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Old 01-02-2012, 10:24 PM   #23
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Default Thursday Afternoon: March 22nd, 2007 (Part 2)

“To the most complex, yet imperfectly sweet and most sassiest, honest woman I know on the planet: To your inner and outer beauty, to your brains – which we know was made for me – to your strength, your wit, your charm, our friendship – the bedrock of our world – and to this one night in paradise that has not gone amok yet!” CC smiled Hiz dazzling gentleman’s smile for her.

With her heart of hearts and flashing a brilliant smile to CC that said it all, she counter-proposed. “To You, CC: may all your strategies prove successful; may you always be the funniest guy I know on earth and for being just YOU; My someone who really cares about me, is always there and not smothering me, yet giving me all I need - just like the good Doctor that you are; and for that beautiful experience we finally had today down by the river, and for all the memories we share and dream about between each other. CC darling, You’re the best,” she raised her glass to Hiz and smiled that soft, yet sad, loving look to Hym.

“Prost,” CC’z low, deeply accented voice moaned back to her. They both sipped, while their eyes drank each other in measuring the moment strategically, like they always did with each other. Just then, a huge hawk-like bird flew over the pond in the darkness of the night, mellowed with moonlight.

“Hon?” she quietly whispered to CC. “That (the bird), must be an omen of some kind, don’t you think?” she added quickly without hesitation, yet on a positive note.

“Ja, it is” CC sighed with a knowing smile to her. “I think now is the perfect time to ask you something Dear…”

She sipped again and looked at CC with eyes of discernment. “What is it, Sweetheart?” she inquired, with gentle curiosity. CC sipped from Hiz champagne flute again, just like her, and then reached in his pocket for his cigarette case and lighter.

“Would you care for a cigarette, Hon?” CC opened up the case to her. “I would,” she said. “Do you want to share one or do you want your own, Dear?” she counter questioned him. “Let’s share” CC said, his eyes never leaving hers. She leaned over to kiss Hym for Hiz sweetness toward her. She loved this part most about Hym: How attentive Hy was with her, how Hy always made time for her during Hiz very busy and hectic life on the ranch. She knew a woman couldn’t ask for more, when it came to CC. They had known each other so long, shared so many funny and sad memories together and survived many a comical episode in life, too. They had a rich history between them. Her feelings ran deep for CC.

CC lit the cigarette, then took a drag and offered it to her. She took it, and inhaled the rich smoke of the tobacco and exhaled it into a thin sexy stream. Handing it back to CC, she asked him what it was he wanted to talk about. She tipped her glass and drank the rest of the Champagne. Mirroring her, he did too. She took his glass and rose to take them back to the table. As she did, he helped her up and followed her and asked her to refill their glasses again.

“Hon? Let’s sit again, while I talk with you – Okay?” CC offered the cigarette to her again as Hy took both of the filled glasses and followed her back to the love seat. As they sat, and returned to the cuddly closeness they once enjoyed previously, she took another drag off the cigarette, licked her lips, then leaned over to kiss CCz cheek and took possession of her glass of Champagne. Handing the cigarette back to CC for the last drag, she sipped on her drink while watching the waters of the pond: noticing that no music came from the patio – just the gentle lapping of the water and an occasional bird cooing nearby.

“I want to ask you how you feel about being my official girlfriend” CC spoke in a gentle, yet serious voice. “I want for us to become closer to each other in a formal way, but I don’t know what your response or feelings will be - but I want to talk about it and find out how you feel about us making our relationship official.”

CC knew how treacherous this subject was for her. She hadn’t really had too many successful relationships of the kind that he wanted with her. Yet she did have successful long-term friendships with members of her chosen family. The same was almost true for CC. Hiz life experiences were dotted by several relationships: Hy had one long term love that indelibly impacted his life – same as her. Both of them knew their strengths and weaknesses, as separate people, and, from past relationships. CC marveled in the moment, as was she, once CC’z words trailed of his husky masculine voice, what her reply would be. Seemingly, they sat in silence together as they both sipped Champagne while thoughtfully considering everything before them.

“CC?” she said, as she sat her glass down on the hand railing of the Gazebo behind them. “Will you put your arms around me? I’m getting cold out here” softly, she asked CC?

CC sat his glass up on the rail too, then retrieved a chenille wrap from the table, that Dayle left out there for him, to put around her – he knew how chilled she could get, on a spring night in the mountains. Returning to her, he opened it up and put it around her and then sat closer to her as Hy snuggled her and kissed her nose.

She started to speak, but he lifted a finger to her lips to shush her. “I want to tell you something special: I have something special to give you, even if you say no,” he spoke solemnly to her. CC reached into his pocket and delivering the case, Hy placed it in her hands. She looked at CC with such dearness. She leaned into CC and said, “Hon? Sweetheart?” she said with a lilt in her voice. “It’s so hard to answer you and I’m so glad that you said what you said, but CC? My answer might anger you and then spoil the whole night – and that is so much pressure, especially since we’ve had such a huge moment in our lives today. Is it okay with you Hon if I put off that answer until another day and tell you that I would love to have whatever you give to me that is in this case? Tell me Sweetheart, I won’t open the case until I know how you feel about what I just told you,” she said half fearful of what Hiz answer might be. But, neither one of them wanted to hurt the other; yet they had always found ways to handle their differences with playful hearts. Sometimes, they had lively disagreements that seemed to threaten their peaceful existence with each other --- but they always found a way to overcome it together: usually in bed. She loved those times, where they just fell into bed and ravaged each other after a heated duel of the minds. She wondered about now, if that silent volcano would erupt in CC. This was serious, she could tell.

“Let’s smoke again” offered CC, because they both needed some distraction so they could think logically without their sexed up energy clouding the present moment. CC got another cigarette out for them to share; placed it between her lips, then lit it for her. As soon as she exhaled, she handed it to him and watched him do the same. Both of them heavily weighing the outcome of the next statement made. She lowered her eyes, deep in thought. Hy lifted her chin and explained to her as he exhaled and handed the cigarette back to her:

“I can handle you telling me no, if our timing is off; but to be honest, I can’t handle not knowing if you will let me pin you as my girl. I want you to have this - it’s my gift of love to you – I want you to wear what I give to you” CC said, with a certain dominance. “How do you feel about that, Hon?”

She loved it when CC showed this side of Hym to her. How could she say no to him? She couldn’t and didn’t want to, but she wasn’t finished with college yet and Grad school was yet to come. And the last time something like this came up between them, he got mad (which was rare) and sulked for weeks, which felt like light years to her.

And that’s when it all started: WW3 on the patio…


Dearest Diary,

It occurred to me today (looking back over last term), that life does constantly, and ever presently, provide for challenge.

Which is exactly why I relish this moment so deeply: It is Spring Break!!!!!! Can you believe it??? It's good to know that I can appreciate all the good in my life, too. Sometimes it is a good thing that we do not always understand or know the answers. It's just a miracle in itself, that life tastes so good right this moment. The truth is that I couldn't have known, but I did have some foresight that caused me to see that everything is, as it is, for a divine purpose (or a devilish one, for that matter)!

I feel happiness today. I'm content.

It's good to be present and live life each day.

And, oh, just for good measure: I have something for you to think about, my dearest diary. You thought you were getting off easy... haha!

Just when does dawn actually rise?

Until then,
I’m Yours Faithfully
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