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PoeticWitch 03-23-2012 09:29 AM

Rubber Ducky Poetry Hour
I write poetry on and off.. it doesnt always fit into another thread or game.. so I thought I would post it here.. the first is

In Love With Love

It starts
With a pitter patter of the heart
The feel
Of love surrounding your soul

In and out of your whole being
A part of your very essence

Is seen through those rose colored glasses
The journey
Begins then of the ups and downs

This love
Fills you with the vitality for life
But in the end
You are only in love with love

by :rubberducky:

PoeticWitch 03-23-2012 09:55 AM

A Microsoft Day
The yellow sun,
above our heads
The green grass,
under our feet
The white fluffy clouds,
floating across the sky
The invisible wind,
whirling through the trees

The yellow sun,
so warm on our flesh
The green grass,
so cool on our feet
The white fluffy clouds,
making shapes up high
The invisible wind,
shaking the leaves in the trees

A microsoft day

PoeticWitch 04-26-2012 11:02 AM

As It Is
At a turning point in my life
Do I go left? Or do I go right?
How about neither and I go forward
Forward towards my future
Whatever it might be
Wherever it might be
With whomever it might be
Or maybe just being by myself
No matter what happens
All I can do is love myself
And accept life as it is
And work with that.

PoeticWitch 04-30-2012 07:56 AM

I see the curiosity in your eyes
As you slowly.. painfully..
Pinch my nipples

I see the excitement cross your face
As a small moan of enjoyment
Escapes my lips..

I feel your arms wrap around me
Pulling me closer
As you bite as my lower lip

I shiver slightly as you deepen into a kiss
Your tongue plundering
My mouth

Pure delight courses through my body
In response to your touch
And I never want it to end

PoeticWitch 05-13-2012 09:04 AM

Rocked This Boat
The seas are rocking us back and forth
Tossing us to and fro
Of course these are just my metaphors
For the state of the relationship we are in

But now.. I have seriously rocked this boat
I think it is about to capsize
And dump us all out
To leave us floating in this vast ocean

The vast ocean of humanity
Who lacks humanity
Compassion and understanding so fleeting
Acceptance so very rare

If you were to hold your breath
And hold it longer
Just maybe by the time you pass out
You might be accepted by society

But I doubt it

PoeticWitch 05-15-2012 11:33 AM

Nerves feeling like they are fraying at the ends
Tears falling
Flowing like waterfall of sorrows
Emotions spiraling
Out of control up and down and round and round

You come
Wrapping your arms around me like a warm blanket
Wiping my tears from my cheeks
Telling me it will be okay
Whispering you love me
Healing my heart and soul

And I am grateful
More then you know
You give me some sanity
When it is so fleeting
You give me a rock to lean on
You are my Superman

PoeticWitch 05-16-2012 12:43 PM

Sitting meditating
Musing over
My reflection

But is it what I see
Or what society sees
Does it matter?

To change the view to me
To change the view to society
To be who I am meant to be

PoeticWitch 05-22-2012 02:42 PM

For a half a minute
For a half a minute
She is a great distraction
For a half a minute
She is a true contradiction

For a half a minute
She is purely complex
For a half a minute
She is barely simplex

For a half a minute
She is a beautiful daydream
For a half a minute
She is a harsh reality

For a half a minute
She is everything you ever wanted
For a half a minute
She is yours to hold forever

PoeticWitch 05-23-2012 09:24 AM

Yours and Mine
It is over
For you and I
This is how it goes
Or so they say
Whoever they might be

This is yours
And this is mine
But this was ours
How do we decide
Between our material things
And our past memories

PoeticWitch 05-24-2012 09:46 AM

Time Passing
The sun in the sky
The moon up high
The clouds passing by

Miles of road
Whizzing by
A blur in the blink of an eye

Time passes
Is it day
Or is it night

I can't tell the time
The hands on the watch
Spinning out of control

Where does it stop
When does it end
When can I get off this ride?

Please let me lay down
Please let me dream
Please let me refresh

Let me refresh this tired body
Let me refresh this tired mind
Let me refresh this tired soul

Such is life they say
Whose life is this anyway
Yours or mine

PoeticWitch 05-24-2012 03:02 PM

That is the question
Am I
Not sure
Floating here
So faraway
Or too close
Not quite sure
Soft or hard
Was that a cloud
Or a rock
A matter of
Or conception
Does it matter
Or matters not
To dream
Or not to dream
That is the question

PoeticWitch 05-24-2012 04:40 PM

Hear me Mother
The full moon high in the sky
I stand my hands thrust upwards
Words tumble from my lips
Be'seeching my Goddess
To hear my invocation
To fulfill my petition for power
The power to change my very being
A being trapped by earthly wants and desires
To exchange it for true enlightenment
To know true love and peace
With all of my surroundings
Plant, animal, and human alike
For none is better then the other

PoeticWitch 05-24-2012 08:29 PM

An accidental touch
A quiet look
A small sigh
All hints of this attraction

An affection of the heart
Or an affection of the lions
Is it an emotion that I am wanting
Or the commotions of the flesh

Love or lust
Infatuation or pure sexual desire
Passion of the heart or just a yearning
Why is it never simple?

PoeticWitch 05-29-2012 10:57 AM

Til Wild
A tearful eye I see
A sniffle I hear
What is this?
Could it be?
The end of Elf
Has come to be!

But fear not my friends
For Wild Magick
Is just around the bend!
And in the meantime
Technology can keep us
Close as close can be

See you all on FB!

PoeticWitch 05-29-2012 10:58 AM

Here it is May
We come together
To celebrate
Life, love, and laughter

In the heat of the day
We barter for this or that
For needs or wants
Or even memories

As the sun goes down
The air cools and the spirits rise
The drums beat, and the feet dance
We show the Gods and Goddesses
Our gratitude for our many blessings

Our bodies dance all night long
Our souls sings til the sun rises
As the sky becomes pink
The earth becomes quiet
As many feet find their way to their beds
To rest and do it all again!

PoeticWitch 05-30-2012 05:31 PM

Oodles of Noodles
The noodles
Squiggle and squirm
Covered in olive oil
Making them slick
Watching them makes me think
Of two lovers fucking
Covered in babyoil
Or something of similar slipperiness
The lovers slipping and sliding
Against each other
Screwing each others brains out
And the noises they would make!
The noises, sighing and whispered words
To grunting and groaning to growling and bellowing
All in pleasure of course
Til finally they scream as they cum and cum
They cum so much it might as well be considered
Oodles of cumming
And there.. I am back to the noodles...
The noodles for my dinner
Plain ole boring noodles
Unless you look at them just right.

This poem is ode to a conversation that took place in chat.. I have reposted it here for the enjoyment of others

PoeticWitch 05-31-2012 07:48 AM

The Insanity
The insanity of society
Drives one to the brink
The brink of insanity

A vicious circle
We humans have created
Like a snake feeding upon itself

The poor get poorer
The rich get richer
And no one tries to change it

My insanity is not
Your insanity is not
Their insanity neither

It grows like a black mold
Like roaches infesting everything
Upon this earth of our making

PoeticWitch 05-31-2012 11:00 AM

For a minute
For a minute
You made me smile
For a minute
You made me laugh

For that minute
I was dizzy with infatuation
For that minute
I was filled with yearning

Now that minute is gone
And I know it is true love
Now that minute is gone
And I will cherish you always

PoeticWitch 06-02-2012 09:16 AM

Childhood Lost
Do you remember
When you lost it
Lost that precious innocence
We all once had

The innocence of childhood
Believing in unicorns and dragons
Believing in robots and aliens
Believing tomorrow was another day for adventure

Did you gently lose it over time?
Was it ripped from you?
Did you wake up one day
Just to think that you weren't going to play anymore

Lets go back to those days
Of cowboys and indians
Of princesses and knights on white horses
Carefree days of our childhoods lost

PoeticWitch 06-06-2012 08:37 AM

You put on a smiling face
And no one knows
Of the Monster deep inside

The Monster dying to get out
To show the world who you truly are
The not so sweet woman they think

This Monster is not so bad
She just wants to say
What is truly on your mind

She just wants to be released
From these shackles of politeness
Because sometimes being polite isn't helpful at all

This Monster wants to be blunt
This Monster wants to tell the truth
This Monster wants to tell it as it is

But polite society won't like that
So this Monster stays locked away
To be hidden til one day she escapes

When this Monster escapes a rampage will ensue
The truth will be cast about with no thought to whom might be hurt
The bluntness will be used as weapon, and many will fall before it

A Monster of societies making

PoeticWitch 06-09-2012 10:00 AM

So Bittersweet
Memory so haunting
So bittersweet
Just a tune
Can bring tears
To my eyes
Dear mother
I do miss you
We might not have
Many happy memories
But there are a few
That I keep close
To my heart
To cherish so dear
To pull out and view
With a small happy smile
On my face
Little funny stories
Of times past
To tell my friends
To have a good laugh
So they know
Not all was bad
It wasn't all bad
Mother dear
I still love you
I always did
And I know you loved us too
Was just messed up
Like the rest of us
And unable to express it
I forgive you Mother
I hope you hear
What is in my heart
I hope you can rest
I hope you can move on
To a better place

PoeticWitch 06-10-2012 08:25 AM

You yell at me
I yell at you
This is a lil dance we do

Hurt feelings all around
Nothing solved in the end
Neither willing to give in

You stand your back to me
I stand my back to you
Both of us too angry to continue

Both must give in, in some way
For this rift to heal
But who will make the first move

A gentle hand on the shoulder
A silent tear on the cheek
A hug to heal the heartbreak

Both whisper apologies
Both promise to try not do it again
Both promise love forever

Who made the first touch
Who said the first sorry
It matters not for the rift is bridged

At least temporarily

PoeticWitch 06-11-2012 10:04 AM

So you are attractive
So very accepted by the masses
Your good looks are so blinding
Almost famous just for that alone

So favored are you
That they throw flowers at your feet
So very stylish and hip
That they copy you but can't pull it off quite like you

Everywhere I look I see your smiling face
This pose or that pose
That black outfit or that colorful one
So many singing your phrases

Yes you are fashionable
Like a dog in a purse
This week the beloved of all
Next week maybe not so much

Remember my popular friend
Looks fade and people are shallow
When you don't look so good on their arms anymore
You will be on the sofa beside me

PoeticWitch 06-12-2012 11:41 AM

True Blood Love
A quarter til nine
It's coming on
Oh my dear God
I am so excited!

Sunday night
In front of the TV
For what I have been waiting for
For what feels like a century

Season Premiere
Of the best show ever
No talking allowed,
No fidgeting either

Silence all!
It is beginning!
All I can hear is the opening tune
Of doing bad things to you

This is it!
Now life is perfect
Will I really have to wait another week
For my next fix of True Blood love

PoeticWitch 06-15-2012 03:05 PM

Let the bug walk on by
So tiny
But such a big todo
Might not even bite
But you would think they were poisonous
By the way you react

I understand your story
Of the bee on the nose
But this isn't a bee of any sort
It doesn't bite, it doesn't sting
It means no harm

Stop bugging man
Just let the bug walk on by
The little creature didn't come in to get squished by you
It didn't come in to terrorize you
To think so is pure silliness

Just let the bug walk on by

PoeticWitch 06-15-2012 03:47 PM

I reach for the world
But it escapes my grasp
My view of reality is twisted
The future is misrepresented
The past has been perverted
How am I to make sense of all this
I see a path before me
But it crisscrosses back and forth
I call to the Powers that Be
To show me the way
It doesn't have to be easy
It doesn't have to be straight
But please let it be True

PoeticWitch 06-17-2012 10:57 AM

Gods vs Science
Thunder rolling
Rain falling
Lightening flashing
Earth scorched

They use to say
It was the Gods arguing
Now they say
It is the movement clouds

They use to say
It was our punishment
Now they say
It is positive and negative neutrons

They use to
Sacrifice virgins to placate the Gods
Now we
Batten the hatches and pray

Funny either way we still ask the Gods for help
Just in a different way

PoeticWitch 07-05-2012 01:48 PM

Let me help you
Let me help you
Give you the release
You want, need, and desire

Let me help you
Give you the pleasure
To flow through your body

Let me help you
Give you such ecstasy
That you writhe in euphoria

Let me help you
Give you the key to my heart
And give me the greatest pleasure of all.


For my precious Dylan

PoeticWitch 07-17-2012 07:57 AM

TCO Poem
In the backwoods of West Virginia
We meet in a little valley none can see
We are societies strangest kind
Or so I have been told
Many shed their clothes the moment they have a foot out of the car
Not long later I'm sure you will hear many screams and moans
You would think of pain
And you would be right but if you listen closely you will hear the delight
This get together of so many different people's
To learn from each other
To see many friends from far and wide
And just maybe to get lucky too ;-)
To enjoy all this you have to make it through a gauntlet of trails
From roads from hell to torrential rains that might flood your tent and blistering heat that might fry that phone sitting in your car cause you have no signal down here in our little valley
But once you are here be prepared
To have a great time
Welcome a newbie
Beat an old friend
Or maybe the other way around
Sit around the fire making gourmet s'mores or even bacon s'mores if you're daring
Make your own glass butt plug with Blown fuse
Flogging 101 with Master Fire might get you a good beating
Think food and sex go hand in hand then Dave and Del's class might be enlightening
Come here maybe Lady Elsa will clamp you, clip you, clothespin you, and then enlighten you about power exchanges
Single? No worries! We just had our first speed dating.. Between you and me.. I heard there was a connection or two ;-)
Like music? So do I! MooseJaw was pretty damn awesome I must say!
So many things! So little time! I can't mention them all without turning this poem into book!
But don't worry we have something for everyone I'm pretty sure because there is even a hottub and pool!

PoeticWitch 07-19-2012 09:00 AM

So tired
Wanting to just lay down
To sleep, to dream
To rest my weary soul

Standing in a crowd of peoples
All talking, touching, demanding
Demanding my attention

It isn't easy for me
To give you all what you want
My attention, my time
A small bit of my soul

Spinning out of control
Faces flashing before me
Terrifyingly spinning uncontrollably
Please stop this ride

It stopped
I am home
I sit here ready to rest and recharge
To wrap my soul comfortingly around me

PoeticWitch 07-19-2012 09:39 AM

Where is your paradise?

Is it on a beach with blue waters?
Is it on a mountain with blue skies overhead?

Is it on a cruise ship flowing through the ocean?
Is it on the back of donkey climbing a cliff?

Is that your paradise?
Or is it mine?

Paradise with room service
Paradise cooking over a fire

Laying out?
Or fishing?

So tell me now
Where is your paradise?

Whose paradise first?
Your paradise or mine?

PoeticWitch 07-20-2012 03:52 PM

Lets Just Converse
I sit here and wonder
What it would have been like
To have been with you
If only for a night

To have your undivided attention
Your words and thoughts
Just for me
But I know better
It was never meant to be

It wasn't the sex I wanted
It wasn't the ropes wrapped around me
Contorting me in some uncomfortable position
It was your mind
For it excited me

I would have done it all you know
I would have let you tie me up or tie me down
If you only kept talking to me
With all your wit
With all that intelligence spilling out

I won't claim I am different from the others
Because I don't know the others
What have the others done to be near you?
Why did they want to be near you?
Is it the same as me?

In the end it doesn't matter to me
Can I just continue conversing with you
Maybe I hope your intelligence and wit will rub off on me
Maybe I hope you will be the teacher I seek in this life
Aren't we all looking for enlightenment?

I just don't know
Do you know?
Lets just converse
And see where that takes us
Lets just converse

PoeticWitch 07-25-2012 08:26 AM

Guys have it easy
The whole standing to pee thing
If only I could stand to pee
It would save me so much time

If I could just hike up my skirt
Let it loose, shake it bit
And be on my way
Oh it sounds so wonderful

But no, I have to sit
I have to wipe
Pull up the panties
Make sure that pesky toilet flushes

How fair is that?
Have you heard of that device?
Called STP? It means Stand To Pee
Have you tried it? Neither have I

But I want to
I really do
I wonder is it reusable
Is it sanitary?

I must go shopping
I must find out
I need to see with my own eyes
To see if this device can help me pee standing up

DaddyNik12 07-25-2012 02:09 PM

funny one
haah love it ducky

PoeticWitch 07-26-2012 09:48 AM

Come Into My Parlor
Come into my parlor
Said the spider to the fly
But I am not spider
And you are not a fly

I do have every intention of eating you up
But in a pleasing way I promise
My purpose is purely wicked
Selfish to the core

I want to corrupt your virtuous being
With the pleasure and the pain
You won't be able to tell the difference
Of that fine line I have drawn for you

Come into my parlor
Sit at my feet
Listen to my words
Then lets negotiate our deal

This deal protects you
This deal protects me
Come on now lets be smart
Safe, sane, consensual

Those are the rules of the game
At least for you and I
Come into my parlor
Let's play our game

Ginger 07-26-2012 09:54 AM

Learn something new every day!


Originally Posted by ducky.mcclure (Post 620570)
Guys have it easy
The whole standing to pee thing
If only I could stand to pee
It would save me so much time

If I could just hike up my skirt
Let it loose, shake it bit
And be on my way
Oh it sounds so wonderful

But no, I have to sit
I have to wipe
Pull up the panties
Make sure that pesky toilet flushes

How fair is that?
Have you heard of that device?
Called STP? It means Stand To Pee
Have you tried it? Neither have I

But I want to
I really do
I wonder is it reusable
Is it sanitary?

I must go shopping
I must find out
I need to see with my own eyes
To see if this device can help me pee standing up

PoeticWitch 07-27-2012 08:18 AM

Soul Dancing
Hands in the air
Body spinning
In exhilaration
Soul dancing
Euphoria spreading out
Touching all those around me
The gaiety is contagious
You cannot help but smile
You cannot help but laugh
Get up and dance
Dance with me
Let your soul mingle
Mingle with mine
Twirling around each other
Touching and melding and coming apart again
Souls dancing and sharing
Sharing our love
Sharing our comfort
Sharing connectivity that we think we had lost
Get up and dance
Share your soul with me
And I will share mine with you

PoeticWitch 07-29-2012 07:57 AM

You looked into her eyes
And you fell so far down
So trustingly you offered up your heart
She tied on the strings
Dangled you about like a marionette
Push or pull, come or go
What the hell were you thinking?
I sit here and watch
I see how heartsick you are
I see the tears in your eyes
And I see your heart ripping apart
My band-aids are useless
My staples won't hold you together
Please wake up from this nightmare
Don't drown in this, whatever this is
For it isn't love and isn't worth it.

PoeticWitch 07-29-2012 06:53 PM

On my knees
Forehead on the ground
Arms stretched out before me
I bow before you in veneration

Your presence dazzles me
Your touch drives me to the brink of madness
Your voice brings me back to reality
I would give you my soul if you asked

If you but asked
If you but demanded
I am yours to command
Please I beg you..

Command me
I am a piece of putty waiting to be molded
I am a piece of paper waiting to be drawn on
You are my artist

I am your anything
Anything you want
Anything you desire
I am yours

PoeticWitch 07-30-2012 07:02 AM

Back To Bed
My head on a pillow
A big fluffy comforter wrapped around me
Snuggled deep into my bed

Laying there trying to keep myself warm
I dream of you and your arms around me
Of your hands running over my naked body
Just the thought makes my heart skip a beat

I stretch under my blanket
In my head I feel you against me
I feel your fingers tickling my neck
Your lips on my cheeks

Soft whispered words of love
Oh my love you might not really be next me
But in my mind you never leave my side
Come with me my love.. lets go back to bed

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