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Diva 12-01-2009 06:28 AM

World AIDS Day, December 1st
Here is a > > Valuable Link < < for this horrible pandemic.

Also, if You'd like to remember someone we have lost to this dreadful disease, feel free to honor their memory here.

The first time I was touched by AIDS was when my dear friend Bob was diagnosed. He went pretty quickly, it felt like to me. But I really think he chose not to tell us until there was no hiding it. Bob called me by my full name, loved my girls like they were his, gave me the color combination for my hair (which I use to this day) and was a total fanatic about The Broadway Musical. I was honored to have been asked to be by his side when he crossed over and again when I sang at his memorial service. He asked for "Somewhere" from West Side Story. Since then, I have lost many friends to AIDS, but none touched me quite like Bob.

I miss You, Roberto Jorge.....<smile>

Cyclopea 12-01-2009 06:42 AM

Top rated AIDS charities from charitywatch.org:

American Social Health Association B+
Bailey House (formerly AIDS Resource Center) B
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation A–
Foundation for AIDS Research (formerly AMFAR) B+
Gay Men's Health Crisis A–

For those who can give this year...

Groups included on the Top-Rated list generally spend 75% or more of their budgets on programs, spend $25 or less to raise $100 in public support, do not hold excessive assets in reserve, and receive "open-book" status for disclosure of basic financial information and documents.

Thank You Diva.

Pixie 12-01-2009 07:36 AM

Thank you Diva dear for this thread.

I have not had anyone truly die yet from AIDS but I have a few close friends fighting it as we speak. The closest to me is Ajay, someone who has been as family. Showing me hope in myself, giving me life. His diagnosis came as a surprise to him and all of us. And since, he has in theory lost his life. I know that I want nothing more then to give him hope, purpose, and joy for each day. I try to smother him gently with love so he knows he isn't alone. For each day we wake up it is meant to live and enjoy, to the fullest. My thoughts are with him, and all who have been affected by this disease.

weatherboi 12-01-2009 08:42 AM

Thanks to Dive who is always so thoughtful. Her attention to others is admirable!!
Thanks to all who post here.

Thanks Monroe for all the great guidance you gave me in my youth. You took a chance on at 16 by giving me a job on the weekends picking up glasses in the club so I would not feel so alone and get into anymore trouble than I already was into. You influenced me and your Mom nurtured me. I honor you both. Part of me is who I am because of you.

Trixy, you left this earth way too soon, but not without leaving a lasting impression. There are no guys that can wear a big pink upside down triangle necklace like you. Thanks for giving me a skill so that I could make a better living for myself when I was away at college. You were my friend and mentor. I honor you.

Hey Steve! Highschool buddy. You went way to soon. When I see your Mom around town she never forgets me, even though my appearance has changed so much. She always brings up those fake ID's we made in highschool. Oy Vey she was pissed. Einstein a go go and all the dancing we did. On my worst days I feel your prsence. You told me you'd always be there. Thanks for keeping your word!!

You were my first Gays,
You will be my last Gays!
Until we meet again!
Cheers Boys!!

Cyclopea 12-01-2009 11:10 PM

Great posts...
Thank you.

Toughy 12-02-2009 12:12 AM

as I say every year and write on every signature panel at every AIDS Memorial Quilt display

well boys and girls here we are again

I want all my friends back

remember their names

Toughy 12-02-2009 12:22 AM


my sonny boy.......my child..........I miss you and I want you back..............

Dean Thoreau 12-02-2009 07:26 PM

My daughter Lora died on World AIDS Day ......many years ago.
She was in the 8th grade, loved to play field hockey, had a wild sense of humor and was born HIV+
Lora was the second child I buried due to this horrendous disease. john was 7 and had died 10 years before she did.

I hate this disease........the stigma it still carries...that people are still dying because of this disease and children are being born infected with it...that I can not even find a red magnetic ribbon for my car...but you can find one of every other color!

I miss my children, i miss the friends i have lost, i am tired of making quilts...
First quilt I ever made was for my oldest daughters birth mother...she died of aids 3 months after my daughter was born... i am rambling....sorry

weatherboi 11-26-2010 08:37 PM

Dec 1st is coming up so mark your hearts and calenders!!!
Hey Folks!!!


Originally Posted by weatherboi (Post 14743)
Thanks to Dive who is always so thoughtful. Her attention to others is admirable!!
Thanks to all who post here.

Thanks Monroe for all the great guidance you gave me in my youth. You took a chance on at 16 by giving me a job on the weekends picking up glasses in the club so I would not feel so alone and get into anymore trouble than I already was into. You influenced me and your Mom nurtured me. I honor you both. Part of me is who I am because of you.

Trixy, you left this earth way too soon, but not without leaving a lasting impression. There are no guys that can wear a big pink upside down triangle necklace like you. Thanks for giving me a skill so that I could make a better living for myself when I was away at college. You were my friend and mentor. I honor you.

Hey Steve! Highschool buddy. You went way to soon. When I see your Mom around town she never forgets me, even though my appearance has changed so much. She always brings up those fake ID's we made in highschool. Oy Vey she was pissed. Einstein a go go and all the dancing we did. On my worst days I feel your prsence. You told me you'd always be there. Thanks for keeping your word!!

You were my first Gays,
You will be my last Gays!
Until we meet again!
Cheers Boys!!

weatherboi 11-27-2010 07:21 PM

bump bump bump


Originally Posted by weatherboi (Post 236087)
Hey Folks!!!

katsarecool 11-27-2010 07:31 PM

It is a terrible disease. I was working at a hospital in Atlanta (Crawford Long Hospital part of Emory Univ) when the AIDS epidemic first made the news. I believe it was 1981 or 82 when we first began to see patients with this disease; back then it was called GRID and it was terrifying seeing all these young men coming into the hospital to die. This hospital worked closely with the CDC here in Atlanta and we had doctors from there in our unit daily to see our patients and consult right there in the unit. I was privy to some very interesting conversations between the specialists at the time.

I have lost so many friends to this disease it is hard to remember them all and that is a sad sad thing. I also used to manage an apartment community in Atlanta and I actually sought out gay men for residents. So many of them have passed away as well. My daughter and I became involved in their lives; sitting with the sick ones while their partners ran errands, had lunch or dinner with friends.

What wonderful times when the new drugs came out and so many are living long and happy lives now. How things have changed for the better!!!

diamondrose 11-27-2010 07:39 PM

I'v had and known a few people in my life that struggled with AIDS and passed away. Also, some of my close friends have lost their siblings to AIDS.

WolfyOne 11-27-2010 07:48 PM

I had a cousin that died from Aids in the 80's. He was in Peter Pan with Sandy Duncan back in the day as a dancer and also danced in Grease with John Travolta(my mom could always pick him out in the movie, but I can't). He had a kid show in Chicago called the Magic Door on Sunday mornings. I miss him very much. He was the one person that held my maternal family together. Because he knew he'd die someday, he planned his own funeral. I'll never hear the the song Somewhere Over The Rainbow without thinking of him as he had a violinist play it at his funeral.

In memory of my cousin Bobby Cook, who is missed by many

rlin 11-27-2010 08:26 PM

the fact that its hard to find a red ribbon isnt lost on me... i think that with the new cocktails ppl became complacent... they arent as afraid anymore...
but... its not over... it hasnt gotten better...
the stigma associated with this is as bad as it ever was...
this world... and especially my area... the southern us... needs to be educated so badly...
i havent seen a good scary as hell poster in years... it scares me...

LipstickLola 11-27-2010 08:43 PM

My cousin, that I spoke of in another thread, died from AIDS in the 80's.
He was a professionally trained musician. His voice was nothing short of magnificent. I'd give my right arm to hear him again......

In memory of my cousin PH.
With love always, until we meet again. ox

Passionaria 11-29-2010 11:34 PM

I saw this on ALLGO's Facebook page~the event is in Austin
Wednesday, December 1 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm

First English Lutheran Church
3001 Whitis Ave.

Austin, TX

One World AIDS Day, December 1, The Care Communities holds, in collaboration with other HIV/AIDS related organizations, a Service of Remembrance & Hope. It is an opportunity to be together in community with others who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.
For more details about the Service, contact Roger Temme, Outreach Director, at roger@thecarecommunities.org
or 459-5883.

Niceguy 12-01-2010 01:59 AM

World AIDS Day in Little Rock
The largest traveling section of the AIDS Memorial Quilt is on display on the grounds of the Clinton Library. At midnight tonight, local people began reading names of people who have died from AIDS. The reading will continue throughout the night (in below freezing temps) and end at midnight tomorrow night.


weatherboi 12-01-2010 07:03 AM

this is awesome!!!!


Originally Posted by Niceguy (Post 239109)
The largest traveling section of the AIDS Memorial Quilt is on display on the grounds of the Clinton Library. At midnight tonight, local people began reading names of people who have died from AIDS. The reading will continue throughout the night (in below freezing temps) and end at midnight tomorrow night.


weatherboi 12-01-2010 07:05 AM


rlin 12-01-2010 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Niceguy (Post 239109)
The largest traveling section of the AIDS Memorial Quilt is on display on the grounds of the Clinton Library. At midnight tonight, local people began reading names of people who have died from AIDS. The reading will continue throughout the night (in below freezing temps) and end at midnight tomorrow night.


the sad part is that in all that time they will not be able to name all the ppl that have been lost to this disease...
we need to remember... we can do something about this now... talk to your reps... red or blue... just give it a shot...

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