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katsarecool 11-06-2010 06:16 AM

Pets & the humans who love them
I put this thread in the Health section due to the known health benefits for having pets.
Did you know having a pet can actually reduce our risk of high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and depression?

I would love for this thread to be full of stories about our pets and our love of them. Funny stories all the better.

Ashely, my only female cat. One day I decided to rearrange the books in the shelves and accidentally stacked some heavy ones on the shelf above the bottom shelf. Well I gave it a small hit and they all tumbled down on my foot causing some huge hurt! All of the cats came running to check on me when they heard my yelps of pain.

Frankie was the first responder. He made a circle around me checking for injuries and possible bleeding. Then proceeded to sit by my side with a look of anxiety written on his face. Midnight, the ole guy and leader of the pack walked right up to my face, gave me a couple of sniffs and walked away bored. Ashley so timid and shy and crossed eyed approached me timidly, with her twitching eyeballs bent close to my face to examine me. She then bit me on the tip of my nose and hauled ass in the opposite direction. Still to this day wondering what she had been thinking about and why she felt it necessary to inflict further pain. Later I laughed so hard.

Ok next?

Cowboi 11-06-2010 06:40 AM

I have a mini Dach. Her name is Scout, from the movie To Kill A Mockingbird. She is 9 years old. She has been blind for about 4 years because of cataracts in both eyes. She is my buddy!!! As long as she is at her house you would never know shes blind. Take her out of her element, and she gets very upset, and disoriented.

katsarecool 11-06-2010 07:04 AM

Aw she sounds sweet!!!! Wishing you and Scout many more happy years together...

Oiler41 11-06-2010 07:18 AM

We have five:

Monty, the Eyeore of the family is a recue boy; he is by far the most sensitive and tender-hearted dog I've ever seen. He is a mixed breed of pointer, perhaps lab and maybe something else. He goes out in the driveway every day and brings the newspaper in. He has been agility trained but doesn't do much of that anymore as he is getting up in his years. He is a sweetheart but can sound like a monster if he needs to.

Pinkie Lee, the red-head; She is the herder and also a mixed breed rescue girl. She can cut corners like nobody's business! She doesn't like big trucks, motorcycles or bicycles and can turn into devil dog when she sees them. She is a sweetheart to those she loves. In fair weather, you will find her outside in the backyard keeping watch on everything. Not sure of her mix, but she looks a bit like a Corgi or similar type herding dog.

Lucie, the tough one of the family. Lucie is a Schnauzer rescue dog. She will eat damn near anything including a wide variety of vegetables. She loves to play ball and go for rides in the car. She keeps everyone else in line,,but don't tell Monty that. Lucie has lost a great deal of her hearing, but she knows hand-signals. She is in charge, whether the rest of the family knows it or not.

Miss Daisy, one of the miniature long-haired dachshund sisters. Although she is a mini, she grew almost to the size of a full-sized dachshund. She is by far the most hard-headed one of the lot. She is the hunter and has, unfortunately, already caught a dove in the backyard. Sometimes her food bowl is her life and she will hover over it and growl, even when no other fur child is even close to her. She may be a hoarder, lol.

And finally, Shadow, the other mini dachshund. She is a mini, coming in at about 12 pounds. Her mantra, "I'm tiny and I'm cute,,what's not to love?". She tries to keep up with her larger sibling, but she just isn't as rough and tumble as Miss Daisy is. She likes to be completely covered up when she gets in her bed. She will lay in her bed downstairs and just bite the side of the bed and hold it in her mouth. Not really sure what is up with that.

So, that is our fur kid family! We love them all dearly and they love us. Our life would be less rich if it weren't for all of them. They are a source of fun, love and humor all the time. Sometimes they get grouchy with each other, but at the end of the day we are one big happy family!


christie 11-06-2010 07:27 AM

Just call us Schnauzer land...

Max, the 23yr old mini schnauzer. (Yes, twenty-three) who is a crotchety ole fella. Hard of hearing (or ignoring us), only about 6 teeth left, and still plays like the younguns. He never fails to bring me a baby (he leans towards stuffed ducks) and flips over on his back so I can "get belly." I surely love that lil ole man.

Scooter, the 10ish Katrina rescue, also a mini. He is our OTJ boy. He is always very busy from his perch atop the loveseat, keeping watch. He loves to jump up in your lap and give hugs. He takes his front legs and puts them on your chest and presses down. The sweetest boy evah, and because he is so damned cute, his "chatiness" is ok.

Samson, our 6 yr old giant. That's my BOY!!! I love that big ole bear. He is quite a handful at around 120lbs, and the folks in our lil town are always stopping me on walks to ask, "Whut kinda dawg is that?!?!?" He loves to play ball and is very protective of his yard and his peoples. He was also a rescue and while Jess was initially skeptical about such a big dog, I think now Hy secretly puffs up Hys chest in pride as our big ole boy is the king of the world!

Sookie is our 8-9ish giant girl and the latest addition to our pack. She was rescued from an evil place last December and out of the 57 dogs taken from this home, only one of 13 who lived. She weighed 27lbs, fully grown, when she was found in a medium sized crate with an adult shephard who had died, curled around her. Her front teeth are all ground down from trying to chew her way out of the crate, but it hasn't slowed her appetite. I drove around 10 hrs to pick her up and bring her home, and its really been amazing to watch her go from being barely able to walk to wiggle-buttin around the house and running thru the yard with her boys! She has NO idea she is as big as she is, and tries to get in your lap sitting on the couch. She now weighs in at about 79lbs and has really settled in.

In as much work as they are, I can't imagine life without any of them. They are so unique in their personalities and bring us so very much joy!

Yay for schnauzerland!!

JustJo 11-06-2010 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Oiler41 (Post 221998)
And finally, Shadow, the other mini dachshund. She is a mini, coming in at about 12 pounds. Her mantra, "I'm tiny and I'm cute,,what's not to love?". She tries to keep up with her larger sibling, but she just isn't as rough and tumble as Miss Daisy is. She likes to be completely covered up when she gets in her bed. She will lay in her bed downstairs and just bite the side of the bed and hold it in her mouth. Not really sure what is up with that.

Awww...we have a mini named Shadow too, about the same size. He's my son's dog and has attachment issues. Right now he's sharing a chair with Rooster as he plays his computer games. He sleeps with him too, under the covers, every night....and will persistently wiggle his way under any afghan, blanket, etc. on the couch with you as well.

We also have two cats....Mabel (aka the Princess), a black long-haired beauty with a laser pointer obsession, and Banshee (aka big mouth or brat), who is the loudest meowing cat ever born. He's short haired, sort of butterscotch colored, and has a kink in his tail where it was broken before we got him. He's the king of attitude... and also the only cat I've ever known who's happy to be carried around belly up like a baby. :)

We used to have many more animals before our move to FL...two rabbits, one who died of old age, and the other given to a woman who had other rabbits and did education and petting zoo stuff for kids...a rowdy Collie named Lily, who was given to a friend (she was honestly more dog than we could handle, and the friend and she adore each other....last pic I saw of her was posted on his facebook page, with her in his bed, under the covers, head on his pillow, drooling :giggle: )...and two other cats - Bree, who vanished in NY the day we moved and hasn't been seen by neighbors since, and Soyen, a half Siamese who never was even remotely social, and went over a tall fence as soon as we arrived and is now living wild in several hundred acres of scrub preserve near our old apartment.....we saw him several times and he looks good, but would take off when we tried to get him.

It feels odd to have only 3 critters after having 8....but Scoote and the Rooster are conspiring, and I'm guessing that two more kittens may be headed our way. :)

suebee 11-06-2010 08:00 AM

I've got a whole gaggle of critters. They let me sleep in their bed - or at least one corner of it. Most are rescues of one sort or another. Some from shelters, some I had to pay a ransom for. They've kinda taken over my life. But that's okay. I love each and every one of them, and they seem to tolerate me pretty well too. :)

cuddlyfemme 11-06-2010 08:08 AM

I have 4 cats
Tabitha my 10 year old rescue Tabby
Samantha (Sam) my 9 year old chocolate point Applehead Siamese
Max my 8 year old blue point Applehead Siamese
Goldie my 2 year old Tabby mix (not sure what she's mixed with). I was Goldie's foster mom then adopted her

This is a great idea for a thread! Thanks for starting it

Legendryder 11-06-2010 08:12 AM

I gots Bob. Bob is a punk of the highest order. Bob is a chihuahua, so he is a barking, growling, bed hogging little monster. And my best friend. Punk ass.

Sparkle 11-06-2010 08:36 AM

I have two cats: Romey & Louie; they are ginger toms, they are brothers. They were rescued from a foster home near Boston when they were quite small and quite poorly, they have kitty-herpes. They are about 4.5 years old now. They are very naughty and very loving. They are in good health these days, each weighs nearly 20lbs :|

I have a dog named Cosmo; he is a 75lb Rottweiler/Shar pei mix. He was rescued from a no-kill shelter in Denver. He is about 3.5 years old now. He is very sweet with people, adores babies and toddlers and anyone who will play with him; but has become dog-aggressive/reactive - which is a real shame as it severely limits the amount of time he's allowed to be outside off-leash.

Rook 11-06-2010 08:42 AM

My brother has a "red" Siberian Husky, very smart...sometimes-cough-..At first, I was very worried about how Enik would react towards my Ferrets {They were here first}, my worries were laid to rest when I returned from Dialysis one evening, apparently I forgot to secure their cage..
She was waddling by all proud of carrying one of my Socks, and since He tends to be the ringleader, I was expecting to find him getting ready to pounce her...
I found him...cornering the dog.
That was..a sight to behold...a big ass siberian husky, lookin at me with a "please get him away get him away he's scaring me!!" glance, his front paws kinda taking turns touching the ground gingerly, almost as if he were trying to shoo him away....
I did grab TehToh though {ya never know} and gave 'em all treats, put the "evil twins" back in their dwelling...

Mathilda was a recent addition, she's a Rescue, to the unfamiliar person, she would be difficult to identify and distinguish from the other.
They look like fraternal twins, and when she's pissie she'll resemble him in tantrums.
I gave her the name for 2 reasons, a nod to the movies My relatives love {Matilda*danny devito* + The Professional *Jean Reno*}, and to the Song we kept singing.."Waltzing Mathilda", oddly enough whenever we sang it she'd stare blankly then squirm.
When she wants you to let her go {gently} she'll start "praying", folding her front paws together, pushing outward, squirming like you're torturing her, and yawns..a lot....Which btw, reveals very impressive Fangs..
She sometimes has a naive "duh" glance, but I've learned that's pure unadultered b.s., when she doesnt see im there, I've seen her true colors..She can be a little bully, and she loves wrestling with her toys, and they are HER toys, Tehtoh cant touch 'em...she will literally grab it, and waddle away with it...

Tehtoh, I gave him the name from Nausicaa of the Valley, he lives up to his name, however, I'm the only one in this House he hasn't sunk his Fangs into...yet..
He's also a Rescue..
I'm careful, when he's hyper and playful, I have felt the pinch of his rather sharp ...pointy...big..."Vampire" fangs...
Just a Pinch, though, he knows better.
I do warn anyone and everyone who seems to think they're immune, one of my brothers friends ignored my warning, while they were cleaning her finger, I showed her Tehtohs vet records, and smiled saying "I did warn u"..
Once he knows u, and likes u, he's a big pudgy ball of love..
He tends to be a cautious curious explorer, but..
When he finds something, and he knows{they're smart} he shouldn't have it and I'm approaching {ex: dog kibble, dog squeaky toy}, most of the time, he doesn't run..nah...it looks like he flies off in the opposite direction, which is quite a sight...A large Ferret, runnin' like a bat outta hell, holding on to a toy that is almost as big as him...
Unless I'm in a rush, it always makes me laugh..
When he returns from wherever he stashed his treasure {he rarely eats what he finds}, he has a Smug satisfied strut and a glance that can only mean "fuck you, it's mine !"

Personally, I think u can tell them apart, if you pay attention..the 2 best ways is to pick them up..
She's "plump" but soft and almost fragile to hold..
He's..heavy, thick and his fur is less plush, and much bigger..
Her head is narrow, like an Arrow, He has a "bull" skull, wide...
That and he'll cuddle you to Death, unless he's bored and see's something he wants to explore...
Her? She'll give u maybe 10...15 seconds of quiet snuggle...
Then the "praying" starts...

Yes, my ferrets throw tantrums.
Yes, they're spoiled rotten..
They also define "party animal"..When theyre happy they Hop around, a lot..sometimes they'll roll and Hop, and pounce each other, and make funny noises{I'm told}..
Sometimes their Tail will "Poof", I make sure it's cuz theyre happy...
Only 2 reasons a tail will poof, very hyper & happy...very scared & pissed off.

For my mother's birthday, I got her 2 peachfaced lovebirds.
Merlin and Ygraine..
I'm still figuring out how she knows their "sex", but, as long as theyre happy, and she's happy, I'm happy...

Scorp 11-06-2010 08:43 AM

We have 2 tuxedo cats who are siblings. We adopted them 6 years ago from an all volunteer non-profit organization whose mission is to control local feral (undomesticated) cat population through Trap-Neuter-return-Maintain (TNRM) programs.

This organization facilitates the adoption of stray and abandoned cats and kittens into responsible permanent homes through their foster care and adoption programs.

All prospective adopters are carefully screened to ensure that they are ready to take on the responsibilities inherent in caring for a cat. This organization asks for a tax-deductible donation for each cat adopted. This donation, which is used to feed and care for other cats in their system, allows them to provide a vet exam, sterilization, and initial vaccinations to the adopted cat.

To begin the process, we needed to fill out the pre adoption application form.

After our adoption form was reviewed, we received a call to come see the kittens and visit with them and we were screened. After careful consideration, we received the call about 4 days later that we got them. We were so excited. We went out and bought all kinds of kitty toys, beds, food, treats, you name it.

The big day came to go pick them up and bring them home. They were so cute and little. They were jumping around and becoming familiar with their surroundings. The rest is history. These are our babies and so much love is given to them and so much is given back to us.

Their picture is in my gallery if you're interested in seeing them.

On another note, most of the time I prefer dealing with animals than most humans.



LipstickLola 11-06-2010 08:45 AM

3 dogs, 2 cats, 3 horses, all 'rescued', all loved beyond measure! :D

theoddz 11-06-2010 08:57 AM

I have two kids, but they don't have fur!!! :frog::frog:

As most folks here know, I have a pair of White's Tree Frogs and I'm totally head over heels in adoration of them!! :awww:

Here's Myra (my big girl) and little Ivan, the songster and daredevil of the two.


Who'd have thunk that such simple little lives could hold so much love?? :heartbeat:

~Theo~ :bouquet:.....proud Dad. :winky::heartbeat:

Lynn 11-06-2010 09:12 AM

We have five cats and a dog. All are rescues.

Cupid is our oldest kitty. He's 14, with kidney disease and a chronic peeing problem. We are having some difficulty dealing with this, I admit. Samantha and Zoe are one sibling group, and Mickey and Miley are the other kitty sibs. We love them all. They're an endless source of enjoyment for us. All indoor cats and all from shelters.

Freeway is our old man. He's a 12 year old border collie/lab mix. Looks like a brown border collie with the utter sweetness of a soft lab. He was malnourished and neglected for years by a kindly older person who couldn't take care of him properly. He's a bit old for his time--with diabetes, arthritis, and cataracts with almost full blindness. He doesn't know how to play with toys, but he loves to ride in the car. He doesn't bark, but he smiles a lot and actually answers "yes" (I swear) when we ask if he wants to go for a ride. He still dances like a puppy when he goes in the car or when he is able to get us to let him out by staring at us. :)

girl_dee 11-06-2010 10:15 AM

recently went from a 5 pound chihuaha to a 7 large dog pack..

I sleep well at night... :)

Glenn 11-06-2010 10:42 AM

10 cats
1 Coyote
5 Racoons
1 Possum

Melissa 11-06-2010 10:45 AM

We have 3 cats with all different personalities.

Miz Kitty was willed to Rufus. Her owner died and Rufus got her because her owner knew Rufus was the only person who would not give her away or put her down.

Then we have Jilly. She was a stray that I picked up in the middle of a very icy Nebraska winter. She would come around for food, I would let her in to warm up, but after 10 minutes she would want to leave. Then, one day, she stopped by and at the end of her 10 minute visit instead of heading to the door to leave she took a left into the kitchen, curled up and went to sleep.

Then our last cat is Buddy. He showed up in the backyard one day looking for food. A neighbor had moved and we think they had abandoned him. We fed him for awhile but he was so pitiful and so obviously a former house cat with no outside skills that we took him in. He is now a 20lb monster that we love to death.


Miss Scarlett 11-06-2010 12:18 PM

For the past 13 years I have been personal assistant to the little gray cat who showed up on my patio on one of the hottest days of August 1997. I cannot and do not want to imagine my life without her. She is very much her own cat.

I love all animals and if my lifestyle/schedule permitted would definitely have a dog too. Of course I do have a "part-time dog" as in the Shih Tzu my boss brings to work. He is a delight and I love having a dog on my desk or in my lap when working.

I would love to have a raven. They are one of the smartest birds as well as being one of my animal totems.

Isadora 11-06-2010 12:59 PM

We lost four companions in one year. All of them from age. They were our family for many many years. First there was Zeke. Zeke was the elder to everyone else that came and went. He tolerated them all with his usual cat tolerance. He was a black fluffy green eyed cat that was my last connection to Andre. Andre's cat Molly had her very last litter and Zeke was the runt. 16 years of love and devotion he died roaming the countryside he grew up in. He was the only four legged companion that was not rescued. I still miss him. We had Queen Zelda the Persian, Magic and Mic the dumped in the country lab mixes and my rescued bichon the Zigmeister. Ziggy was my lover boy and followed me everywhere and always had to be touching me. I miss him.

Now we have Bert and Ernie. Bert is a sweet butch terrorist and Ernie is a sweet femme bottom. LOL They were rescued as part of the City of Oakland Catch and Release program for stray cats. Momma was caught, had her kittehs, neutered and released back in her neighborhood. Bert and Ernie (or as Toughy calls her Ernestine) are tortoiseshell and diluted calicos. I lub them. We are considering a dog but I am torn between a rescue mastiff and a bichon. Don't laugh. I grew up with a Great Dane named Dede and a Chihuahua named Pixie. Heh. We shall see...

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