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-   -   Your "To Do" List - Post it Here! (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2610)

Medusa 01-02-2011 10:56 AM

Your "To Do" List - Post it Here!
Do you have a "to do" list? For today, this week, this month, the rest of your life?

Post it here so that nosy people like me can see it!

Sam 01-02-2011 10:58 AM

Change light bulbs

Ryobi 01-02-2011 10:58 AM

For today.
1.) Make a to do list.

lipstixgal 01-02-2011 10:59 AM

Oh what to do yes there is a to do list get house cleaned and finish sewing up on projects so I can start new ones!! that is all I know for now

Medusa 01-02-2011 11:00 AM

Jack and I are on vacation for the next 2 weeks so we want to get a few things done around the house:

"To Do" list for today:
* Strip the living room of decorative objects
* Patch nail holes
* Move furniture

* Buy Supplies

* Pull baseboards
* Tape and drape

Abigail Crabby 01-02-2011 11:02 AM

Find a job

move out of the Raleigh area to someplace more urban

get my tires rotated

Julie 01-02-2011 11:03 AM

I am here to please you - That is my purpose in life!

Join Golds Gym
I am a recluse - so this will force me to get out of the house.
Work 8 hour days - 5 days a week (not 7)

Travel more for pleasure and not work
Go to Afghanistan (work)
Plan 1 trip every 3 months to visit new friends.

I have neglected my health in 2010

1) Go for Mammo, MRI and U/S
2) Go for Body Scan (1 year behind - ooops)
3) Have arm Checked
4) Do Labs

Therapy -
I think it's time **

Tell those in my life who are toxic to fuck off - Simply telling them to go away nicely has not worked.

I really need to get a pedicure.

Next Week.

Monday - Do Laundry for Tuesday - Clean the House
Tuesday - Fly to Iowa
Wednesday - Be in Iowa
Thursday - Be in Iowa
Friday - Come home from Iowa
Saturday - Join Gym / Work
Sunday - Make Breakfast (that is such a lie)

TickledPink 01-02-2011 11:34 AM

For Today:
Make Punkin' Cookies (healthy version)


For the Year:
Train for traithlon
Get ready for school for 2012
De-clutter home, up to and including getting rid of some shoes (GASP)
Throw out 50 things / physical stuff
Throw out 50 things / emotional stuff

Blade 01-02-2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 257907)
Do you have a "to do" list? For today, this week, this month, the rest of your life?

Post it here so that nosy people like me can see it!

OMG! My to do list is so far behind, I expect to live to be 205 yrs old to get it all done.

amiyesiam 01-02-2011 11:44 AM

check oil (the car's not Corkeys)
pack lunch
get on treadmill
go to work
knit at least 4 rows
finish heartless valentines project
read at least one chapter in current book
start next page in altered book

Ryobi 01-02-2011 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Ryobi (Post 257909)
1.) Make a to do list.

Lol! This time, THIS time, I was not being a smart ass. I really do have to make one.

Sam 01-02-2011 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Abigail Crabby (Post 257915)
Find a job

move out of the Raleigh area to someplace more urban

get my tires rotated

NOW wait a minute, lol. What would you consider more urban? lol

I have a to do list a mile long.

*strip bathroom/bedroom boarders
*paint said bathroom and bedroom
*Build a fence out back

Mister Bent 01-02-2011 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Abigail Crabby (Post 257915)
Find a job

move out of the Raleigh area to someplace more urban

get my tires rotated

I lived in Raleigh for almost two years, best place I ever moved away from.


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 257961)
NOW wait a minute, lol. What would you consider more urban? lol

A lot of places, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, DC, should I go on?

Raleigh is like a giant sprawled out suburb. So glad I didn't stay.

SnackTime 01-02-2011 12:01 PM


Finish the living room (rearranging furniture and wiping things down)
Clean kitchen
Finish up laundry

Clean office
Make a few phone calls
Go to bank

Doctor appointment

This year...
Get back to the gym regularly
Train for cycling events, aqua/bike, and even one small triathlon
Prepare for school
Go see the parental unit more this year!

Kobi 01-02-2011 12:07 PM

Lists you ask? I have lists for my lists!

The big list includes certain categories for things to accomplish for the year.

This year:

1. health - hopefully I will get clearance to return to the gym next week. And healthier eating without turning into a sprout. And, of course, cutting down on smoking.

2. home - I choose one major project a year. This year I think it will be remodeling the bathroom.

3. recreation - I really want a sailboat. Am at home and at peace when at sea. Can I justify the initial expense and upkeep?

4. productivity - the opportunity to do some consulting work has piqued my interest. Too much education and experience to be fully retired without giving something back.

5. education - am an unscientific person determined to learn physics this year. :seeingstars:

6. reduce carbon imprint - luckily I live in a town where everything I need is within a mile of home. I'm thinking I will be walking more this year if I cant find a bike my back can tolerate.

7. keep the peace - just very important to me to surround myself with people who bring peace into my soul.

Sam 01-02-2011 12:22 PM

A lot of places, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, DC, should I go on?

I get the URBAN, i'm just more of a beach dweller. Being around water.

Thanks for the lesson :)

Just added a run this afternoon to my to do list

i need to clear my head of the cob webs

weatherboi 01-02-2011 12:30 PM

"To Do"
make coffee with Tim Hortons course ground and drink it from my new ceramic coffee mug that i love love love!!!
make breakfast for Ms
clean house
wash dogs i can feel Archimedes breath on my toes!!!

Jess 01-02-2011 12:35 PM

Today's list:

Clean out wood stove.. make fire...stand in garage and make list of what needs to go to mom's, donate, re-purpose, get measurements for drywall/ insulation/ paint/ groovy metal grid stuff for walls... find plans for ultimate work bench/ storage shelves, etc.... continue staring at junk in garage until I can actually "do" at least an hour of work out there or until girl comes to see if I have passed out...finish laundry... love on pups..

eat lasagna and watch a good movie and love on the girl

JustLovelyJenn 01-02-2011 12:42 PM

For Today

1. do laundry
2. make kids clean up the mess they left in the living room
3. ignore rude comments from my brother
4. pack lunches for tomorrow
5. stop being sick before work tomorrow

For this Month

1. get a new doctor
2. walk every day for at least 5 days in a row (might make a habit of it yet)
3. apply for SSI for my son
4. oh yes... xanax?

By spring break

1. look for my own place
2. stand up for myself

shadows papa 01-02-2011 12:45 PM

Find my books for class tomorrow
Finish up all the laundry in the house
Start planning workouts to help my girl and my bro in their aquabike/triathlon goals
Go to my Mama's this coming weekend and fix the water pump and change the spark plugs in her car
Get in at least ONE 10+ mile mountain bike ride this week
Locate an indoor pool that we can afford for swim training
Start compiling sources for my FINAL research paper EVER (I hope)
Drop off all the stuff that Miss Pink cleaned out of her closet at the Goodwill
Try not to faint DEAD away when she starts cleaning out the shoes

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