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Turino 12-01-2009 03:49 PM

What do you do to support yourself?
This is a thread to discuss what you do to take care of your basic needs..food, clothing, shelter and maybe a few extras

This is not just for those who work at a regular job or own a business with cash as the incentive, but it is also for those who survive on bartering services, government assistance, familial or friend assistance or any number of means of support.

Let's put it out there .

Currently, I am an underearning real estate broker and an unemployed merchant seaman. I have been banging on doors for three years now and am still hitting brick walls. I have applied to so many jobs that are beneath my skill set and not called on any of them. I am trying to keep my real estate brokerage afloat....the advertising, web and other costs are very high. I have cut it to the bare minimum. I am barely scraping by and look forward to the day that this recession is in my rear view mirror.

I believe the thing that will get me out is a good job on a ship...or back to the old world standby..a government job with benefits. Luckily I have healthcare insurance...

I trade services for chiropractic/acupuncture care. I do any number of tasks to get extra things that I need. I sell on craigslist and beginning to use ebay.

It has changed my outlook on life....that will be for another thread.

How is everyone else doing it?

Apocalipstic 12-01-2009 04:10 PM

I work as an Executive Assistant for a Production Company. We do cruise ship shows, conventions, parties and events. Business is way slow, so I have paid up all our bills except for the house just in case I were to lose my job. All the other companies in Nashville who do what we do have had major lay offs or have closed entirely.

Cynthia took a buy out from General Motors in August after being laid off for quite a while and is back in school to finish up her requirements for going to law school. Her classes are on line which has saved in gas and clothes.

We are selling stuff of Ebay and Craig's List and have eliminated all bills except for school, house and utilities. Last January I had the house insulated which has really helped with electric bill.

We mostly eat at home and if we have to there is an apartment in the attic we can rent out.

Times are tough and I am trying to stay ahead of things. We are very lucky in that Nashville has not been hit as hard as many places and home values in our neighborhood have actually gone up.

Best to everyone trying to make it in this tough time.

Turino 12-01-2009 04:19 PM

I wish both of you success.

Bringing up eliminating bills is a good point. I bought a cellphone with unlimited internet that can plug in or go wireless to my computer. I now use as my only internet connection at home. I can make calls while I am online. It is just as fast as broadband. I watch all my tv online, too. So I cut out about $100 in home bills.

I use my bike in the neighborhood, walk and take public transportation...the car mostly just sits outside. I realize that is a NY luxury.

I eat at home....I allow only 25 per month for entertainment...believe it or not. I do a lot of free activities. The rest goes to my business and home expenses.

I used to spend tons of money per year...now, I spend very, very little over basic needs. I am proudly the king of thrifty. It is beyond a challenge..it is a necessity.

new york has retraining services through the workforce program. if anyone needs more info contact me.

Apocalipstic 12-01-2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Turino (Post 14933)
I wish both of you success.

Bringing up eliminating bills is a good point. I bought a cellphone with unlimited internet that can plug in or go wireless to my computer. I now use as my only internet connection at home. I can make calls while I am online. It is just as fast as broadband. I watch all my tv online, too. So I cut out about $100 in home bills.

I use my bike in the neighborhood, walk and take public transportation...the car mostly just sits outside. I realize that is a NY luxury.

I eat at home....I allow only 25 per month for entertainment...believe it or not. I do a lot of free activities. The rest goes to my business and home expenses.

I used to spend tons of money per year...now, I spend very, very little over basic needs. I am proudly the king of thrifty. It is beyond a challenge..it is a necessity.

new york has retraining services through the workforce program. if anyone needs more info contact me.

It is very scary for people who expected to retire from a job like General Motors to go back into the workforce and start over. It's great that they have retraining services!

Good for you for eliminating bills too, its amazing how much we spend just on junk.


Bit 12-02-2009 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Turino (Post 14933)
I use my bike in the neighborhood, walk and take public transportation...the car mostly just sits outside. I realize that is a NY luxury.

No, it's not! Or at least, not exclusively! :cheer: One of the reasons I find Wichita so charming is that neither Gryph nor I have a car--not even a driver's license--and yet we can walk to everything necessary except Gryph's work, and he takes a city bus for that.

I can also take a city bus for shopping and the library.

Lately, we've had a little extra, and so instead of taking the bus, I pay a friend gas money for rides... she's been unemployed for well over a year and her husband has been unemployed for months, so I'm as generous as I can manage. But if she weren't around? I'd be on the bus, and although it isn't comfortable, exactly, it would be okay.


Originally Posted by Turino (Post 14933)
I eat at home....

We do this too. One of the things that helps a lot is that Gryph is willing to take his lunch to work, and he likes casserole-y type things. I make a lot of rice-with-veggies-n-cheese, yanno?

When Arwen posted her recipe for Pulled Pork, I tried it, and since she mentioned it makes good broth I put in extra water at the beginning.


That broth used in the rice? I am actually JEALOUS of Gryph's lunches this week! I had to save some out for me! :cheesy:

One can eat at home the work-intensive way, or the cheap-n-easy way. I find that in the long run, spending the time on cooking from scratch is actually cheaper. Having a week's worth of healthy meals in the fridge and freezer so that one need only reheat is priceless!

I've also discovered that one can up the ante with seasonings... part of that rice-n-veggies I made with the pork broth last week? It got re-seasoned with more garlic and some cumin and chili powder, served with refried beans, Greek yogurt (rather than sour cream) and an avocado as tostadas. Is the pun unbearable if I say we were in hog heaven? lol!

Apocalipstic 12-02-2009 04:24 PM

The library, yes!

We have switched from Barnes and Noble to the library to save money too.
They have books on tape and CD, books, magazines, music, movies.

Bit 12-02-2009 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by apocalipstic (Post 14930)
..... and if we have to there is an apartment in the attic we can rent out.

Hey, having an ace in the hole is ALWAYS a wonderful thing! Okay, I won't worry so much for you two knowing you have that potential source of income if you really need it.

Getting yourself in a stronger financial position by paying things off is truly wise, imo.

Apocalipstic 12-02-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bit (Post 15515)
Hey, having an ace in the hole is ALWAYS a wonderful thing! Okay, I won't worry so much for you two knowing you have that potential source of income if you really need it.

Getting yourself in a stronger financial position by paying things off is truly wise, imo.

I can't agree more. I recomend it to everyone. :)

Don't worry about us, we are making it work and I think of Cynthia's school as an investment in my retirement. ;)

Bit 12-02-2009 04:53 PM

LOL! That's one way to look at it, Jen! :thumbsup:

Turino 12-02-2009 05:30 PM

Great stuff Bit. I try to cook one big thing a week that I can use in all different meals. Last week I threw meat in the crock pot and lots of frozen veggies , water, seasoning..cooked it..stored the meat separate and with the veggies I made ground turkey chili ...this week I am going to put sausages in it.

I am a boring cook..I cook for function not form.... everything gets minced garlic, onions and hot peppers...

I don't buy too many fresh veggies cause they go bad. I found it was a big waste. however, I do buy fresh spinach and freeze it.

The library is awesome..For those who don't have online access at home they can go there for service.

I really thought about my only spending 25 p/mo on entertainment and realized that also includes any meals out. boy..times have changed.

suebee 12-02-2009 06:16 PM

I am a social worker by profession, but after a major depression a few years back I went on LTD. (long-term disability) Then last summer I was operated on for a lung tumour, and though the cancer part looks really good, I didn't heal properly, so I can't do much of anything right now.

Soooooo - I'm just trying to rehab and not looking too far in the future. But I'd love to do some part-time work some time in the future. My preferences would be something in photography, writing or dog training, but I don't know if I'll ever accomplish this.

I worked part-time for a little while delivering newpapers in the country in the morning. I mean early in the morning. Like 3:30AM. :eek: But surprisingly I really liked it. The world is really quiet and beautiful at that time of the day.

So, I'm waiting to grow up and see what my next career is! It's kinda exciting!

T D 12-02-2009 06:23 PM

I sell on both e-bay and craigs list. I do occasional computer work for some of the folks living near my mom. I cook for my uncle, who has diabetes, M - F. I also have a small space in a local antique store. Basically between all of these things I manage to bring in a considerable amount every month. At any rate it really helps the pocketbook. :)

Turino 12-03-2009 10:25 AM

you put it out into the universe and it happens. I took the census exam and just got called this morning. Instead of going door to door, I will be working full time in the office for at least 8 weeks and possibly through April. Even though the outside positions pay higher, I am more grateful to be able to work inside when it hits 10 degrees.

The pay will be just enough to cover my household bills. I will float right above the edge. If something else comes along that is better, I will be in a better headspace to take it. Meantime I can still focus on my other two professional endeavors. Boy does this take a load off my mind.

Bit 12-03-2009 10:35 AM

Hey, Turino, that's wonderful! They say it's easier to get hired when you already have a job; maybe that will be true for you and this census job will lead to something better!

Oh, what you said about fresh produce? I found that to be true also, and the prices skyrocketed anyway, so mostly I buy frozen. Works great, lasts a couple months, absolutely no waste.

violaine 12-03-2009 12:21 PM

[QUOTE=apocalipstic;15512]The library, yes!

We have switched from Barnes and Noble to the library to save money too.
They have books on tape and CD, books, magazines, music, movies.

oh yes, jen. i'm picking up a book today that was ordered for me. i always like to see from where they are sent- kind of like produce, when i cannot buy from local farmers. movies and music are checked out all of the time :hendrix:


Just_G 12-03-2009 12:54 PM

What a great thread!

I am 4th generation in my family's oriental rug business. We sell hand knotted rugs made in India, Armenia, Pakistan, China, and Belgium. (no, there is no child labor involved like most people think.) Our product is more a luxury type thing, and not a necessity; therefore, our buisness has been scraping by the last year. I always thought I would some day inherit the business, but the way things are right now, we will be in to big of a hole to dig out of. I hope and pray that things start to turn around soon, but Pops is thinking about selling the business....which breaks my heart, but I understand. I think we are about the only family business left here in Kansas City...we are the oldest rug dealer in this town.

I also do a lot of remodel work on the side for cash. My favorite thing to do is build decks, but this time of year it is not a hot item..lol Laying tile and laminant flooring this last year has been the only thing that kept me afloat financially. However, it is my poor body that suffers...manual labor like this is a bitch, but it is all I really know. I have applied for a part time job at Lowe's, but they are not super busy this time of year.

I have cut out the gym membership (and oh boy can I tell!), and reduced a lot of things so that my bills are lower. I do keep my cable and internet because that seems to be what keeps me busy since my r/t social life has really taken a hit financially. Things are getting better slowly...which is better than not at all.

morningstar55 12-03-2009 01:08 PM

what do I do to support myself... well...........
i drive a truck..... yes .. am a girl and i drive a truck......

1st off im an artist...... i do sell my art from time to time.. even spent 6 yrs learning graphic design in college......
and somehow . ended up driving a truck... not sure how it happend but it did.
its not what i really like to do .. but it pays the bills.
wish i could get home more. but for now it pays the bills.
hoping soon i can find a local job..... but im not one to up and quit my job.. without a back up..
i drive long hours sometimes ,, sometimes i dont.
I dont look for hand outs or someone to pay my way... i work hard to get what little i have.
I do how ever enjoy meeting some of the awsome members of the BF community in my travels.
i am allowed to take passangers..... i have all the comforts in here of a micro wave, fridge, tv, a comfy full size bed and i love lots of pillows soo since i have to live in here on the road doing my job i have made it very comfy in here... soo thats what I do .. lol:bouquet:

Laidbackgrly 03-25-2010 10:13 PM

I work
I do hair I enjoy it very much I do wish I made more money but me and my son get by :buzz cut: I thank god everyday I have my job.

Medusa 03-25-2010 10:27 PM

Im a paid Tech Goddess by day and a super-duper Housewife at night :)

AtLast 03-25-2010 11:23 PM

I'm retired. I taught (community & state university) psychology & social work) and was a practicing psychotherapist and expert witness (forensic testimony). I also was a high school history teacher way back. And I have been part of a family refuse business in the mix. I don't think I ever had just one job at a time since I graduated from college and grad school. I hit every weak economic period while completing my education and going back to grad school, so that when I finished, I always ended up part-time somewhere and part-time somewhere else!

For awhile, I was semi-retired and followed a long-time interest in antique and vintage chinaware/glassware and had a small collectibles business and became a certified personal estate appraiser. That closed when this recession hit, so I just retired fully. I have some disability issues and decided to finally just take care of myself and enjoy life as best as possible.

Now, my time is mine (well, except for the kid's kids) really and I have been single for almost 4 years. Thinking of doing more travel, but have to see what the economy does.... last 2 years have been rough!


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