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Old 01-31-2010, 08:45 AM   #9


fantastic! a photographers thread.

I run a Nikon D100 - a seriously ancient work-horse of a camera, built like a tank (I'm sure I could substitute the camera for a hammer at DIY time)...Haven't been shooting much recently but when I am have a passion for exploring and shooting abandoned buildings

like this at East Sussex Asylum

in 2008 I undertook a 365 project which meant I took a self portrait every day, this allowed me to be a 'bit daft' whilst having the excuse of taking pictures of said 'daftness'

a bit like this - that's me on the left

my girl is the serious photographer in the house, she comes from the fine art side of things and uses medium format film more often than not.

I hope you have fun playing around with the aperture/shutter/iso stuff on your camera Linus.

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