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-   -   Susan G Komen Defunds Planned Parenthood. (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4546)

MsDemeanor 01-31-2012 11:04 PM

Susan G Komen Defunds Planned Parenthood.
SGK hired an anti-choice, anti-stem cell, pro-christian fake pregnancy assistance clinic, pro-voter suppression republican as VP. Now, they've killed Planned Parenthood funding. SGK just got added to my permanent "not one penny from me" list.


Here's the wikipedia entry on this woman. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Handel

Scuba 01-31-2012 11:06 PM

Wow...me too!

Okiebug61 02-01-2012 06:43 AM

I wonder if we can find a list of Corporate Donors and set up boycotts of their products so pressure them to re-consider?


Found it!

SoNotHer 02-01-2012 07:53 AM

Thank you for this post and thread.


Originally Posted by MsDemeanor (Post 517509)
SGK hired an anti-choice, anti-stem cell, pro-christian fake pregnancy assistance clinic, pro-voter suppression republican as VP. Now, they've killed Planned Parenthood funding. SGK just got added to my permanent "not one penny from me" list.


Here's the wikipedia entry on this woman. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Handel

Heart 02-01-2012 08:14 AM

Nothing has sickened me as much recently as this. How DARE they? De-funding PP means that some women will DIE because Koman is caving to right-wing pressure and dollars. Cowardly and disgusting. Please SPEAK OUT!


Novelafemme 02-01-2012 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Okiebug61 (Post 517599)
I wonder if we can find a list of Corporate Donors and set up boycotts of their products so pressure them to re-consider?


Found it!


I was heartsick to read this on CNN this morning.

Heart 02-01-2012 10:40 AM

DON'T give your money to Komen, give it to SisterSong for Reproductive Justice:


UofMfan 02-01-2012 04:37 PM

Interesting and eye opening information on an organization I used to support.

Please take the time to get informed.

What started all this.


NBC piece.

Right-wing Senator takes credit

Komen Watch

MsDemeanor 02-01-2012 04:44 PM

Thanks for all of the great links.

JustJo 02-01-2012 04:49 PM

This is beyond disappointing.

I wish that people would see Planned Parenthood for what it really is and the important work that they really do every day....providing important health care for women who need it. Planned Parenthood is so much more than an abortion provider.

Before I left central NY I experienced driving past our local Planned Parenthood office for several days in a row as they were being picketed by protestors. By the third day I couldn't take it any more....parked my car, walked past the protestors, went inside....and wrote them a check for as much as I could afford.

I encourage all of you to support your local Planned Parenthood, with whatever you can manage. :rrose:

Estella 02-01-2012 05:15 PM

The upside, if there is an upside, is that PP has raised upwards of $400k in the last 24 hours since the announcement.

I've always donated to PP, but jeez louise it's like they're under siege. The last time I spoke with one of their representatives I asked why they don't make more of an effort to combat the right-wing conventional wisdom that they're nothing but an abortion factory. Ironically, I think this recent issue with SGK has increased general awareness of the scope of their mission far more so than any advertising they could have done themselves.

SmoothButch 02-01-2012 05:33 PM

I still stand with planned Parenthood

"This is for all the anti-choice, anti-women people out there.

Listen up.

You can spend every minute of every day trying to force the rest of us to live by your ideology. You can go after federal funds for health care and pressure private organizations like the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation to stop funding breast cancer screenings for poor women. You can try to make it impossible to get birth control.

But you know what you can't do? You can't win. You can't break us. Planned Parenthood isn't just a family of organizations. It's a movement. It's women and men of all ages who believe that health care — including reproductive health care — is a basic human right. We are millions strong. We are everywhere. We act, we give, and we do whatever it takes to make sure that Planned Parenthood is there for the women, men, and teens who rely on them.

Know this: When you go after Planned Parenthood and the people they serve, you go after ME. I stand with Planned Parenthood. I stand with them against anyone who wants to stop women from receiving the health care they need. I stand with them today, tomorrow, and for as long as I need to."

Soon 02-01-2012 06:32 PM


Soon 02-01-2012 06:35 PM


UofMfan 02-02-2012 09:02 AM

Top Susan G. Komen Official Resigned Over Planned Parenthood Cave-In ~ The Atlantic

UofMfan 02-02-2012 09:30 AM

The story behind Komen's cut-off ~ The Maddow Blog

Cin 02-02-2012 09:37 AM

From now on the pink ribbon on a product can tell us what not to buy!
Breasts Yes, Vaginas No? How to Fight Back Against Komen "Race for the Cure" Foundation's Bizarre Capitulation to Right-Wingers
How the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation put their corporation-friendly image before women’s actual health concerns.

It’s probably the fastest-spreading story in Internet history about the relationship between two non-profits. Late Tuesday afternoon, Planned Parenthood and Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure announced that Komen would be withdrawing grants given to Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screenings. Despite Komen’s lame attempts to claim otherwise, it was widely understood that this was about Komen aligning itself with the anti-choice movement, despite the anti-choice movement’s long history of opposing not just safe and legal abortion, but also access to contraception and even the prevention of cervical cancer through the use of the HPV vaccine.

So what gives? Why would Komen, which purports to be a women’s health organization, choose to align itself with an anti-health, anti-science movement instead of with another prominent women’s health organization that actually helps prevent and detect cancer? What role does Komen’s hearty corporate fundraising efforts play in all of this? Is there anything that people who care about women’s health concerns can do?

In the past couple of decades, one of the biggest accomplishments in women’s healthcare advocacy is destigmatizing breast cancer, and Komen certainly played a major role in this. In the past, women didn’t talk much about breast cancer, because like all things related to women’s sexuality, breasts were considered naughty and unspeakable and therefore so was breast cancer. Through cutesy methods, such as draping everything imaginable in pink ribbons, advocates were able to get breast cancer out of the closet and into the public discourse.

Unfortunately, in doing so, they weren’t quite able to lift the taboo on all of women’s healthcare. In place of the old taboo against all of women’s reproductive healthcare, there was now an above-the-belt/below-the-belt divide. When it comes to healthcare that allows women to keep their breasts, everyone from baseball players to every corporation looking to shore up its image was happy to talk about it. But anything below the belt, especially with regard to women managing their actual sex lives, remained taboo. STDs, pregnancy prevention, cervical cancer, abortion? All still considered dirty, and all still available for conservatives to demagogue about sin and sexuality. We are a country where everyone was clawing all over each other to talk about how important it is for women to get their boobs squeezed in a vise to look for cancer, but we’re also a country where a vaccine that’s been proven to prevent cancer below the belt is excoriated by prominent Republican politicians who want you to believe it gives “license” to female sexuality.

Anti-choice activists have been trying to exploit this divide for years now, demanding that when it comes to women’s healthcare, our bodies should be divided against themselves. Boobies are apple pie and baseball, but vaginas are subversive pits of hell, and all funding aimed at their upkeep is suspect. While the anti-choice movement has been pressuring Congress to cut federal subsidies for below-the-belt care such as contraception and STD treatment, they’ve been also pressuring Komen to distance itself from Planned Parenthood. With this decision, Komen reinforces this illogical divide between above-the-belt and below-the-belt healthcare for women.

In a sense, it shouldn’t be surprising. As illogical as it is to offer only piecemeal support for women’s healthcare, it also fits into a larger pattern of Komen putting its corporation-friendly image before women’s actual health concerns. For instance, Komen allowed KFC to sell “pink ribbon” buckets of fried chicken, even though it was obvious that KFC was trying to distract from scientific evidence showing that a diet high in saturated fat is linked to breast cancer.

Of course, relying so heavily on corporate partnerships can cut both ways. Many brands that want to cultivate a pro-woman image partner with Komen for that purpose. This year’s national sponsors of Race for the Cure could double as a list of brands that very much want female customers to like them: Yoplait, Ford, Bank of America, Caltrate, New Balance, and Self magazine, among others. The massive media hit demonstrating how little Komen actually prioritizes women’s health could really ding the impact of these partnerships.

Take, for instance, Yoplait. Most yogurt companies target female consumers with glowing images of health and good digestion, mixed with suggestions that yogurt be substituted for more fattening desserts for weight control, but Yoplait maximizes that marketing strategy. Draping its product in pink ribbons helps tie the product to the concept of “health” in women’s minds. For this same reason, Caltrate, a supplement designed specifically for women, has also become a sponsor of Race for the Cure.

New Balance gets a double whammy for supporting Komen. Not only does it get its sneakers associated with general health, but because Komen fundraises through 5K races, New Balance gets a chance to advertise directly to women who have an undeniable need for running shoes. Komen’s “soccer mom” image dovetails nicely with New Balance’s own image as being the sensible shoe of the moderate exerciser, in opposition with a brand like Nike, which prefers to associate itself with high-level athletes.

Self magazine is a relatively new sponsor of Komen, but like Yoplait and New Balance, it very much benefits from Komen’s base of support in women who are eager to take a personalized approach to good health and cancer prevention. Self tries to distinguish itself from other women’s magazines that are more fashion- and man obsessed, instead staking itself out on the rack as the sensible health-oriented magazine that just happens to have similar diet and exercise advice as those other magazines. Komen’s branding can certainly help Self distinguish itself from its competition on the magazine rack.

Ford Motor Company may not need the health glow these other companies get from the association, but it definitely needs the audience of women. Sixty percent of new cars sold in a year are sold to women, meaning that if you want to sell a car, you should appeal directly to female consumers. The Komen brand helps Ford seem like the sensible, safe brand, the sort of thing ordinary women racing for the cure might find attractive, especially if they’re mothers.

For the same reason, Bank of America has a strong need to appeal not just to women, but specifically to the stable, often married women that make up the majority of organizers and runners for Komen’s Race for the Cure. Women tend to handle more of the household finances than men, meaning that anyone trying to get families to switch banks needs to address themselves directly to wives and mothers. Enter the pink ribbons.

This all means that American women have the power to vote with their dollars. The pink ribbon on a product used to symbolize health, safety, and a general pro-woman attitude. Now, for increasing numbers of women, it symbolizes capitulation to the belief that women don’t deserve healthcare that addresses all their needs, not just those above the belt. We need to let corporations know that if they want to market to women, they have to market to the whole woman, the one who has a vagina as well as a more PG-friendly pair of breasts.

Estella 02-02-2012 04:51 PM

So Michael Bloomberg has announced he will match every new dollar donated to Planned Parenthood up to $250k. If the goal of SGK was to drive up support for Planned Parenthood, their success has been dramatic.

JustJo 02-02-2012 05:11 PM

I got an email today from the director of the Susan G. Komen affiliate in AZ, where I donated and sponsored participants in runs and walks due to my professional connections there.

The director worked very hard to make the point that they are still supporting the health and healthcare needs of local women through grants to other organizations, and that their particular affiliate has never funded Planned Parenthood...and therefore hadn't withdrawn any funding.

After I finished laughing, I sent my response:

"While I appreciate your effort to distance yourself from the reprehensible actions of your national affiliate, I will no longer be donating to Susan G. Komen or any of its affiliates. My donations will go directly to Planned Parenthood instead.

I find the actions of your national organization to be a slap in the face to all women who need healthcare. I stand with Planned Parenthood."

It's not enough to stop donating to SGK....we need to tell them WHY also.

UofMfan 02-02-2012 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 518611)
I got an email today from the director of the Susan G. Komen affiliate in AZ, where I donated and sponsored participants in runs and walks due to my professional connections there.

The director worked very hard to make the point that they are still supporting the health and healthcare needs of local women through grants to other organizations, and that their particular affiliate has never funded Planned Parenthood...and therefore hadn't withdrawn any funding.

After I finished laughing, I sent my response:

"While I appreciate your effort to distance yourself from the reprehensible actions of your national affiliate, I will no longer be donating to Susan G. Komen or any of its affiliates. My donations will go directly to Planned Parenthood instead.

I find the actions of your national organization to be a slap in the face to all women who need healthcare. I stand with Planned Parenthood."

It's not enough to stop donating to SGK....we need to tell them WHY also.

This is great Jo!

Everyone is doing their part, one by one we all make a difference.

Here is more:

The Decemberists Pull Support From Komen, Raise Funds for Planned Parenthood ~ Pitchfork

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