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Default Wednesday Afternoon: March 8th, 2006

Flying down the highway at 75 mph, she focused on the range of curves. Traveling this part of Hwy 66 was precarious because the road curved in snake-like curves past the historic lake as it rose rapidly in elevation by thousands of feet. The hairpin curves were a rush of euphoria, to the expert defensive driver that she was! For at each curve, she shifted to a lower gear and lowered the speed with anxious tension while gearing to pick up speed to get to the ranch where C.C. was working the cattle. Out on the Green Springs were beautiful spreads of Ponderosa Trees. The landscape was dotted with Myrtle wood and prairie bush, foreign to the landscape of the terrain. Up there, the air was sparkling clear and at times, in the clearing of the trees along the highway, one could see the vista of the Siskiyou range and Mt. Shasta that surrounded the area. It was truly an exotic, yet breathtaking, journey to travel up to C.C.’s property.

Amazingly, that morning, there were not any signs of locals on the highway. Oddly enough, by the time she got to the Lake of the Woods, she came across an abandoned vehicle that looked strangely familiar. Slowing down to take a closer look, as she approached the vehicle, she realized it belonged to the butch Dayle - who she had seen at the market recently. The passenger door was slightly ajar and yet no sign of Dayle at all. “Hmmmm, I wonder what is up with that,” she mused to herself. Going up the road further to the back entrance of C.C.s property, she slowed down as the gravel road was full of ruts. “I wish C.C. would get a grater out here and level this road off to make it safer to drive on,” she thought to herself! There was nothing more frustrating than having to drive slowly and steer her low riding T-Bird Jezebel past all the clutter of the ruts and not hurt the suspension of the car she adored beyond measure! Carefully and slowly navigating the road, she finally crept to the rear entrance of the barn where C.C.s truck was parked haphazardly, as always! She parked Jezebel along side the truck, turned off the motor, and while lighting up a new smoke, she gathered her small bag of tricks that femme's never leave home without, grabbed her cell phone and made off for inside the barn.

The air smelled so lovely up here. There was hay and stacks of straw in the main part of the barn where feed was stored for the horses and cattle. Wandering over to the stalls to check on the horses, she noticed that C.C.s stud was missing. Apparently C.C. had saddled hys horse and was off doing rounds, checking on all of the cattle. She noticed that the horse C.C. always let her ride was laying in her stall swishing her tail and promptly got up when she saw that is was her favorite rider!

“Hi Sweet Pea,” she said. “Where is C.C. hon? Did s/he take off on ya and not take you too? Come on Sweet Pea! Let's go find hir!” Nuzzling her nose and stroking her head while checking her out for riding pleasure, she laid her purse and phone down and got the blankets out and the saddle ready and harnessed Sweet Pea. About a half hour later, she used the rustic privy and then got her purse and phone and stuffed it in a compartment on the saddle, as she mounted Sweet Pea. “Come on, let's go find her,” and off they went past the barn and onto the spread where she thought she was most likely to find C.C.

Slowly trotting off up the hill on the well worn and beaten path, she managed to get the horse up the hardest side of the hill and onto the plateau of the spread. Coming out of the clearing, she could see a good deal of the Herefords and Angus off in the distance. Nudging the horse with her boots, she broke into a full gallop, like she would with Jezebel, riding for sheer pleasure. But as she got closer to the herd, there was no sign of C.C. Slowing the gait of the horse down, she wondered where the heck C.C. could be. Slowly navigating between the cows and bulls of the herd, she wandered over to the stream on the property to let Sweet Pea refresh her thirst after such a hard ride across the land. The babbling of the brook was so relaxing to hear, but as she sat atop Sweet Pea, she noticed that Dayle was fishing from a bank. Further down, she noticed C.C.s horse grazing near some trees, while C.C., sitting on a nearby rock, chattered up a storm with Dayle.
“Well, since they haven't noticed me yet, I think I will gently cross the stream and slowly go on up to where they are and see what’s going on,” she mused with great anticipation!

Dayle was the first to notice her. Breaking into a wide open smile, s/he whistled low and with merriment.

“What are You doing out here this time of day, beautiful?” said Dayle.

And with that, C.C. nearly fell off hir perch on the rock! haha! That serves hir right for being out to “lunch,” as she broke out in giggles over C.C. and Dayle! She relaxed and realized that it was just two butches bonding and talking about things that only they felt were important things to talk about, when Femme's were not around.

“Hello, you two! I am glad that you are okay Dayle because when I saw your vehicle abandoned out on the road, I wondered if you were okay. It's a good thing you are out here with C.C. because the next thing I was gonna do was to make a call for help!”

C.C. sauntered over to her horse and asked to take the reins while helping her to dismount from the horse. Giving her a hardy hug, she placed a smoochie on Hir cheek; then walking over and greeting Dayle with her hand, she mused at what they were talking amongst themselves before she found them. Dayle laid down Hir pole and got up and took her hand and gently kissed it.

“It’s good to see you and yes, I am fine. C.C. found me earlier this morning on this part of Hir property and informed me that I was going to find the best fish in this stream. I had no idea I was on C.C.’s property. Imagine that,” Dayle said, with a glint of humor in Hir voice!

C.C. chimed in behind Dayle: “Well, truth be told, I was gonna do just this today –fishing– and I forgot to bring my pole. So when I saw Dayle out here wandering around I thought I would show Hir around and become better acquainted with Hir.”

Apparently Dayle and C.C. had become quite buddy-buddy in their short time out in the woods, while tending to cattle. She looked at C.C. and with that knowing look C.C. knew that she wanted to talk to Hir, alone. And with that, C.C. excused them both from Dayle and they wandered off around the trees while Dayle resumed Hir fishing expedition.

“What are you doing C.C.?" she said, her eyes ablaze with fireworks! “How come you took off so early this morning?”

Taking her by the hand, C.C. led them up further away from the hearing range of Dayle down by the stream, and helped her up onto a stump of a fallen pine tree that lay lodged between other timbers that had fallen. Looking at her intently, C.C. began to tell her what had happened since the last evening.

“Did you sleep well last night,” C.C. asked gently?

“Well, yes and no. But I got up this morning and read your note, and then I discovered that the pictures on the clip were missing when I took the picture of the Deer that wandered onto my yard this morning! What happened to them, C.C.?”

“I couldn't sleep last night, so I went down to the Detectives office and downloaded the pictures; letting the detective take possession of them for evidence. I was hoping that you wouldn't find them missing until I came back to check on you this evening,” C.C explained.

Not missing a beat, she exclaimed: “C.C., how in the world would I NOT be upset to learn that and not have any explanation from you?”

Reaching out to soothe her, s/he ran hir hand along her arm as s/he looked back at Dayle to make sure s/he wasn't being necessarily watched. Turning back to her, C.C. lowered hys eyes and then refocused upon her face. “I want you to go home and relax. When I get through out here with Dayle and checking on the cattle and make the rounds for hay and feed and water, I will tell you tonight what the Detectives office shared with me.”

“C.C.? You absolutely exasperate me! Why can't you tell me now???” she looked at Hir with a pleading look.

Taking her by the hand, C.C. led her further up around the trees for privacy’s sake, making sure they were still really alone. The wind began to waft over them and the ambiance of the moment began to overtake C.C.’s mind. Hir heart was racing, yet s/he wanted so much to tell her everything s/he had learned last night! When the time was right, and following her closely, C.C. slapped her bottom and took her by surprise! Forcing her up against a tall tree and leaning into her with her arms holding her tightly in position, so she couldn't move, C.C. planted a long and intoxicating kiss on her lips… Breathing heavily and sucking all of the air out of her lungs while s/he penetrated her with hir searching and fiery tongue, C.C. let the kiss consume them, causing a burning fire to build between them that she had never felt before.

“I want you to go home. Now, will you mind me and be good? Please?” C.C. told her with smoldering eyes and heated breath.


“Yes, but you better not be late or cause me to worry like you did this morning, you Bad Boi! And just for your information C.C., where do you get off kissing me like that anyways?”

“That's for me to know and you to find out about tonight” C.C. said with an air of authority!

Pushing C.C. off of her, she smirked, and swished past C.C. and gave her that look that told C.C. she wasn't joking about being late.

Playfully following her back down to the stream where Dayle was, C.C. sauntered over to get Sweet Pea and helped her back up onto the horse. After getting her situated on the horse, s/he slapped the horses bottom and told Sweet Pea to get on home and be good.
“C.C.’s got a lot of nerve! S/he better have a good explanation or we are revisiting the idea of our friendship and all that we know about each other! I cannot believe what s/he just did,” she mused as she galloped on Sweet Pea back to the barn. Upon entering the barn, she carefully dismounted and began the process of brushing down Sweet Pea and giving her a treat for being such a good horse and riding so well. The sun was just dipping over the horizon and that meant that she better get a move on it because traveling back down the mountain could get icy if weather conditions changed - which happened all the time in this part of Paradise!

Returning to T-Bird Jezebel, she took out her purse and checked to make sure that she had cell reception bars on the phone. She had missed a call when she was out horsing around looking for C.C. It turned out to be the Detective’s office that left a message for her. Quickly hitting the return call button, she dialed her voicemail archive and listened to the call.

“This is Detective Frank Harris of APD. I need some information from you as soon as possible. Could you return my call this afternoon to make an appointment and come in to see me? Thank you. You can return the call by dialing 555-5667.”

“Okay, I shall do just that when i get back to town,” she silently made a mental note. Jumping into the driver’s seat, she fired up the motor and took off down the trail back to the highway. Once she got onto the highway, she released all the pent up emotion of the last hour and floored the pedal and took Jezebel up to 75 mph again. Lighting a smoke and turning on the radio, she settled in for the soon to be consuming curves - descending back into the valley. But as soon as she geared down to take the first curve, she realized that the brakes were not working. Snapping off the radio and putting out her cigarette, she became alarmed by the plight at hand. Heaven help her with Jezebel’s brakes not working. This was going be one hell of a position to navigate: hugging the wheel and downshifting even further to take the next curve, she realized that her passion for driving fast was going to have to be revised! Goddesss have mercy, wherever you are right now, I need your Help!”

And with that, she overestimated her third curve and lost control of Jezebel and flew over the embankment into thin air...

Dear Diary,

Today was such a lazy day...... it is good to have friends that are like Oxygen to me here at home, and to have the privilege of being so capable of overcoming life’s obstacles when they approach me with the speed of light. Thank you for always being here to write and think my feelings out loud, and for having the integrity to take a stand. Today is no different than any other ordinary day. It might be boring and mundane, but I do know the value of ordinary versus the extraordinary. Thanks for helping me to appreciate this gift, at this moment in time, for me. But most of all Dearest Diary, thank you for being you.
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