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AtLast 03-21-2010 03:26 PM

The Rise of Anti-Government Bigots: Spitting, the N-Word, Anti-Gay/Lesbian Slurs

Outspoken bigotry is on the rise in the US as evidenced by the DC anti-health care reform & big government protesters calling out the N-Word and Fag and spitting on Congressional members arriving for the health care reform votes.

Nothing new in may ways, yet, I am more concerned than ever about racist and anti-gay hate crimes than ever. These people have been throwing up racist signs and slogans throughout this battle and I am amazed at the lack of outrage. While watching this on TV, I was struck by how my stomach had the same churning it did as a kid watching the Civil Rights demonstrations in the 60's. The hatred, the pure hatred in the eyes of these people! They were not protesting health-care reform, they simply took the opportunity to publicly display exactly what they are- racist and bigoted people that underneath it all are only moved to civil disobedience to be able to call an African American congressperson a n_ _ _ _ _ on TV and get away with it! Great opportunity to slam gays and lesbians, too!

During interviews about this on CNN & C-SPAN, it was clear that the GOP (which has an African American as its committee head) is courting the Teabaggers for votes in November and these are the nut-cakes that have been displaying this behavior throughout the first year of Obama's administration! What the hell is wrong with these people?

The momentum of these actions is increasing and I believe being tolerated at a dangerous level. Shame is what I feel at the moment about my country.

Linus 03-21-2010 03:31 PM

I was reading this on CNN today and it was interesting how many of the comments indicated that they didn't really believe that the comments were made because there was no video coverage of it. I think it just highlights the white privilege that exists and as time passes, the Tea Party and its ilk will amplify it even more. I wonder how much longer before we see riots similar to those seen in the 1960s, except this time done by those who feel they are losing privilege (white middle-lower class).

Much like the Chinese curse "We live in interesting times".

Martina 03-21-2010 03:48 PM

Teabaggers. LOL. Surely they don't refer to themselves this way.

On a more serious note, i did read about the comments and the spitting. i am glad it's getting publicity. People know who these folks really are.

Corkey 03-21-2010 03:52 PM

Teabaggers disgust me, they are being shown to be who they are, racist pigs.

AtLast 03-21-2010 04:04 PM

Tell Congressional Republicans to Denounce the Vicious Tea Party Attacks
After being addressed by Republican Leader John Boehner and Rep. Joe "You Lie" Wilson, Tea Party extremists launched a series of bigoted attacks at House Democrats.

Reports from the protest include claims of shouting disgusting racial epithets at civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis and terrible homophobic derogatory language at Rep. Barney Frank -- as well as going so far to actually spit on a member of Congress.

Call on Congressional Republicans to denounce tea party extremists' bigoted attacks:


Soft*Silver 03-21-2010 04:09 PM

sent....and commented...thanks ALH...

Queerasfck 03-21-2010 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 71047)
Teabaggers. LOL. Surely they don't refer to themselves this way.

On a more serious note, i did read about the comments and the spitting. i am glad it's getting publicity. People know who these folks really are.

He doesn't seem to mind.

Martina 03-21-2010 05:49 PM

i can see him teabagging. Good to be proud. ;)

AtLast 03-21-2010 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 71042)
I was reading this on CNN today and it was interesting how many of the comments indicated that they didn't really believe that the comments were made because there was no video coverage of it. I think it just highlights the white privilege that exists and as time passes, the Tea Party and its ilk will amplify it even more. I wonder how much longer before we see riots similar to those seen in the 1960s, except this time done by those who feel they are losing privilege (white middle-lower class).

Much like the Chinese curse "We live in interesting times".

Yes, Linus, this what is most disturbing to me. I don't want to be an alarmist, but violence can spring from difficult economic times which we are in. I don't blame people for worrying, believe me, I get that. But, what is going on with these demonstrations coupled with the fear and anger about the economy is a dangerous mix. And immigration reform is going to be introduced as well.

The only other disgust I am feeling today has been in watching C-SPAN and the dog & pony show in which the GOP is feeding fear and have made the most arrogant statements (you bet, privileged) about the health-reform legislation. We actually elect and pay these idiots!!! And their support of the Teabag Party (want their votes in Nov.) is absolutely support of racism!

The bill is a whole lot different than I wanted, but, I can't see how anything will ever change in this system without getting this through.

Whoops... I need to fix the link for sending a protest email to the Congressional Democrats to stand up to the GOP and its support of Tea bagging bigots. here is the main link to the DCCC which has a place to send an email of protest supporting the Democrats challenging the GOP's support of the Tea Party which is responsible for yesterday and todays racist, anti-gay/lesbian slurs and spitting on congressional members.


Toughy 03-21-2010 09:08 PM

I am ignoring politics for another couple of weeks.........I don't want to burst blood veins in my neck and head....

Women's March Madness (NCAA Basketball for those who don't know) is on.....and after reading this thread..... I am going back to watching OU kick ass.........and tomorrow I am going to Berkeley and watch that 6'8" freshman (again..I saw her last night) from Baylor....

LotusFlower 03-21-2010 09:12 PM

I am a member of Southern Poverty Law Center. They keep track of hate groups such as the teabaggers.

They also sued a big Klan group and won.

Check them out -



AtLast 03-22-2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by LotusFlower (Post 71199)
I am a member of Southern Poverty Law Center. They keep track of hate groups such as the teabaggers.

They also sued a big Klan group and won.

Check them out -



Yes, the SPLC rawks!

I know that it is a fringe of the Tea Party that is involved with a lot of this stuff. And that fringe was simply a part of the way right in the GOP and Libertarians. I have no objection at all to exercising our right to civil disobedience at all. I just am concerned at what is really going on here and how it can lead to violence because so may are so upset with Congress, bailouts, inequities, etc.

Hey, the health-Care Reform Bill passed! A start in a good direction!!

Rockinonahigh 03-22-2010 01:17 PM

Yes the health care reform bill passed and is a really great start in puting things to right,but I fear Louisiana will be trying to stop it in this state,our gov is a srtong suported of anything against anything the dems do or want to do.Now if Bush was still in office or it was a republic thing he would be kissing azz.

AtLast 03-22-2010 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rockinonahigh (Post 71458)
Yes the health care reform bill passed and is a really great start in puting things to right,but I fear Louisiana will be trying to stop it in this state,our gov is a srtong suported of anything against anything the dems do or want to do.Now if Bush was still in office or it was a republic thing he would be kissing azz.

Does anyone know yet, if the person that yelled-out baby Killer at Stupak (sp??) on the House Floor yesterday has been identified as a member of Congress?

Yes, LA might very well put the brakes on the fix-it portion of the health-care reform legislation. I actually don't like some of the bill as it pertains to these kinds of deals. The dems were wrong to do this, but, I want it passed (the fix-it). I am so tired of the craziness in Congress. Do they know how assinine so many of them appear?

Frankly, until there are many more women, POC, TG/I, queers in general, disabled people, and every other disenfranchised group in the US serving in our Congress, things will be as they are. And it really does take the people to change this. Right now, however, there are so many of us in dire financial situations, that we can't muster the gumption to participate to the level that we saw in Obam's election. And frankly, I do wonder if some of this was behind the entire economic collapse! Wide spread economic difficulty is very effective in keeping the non-white, non-rich masses in their place!


AH! Here it is!

Randy Neugebauer (R-Tex.) identified himself as the member of congress who shouted "baby killer" during Rep. Bart Stupak's (D-Mich.) speech on the floor of the House of Representatives Sunday night.
Neugebauer, a three-term member of Congress from Texas, issued a statement of apology on Monday, saying that the statement was not directed at Stupak.
"In the heat and emotion of the debate, I exclaimed the phrase 'it's a baby killer' in reference to the agreement reached by the Democratic leadership," Neugebauer said. "I deeply regret that my actions were mistakenly interpreted as a direct reference to Congressman Stupak himself."
Neugebauer's official Congressional Web site is down at the moment but his campaign site can be found here.
Here is the Texas Republican's statement of apology:
"Last night was the climax of weeks and months of debate on a health care bill that my constituents fear and do not support. In the heat and emotion of the debate, I exclaimed the phrase 'it's a baby killer' in reference to the agreement reached by the Democratic leadership. While I remain heartbroken over the passage of this bill and the tragic consequences it will have for the unborn, I deeply regret that my actions were mistakenly interpreted as a direct reference to Congressman Stupak himself.

"I have apologized to Mr. Stupak and also apologize to my colleagues for the manner in which I expressed my disappointment about the bill. The House Chamber is a place of decorum and respect. The timing and tone of my comment last night was inappropriate."
Neugebauer's outburst came at the end of an intense day of debate and voting on the health care reform bill. Stupak, an anti-abortion Democrat who struck a deal with the White House in exchange for a "yes" vote on the bill, had taken to the floor of the House to deliver a speech opposing a Republican amendment that would have reintroduced stricter abortion financing language in the bill -- language that Stupak, himself, previously introduced.


AtLast 03-22-2010 02:28 PM

More Info- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/0..._n_507116.html

Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress

Abusive, derogatory and even racist behavior directed at House Democrats by Tea Party protesters on Saturday left several lawmakers in shock.
Preceding the president's speech to a gathering of House Democrats, thousands of protesters descended around the Capitol to protest the passage of health care reform. The gathering quickly turned into abusive heckling, as members of Congress passing through Longworth House office building were subjected to epithets and even mild physical abuse.
A staffer for Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) told reporters that Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) had been spat on by a protestor. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a 'ni--er.' And Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was called a "faggot," as protestors shouted at him with deliberately lisp-y screams. Frank, approached in the halls after the president's speech, shrugged off the incident.
But Clyburn was downright incredulous, saying he had not witnessed such treatment since he was leading civil rights protests in South Carolina in the 1960s.
"It was absolutely shocking to me," Clyburn said, in response to a question from the Huffington Post. "Last Monday, this past Monday, I stayed home to meet on the campus of Claflin University where fifty years ago as of last Monday... I led the first demonstrations in South Carolina, the sit ins... And quite frankly I heard some things today I have not heard since that day. I heard people saying things that I have not heard since March 15, 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus."
"It doesn't make me nervous as all," the congressman said, when asked how the mob-like atmosphere made him feel. "In fact, as I said to one heckler, I am the hardest person in the world to intimidate, so they better go somewhere else."
Asked if he wanted an apology from the group of Republican lawmakers who had addressed the crowd and, in many ways, played on their worst fears of health care legislation, the Democratic Party, and the president, Clyburn replied:
Story continues below 
"A lot of us have been saying for a long time that much of this, much of this is not about health care a all. And I think a lot of those people today demonstrated that this is not about health care... it is about trying to extend a basic fundamental right to people who are less powerful."
UPDATE 6:55 PM ET: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver's office released the following statement:
For many of the members of the CBC, like John Lewis and Emanuel Cleaver who worked in the civil rights movement, and for Mr. Frank who has struggled in the cause of equality, this is not the first time they have been spit on during turbulent times.

This afternoon, the Congressman was walking into the Capitol to vote, when one protester spat on him. The Congressman would like to thank the US Capitol Police officer who quickly escorted the others Members and him into the Capitol, and defused the tense situation with professionalism and care. After all the Members were safe, a full report was taken and the matter was handled by the US Capitol Police. The man who spat on the Congressman was arrested, but the Congressman has chosen not to press charges. He has left the matter with the Capitol Police.
This is not the first time the Congressman has been called the "n" word and certainly not the worst assault he has endured in his years fighting for equal rights for all Americans. That being said, he is disappointed that in the 21st century our national discourse has devolved to the point of name calling and spitting. He looks forward to taking a historic vote on health care reform legislation tomorrow, for the residents of the Fifth District of Missouri and for all Americans. He believes deeply that tomorrow's vote is, in fact, a vote for equality and to secure health care as a right for all. Our nation has a history of struggling each time we expand rights. Today's protests are no different, but the Congressman believes this is worth fighting for.

Linus 03-22-2010 02:31 PM

Whoa. Not cool.


UPDATE 7:48 PM ET: The Buffalo News reports that Rep. Louise Slaughter's district office in Pine View, New York, was vandalized on Saturday.
Sometime early this morning, someone threw a brick through the front window of her Pine Avenue office.
The damage was discovered about 12:30 a.m., city police said.
The brick put a hole in the outer-most window at the office at 1910 Pine Ave., but did not damage a second interior window, police reported. A piece of broken brick believed to have caused the damage was found at the scene.
Damage was estimated at $350.

AtLast 03-22-2010 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 71484)
Whoa. Not cool.


And so it continues.....

It would be great if we all add stories like this as we see them. WAKING UP to this is one way of beginning to act!

Corkey 03-22-2010 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 71484)
Whoa. Not cool.


This shit reminds me of meaner days of the Nazi regime, Crystal Nacht.

Kobi 03-22-2010 02:48 PM

maybe freedom of speech is back.....
I, for one, dont have a problem with people speaking their minds, even if it does means listening to slurs. I would much rather know where people stand then to assume attitudes and beliefs have changed because it became politically incorrect to be honest about your feelings and beliefs.

And, I do attribute a lot of the slurs per se to scared people, lashing out much like a bully would. But, to respond to slurs just adds fuel to the fire.

In my 34 years of being out, I have never been a victim of a hate crime. I have had slurs said in my presence and I smile knowing from whence the ignorance comes from. I have no need to defend who I am, because I am not threatened by childish ignorance.

Not everyone is going to like us, nor do I like everyone. Prejudice is not something you can eradicate by legislation. God knows, watch a session of congressional debates - these have got to be the most bigoted, prejudicial, childish humans in the country.

As for a revolution, I doubt it will come from the middle-lower class. The folks most threatened are those on the cusp of the elite who are being squeezed out. The rest of us were never a threat.

I would appreciate if you all didnt jump all over me just because I dont tow the line in my beliefs.

Corkey 03-22-2010 02:53 PM

Um freedom of speech wasn't the issue, nor has it been, and who are you referencing being jumped upon by? You are entitled to your opinion just like everyone else unless it's against the site rules, so wondering where this remark came from.

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