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Old 12-16-2009, 04:26 PM   #9
Mentally Delicious

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Originally Posted by Just_G View Post
I see what you all are saying with this thread...I totally get it, but....yes the infamous "but", sometimes people don't think about certain meanings of words before using them. I know I say "you lucky bastard" all the time when a friend of mine wins money playing the lotto. I don't mean it in a bad way at all. I will be more aware next time.

Some words or phrases bug people and rub them the wrong way. I know because there is one that drives me nuts, but it is one of those things people say all the time and I know they mean no offense to me when they say it, so I let it roll off. That is: "I could pull my hair out", or "you are making me pull my hair out", and there is even a little smilie avitar guy that pulls his hair (not on this site). You see, I have a hairpulling disorder. I pull my hair, but I do it subconsciously...without knowing I am even doing it....and it is when I am really stressed out. I usually notice when I go to cut my hair and see thinning patches on my head. (it is called trichotillomania)

I know those phrases are ones that people use to show their frustration or stress level. I never say a word because 1. it happens all the time 2. people don't have a clue about hairpulling disorders 3. to me (and this is just ME and my opinion in this situation) it would be petty of my to say "don't say that" when it has nothing directly to do with me. (it could be their bills, or their kids, or their lovers, etc. that make them say that)

I guess all in all, I try not to use words or phrases that are offensive, but I get that they are out me.

Actually you have touched on something else that I am trying to learn to navigate. (and thank you for talking so honestly about this G, I know it can be scary!)

I have a cousin who has constant seizures and I know that my Aunt (her mom) had one really bad argument with someone in my family during a holiday several years back. Someone made the comment, "GOD! Dont have a fucking seizure!"
My Aunt let the other family member know really quick that it was hurtful and triggery.

I can see that. I can see how phrases that are entrenched in our culture can become the "catch of the day" but also might be triggery to someone dealing with real issues.

Much like you G, I try to leave room and humor where I can. Its a fine line and I think we all have to do what feels comfortable for us. For instance, my own 'ouchy' feelings around the word "pussy" dont feel ouchy when other Femmes use that word in the same way. Its just a choice I make for myself and no judgment on other folks who dont see it the way I do.

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