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blucollargrl 11-11-2011 10:33 PM

Baby Butch Journey
I think I've met the love of my life, BUT she lives with her girlfriend due to finances. Don't want to lose her, but don't have her anyway. What to do, what to do.

tazz 11-11-2011 10:41 PM

that sounds like a sticky situation... you do have choices... just protect yourself from getting so deep that you actually wind up not having her And getting hurt.

but it could work... and i hope it does for you... be patient and understanding.

just my 4 cents...

*Anya* 11-11-2011 11:07 PM

Since you asked...
I am trying to think of a kind way to say this: finances may not be the only reason they are together. People have all kinds of reasons for remaining together besides love.

Get on with your life. If she really cares about you, she will move out. She can get a roommate, 2 roommates, etc. If she stays anyway, at least you will be living your life.

One can't live on hope. Take it from one that wasted a lot of years doing just that.

I hope it works out for you.

MissItalianDiva 11-11-2011 11:32 PM

I am with Anya on this one but I don't have a kind way to say it really. Don't fall for someones excuse who seems like they want to have their cake and eat it to. Another lesson I learned long ago is that if someone creeps around or cheats on someone to be with you then don't for one minute think at some point they won't do it to you since they have already proven to be untrustworthy and capable.

Lastly I think it is bad karma....we reap what we sow so watch where and how you mingle with something that is taken

little_ms_sunshyne 11-11-2011 11:46 PM

Seems like there is dishonesty going on. Caution!!!

Strappie 11-12-2011 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by blucollargrl (Post 461845)
I think I've met the love of my life, BUT she lives with her girlfriend due to finances. Don't want to lose her, but don't have her anyway. What to do, what to do.

Maybe there is more behind this then you are telling us.. We really can't give you advice as to what to do if we don't have more of the story.

Most people will tell you to GET THE HELL OUT and RUN!

But my guess is there is a bit more to it than what you just wrote.

Help us out here Blu

Tcountry 11-12-2011 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by blucollargrl (Post 461845)
I think I've met the love of my life, BUT she lives with her girlfriend due to finances. Don't want to lose her, but don't have her anyway. What to do, what to do.

I agree with Strappie...if u want real advise we are gonna need more info...
How long have u known her?
Why do u feel this way about her?
What are her feelings?
If she lives with her "girlfriend" ...they are still together...there is no financial reasoning bs.
& u are right...hard to lose something that isn't urs to begin with...

msW8ing 11-12-2011 03:05 AM

Did you meet her online??
Have you met her in person if you did?
Do you know anyone that can back up her "were broke up but still living together for financial reasons"?
I agree with sunshyne be very cautious..and I agree with Strappie..there is more to this story than what we were told. Whether you are aware or not..this isn't the whole story. Not trying to be cold here but I've seen so many of my friends go through this to end up heart broken and taken advantage financially. With them getting the "well if you love me and want to move out of my ex's house then help me pay for it" story. Sad but true.

Blade 11-12-2011 07:21 AM

I'd have to agree with the other posters, all gave honest sound advice. The only thing I would add is turn around don't walk but RUN from this situation as fast and far as you can. Likely you will find your emotions in tiny bits and pieces if you choose to stick around and wait. Probably it is a very toxic situation for you.

Jett 11-12-2011 07:39 AM

Can you call her anytime on the landline? Have you all been together in the same room? Does she talk to you differently when her "ex" is in the same room w/ her? Is it ok for you to just show up at the door while her "ex" is there (I say ex b/c you said g/f I assume it it supposed to be her ex).

I ask these questions b/c sometimes- often I bet that two people that break up live together for awhile out of convenience. I wouldn't write her off, anyone off unless there is evidence, signs that she's keeping you a secret... if it's all very open I'd say give it a good go.

1QuirkyKiwi 11-12-2011 07:57 AM

What does your gut-feeling tell you? Can you call her anytime?

As the other posters have said; are they limitations of when and where you can spend time together?

Have you seen where she lives?

Does ahe have a Polyamourous relationship with her 'girlfriend' and hasn't said?

It's hard not to build your hopes up about someone, but, sometimes, we have no control over who our heart desires, so caution is needed to protect yourself from getting hurt.

I'm upfront with the fact I share a house with my English cousin - I've also posted often on here that I do.

girl_dee 11-12-2011 08:03 AM

Yes your gut. Your alarms have got be be going off all over the place.

Use your common sense, if we were presenting this to you, what advice would you give?

Even if you have seen where she is, lots can be hidden or covered up, even innocently in a one time visit. If it is this complicated from the beginning, guess what....

Dude 11-12-2011 08:05 AM

Move on and go about your own buisness.
You are being set up to rescue her and her
pattern of finding a new one while still with
someone else could go on the rest of her life.
9 times out of 10, she will be lining up her next
one while your still living with her or your stuff
is still there.

Find a woman who is okay being single and has
been for quite some time. Otherwise all the
bullshit overlaps and you are in a relationship
that is anything but healthy. She will project
all her insecurities and trust issues onto you.
All patterns tend to repeat themselves, until
people take the time to work on their shit.

Peach 11-12-2011 08:09 AM

IF she lives with the girlfriend, (I noticed you didnt say ex-girlfriend) for financial reasons, make sure she has her finances in order before she moves in with you. Do not offer to help her out with those finances, dont send her money if she cries help. I dont know you, I dont know the girl, but I've read MANY MANY stories on how someone helped the love of their lives, financially, and never saw the girl, or the money again.

call me a cynic if you please, but reality costs far less than fantasy.

KimbaYLRF 11-12-2011 08:35 AM

Have to agree with everyone. The red flag should have been when she said she lives with her gf for financial reasons.

The_Lady_Snow 11-12-2011 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by blucollargrl (Post 461845)
I think I've met the love of my life, BUT she lives with her girlfriend due to finances. Don't want to lose her, but don't have her anyway. What to do, what to do.

"BUT she lives with her girlfriend"

until that sentence structure changes I would STAY AWAY!

ruffryder 11-12-2011 10:26 AM

Is this like a friend girlfriend or an ex girlfriend or what?? I'm confused. LOL

Everyone is quick to tell you to run. I understand what you are going through however. Sounds like you already fell for the girl. Do you spend time with her? Can you spend time with her at your place? Someone else asked if you are able to talk to her whenever?

As I see you may or may not have her. Not sure what is going on with her living with her "girlfriend." Not sure why you are calling this person her girlfriend. I've been in a situation when I've had an ex living with me after we just broke up do to finances and I was dating someone else. It can work and it doesn't have to be all about sex people! Exes can remain friends. They can be respectful of you trying to move on even if they are living with you. Sometimes it's a mutual breakup but they may live together till they figure out finances or out of a lease, etc.

What I would consider in this situation is do you believe you have her, is she with you? Is this supposed to be a committment? Maybe you need to ask her what it is if you are confused.. I say go with your gut. If you feel it's fishy it probably is my friend. Good luck. If you like who she is though I wouldn't give up to easily. You'll figure it out.

kannon 11-12-2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by ruffryder (Post 462177)
Is this like a friend girlfriend or an ex girlfriend or what?? I'm confused. LOL

Everyone is quick to tell you to run. I understand what you are going through however. Sounds like you already fell for the girl. Do you spend time with her? Can you spend time with her at your place? Someone else asked if you are able to talk to her whenever?

As I see you may or may not have her. Not sure what is going on with her living with her "girlfriend." Not sure why you are calling this person her girlfriend. I've been in a situation when I've had an ex living with me after we just broke up do to finances and I was dating someone else. It can work and it doesn't have to be all about sex people! Exes can remain friends. They can be respectful of you trying to move on even if they are living with you. Sometimes it's a mutual breakup but they may live together till they figure out finances or out of a lease, etc.

What I would consider in this situation is do you believe you have her, is she with you? Is this supposed to be a committment? Maybe you need to ask her what it is if you are confused.. I say go with your gut. If you feel it's fishy it probably is my friend. Good luck. If you like who she is though I wouldn't give up to easily. You'll figure it out.

I agree with you ruff.

While her living arrangements are sketchy, it doesn't mean that she is a predator waiting for the next victim to pounce on. I don't think you can make a good assessment of her based on one bit of information. You're limiting yourself if you do that. I suggest you get to know her from a safe emotional distance. Don't let yourself get too emotional or too vulnerable. You should take this approach with anyone you meet online or in person. You really can't get to know someone until you spend time interacting with them. Don't fall too quickly.

Sachita 11-12-2011 11:05 AM

Don't be the solution to someone's problem. Let her first work out her problems and challenges, find a place and then begin a new relationship with you.

Hollylane 11-12-2011 11:14 AM

Black & white: She has not broken up with her girlfriend. Make it a no go.

Grey area: I live with my ex, we own the home, we live peaceably and amicably under the same roof with separate finances. I am becoming friends with the ex's new girlfriend, who has learned to appreciate me, and I her. The ex and I were always great friends, and made the friendship official by mutual agreement.

If she were in the grey area, in my opinion, there wouldn't be a question, other than your comfort level.

In the black & white area, unless she is in an open relationship(and the girlfriend knows and agrees with this too), again, it is a no go.

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