their job. Im curious about the makeup of the folks here on the forum.
Anyone wanting to talk about their employment status, searching for a job, etc - This might be a good way to support one another.

Check out the poll:


Blade 11-16-2010 04:25 PM

My employment situation has been going down hill since August of 2008. I do still have a job and am working 30 hrs a week. There is rumor that if we loose one of the largest home improvement centers in the US we will go down to 24 hrs a week and likely some will be laid off. They've hit me for $1200 a month, but I am still working and have my benefits, but heck I can't afford to use my benefits. I'm looking for a job. Not a part-time job to compensate for the loss, but a new full time job. Best of luck to everyone looking for a job.

girl_dee 11-16-2010 04:27 PM

Bodyworker here about ready to lay my hands on whomever I can get them on! Hopefully I get some clients who need me!

LipstickLola 11-16-2010 04:31 PM

I have a full time job in a highly stressful area of a large medical center. The trend is to hire younger, fresh out of school types who are paid less, and that is worrisome. I've been at it for 30 years. I love my job and am grateful to have it regardless.

I always say I need to find something else, (at my age), but at the same time, I feel I should not rock the boat!

Greyson 11-16-2010 04:32 PM

I am employed full time but have been at a 15% reduction in pay for the past year and a half. In January it will go to only a 10% reduction in pay.

I don't like it but I know I am still lucky and no matter what happens "out there," I will keep my self respect in knowing, I am doing what I can like most of us here are doing.

Linus 11-16-2010 04:32 PM

I've been lucky enough to be employed by the same company for 5 years now and they've been proactive enough to get me a visa to work here in the US. My role has changed a bit but my company is also doing very well (profit of 40% year over year and receiving regular raises and bonuses each year -- this year is a whole new high at about 40% pay increase, bonus and raise combined).

shadows papa 11-16-2010 04:47 PM

I am currently in school,working toward my A.A.S. as a physical therapist assistant. I live and breathe for graduation,state certification boards and getting back to work by June of 2011. It's been a long hard slog of almost 4 years to attain a 2 year degree. For the first 3 years I worked fulltime along with school. Working while actually in the PTA program was pretty much out of the question. So I have been living on school loans and finally,after impoverishing myself enough,I am getting Pell Grants. That along with the help and support of my Miss Pink,my Mama and my bro SnackTime have helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait for that first paycheck in a field I LOVE,that happens to be very stable and has a HUGE projected growth rate over the next 10 years. The first thing I'm gonna do is take them all out to eat,on my dime because I wouldn't be doing this without them. Sorry for the off topic ramble,but I am truly BLESSED. The job market here in Middle Tennessee is pretty tight for all fields but if folks will post what they are looking for and whether they are able to re-locate maybe we can all help each other through this dismal period in our country's economy. Good luck to all who are looking!

miss entycing 11-16-2010 04:51 PM

I've been out of work for a year now... I was a GM for an extended stay type of hotel. Been in the Hospitality industry for 20 something years, 3/4 of that time, I've been in upper managment.

My last job required me to live on property, which was fine, because we were selling the house in Co anyways, the apt there was almost 2000 sq ft, and everything else (elec, wireless, etc) was taken care of and the plan was for me to transfer and take over a property close to home- anyways, 3 1/2 yrs later, I am working 120 hours a week -LITERALLY, (and anyone who knows me knows my work ethic- knows that I gave EVERYTHING I had, and then some) with 1 desk clerk, and 2 housekeepers- I'm telling you, my company had it GOOD with me, lol. I found out after I lost my job that they had brought a 23 yr old desk clerk from a Vegas property to take my hotel, she was given 1/2 my salary, given a bigger title, and was flown in to replace me asap.

I was then given 48 hours to vacate the property- mind you, not only did I lose my job, we lost our home... in a span of a 10 minute conversation in my office with my boss.

I had moved to Colorado in 2006 a couple months after Damon and I met, and last year at this time, Hy brought me back home to SC after I lost my job.
When we came home the unemplyment rate here was 12%- its not gone down much since.
Since moving back home last november, I have searched for a job in some capacity every single day- I have even applied and interviewed for a job at McDonalds- only to be turned down because they said I wouldnt take it serious enuff because I would think making biscuits at 4am beneath me.
No joke, I cannot find a job, and I will run out of unemployment benefits eventually.
I've never been out of work this long my entire life, nor have I felt as low as I do when I call in my unemployment every 2 weeks- makes me feel like a bum, and to be quite honest.. I feel absolutely worthless most days. I am missing part of my identity, its affecting my confidence, my self esteem, my relationship, and my outlook on life in general.

what saddens me... is that I am not the only one here feeling like this, and in this same situation.

lipstixgal 11-16-2010 04:52 PM

I'm unemployed but just graduated literally weeks ago from a medical assistant college here in NJ. Looking to relocate though to warmer climate. NO I don't have experience which sucks but would do anything to get some. I did do an internship for 6 weeks so that is good. My dream job is to be an nurse a degree in RN...any tips would be appreciated..

EnderD_503 11-16-2010 04:56 PM

I'm currently employed full-time and while I'm not actively looking for another job right now, it's definitely on my mind considering how the company treats its employees and membership/clients. Once I've helped my current clients get to where they want to be, I'd like to move away from that kind of atmosphere though in a similar line of work. Who knows, though.

Julien 11-16-2010 05:16 PM

At this moment in time I am an unemployed (laid off) teacher with a PhD in a field that is very competitive in the job search front. I taught for 10 years before the lay off happened. My dad found out 4 weeks ago that he has throat cancer. I believe that my lack of job enabled me to help my folks out. So does everything happen for a reason? I've got to believe in that or I would be really depressed.

Lynn 11-16-2010 05:20 PM

I am lucky enough to be working in my field. I do work two jobs, with some added work thrown in, in order to pay the bills. I haven't seen an increase in income for several years, and, as inflation goes up, this has lead to increasing debt in order to make ends meet. I have looked for jobs with more responsibility, hoping to increase my salary, and even have had job offers. But, always at a significant salary cut. I am actually looking at options for going back to school. I have an interview tomorrow at a college that offers a psychiatric nurse practitioner program. I am not sure that this is feasible, but I'm looking into it. I would immediately see my salary double, and I would be entering a field where there is a need. I already have a lot of expertise in this field, so I'm hoping that it will be possible.

WickedFemme 11-16-2010 05:28 PM

I am fortunate to be employed full-time, but sometimes I get a little resentful that I am working for less pay than I did before the Bush years and since. My bills certainly haven't changed and prices have not come down at all on anything. I looked for other jobs in my field but there isn't anything out there that I am interested in doing nor are there any jobs that pay more than I am making now. It's very sad, but I am grateful to have a job and am looking forward to the day when I can make at least what I was making ten years ago.. I heard I may get a raise next month, which would make me feel a little less stressed.
good luck everyone - it's tough out there... especially for us older folks that are looking for employment. I still can't afford to even touch my student loans - is that crazy or what? I wonder if I ever will???

DomnNC 11-16-2010 05:43 PM

I guess I'm lucky, I've been self-employed since 1989. I did go to work full-time for one of my clients for about 10 years but I still maintained my other clients on the side. I was working full-time for said client in 2005 when I had to have a neck and back surgery. Chuckles, they hired a 60+ yr old dude to "handle" my position while I was out on sick leave, but we all knew he was my replacement. I had to laugh when said dude cost the company over $150,000 buying computer equipment that was not needed because he corrupted the operating system on an AS400 and did not know how to reinstall it (said he worked for IBM for 20+ years and was a programmer/systems analyst like me, it took one phone call with him to figure out the man lied about his abilities so I told said client I would not help them in any way cuz that man was going to mess up their system and boy did he ever, lol) coughs, so 6 months after I had my back surgery they asked me to come back full-time to which I told them I didn't need their stinking ass job as I was making a comfortable living being self-employed and didn't have to handle the stress of the parent company plus the 6 branch locations (I was the MIS Director). So I'm still self-employed and making a good living at it.

Sorry to hear of everyone's troubles with employment. It does suck out there!

Jet 11-16-2010 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by EntycingFemme (Post 229200)

I've never been out of work this long my entire life, nor have I felt as low as I do when I call in my unemployment every 2 weeks- makes me feel like a bum, and to be quite honest.. I feel absolutely worthless most days. I am missing part of my identity, its affecting my confidence, my self esteem, my relationship, and my outlook on life in general.

It's normal to feel this way for one thing. But you need to fight this, as best you can, so you can be level. I've been there so many times, I know. I also know what it is to reinvent my career, entering another field and crossing the learning curves. It's tough. I'm responding again here with other things for you and anyone else in this thread.

Some things to remember...as I told you in the other thread it's not you. Job hunting is not anywhere near the same as it was in our generation. You're screened through the internet along with hundreds of other applicants, and that's only if your resume gets seen. It's not like the old days when you could make a call, set up an interview and shake hands. Tailor everything towards the company if the company name is even listed. Tailor your presentation if it's not listed. They do that a lot not to be inundated and that makes it worse.

Companies don't care about you. They only care about what's best for them. Because of the economy, most companies want cheaper help and people who are flexible enough to wear about 3 hats for the same amount of pay. I no longer believe it's good to list years of experience now days when a company's priorities are to get the best bang for the buck and someone who doesn't appear overqualified. Usually younger, and the smart ass savvy get the best shot. I completely revamped my resume to get rid of a lot of over qualifying information. I just haven't applied in quite awhile because I'm so sick. Make your resume brief, but invite them to inquire about additional information if available. And research the hell out of the company.

Job hunting and today's methods and variables make it a tidal wave. Do everything you can to lower the water by getting rid of anything self defeating, that's first. You're not a bum or a loser. Revamp your approach if you need to and tailor your presentation to overcome the youth factor, the online limitations—make yourself custom fit. Having a ton of experience doesn't cut it anymore as much as mentioning stronger skills and venues for bringing technology, fresh ideas, streamlining, profitability to the company, and unique things to the position.

Know that someone at the helm may not care about old history and a lengthy background. Everything these days is about about brevity and making it hard hitting. Know you're competition is likely to be younger and that means fresh ideas and cheaper pay. You just wouldn't believe their take on having years of experience. Streamline your resume and background info to make it tailor fit for what their looking for. Get rid of anything that smells of an "older worker." Hey, many of us are in the same boat. Looking for work is full time. Keep your chin up and get rid of anything thinking that doesn't serve you. I know it's hard. Good luck.


AtLast 11-16-2010 05:46 PM

I am fully retired now which means that my monthly income is 1/3rd of what it was. Part of this does reflect the financial collapse in the US as my retirement is tied to those events and recovery. Also, I did retire earlier than expected due to disability issues and since I was self-employed, cannot receive state or federal disability income. I am not 65 yet, so no Medi-Care, but do have private health insurance. At 62, I will be able to collect Social Security at a reduced rate (is higher at 65 or age 70, but not all that much- and hell, ya‘ neva‘ know!!).

Since I left employment working for other people many years ago in which I paid into the SS system, my benefits will not be much- well under 1000/month, which I knew and tried to make up for with personal retirement savings plans- that went down with the Recession. POOF!!!

The wipe-out of the housing sector blew a huge hole in supplemental income I inherited and know will never recover to prior levels. I'm glad I never had it in my head that what I inherited from my folks would be my entire retirement or income in prior years. That would have been a cruel joke and just plain stupid of me! True “Trust Fund babies” are of the Kennedy/Bush type, not we commoners.

I really hope that younger generations think and plan around financial crises, future recessions, and the need for solid retirement planning including health care. What is being discussed now politically in the US about our entitlement and public retirement programs is critical to everyone, no matter what age we are. It WILL have an effect on each and every person’s life unless you do end up independently wealthy. You can count on this! Life turns on a dime- at any age.

Live life to the fullest, be healthy & happy and do some financial planning for the future!

From a grateful old fart!

Mtn 11-16-2010 06:29 PM

On one hand I feel blessed to have a job, when so many don't, but I also know it is sucking the life out of my life, so It's a conundrum right now. I have been here 18 years, so my job security is good,(though no retirement or health insurance) but I think it's time for the bosses to hire my replacement this year so I have time to train them. It's a little scary though in this economy to consider the big changes ahead.

little man 11-16-2010 07:21 PM

i am employed. for another two days. i don't have anything lined up yet, and am moving 900 miles from here. i am excited and hopeful. i have a broad enough skillset that finding work shouldn't be too difficult. (i can fix things...always in demand)

my plan is to work through temp services or day labor places while i and my buddy ash try to build us a picture business. one of the things i realized in caring for my mother the last two years is that if i'm ever going to chase my dreams, it's now or never.

here's to following rainbows, tilting at windmills and running down a dream.

atomiczombie 11-16-2010 07:35 PM

I am on disability and will be for the forsee-able future.

Gayla 11-16-2010 07:51 PM

I was laid off from my corporate job a year and a half ago. Thanks to unemployment and COBRA subsidies, it has not been as painful as it could have been and we've managed to make ends meet. I am not one of those people who is extolling the virtues of simplifying my life and I really miss traveling, eating out and trips to the casino.

Because of my age and new found hatred of corporate America after this experience, I realized that I needed to do something other than finding a job just like the one I used to have. So, I went back to what I know, got my real estate license here and signed on with a broker's office close to my house. I've been connected to the real estate industry, in some form or fashion, for most of my life so the transition hasn't been difficult.

As an unexpected little twist, I'm also whoring myself out doing web design and online marketing for other agents and it looks like it has the potential to be quite profitable. I've got a half dozen clients lined up along with some hourly consulting prospects.

As tough as it can be, my best advice to anyone faced with this situation is, if you are able, use this as an opportunity to find something that will really make you happy. It's stressful at times and my anxiety levels can go through the roof but, all in all, I'm much happier than I was sitting in the cube farm all day every day!

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