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Jet 03-29-2014 03:02 PM

For off-the-chart stories, in the news, from around the world. Usually about infuriating people and deeds that make you want to fly out of your chair.

Costco dumping good peanut butter, that could be given to food banks, into a New Mexico landfill (because of a supplier bankruptcy) for openers.:blink: WTF!


Orema 01-30-2016 06:53 AM

When Locksmiths Pick Pockets
Fake Online Locksmiths May Be Out to Pick Your Pocket, Too

Maybe this has happened to you.

Locked out of your car or home, you pull out your phone and type “locksmith” into Google. Up pops a list of names, the most promising of which appear beneath the paid ads, in space reserved for local service companies.

You might assume that the search engine’s algorithm has instantly sifted through the possibilities and presented those that are near you and that have earned good customer reviews. Some listings will certainly fit that description. But odds are good that your results include locksmiths that are not locksmiths at all.

They are call centers — often out of state, sometimes in a different country — that use a high-tech ruse to trick Google into presenting them as physical stores in your neighborhood. These operations, known as lead generators, or lead gens for short, keep a group of poorly trained subcontractors on call. After your details are forwarded, usually via text, one of those subcontractors jumps in a car and heads to your vehicle or home. That is when the trouble starts.

The goal of lead gens is to wrest as much money as possible from every customer, according to lawsuits. The typical approach is for a phone representative to offer an estimate in the range of $35 to $90. On site, the subcontractor demands three or four times that sum, often claiming that the work was more complicated than expected. Most consumers simply blanch and pay up, in part because they are eager to get into their homes or cars.

“It was very late, and it was very cold,” said Anna Pietro, recalling an evening last January when she called Allen Emergency, the nearest locksmith to her home in a Dallas suburb, according to a Google Maps search on her iPhone. “This guy shows up and says he needs to drill my door lock, which will cost $350, about seven times the estimate I’d been given on the phone. And he demanded cash.”

The phone number at Allen Emergency is now disconnected.

It is a classic bait-and-switch. And it has quietly become an epidemic in America, among the fastest-growing sources of consumer complaints, according to the Consumer Federation of America.

For the full NY Times article, click here.

CyberStud 01-30-2016 07:20 AM

Why Joseph Fiennes Thinks He Can Play Michael Jackson!!

Yesterday, Twitter exploded over news that a white, British actor named Joseph Fiennes (little bro of actor Ralph Fiennes) had been cast to play Michael Jackson in a film about a fictitious post-9/11 road trip he takes from New York to Los Angeles with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor.

Now, Fiennes has addressed the backlash and says he's surprised by it, considering the film is a fantastical farce to start with. He also offered the worst reason ever for why he's qualified to play the King of Pop.

“I’m a white, middle-class guy from London,” the 45-year-old actor told Entertainment Tonight about being cast in the role. “I’m as shocked as you may be.” He continues, “[Jackson] definitely had an issue — a pigmentation issue — and that’s something I do believe. He was probably closer to my color than his original color.”

I don't even know where to start with this one, it's sooo wrong on so many level. WTF!!!!!!! :|

C0LLETTE 01-30-2016 09:58 AM

Kale: The Silent Killer.

From the web site Delish (16/07/5) titled "People Are Getting Seriously Sick from Eating Kale" subtitled ("Find out why this superfood is actually super-poisoning) that urged readers to "lay off the kale...":

"Kale is heralded for its ample supplies of calcium, magnesium, potassium, Vitamin K, and various healthful phytochemicals and anti-oxidants. But the superfood is hiding a nasty secret: dangerous levels of heavy metals.

In a recent study, molecular biologist Ernie Hubbard found that kale—along with cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and collard greens—is a hyper-accumulator of heavy metals like thallium and cesium. What's more, traces of nickel, lead, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic are also common in greens, and this contamination affected both organic and standard produce samples."

The articles cited a 7 July 2015 article published by Craftmanship magazine; written by Todd Oppenheimer:

"Oppenheimer profiled the work of microbiologist Ernie Hubbard, whom, he explained, has a "background in biochemistry and genetics and "[worked to] explore a range of tests and treatments not often found in traditional doctor’s offices" such as "bio-impedence' analyzers that measure cellular energy and 'chelating' formulas like ZNatural, which aim to stimulate the body to release toxins...."

The article explained how Hubbard settled upon kale as a possible agent of dietary destruction:

To test this link [to residual thallium levels in kale as a toxin], Hubbard started playing a little game. Whenever the clinic would send him someone with the kind of chronic problems associated with thallium, or any other complaints that were hard to pin down, Hubbard would scribble kale on a little note-card and turn it face-down on his desk. After a short work-up, he’d ask the patient to list his or her favorite vegetables. Over and over, people would mention the crucifers, especially kale. Hubbard would nod, say he expected as much, then show them the note-card on his desk to prove it..."

I'd put my tongue in my cheek but there's a wad of kale in there.

Cin 04-01-2016 01:08 AM

The CIA and the Pentagon Are Shooting at Each Other

Not so very long ago, Dick Cheney announced with his bare face hanging out that the vice president's office was not part of the executive branch of the federal government. He coughed up this preposterous hairball because he didn't want to give his official papers to the National Archive, as is required by several federal laws.

On that blissfully innocent June day in 2007, I believed that we as a nation had summited the Mount Everest of assholery, planted Cheney's flag in a gritty crust of snow and watched as that bloody banner fluttered in the air-starved breeze.

This was the nadir, the final insult, the single silliest bark I've heard from a high public official since "If the president does it, it's not illegal" and "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" It had to be, right? The vice president, who sits one missed heartbeat away from the big round room, isn't part of the executive branch? Also, clouds aren't part of the sky, water isn't wet and bears don't poop in the piney woods.

Such was my age of innocence. I believed with my whole heart that the arc of ridiculous had kissed the very ceiling of the sky. I was comprehensively wrong.

You may want to sit down for this one. Here be some foolishness of such raw and ponderous weight that it might cave in the solar system entirely. Ready? Here goes: There are currently two militias duking it out in Syria, in the shaved and shattered death zone between Aleppo, Marea and the Turkish border, and the US government is funding them both simultaneously.

The Knights of Righteousness (yeah, seriously, that's their name) recently got their asses kicked up between their shoulder blades by the Syrian Democratic Forces, who at least have the decency to try not to sound like a band of Marvel Comics superheroes. Nothing new here on the surface; Syria is an abattoir the world will be dealing with for several generations to come.

No, here's the fun part: The Knights of Righteousness (yeah, that really is what they call themselves) have been armed and funded by -- wait for it -- the Central Intelligence Agency. Their opponents, the Syrian Democratic Forces, have been armed and funded by the Pentagon. Ergo, based upon the most recent battle in Marea, the Defense Department went to war with the CIA half a world away.

Once upon a time, during the "good old days" of the Cold War, we fought proxy wars against the Soviet Union and their allies. Now, we fight proxy wars between various departments of our own federal government, using your tax dollars to buy the bullets and the bombs. Thunder has more sense. Newborn kittens are more clever. Stones at least have the wisdom to sit still.

This? This reeks of the most prolonged and expensive blunder in the modern history of the North American continent, and that's one hell of a statement. Even after 25 years of war in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, we weren't giving weapons to our people so they could shoot our people. After another 25 years of war in Iraq, that's exactly where we are. The "news" media enjoys soft-shoeing this elaborate disaster as some kind of organic phenomenon, another chapter in the ongoing ersatz biopic of Us. vs. Them. The truth? They did this for money, and most of the bodies biting the dirt over there fall at the hands of American weapons we abandoned or sold outright because a small group of people you'll never meet were handsomely paid for the privilege.

In the face of all this, of the lethal blowback that includes bombings in Brussels and Pakistan and again in Iraq, where is the rudder of our national discourse steering us? The New York Times tells the gruesome tale: "Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas traded insults on Easter Sunday morning over recent smears against their wives, while Mr. Trump ruled out creating internment camps for American Muslims and said he would study a proposal to allow delegates to bring guns to the Republican National Convention."

Ow. My brain.

It was once wisely said that some people create their own storms and then get upset when it rains. That adequately describes US foreign policy and politics today, but for the plain fact that they are pleased and not at all dismayed by this current and ongoing turn of events. The rain, in this case, is cash by the bushel followed by fearful fodder fobbed off to frighten enough people so these "leaders" can inject themselves into elected office with the cold compliance of the media. It is a frictionless machine lubricated with innocent blood.

The CIA and the "Defense" Department are shooting at each other in Syria. Maybe they'll wipe each other out, and the Pentagon along with the CIA's George H.W. Bush headquarters can be transformed into affordable housing for all the people who have been subjected to the cruelty of this nation's seemingly bottomless talent for self-destructive folly. That would be fitting indeed.


*Anya* 04-01-2016 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by CyberStud (Post 1041847)

I don't even know where to start with this one, it's sooo wrong on so many level. WTF!!!!!!! :|

How would anyone know where to start? It demonstrates such bad judgement, on the part of everyone involved with the film. Why? Why? Why? A white man to play Michael Jackson? Fiennes is a great actor but that is irrelevant here. He is going to play a black man's experience??

It makes me feel embarrased as a white woman.

There are not enough talented black men or biracial men available to play the role? Really?

WTF indeed.

I can't wait to hear the explanation that the producers/director/money people will offer about the choice of a white man in the role of Michael Jackson.

homoe 08-26-2016 04:28 PM


I think doing this leads to a slippery slope and could open a whole Pandora' box!

homoe 05-10-2018 01:34 PM

Town & Country apologizes to Monica Lewinsky for pulling invite after Bill Clinton RSVP'd.........

Town & Country magazine apologized to Monica Lewinsky on Thursday, over uninviting her to an event after former president Bill Clinton decided to attend.

"We apologize to Ms. Lewinsky and regret the way the situation was handled," the magazine tweeted Thursday morning.

OF course they regret the way it was handled because no one stopped to think of the power social media draws these days!

homoe 05-29-2018 06:34 PM

WTF Was Roseanne thinking......:seeingstars:

homoe 05-29-2018 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1086191)

I think doing this leads to a slippery slope and could open a whole Pandora' box!

I've come to the conclusion this is perhaps the dumbest idea ever!

Gemme 05-29-2018 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1212695)
WTF Was Roseanne thinking......:seeingstars:

She wasn't, clearly. She and a certain orangey fellow share the same Twitter affliction.

~ocean 05-29-2018 08:57 PM

I feel so bad for the cast of Roseanne ~

homoe 06-29-2019 12:25 PM

Chris Christie calls NBC's Chuck Todd 'the most pretentious know-it-all on network news'

OMG isn't this the pot calling the kettle black.......:sunglass:

Former New Jersey governor and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie joined The Late Show With Stephen Colbert live following the second Democratic presidential debate on Thursday, and he did not hold back in sharing his feelings about one of the debate’s hour-two moderators, Meet the Press host, Chuck Todd. It was evident that Christie’s words were spoken with true disdain and not in good fun.

homoe 07-13-2019 09:57 AM

R E A L L Y ? You're proud someone served in the administration that let a sex trafficker get off with a mere slap on the wrist?

homoe 07-13-2019 10:09 AM

Collins was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1996. She was re-elected in 2002, 2008, and 2014.

Never forget if she runs for re-election in 2020, she voted to confirm Kavanaugh

homoe 10-11-2019 07:30 AM

Why is this headline news? "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Paid $300 for a Haircut and Highlights" Is it just because she's female?

The only time I remember a headline about a male's 'do' was "Bill Clinton Held Up LAX Air Traffic for Haircut".

homoe 10-11-2019 07:34 AM

Liar Liar pants on fire.....

Apocalipstic 10-11-2019 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1254262)
Why is this headline news? "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Paid $300 for a Haircut and Highlights" Is it just because she's female?

The only time I remember a headline about a male's 'do' was "Bill Clinton Held Up LAX Air Traffic for Haircut".

Hair is expensive! I bet even more so in DC. Is she supposed to cut her own hair? Do the men?

CherylNYC 10-11-2019 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1254262)
Why is this headline news? "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Paid $300 for a Haircut and Highlights" Is it just because she's female?

The only time I remember a headline about a male's 'do' was "Bill Clinton Held Up LAX Air Traffic for Haircut".

Exactly. This is the same shite they used on Hillary Clinton. Femaleness is the problem. Just like when we were 13 years old. Anything, and every single female thing, about us is mockable.

Gemme 10-12-2019 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Apocalipstic (Post 1254275)
Hair is expensive! I bet even more so in DC. Is she supposed to cut her own hair? Do the men?

Especially female's hair. A simple trim is waaay more expensive than a male's. And she has long hair, which cost more to do anything with, be it cut, color or style. I bet the cost would come down real fast if men were charged the same.

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