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1ladyface 12-19-2011 10:15 PM

Trans Appreciation
Hi All! I didn't see a thread for this so I thought I'd start one. I'll kick it off with a list of things I'd like to thank the butches (and transguys and studs and female born masculine folks in general) for:

1. Thanks for knowing that we do have brains between our pretty little ears.

2. Thanks for not minding if our heels make us a little taller than you…or a lot taller.

3. Thanks for appreciating all the work that goes into looking as fabulous as we do.

4. Thanks for knowing the difference between being protective and being jealous.

5. Thanks for your brutal hands, huge cocks and filthy minds.

6. Thanks for the cuddles and spooning and those strong, safe arms.

7. Thanks for smelling like wonderful things: sweat, old spice, sawdust, whiskey, coffee and (if I’m a lucky ladyface) sometimes even delicious desserts.

8. Thanks for recognizing that we femmefolk don’t do femininity for you. (Except sometimes, when we do.)

9. Thanks for being patient and kind in those moments when we are…flustered, insecure, crestfallen or just plain grumpy.

10. Thanks for the chivalry. It is noticed and appreciated and no matter how many times you open a door for me, I still get that wonderful warm squiggly feeling in my tummy. Really.

every. time.


1ladyface 12-30-2011 06:49 PM

Alright, I'm just gonna go ahead and nudge this thread. Ladies, what else do you appreciate about your trans lovers? I'm certain that mine isn't an exhaustive list...

The_Lady_Snow 12-30-2011 07:39 PM

Thanks for acknowledging our masculinity.

The_Lady_Snow 12-30-2011 08:22 PM

Thanks for getting that our kids come first...

girl_dee 12-30-2011 08:23 PM

Even though She isn't trans...
I appreciate my female identified butch for her huge BRAIN

The_Lady_Snow 12-30-2011 08:30 PM

Thanks for not assuming that because I'm Femne I'm not strong...

apretty 12-30-2011 08:51 PM

Thanks for being okay with yourself wherever you are in journey--I love that!

Canela 12-30-2011 09:36 PM

Thanks for being you, all the time, not just when you think I'm watching.

Thanks for being masculine enough that it balances my femininity perfectly.

Thanks for that light touch of your hand in the small of my back when we leave a room and understanding that its very much okay with me.

Thanks for knowing that I go weak at the knees when you flirt with me, no matter how long its been.

Thanks for cheering me up when I'm down and for knowing when that is.

Thanks for loving me. And for letting me love you, back.

Quintease 12-31-2011 04:32 AM

I just love my husband sooooooo much! He's everything I ever wanted from a woman (and never got) and everything I never thought I would get from a man! He's my best friend, most amazing lover, he's kind, he's romantic, he's generous, he's caring, he brings out the best in me, he's just so wonderful! Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe it's true.

Plus he's really sexy! Some boi was eyeing him up at a party last night and I thought 'ha ha ha, no, he's mine!'

1ladyface 12-31-2011 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Canela (Post 495458)
Thanks for that light touch of your hand in the small of my back when we leave a room and understanding that its very much okay with me.

Oh yes, this makes me melty too. :)

And thanks for always being up for spider evacuation or extermination duty. (evacuation or extermination is determined by the size, location and scariness of the spider)

Heavenleahangel 12-31-2011 06:39 PM

I truly appreciate when an ftm has that "swagger" or heir of cockiness. It makes me mighty weak in the knees when my partner *knows* they have it and *knows/shows* it to me!!! Being the femme that I am, I need someone who is confident in themselves. I am by no means needy or powerless, but I just love the power he/hy can have over me! *swoons....*

rldaddy 01-09-2012 03:53 PM

Thats awesome
Anytime! I really enjoyed reading that.

1ladyface 01-09-2012 03:55 PM

I know I started it, but this is one of my favorite threads to lurk. The responses are so much fun to read and they often make my heart hurt (in a good way). Thanks for sharing!!!

Library_girl 01-09-2012 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by 1ladyface (Post 489314)
Hi All! I didn't see a thread for this so I thought I'd start one. I'll kick it off with a list of things I'd like to thank the butches (and transguys and studs and female born masculine folks in general) for:

1. Thanks for knowing that we do have brains between our pretty little ears.

2. Thanks for not minding if our heels make us a little taller than you…or a lot taller.

3. Thanks for appreciating all the work that goes into looking as fabulous as we do.

4. Thanks for knowing the difference between being protective and being jealous.

5. Thanks for your brutal hands, huge cocks and filthy minds.

6. Thanks for the cuddles and spooning and those strong, safe arms.

7. Thanks for smelling like wonderful things: sweat, old spice, sawdust, whiskey, coffee and (if I’m a lucky ladyface) sometimes even delicious desserts.

8. Thanks for recognizing that we femmefolk don’t do femininity for you. (Except sometimes, when we do.)

9. Thanks for being patient and kind in those moments when we are…flustered, insecure, crestfallen or just plain grumpy.

10. Thanks for the chivalry. It is noticed and appreciated and no matter how many times you open a door for me, I still get that wonderful warm squiggly feeling in my tummy. Really.

every. time.


Thanks so much for this thread, and for this list! I have to say that although I love every item on the list, #4, 5, and 6 are my favorites, especially #4! My appreciation for the protectiveness is enormous and heartfelt.

Slowpurr 08-09-2012 08:19 PM

"Small Town Security" boasts a FTM transgendered employee
A shout out to Sgt. Dennis Croft a featured player on the reality show "Small Town Security"on AMC. I started to watch the show on a lark; having seen a preview featuring an outrageously quirky, attention seeking character named Joan or 'chief' as she is fondly referred to by her employees at the security service office;which is the setting of the show. I came for Joan but will stay for Dennis. It remains to be seen how this series will ultimately handle the subject of transition but the sentiment voiced by Sgt. Croft in an all too brief but intense interview on local access in Ringgold, Georgia cannot be erased. The first episode airs the interview which contains a clip of D. Croft being interviewed prior to beginning his T therapy as he watches and comments in the present.

Tony 08-10-2012 07:26 AM

Liking it...
Just found this thread. Loved reading all the amazing posts from the ladies. Believe me, we love to know what we're doing right & the appreciation is intensely felt. No matter who you are or your personal situation, it's always a feel good when someone not only accepts all that you are, but appreciates & likes it. Thank you, Ladies.

Canela 08-10-2012 10:46 AM

Thank you for your fierceness. The protective nature that you have for me, that quality that makes you want to stand up for me even when you know I'm more than capable to stand up for myself.

Thank you for showing me love in a discreet and (not so discreet-not pda) way sometimes, in front of my family and friends. The kindness and courtesy you give me that moves even straight couples to reassess their own behaviors....

Thank you for making me the Queen of our world/life/relationship and understanding your own place as our King.

Thank you for committing to us, to our life and to our loved ones. Being you is the only way I can love you, and thank you for receiving my love in it's entirety.

Thank you for letting me be me with you, the girl, the mama, the wifey the kitten, the tigress, the lamb, the big baby. Thank you for being my bf, man, husband, daddy, mister, sir, friend, lover, (big baby) among others and for understanding that masculine terms are natural to me for you, and I revel in being able to use them. That means more to me than you know.

Thank you for appreciating me in all my many facets. For making me feel good about being a girl/woman who loves her bf/TG/FtM/Transman.

Thank you for"getting" it.

Sparkle 08-25-2012 12:11 PM

My best friend of 15-years identifies as a Trans Bear.

When we met, we were both baby dykes, fledgling butch and femme baby dykes full of bravado, trying to find ourselves and our way (and having an awful lot of fun along the way). Over the course of the past decade and a half we have been through so much - many highs, and oh so many lows. I'm grateful for his friendship. He is my touchstone. He's taught me and inspired me, and propped me up when I've needed it. He's also let me take care of him, he's shared the good, the bad and the ugly. And every step of the way I have been so proud of him (even on those days I've wanted to shake him).

I am so proud of his bravery. Every stage of his transition has required renewed and refreshed courage.

I am so proud that every step of the way he has followed his own path, even when it diverged from anything he knew, from anything he saw, from anything written or talked about. He has let his internal compass lead the way.

I am so proud of the role he has taken on as community educator, both within our local queer community, and within the regional and wider bear and leather communities. As we all know, fear and intolerance are human conditions, being a pioneer within the community is as hard and sometimes harder and often requires MORE courage, than educating the heterosexual community.

And I am so proud of the every day education he does, with the guys he manages in the warehouse, with his family, with 100s of other people who have never ever met anyone like him, never even conceived of someone like him. He's smoothed the paths for dozens of queer kids of every stripe, by being open and honest and a warm, positive reassuring role model with their families.

I'm so proud of every obstacle he's overcome. Of every barrier he's broken through. And of his ability to lift himself up and keep going, again and again and again - because none of those obstacles were overcome easily, and none of those barriers were broken down swiftly.

I am so proud, *beamingly proud*, of the full, happy, healthy, loving person he is.

Today he entered himself as a contestant in the Mr. CT Leather competition.
It is an enormous step for him, to not just find a place within the gay leather community, but to step up and put himself on display.

It has been a long time coming, a long journey for him to find this level of self-confidence; and in finding himself, and joy in himself, he has opened hearts and minds like no one else I know.

Not in big flashy splashy ways; in every day, real face-to-face ways.

So go on you brave sexy M.F. -- be bold!
I'll always be your biggest fan.

And random fact: He's not the first trans man to break this ground, Tyler McCormick won International Man of Leather in 2010. Bravo, Mr. McCormick.

Ginger 08-25-2012 12:39 PM

Thanks for letting me go.

Leigh 08-25-2012 01:11 PM

Thank You, *all* of You, just for being who You are! :heartbeat:

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