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Old 12-04-2010, 05:28 PM   #13

Default RE: reincarnation

i believe that there has been "life before life" and will be "life after death" (reincarnation). i have a couple of real-time experiences for believing this.
the first concerns my belief as a child and youth that i was a boy. i was not butch or trans-i was simply a boy. i happen to be born a little more than 3 months premature. i also got a shock every time i looked into a mirror and saw this blonde-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned person looking back at me. my conception of my self was of a black-haired, dark-eyed, somewhat dark-skinned boy. my Buddhist Master explained that in their teachings i had "jumped the gulf" too soon, i.e. passed into my next incarnation too soon. i was remembering my self from the last incarnation and had not yet fully incarnated into this incarnation as a girl.
the second concerns my after-death experience. i had had an extremely severe reaction between seafood and medication. according to my dr, i actually was dead for several minutes before they brought me back to this world. i can remember looking down at my body, to which i was connected by a golden cord. according to my Master, if this cord had severed, they would not have been able to bring me back to life here. i would have passed into the next bardo.
those two experiences, plus the teachings of my Masters, have convinced me of the reality of reincarnation.
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