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Soft*Silver 01-09-2011 11:21 PM

I got approved! I got approved!!! I got approved!!!

Czar is coming to live with us at the beginning of February. This is a very non traditional arrangement/contract for a rescue. I am getting this dog free. They usually charge $400. And they are paying for his future medical bills. (My sister is paying for his food. I had to know I had someone to pay for the extra food or I couldnt do this.) Why are they doing this? Because this dog is a very unusual case. He is the largest living newfoundland. His breeder started breeding for size by doing line breeding, a genetic nightmare when done badly. He is deformed. He is so tall he dwarfs irish wolfhounds. And they are the largest breed in the world. His front paws turn out at an 80% angle. He has had two knee replacements and a hip replacement. He has facial deformities. Yet he is a loving sweet, kind, gentle dog who wants someone of his own. He does not move fast nor often, obviously, so he is a perfect match for our quiet, sedate house. They have been looking for the perfect home for him. When they heard about my Story and her dementia and how I have been trying to find another noof (lol), they were overjoyed.

He is 8. An older fella. He wont live as long as Story simply because of the bad bad breeding. That breeder gambled and he lost. But as long as he has me, every day will be a winner.

Please help me welcome Czar...


adorable 01-09-2011 11:51 PM

I HATE HATE HATE animal shelters!! I adopted an 11 year old beagle several years ago. The best choice I ever made! She struggled, then broke three of her legs..........she died at aged 15, but damn if she wasn't worth every moment!

Gemme 01-10-2011 12:04 AM

:welcome: Czar!!!

betenoire 01-10-2011 12:07 AM

Oh my god!

I am so sad for him. I mean I'm happy for him that he has you - but I am SO SAD FOR HIM. :(

People are stupid.

I'd really like to see a bigger pic sometime, though. I love to look at the four legged pals.

Soft*Silver 01-10-2011 12:38 AM

I cannot figure out how to increase the size of my photos. Tells you what a compute wizard I am! But, I do have a friend who might help me out in a day or two...hang tight and I will seek his help...

tiggs 01-10-2011 12:45 AM

What a wonderful gift you give to Czar and such a wonderful gift you will receive in return!

All our fur babies are rescues and all my fur babies in the past have been rescues, they always seem to turn out to be such lovies.

Soft*Silver 01-10-2011 12:49 AM

I was able to get a full size photo of him in my gallery. He is laying down tho. They are snapping more photos of him and sending them to me via email tomorrow.

he is being sent to me via an over the road truck driver! He does this on a regular basis for the rescues! He puts the dogs in his sleepers and hauls them whereever they are going! And refuses to take money! Czar is coming from Denver to Youngstown!

Soft*Silver 01-10-2011 12:58 AM

I only adopt older newfs now. They have to be at least 7. He is 8 but he has the body of a 10+ year old. He has more health issues than I ever have dealt with. I have had noofs with the worst kind of hip dysplasia, severe epilepsy, severe skin problems, spinal arthritus, deformed jaws,etc. But he is a monstrous genetic mishap. I guess most people know about the shame of this breeder. I cant imagine willfully doing this to pups. All for money. He who breeds the tallest noofs will get the largest sums of monies. Hell, right now pet quality noofs go for $1500 to $3000. Why be greedy?

Story has accepted when other dogs have been here but she has not liked their activity. She got nervous with their pacing. They were new and anxious and so they paced. So she would seek a quiet place away from them. Czar cannot pace. And, its not his nature. He is a velcro dog. Stuck to your leg. I will have them both beside me on the floor of the couch. I will need more heating pads! I put them under their blankets for comfort on cold days...

thank you for sharing in my joy...it means so much to be able to share this!


Originally Posted by tiggs (Post 262658)
What a wonderful gift you give to Czar and such a wonderful gift you will receive in return!

All our fur babies are rescues and all my fur babies in the past have been rescues, they always seem to turn out to be such lovies.

Soft*Silver 01-12-2011 08:20 PM

I just got word that Czar isnt coming at the end of the month.....

he is coming this MONDAY!!!!!!!


My big clumsy awkward gentle old man is coming here in less than a week!!!

Soft*Silver 01-13-2011 07:30 PM

you know, I didnt need one more thing to piss me off and make me more depressed. Yesterday and today I have been talking to this rescue (a small rescue, run by a married couple out of their own pockets so its not governed by any board) and after many words, I finally just said, "stop, find another home for the dog"

the original conditions presented to me by this rescue were:
1) they were offering him to me with no adoption fee
2) because of his many many problems, they were assuming his vet bills for conditions related to his genetic problems.

Last night I was asked for a security deposit. I reminded them I was told I wouldnt pay a deposit. They then said if I couldnt pay, how was I going to afford his vet bills. I was absolutely stupified. I asked them when I was going to get a contract and felt the dog shouldnt come Monday before I had a contract and these issues were worked out. They said they never send contracts out.

I got off the phone and talked to some people I know and trust and they said to back out of it. Sad and disappointed, I did just that. What we feel was happening, was that they had a bill to pay and that they were sending the dog NOW instead of two weeks from now and were demanding money to cover the bill.

I wont be doing any business with them in the future. Our breed rescue will be looking into this as well.

I am just so fucking sad tonight...

DomnNC 01-13-2011 07:42 PM

I'm sorry things didn't work out for you. I think you got some good advice tho, it's a shame those people felt the need to renig on their original deal. I agree, sounds like something fishy was up with them.

betenoire 01-13-2011 08:54 PM

I'm so sorry. The sad thing is that while they are acting like douchebags it's the doggy-friends who are going to suffer the most for their douchebaggotry.

waxnrope 01-13-2011 09:57 PM

YAY!!! Welcome home, Czar :)

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