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Old 08-30-2011, 10:48 PM   #1

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Default My Stories ...


You wave goodbye to your colleagues and leave work.
Walking up to your car you notice a plain white envelope placed behind your drivers-side windscreen wiper.
Curious, you pluck it out, holding it in your hand until you are sat behind the wheel. No name, nothing but pristine paper, but it is sealed. You look around to see if you can spot anyone watching you, for a hint of where it could have come from. Nobody is looking your way. A friend from work smiles and waves as she walks past you, you return both smile and wave, successfully hiding the trepidation you have started to feel.
It could be nothing. You shrug, trying to appear nonchalant, placing the envelope on the seat beside you and make your way home. You almost crash a dozen times as you drive, your eyes drawn back again and again to that small, folded piece of paper, its contents unknown.
You park haphazardly outside your front door, grabbing your purse and that damned envelope, dropping your keys on your doorstep in your haste to get inside and away from what feels like a burning pair of eyes, watching your every move.
You slam the door shut behind you, locking and checking the lock, once, twice, before you check it a third time you pull yourself away, through into the living room, dumping your purse in your bedroom doorway, still clutching the envelope.
You fling it down on the coffee table where it seems to stare back at you no matter how hard you try to ignore it.
You pick up the remote control, flicking through the channels before turning it off again and tossing the remote to the other end of the couch with a curse.
With trembling fingers you reach for it, your fingers finding purchase and tearing it open. You pause; fingers pinched around one corner of the single folded sheet of paper inside. What if it really is nothing? Some pamphlet placed there begging you to save your eternal soul? An offer for a free meal for two if you save X amount of coupons ... The endless possibilities race through your mind as you pull the paper out, each one becoming more and more mundane. You open the sheet of paper, your fingers freezing from smoothing out the crease as you see your name, in precise handwriting, at the top.
You lick your lips, your mouth dry as you read on.
There’s not much to read. Your name. An address. A time. A list of items of clothing. The final paragraph at the bottom of the page makes your heart start to race.
“It is your choice whether you choose to follow these instructions. If you do, be there at exactly this time, wearing the list of clothes you have been given and do as you are instructed by whoever approaches you without asking any questions.
Do this, or do not show up at all.”
You stand, walking through into the kitchen, feeling as if you are floating on air, your feet don’t feel attached to the earth, and draw a glass of water, drinking it in one go without taking the glass from your lips, until there isn’t a drop left.
You realise the sheet of paper is still in your hand, for some unknown reason you are unable to let go of it. You find yourself reading it over and over again until you can recite it, in a whisper, back to yourself, yet you still hold on to it.
“Do this, or do not show up at all.” Plays through your mind like a song stuck on repeat.
What do you do?
Do you follow the instructions from whoever it is?
Or do you stay at home and spend the rest of your life wondering; What if?
The choice is yours. It’s always yours. It’s always been yours.
You find yourself in your bedroom, the closet door open and the first of the items of clothing you have been told to wear in your hand.
You hang the camisole back up again, and sit down on the edge of your bed, placing that piece if paper that has captured your attention so completely down beside you, setting it down as if it is a priceless work of art to be cherished. Thoughts race through your mind, what are you doing? Are you really considering doing this? But then again, can you not consider doing this? Will you be able to live with knowing that something could have happened this night, can you deal with never knowing?
The decision made before you’re even aware of it, you rise to your feet, stripping off your work clothes and walking through into the bathroom. Time for a shower first. You start off leisurely, taking your time to wash your hair and condition it, but by the time you are washing the last suds off your body, you are rushing, wrapping a towel around yourself and marching back through into the bedroom. Forcing yourself to slow right down, drying yourself thoroughly, from head to toe. Carefully drying your hair so it doesn’t frizz. When you are done, you apply a lightly scented perfume and walk back to your closet again, taking out the skirt and camisole, forcing your mind away from how whoever it is that wrote you that note knew exactly what to tell you to wear, knew what you had clean. You step into your panties without thinking, then stop and turn back to the letter. No panties are mentioned on the list. You step out of them, frowning slightly when you see the damp patch you have left in them. Could it be? You stop and let yourself feel your body wrapped around you. Yes. You are. Your fingers slide down across your stomach, but you hesitate. What if touching yourself will lead to some form of punishment. The hesitation is enough to make you continue to dress instead.
You take the right bra out of the drawer, your favourite one, and pull it on, the fabric cold against your skin, making your nipples harden instantly. Your fingers slide briefly across them, making yourself moan as they tighten even harder at your touch. You sigh and reach for the white silk camisole named on the list. The touch of it makes you shiver all over again, and you stop for a moment before slowly buttoning it up. You sit down on the edge of the bed to pull on your stockings, attaching the clips to your garter belt, smoothing them out with the palms of your hands and stand again, taking the dress from its hanger and pulling it up over your hips, then sliding the zip closed. You step back to the closet and reach down for the heels on the list. You place them beside the dressing table to apply a light brush of foundation, some mascara and a pale lipstick. As per the list. You stand and slip your feet into the heels that make you feel so sexy and powerful, loving how they stretch your calf muscles just enough, adding those extra inches that make you stand up straight and tall, shoulders back, just enough to make you walk in that sinuous way that always draws attention to your breasts and arse.
You quickly check the time on the clock on your bedside table. You have enough time, you’ll be okay, you can get there with time to spare. Carrying your lipstick in one hand and the letter in your other, you walk over to your purse, taking out everything but your cell, your house and car keys and placing your wallet back inside, and as an afterthought retrieving the letter and placing it, neatly folded, beside the rest of the objects inside your purse. You check your hair one last time before unlocking the front door and stepping out and locking the door again behind you.
You take a long, deep breath, trying to resist the urge to look around and see if there’s anyone watching you even now. The urge to look wins out, and you turn your head, looking up and down your street, but seeing nothing unusual, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that hasn’t always been there. With a sigh you begin the walk down the path to your car, checking the windscreen by reflex, but there is no other envelope there. You climb in behind the wheel and start the engine. With both hands gripping the wheel you pull away from the curb and drive away.
To try and distract yourself you turn on the radio, changing stations when you have to stop for a red light, finally finding something with a good beat and vaguely familiar lyrics that you can hum along to. Eventually a song you know comes on and you sing along at the top of your lungs, the simple act steadying you, helping you find your centre.
Before you know it you are pulling up at the address you were given, flipping down the passenger side sun visor so you can lean over and check your lipstick, you quickly reapply it before stepping out of your car and closing the door, locking it with the button on the key. You let your gaze move around and over the people standing outside the bar, which one of these people left the letter? Your curiosity is starting to burn now, eating away at you; Who are you? Why did you pick me? What is going to happen tonight?
A soft voice murmurs in your ear, “Good, you arrived on time, Hy will be pleased.”
You spin on your heel to face the owner of the voice, she’s about your height, flawless skin, a smirk on her perfectly formed lips, dark auburn hair, eyes that seemed to shimmer from dark gray to a deep-sea blue, sun-kissed tawny skin, a flash of white teeth as she smiles at you and you flush, embarrassed, when you realise how long you’ve been standing staring at her, with your mouth hanging open.
“Yes,” you stammer, “I came.”
She smirks at you again, “Oh, yes, you will do that ...” she slides her hand into yours, her fingers entwine with yours, sending a flush of heat rushing through you, making you even more conscious of how wet you are, as she leads you toward the bar entrance you hear her murmur, “Possibly even more than once.”
You smile nervously as you are led deeper into the bar; your new-found friend looks over to the bartender and raises two fingers to her, then leads you to an alcove and pushes you along the seat, before sitting herself down right beside you. You rest your hands on the table in front of you, she places on hand on top of yours, “Nervous?”
You nod in reply, before croaking out “A little.”
“Don’t be honey, you’ve got nothing to fear,” Her voice is warm and feminine and soothing to your ears, “Hy won’t hurt you, you’ve really got nothing to be worried about. Hy won’t make you do anything you don’t want to, just do yourself a favour?”
“What would that be?”
“Don’t argue with Hym, Hy knows best, trust me on that.”
“As you’re the only person I know here, even though we’ve just met, I kinda have to trust you, don’t I?”
She chuckles and waits for the two glasses the waitress brings over to be set down before you both before continuing, “Yeah, I suppose you really do, don’t you?” she takes a sip from her drink, “Seriously though, nothing bad will happen to you, and I know you don’t know me, but I can only say, that you came here willingly and will leave her willingly, if not a little bit wobbly legged, if things go as planned.”
Curiosity burns harder and faster inside you, “But ...”
“Will I ever know who ‘Hy’ is? Why Hy chose me? Why now?” the questions rise from you in a rush like the bubbles in the glass before you.
“Perhaps, should Hy wish you to know, Hy may allow you to learn who Hy is, perhaps not, that is Hys choice. Hy may also indulge you in answering your other questions, but I wouldn’t recommend asking Hym until ... later.”
You take a gulp of your drink, slightly surprised to find it’s only a club soda, but then it occurs to you, that drinking alcohol before what you think could possibly be about to happen, would be a bad idea.
She smiles at you, seeing you’re acceptance of the situation become complete. She lifts her hand from the table and lets it come to rest on your thigh, her little finger grazing your inner thigh. You gasp again at the warmth rushing through you, you want to squirm as the throb between your legs grows more insistent, and you do finally squirm as she glides her fingers, slowly and surely, up your inner thigh, leaving a tingling trail as they move over your stockings, finding the tops and moving higher and higher until she stops them, as her fingertips find your lips, soaking wet with your desire and need, and then she presses her index finger deeper, grazing it across your clit, making you moan and try to press your hips further forward so that her finger will move harder against you. Her smile broadens as she watches your reactions to her fingers. She moves her finger around in a circle, barely touching your clit as you flush with intense desire, wanting more, aching for more, yet a part of you wonders how this woman, this femme, can be driving you so far, so fast, making you want to feel her fingers moving inside you. What would it be like? What would her tongue feel like as it slowly circled your clit, as she sucked it into her mouth, with her fingers plunged, deep inside you, fucking you ... before you can find out, her finger stops and withdraws, leaving your clit hard, wet and throbbing so strongly that you feel as though you will cum harder than you’ve ever cum before if you try to move.
She raises her hand from between your thighs and smiles as you moan and scowl, her finger, still glistening from playing with your clit moves to her lips and you watch as she slowly licks the very tip of her finger, a soft moan leaving her throat, “Mmmm, you do taste good,” she moves her finger to your lips and before you can stop to think about it, you draw her finger into your mouth and taste yourself, she leans forward to whisper in your ear, “Now, lick it clean.”
You obey instantly, sucking on her finger, removing all trace of yourself before she slowly pulls her hand away and you murmur, “Yes ... Mistress.”
“Good girl,” before she can say another word you see her look over and then nod, “Now, come with me.”
You rise to your feet, and walk along behind her obediently, you can’t stop your eyes from following the way her legs and hips move, so sinuously, she’s so confident in her own skin, you feel positively gauche in her presence. She leads you up a set of iron stairs, both yours and her heels ringing like staccato drums or gunfire, echoing up and down the stairwell, the steps open so you can see down to lower levels, the sight makes you shiver slightly, just how big is this place really?? She stops at a heavy wooden door, you can tell it’s one of those security doors, that only a person owning a key can open from the outside, or a person peering through the eyehole can open from the inside, once they’ve perused whoever is knocking.
You may not be able to choose your bio-family, but you can choose your Family
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Old 08-30-2011, 10:52 PM   #2

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Default Instructions: Continued

As she raises her closed fist to knock she stops to look at you, “Lower your eyes to the floor unless you’re told differently. Once you’re inside you will be blindfolded,” she raises her open palm to face you, “Ah ah, Hys rules, not mine,” you nod slowly in reply, you catch a glimpse of her smile as you lower your head, fixing your eyes on the ground at her feet, “Good girl.” She murmurs as she knocks and waits for the door to be opened.
You fight your desire to raise your head to take a quick peek as the door is opened from within, the urge makes you feel like you’re fighting a lead weight attached to the back of your head, you want to know, to look, but you also know if you do, there will be repercussions. No words are exchanged, but her hand slips into yours and leads you through, you catch a brief glimpse of a pair of black boots, dark blue jeans above as you pass whoever it is who opened the door, it must be Hym, you feel butterflies in your stomach all over again, but still your clit throbs all the more, in anticipation/lust/fear, you can’t decide which just yet. Your eyes take in the rough concrete floor as it changes to a hardwood surface, the grains polished to a high sheen. She stops and lets go of your hand, and without being told you stop a pace behind her. Your eyes still lowered you hear the dull thudding scrape of boots on concrete turn into the sharper tap of boots on hardwood floor, you feel the air hitting your back as Hy walks up behind you, you see Hys hands as Hy reaches around in front of you and places the blindfold across your eyes, you feel her fingertips brush your hair aside so Hy can tie the blindfold tight and then you can see nothing but blackness, you close your eyes and open them again, nothing makes any difference, you can see nothing, all you can do is hear and feel ... and trust yourself in Hys, and her, hands.
“Stay right there.” You hear her say to you, followed by the sound of her heels and Hys boots receding across the hardwood floor. You can hear a deeper voice murmuring, followed by her lighter tones, but you can’t decipher what’s being said no matter how hard you try.
You stop yourself from fidgeting through sheer force of will, even though you want to raise your hands to touch the blindfold, touch your face, reach around and see if there’s anything nearby, anything to distract you and stop the fear-lust you feel still.
The sound of her heels and Hys boots coming close again makes you straighten from the subconscious hunching of your shoulders that you hadn’t even been aware had happened.
Hy chuckles and she murmurs, “Good girl,” you can almost hear the smirk on her face as the sound of her heels stops right in front of you, you feel her fingertips graze across the side of your face, slowly trailing down the side of your neck, sending a shiver up and down your spine, “So beautiful,” she murmurs, her fingers trail across the neckline of your camisole, touching the tops of your breasts, then moving down lower, her fingers find your nipple and tweak it, making it harden painfully again, she chuckles this time and then you’re aware of Hym behind you now, you can feel Hys breath on the back of your neck, and it sends another, deeper shiver through you, down to the wetness between your legs, stirring a primal lust you never knew you were capable of feeling.
Her fingers continue to play with your nipples, making them ache with your need to feel soft lips wrapped around them, feel her tongue sliding across and around, soothing the ache and making you even wetter than before, you can feel your wetness starting to slide down your inner thighs but before you can squirm you feel Hys hands on your hips as Hy steps up right behind you, you smell the soft musk of Hys cologne mixed with Hys own personal scent, as you then feel Hys breath right on the back of your neck, Hys hips pressed against your arse, you gasp out loud as Hy grinds Hymself hard against you, you feel yourself involuntarily pressing yourself back against Hym, feeling Hys hardness pressed right into you. Hys hands move to the zip of your dress as Hy takes a step back and she lowers her hands to your waist and starts to raise your camisole above your head. Without being told you raise your arms so she can pull it off and over your head, as Hy slowly lowers your zipper, and you feel it fall in a pool around your feet.
Hy murmurs soft words you can’t quite hear in appreciation as Hy lets Hys hands move across the curve of your arse, while she moves her hands back to your breasts, cupping them in her palms, moving her thumbs in slow circles around your nipples, you moan softly at Hys touch as Hy traces your arse down to between your thighs, Hys fingers reaching between your legs briefly, you groan in disappointment as Hy pulls Hys fingers away again, but gasp when you feel the cold steel of a knife against the side of your breast through your bra. Without warning Hy moves the knife blade in one swift motion and cuts your bra first on one side and then the other. You feel Hys arms move around you to take your breasts into Hys hands, you briefly notice the difference between the roughness of Hys hands compared to how smooth hers are.
Before you can continue that thought you feel her hands sliding down across your belly, her fingers seeking the source of your wetness, pressing inside you with ease, she chuckles again, “You know, I think she likes it.” Hy chuckles again, a deep rumble that stirs the hairs on the back of your neck, sending another shiver through you as Hy starts to move Hys fingertips in slow circles around your nipples as she slowly starts to move her fingers inside you, Hys fingers moving faster as her fingers start to speed up as they press deep inside you. You feel your knees start to shake as she slowly fucks you and Hy continues to tease your nipples. Just before you can feel yourself almost ready to cum she pulls her fingers free and Hys hands stop, cupping your breasts as you fight to catch your breath again. You smell yourself on the fingers that brush across your lips and you automatically open your mouth to suck her fingers deep into your mouth, moaning softly deep in the back of your throat as Hy starts to grind Hymself up against you again.
“Mmmm.” You hear Hym say, the first clear sound Hy’s made so far as you suck her fingers deep into your mouth, licking up every drop of your juices, “Very Good girl.” She murmurs once again, before pulling her fingers from your mouth and placing her lips against yours, sliding her tongue between your lips to taste you, you start kissing her back, matching her slow, sensual kiss as Hy steps away again, you don’t mind as you suddenly feel her press her full, naked length against you as she wraps her arms around you, still kissing you, pressing her thigh between yours, grinding her thigh against you, pressing against your clit, which makes you almost cum yet again as you moves her leg slowly back and forth, her tongue slowly exploring your mouth, sucking your tongue back into hers so you can do the same.
Her hands move down your spine to rest on your hips, gripping them as she slowly pulls away from you, “Let me guide you.”
“Yes Mistress.” You move with her as she pulls you forward, trusting her to keep you safe.
She stops you once you’ve taken three or four paces forward and turns you, before pushing you back, you gasp as you feel cold leather against your arse, before realising it’s a seat of some form, you let her guide you back until you feel leather against the length of your spine too.
Now you feel Hys hands take first one wrist, then the other, placing leather manacles around each wrist, the soft chink of chains lets you know that whatever it is you’re sitting on, you are now attached to. You feel her fingers trace the lips of your pussy, before sliding them down to your knees, raising your leg and placing them on some kind of platform, where your ankles are then attached, firmly, yet again, then does the same with your other leg. She steps away again, as you stop feeling her breath on your skin, then hear the soft tap of Hys boots as Hy walks around you, you can feel Hys eyes on your naked skin, almost as if it was Hys tongue and fingers caressing you, not just Hys gaze.
You fight the urge to squirm as you feel Hym moving between your legs, moving your hands involuntarily but you can’t reach anywhere near close enough to cover yourself now.
You hear her chuckle as you realise she is stood right by your side now, “Too late for modesty now...”
You let your arms fall back down to your sides again as you feel the rough fabric of Hys jeans brushing against your inner thighs, then hear the sound of a zipper being lowered, fear-lust sends a thrill up your spine as you realise what could be about to happen. You wait, breathing fast, not sure what is really about to take place next, then gasp in real fear when you feel the chair you’re strapped too start to lower itself down to the ground, her fingers find your nipples again as she murmurs into your ear, “Keep those eyes tight shut now remember,” as she deftly unties the knot of the blindfold, “And do exactly what you are told, or this all ends right now.”
You nod before whispering “Yes Mistress. I will keep my eyes tight shut Mistress. I will do everything I am told to do Mistress.” The words tumble out of your mouth like water flowing from a tap, the throbbing of your clit and the deep ache you feel inside you, that only one thing can possibly satisfy makes you unable to do anything but what you are told now.
“Good girl,” she murmurs softly again, as you feel her move over you until her knees either side of your ribcage and her thighs are pressed against the inside of your arms, keeping your eyes tight shut, you breathe deeply, suddenly smelling, and tasting the smell of her arousal and now all you can think about is the thought of tasting her, sliding your tongue between the lips of her pussy and sucking on her clit, pressing your tongue deep inside of her to taste her as she cums all over you, so much that you barely register the chair being raised once again, you feel the warmth of her skin on your face as she moves her hips closer towards you, the smell of her almost overwhelming you as she places her hands on your shoulders, “Now,” her voice snaps you back and you almost open your eyes to look at her but stop yourself just in time, she presses her hips further forward until you can almost taste her, “I want you to suck on my clit the way you like it down to you, and don’t stop no matter what happens, you are going to make me cum first.”
“Yes Mistress.” You say, hearing the eagerness you never thought you’d hear in your own voice as you move your head forward, letting your tongue move across the lips of her pussy, before pressing deeper until you find her clit with your tongue and start moving it in long, slow circles, hearing her moan as you move your tongue just a little bit faster, flicking the tip of your tongue directly over her clit once before moving back to circling around then flicking your tongue back over against her clit a little bit harder and faster.
The taste of her, almost like it’s her very essence, floods your sense, like nectar as you move your tongue, you keep moving your tongue, slowly beginning to speed the motion of your tongue on and around her clit as you feel her hips moving in response, which only urges you on, until you are sucking her clit into your mouth, flicking the tip of your tongue faster and harder, wanting to taste her cum, wanting to drown yourself in her, her moans growing louder and more insistent, turning from a moan to a sharp cry out loud as you probe deeper, pushing your tongue into her, fucking her with your tongue, before moving back to her clit again. Her cries get louder, her fingers digging into your shoulders, when you feel the rough fabric of Hys jeans against your inner thighs again, and Hys fingers press against the lips of your pussy, sliding easily through the juices that are dripping from your waiting cunt, Hys fingers find your clit and you moan against her, the vibration of your voice driving her closer and closer as you keep moving your tongue as fast as you can over and around her clit, Hys fingers flick softly back and forth across your clit, making you try to shift your hips to feel Hys fingers move more firmly against you, you gasp out loud as Hy starts firmly moving Hys fingertips against your clit, you keep moving your tongue, hard and fast, feeling her hips start to buck, feeling her start to cum, tasting a fresh flood flowing from her, Hys fingers move faster and harder, your hips start to buck in time with hers, as you feel her cum, taste her cum dripping down your chin, Hys fingers bring you to the very edge and plunges you over it until you barely know who you are let alone who you are.
You keep your tongue moving, slower now, feeling her quiver, and start to cum again. Before you know it, Hys fingers, still moving over your clit, you feel the tip of Hys cock pressing against you, sliding deep inside you, taking Hys full length deep inside you, until your hips meet and Hy has filled you completely. She starts to cum again, harder, as Hy starts to fuck you, slowly moving Hys hips back, before grinding Hymself back, deep inside you, you hear Hys deep growl as her hips buck against your face and she pulls herself away to catch her breath, while Hy fucks you, harder and faster, you feel your cunt tightening around Hys cock as Hy keeps moving, Hys hips moving harder and faster, your hips moving to meet Hys every thrust as Hy starts slamming Hys cock into you, fucking you harder and faster than you’ve ever been fucked before. Her hands grip your chin, “Open your eyes girl,” you hear her say, you open them, “Now look at me and keep right on looking at me,” you nod, keeping your eyes fixed on hers as Hy fucks you, you can feel yourself starting to cum again, your cunt so wet that every time Hy plunges Hys cock inside you it slides into you like water off silk. Hys hips start moving faster still, plunging Hys cock into you so hard it’s a pleasure and a pain to receive, your cunt pulsing, wanting to take more and more of Hym, wanting to feel Hym cum deep inside you, taking every single thrust as you hear Hys growl get louder, Hys voice rising as Hy starts to cum and that drives you over the edge once again, your cunt swelling and pulsing harder, as you cum harder than you’ve ever come before, Hys hips moving slower, still thrusting deep inside you, but more gently, as she rests her hips on your belly, reaching down to let her fingers move against the lips of your throbbing pussy, pressing down until they reach your clit, making it twitch and throb even more, while Hy keeps moving Hys cock, fucking you with long, slow strokes, you have no control now, all you can do is let your body react to their touch, let your hips move with Hys hips, while she moves her fingers back and forth against your clit. You feel your cunt still pulsing with each thrust of Hys cock, each time Hy grinds Hymself deep inside you, her fingers tweaking your clit, wordless cries leaving your throat as you start to cum again, losing yourself in the bliss of Hys cock and her fingers.
Slowly Hy stops, and her fingers rest gently against your clit.
With a deep sigh Hy pulls Hys cock out of you, leaving you feeling a pounding emptiness that you want filled again and again and again, even now, while you feel totally spent. The chair is lowered again, while she moves aside and steps down off the chair. You keep your eyes on her, not daring to look anyplace else. Hy chuckles and you feel your clit and cunt pulse again, forcing a gasp from between your lips.
“Look at Me,” you hear Hym growl, slowly, hesitantly you turn your eyes to look at Hym, but Hy’s wearing a mask so all you can see is Hys smirk, “Now, I’m going to set you free, but you stay right there, and watch...”
You frown slightly, but nod, “Yes Syr.” You watch as she frees your wrists and Hy frees your ankles.
You may not be able to choose your bio-family, but you can choose your Family
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Old 08-30-2011, 10:53 PM   #3

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Default Instructions: The End.

Hy grins as Hy takes her into Hys arms, sliding Hys cock against the lips of her pussy, making her moan and try to push herself onto Hym. Hy pushes her back against the seat of an armless stool, pushing her until her arse is on the edge, she sighs, deeply as Hys cock pushes inside her, you watch Hys cock being slowly taken in by her cunt, feeling it even though Hy’s fucking her, not you, feeling ever thrust as Hy fucks her, her back arching, meeting Hys every thrust, Hys cock filling her completely, you hear the slap of skin on skin as Hy fucks her harder and harder, she manages to gasp out, “Play with yourself girl, you better cum with us.”
You nod, your fingers moving to your clit, jumping when your fingertips brush across it, moving them slowly, feeling yourself pulse with Hys every thrust, still almost feeling Hym as Hy fucks her, using her for Hys own pleasure, Hys hands gripped tight onto her hips as Hy slams Hys cock into her over and over again, you can see Hys head starting to arch back, moving your fingers faster and harder over your clit, as her cries join Hys, moving in time, your cries mingle into one as you cum together, your cunt pulsing, your legs twitching as Hy turns Hys head to look at you.
Hy pulls Hys cock from inside her and looks down at it, “Get down out of that chair girl, and kneel down,” you nod and slide yourself down and off, letting your shaking legs allow you to fall gently to your knees, waiting, looking up at them both as she moves behind you, sliding into where you were just sitting and Hy steps until Hy is right in front of you, Hys cock inches away from your mouth. Hy reaches forward, spreading her pussy lips apart so Hy can see her glistening clit, Hy looks down at you, “Now suck my cock clean.”
You nod, parting your lips to take Hym into your mouth, while Hy leans forward and slides Hys tongue across her clit, pushing Hys tongue deep inside of her, tasting her, while you start sucking Hys cock deep into your mouth, Hy growls as you move your head back and forth, sucking Hym deeper and faster as she moans at the motion of Hys tongue, Hy slides Hys tongue up to her clit as Hys hips move faster, and you want to take Hys cock into your mouth the same way Hy was fucking you what feels like seconds before, sucking Hym faster and deeper, while Hys tongue moves faster and harder over her clit, you hear her moans stop while she takes a breath to say, “Reach up and feel how wet we’ve made Hym girl.”
Obediently you move your hand up between Hys thighs, still sucking Hys cock as hard and as fast as you can, hearing Hym growl and moan as your fingers find Hym and slide inside Hym, feeling Hym clenching around your fingers as Hy starts to cum, her cries growing louder as she starts to cum too, while you suck Hys cock and fuck Hym, feeling Hys hips buck hard and Hys cum dripping down your arm.
Hy stops, Hys hands resting either side of her thighs, bracing Hymself while Hy catches Hys breath, you see Hym grinning down at you, and see her smirk as she looks down at you too. Hy takes a step back and nods to her. She slides down off the chair and takes your hand, gently raising you to your feet, and walks you away into the corner, towards a glass door. You hear the tread of Hys boots following, but you’re too numb and relaxed to even wonder why.
She leads you through the door and you register that you’re in a bathroom, with a large shower stall. Still holding your hand she leads you inside the shower, turning the water on and adjusting it until it’s a flood of water and moves you underneath it, she takes a bar of soap and starts to gently wash you, murmuring softly to you without any words as you just stand there and let her clean you, totally spent, unable to talk or even form clear thoughts. You jump as her fingers move over your still throbbing clit and pussy, but this time all she’s doing is cleaning you, nothing more, and you sigh and relax again. Your eyes close as you just feel yourself inside your skin, letting the sensation of the water flowing down your body and the soft touch of her fingers as she washes you.
You open your eyes again when the water stops flowing, and your eyes meet Hys. Hys eyes glint with a hint of mischief and satiation, a knowing smile on Hys lips as Hy steps forward with a towel and Hy starts to gently dry you while she leaves the room, coming back dressed again, holding your camisole and dress in one hand, waiting until Hy has finished drying you before carefully helping you get dressed again.
She smiles again, “Sorry, can’t help you with a bra honey, we’re different sizes.”
You smile softly in return, “It’s okay, I’d say all this was more than worth the price of one bra...”
Hy chuckles and brushes your hair aside, Hys lips soft as Hy kisses you on the forehead and leaves you both alone, the sound of Hys boots on the hardwood floor then concrete recede until you can hear them no more.
You sigh and close your eyes, lowering your head until your chin is resting on your chest, only opening them again when you feel her fingers taking hold of your chin, raising your head so she can look into your eyes, “Good girl,” she kisses you softly, “Hy is very pleased with you. You follow your instructions well... Now it’s time to go home, will you be okay?”
You nod slowly, “Yes Mistress, I’ll be fine.”
She smiles, taking your hand in hers once again and leading you from the bathroom, across the hardwood floor, across the concrete, back down the stairs and back into the bar, collecting your handbag from the grinning waitress and leading you outside into the cool night air.
She looks at you, looks right at you, deep into your eyes and smiles, “Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime.” Her smile makes her eyes sparkle with that same hint of mischievousness that was in Hys.
You smile in reply, “I certainly hope so, Mistress.”
She says nothing more, simply kissing you once more, her lips brushing softly against yours before walking back into the bar, leaving you standing by the driver’s side of your car.
Slowly, shakily, you open your door, and step inside, letting your fingers fumble around until your keys hit the ignition slot, starting it, after taking a deep breath you put the car into gear and start making your way back home again.
You feel like you’re floating on air, nothing is real, but everything seems brighter and sharper, more real than ever before as you watch the sun as it starts to rise over the horizon.
You stop the car, realising you are once again outside your own home. You sit and watch everything for a moment, before taking your keys, and collecting your purse, locking the door and floating up your front path, your fingers moving automatically to unlock your front door, closing and locking it behind you.
You drift through into your living room, and smile.
Hy is sitting in Hys armchair, still dressed in Hys jeans and t-shirt, but without the mask now.
Hys hand pats Hys lap, “Come over here baby girl, sit on my lap and tell me all about your day.”
Her voice calls through from the kitchen, “Would you like a drink girl?”
You smile at Hym and call out, “Yes, please, Mistress.”
You walk forward and slowly lower yourself onto Hys lap.
“Good girl,” Hy chuckles and kisses you softly, “You liked your instructions?”
You smile shyly, “Yes, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy,” you look up as she walks through with a glass of wine in one hand and a beer for Hym in the other, “Thank you, Mistress.”

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Old 08-31-2011, 06:56 AM   #4
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Default Can I say Wow?!

Shouldn't have read these when I have to get ready for work.

Excuse me, I have to go take care of something...first.

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Old 08-31-2011, 11:12 AM   #5

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Originally Posted by Anya/Georgia View Post
Shouldn't have read these when I have to get ready for work.

Excuse me, I have to go take care of something...first.

Yeah sorry about that, perhaps I should've left a warning first ...
I hope you at least had fun before work
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Last edited by Massive; 08-31-2011 at 11:15 AM. Reason: predictive text grrr
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Old 03-01-2012, 09:26 PM   #6

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Default something different, I wrote this on February the 15th...

On Monday I was having a bad day, I hadn’t slept well because I was having to deal with not knowing whether I was going to have to be forced into going back to work when I know that I am never going to be able to go back to work ever again, my health isn’t going to get better, there are no cures. I am disabled, I have an incurable chronic auto-immune disease, sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis in all the joints of my body and osteoarthritis in both my knees. I am disabled. Registered disabled no less, the end.
On my Monday my Mum took me to Barter Books to chill out, to give me the chance to come down from the heights of panic and fear and horror.
When we were there and at the check-out, Mum paying for the books I wanted, there was a young woman standing behind me. I had noticed her earlier primarily because she had the most amazing iridescent green hair, the green that is on a peacock tail feather, a fantastic, amazing, gorgeous colour. When she saw me she commented on my batman hoody. She has one the same.
I was too shy to talk to her, so Mum and her talked books.
She was, is, beautiful. Stunningly beautiful, and I was too shy to talk to her because of how beautiful she is.
Looking back I saw something else too. I saw that look of sadness that so many beautiful girls have, because of all the nasty, horrible comments that ignorant people make when they can’t or won’t understand when someone is different, isn’t the same as “them”, how thoughtless people are, what evil, nasty fucking twats “people” are. No woman should have to live with that sad look in her eyes. Ever. It’s just wrong.
I wish I had had the guts to say to her, “I know you don’t know me, but I want you to do something for me. I want you to know that you are beautiful. An absolutely stunning, drop-dead gorgeously beautiful woman, and don’t let anyone else ever tell you any differently because if they do, then they are wrong. So please, next time some idiot makes some comment then remember this: ‘You are beautiful’.”
I guess what this is about is how aware I am of how much of a difference it would have made to me, with my life, if someone, anyone, even if it was a complete stranger, had said to me that just because I was different, there was nothing wrong with me.
So, to that beautiful woman who I didn’t have the confidence to talk to:
“You are beautiful. Whatever anyone else says; You Are Beautiful. You deserve to be happy and loved and cherished, because you are beautiful, both inside and out. You’re beautiful.”
To all the women out there who feel different, who don’t think they fit in, who feel both elated and afraid when they get a compliment like “You’re beautiful” it’s okay to be scared. There is nothing wrong with you, because you are amazing. You are worth it. You deserve to be loved for you, you deserve to be cherished and adored and given everything you deserve and need and want. To share it all with someone else. Because you are all beautiful and smart and amazing and wonderful you deserve it. You all deserve it all.
So when you’re having a bad day and you feel like you are all alone, you’re not.
You’re never alone. You are beautiful.
You deserve the best.
Never stop believing in yourself.
You are beautiful.

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Old 03-02-2012, 08:49 AM   #7
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dang friend i wish you weren't in so much pain, my clients who have widespread arthritis say the mornings feel like they've been hit with a mac truck.

keep on smiling though because that will override all the other stuff....

Keep writing!

an old fan
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Originally Posted by Cajun_dee View Post
dang friend i wish you weren't in so much pain, my clients who have widespread arthritis say the mornings feel like they've been hit with a mac truck.

keep on smiling though because that will override all the other stuff....

Keep writing!

an old fan

I can't help but keep smiling because I have the support of good friends like you
Thank you!
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Old 10-28-2012, 10:14 AM   #9

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Default an old one I was just reminded about ...


All I can do is wait, I’ve been waiting and will always wait, but this time I’m not going to have to wait long.
I made sure I was already ready to go, showered and smelling good. She came home from work and kissed me in greeting as she walked in.
“Babe, I’ve gotta shower before we go.”
“Ok baby, you go shower, I’ll be here waiting.”
She smiled and winked at me, that twinkle I loved in her eye. I watched her walking away into the bathroom, her hips swaying, her mind on showering and going out.
She’s in the shower, I can hear the water, and all I can think of is her, naked and wet, water running down her body; big, heavy droplets cascading down her body, just waiting to be licked off.
The water sliding down between her breasts, glistening on her nipples, a bead hanging there on the very tip, her nipple hard from the pouring water. All I can think about is wanting to suck it off, taking her nipple into my mouth and hear her moan in pleasure.
I can picture her soaping herself up, the water running off her as she rinses, her hands gliding over her body, the water falling in rivulets down her skin, her whole body waiting to be touched, the water caressing her in the most intimate of ways, touching her where I want to be touching her.
I hear the water being turned off and realise I’m breathing heavily, wet myself just from thinking about her. I wait, impatiently, for her to walk past me, just a towel wrapped around her beautiful nakedness.
When she does walk past me I know I can’t wait any longer, so I run my hand down her side as she walks past me, ‘accidentally’ knocking her towel off. She smiles at me as I grin up at her, she knows exactly what I’m thinking, as always, and she slowly turns to face me, her nipples eye level with me, her body still covered in drops of water, water still dribbling down her skin, slowly running down between her breasts, down her belly, trickling down across her pussy, down her thighs, I just want to lick it all off her.
I curl my fingers around her arse, pulling her closer to me, feeling her soft, wet skin, pliant to my touch, so alive, so perfect. I lean forward, my lips inches away from her nipples, smiling up at her as she smiles back at me. Licking my lips and then leaning just that little bit further so I can take her nipple in my mouth, sucking it in, flicking the tip of my tongue across it as she moans, letting my other hand slide around her body until both my hands are on her arse, moving her closer until her legs are either side of mine, enclosing them.
As I suck on her nipples I run my hands up and down her back, feeling her skin, so alive to my touch, warm and still wet from the shower. All I can smell is her, that clean scent rising from her flesh, making me moan as I move from one nipple to the other, wanting to devour her where she is, letting one hand cup the breast my mouth is not touching, rubbing my fingertips across her nipple, feeling how hard they are, never wanting to stop worshipping her body.
With my hands now on her hips I make her move lower until she’s sitting astride my leg and I move my lips from her nipple to her lips and kiss her. Grazing my tongue across her lips until she opens her mouth to accept it, letting my hands slide up and down her thighs, feeling her hard nipples pressed against my body as we kiss as if we’ve been apart forever.
She parts her legs as I run one hand up her inner thigh, inviting me to touch her pussy, but I hold off for one moment longer, wanting to savour the moment, wanting her so badly, my breathing as heavy as hers.
Letting my fingertips briefly stroke across the lips of her pussy, feeling and hearing her moan into my mouth as I move my fingers away back down her thigh, then back up again, pressing my fingers slightly against her pussy, feeling her silken warmth greet my fingertips as I probe deeper, her moans growing louder as I find her clit and massage it gently.
The tip of my finger moving around it, feeling it swell as I caress it. She moans into my ear as I move my head down to take her nipple into my mouth again, the motion of my fingers matching the motion of my tongue as I imagine my tongue circling her clit. I can already feel the effect of my fingers on her body, her pussy hot and wet against my thigh.
With my index finger leading I slide my fingers down from her clit, slowly pushing them inside her, feeling her welcoming warmth enclose them, feeling inside of her, the place I dream about. I hold my fingers deep within her pussy for a moment, relishing in her, that pulse that makes me feel alive which is echoed in my pussy every time I touch her; feeling my own clit throb as I slowly pull my fingers until they’re almost out of her and pushing them back in again, caressing her full length inside, feeling ever ridge and fold, feeling how wet and warm she is, feeling how much she wants what I can give her.
Her back arching as my fingers move in and out of her, sliding my hand back and forth so that my thumb rubs across her clit. Starting off slowly with the motion of my hand, letting the pace of my movement match the sound of her moans, wanting to make her cum so hard but wanting to draw the moment out, my fingers inside her feeling so right, so perfect.
I let the pace of my moving hand increase again, gradually speeding up as her need grows, her moans growing louder and louder, moving my fingers faster and faster until I’m pounding them into her, hard and fast, her back arching as she is completely open to my touch, watching her as you loses herself, her lips parted in ecstasy as she starts to cum, her voice rising and rising in pleasure, feeling her pussy pulsing against my hand and a fresh spurt of warmth as she cums all over my hand, watching her as the wave hits her and she slowly leans forward against me as her whole body relaxes.
With my fingers still inside her, she curls up on my lap, murmuring sweet nothings into my ear as her breathing slowly but surely returns to normal.
There’s only one thing I want to do now, one thing I’ve imagined myself doing all day.
She murmurs in protest as I start to stand, trying to keep me sitting down but I gently make her stand too, and then push her back down onto the chair. I lift my fingers to my mouth to taste her and then I bend forward so I can kiss her again, her lips parting to meet mine as our tongues entangle, my palms cupping her breasts again, her nipples hard to my touch as I kneel before her, kissing my way down her neck, nuzzling my face between her breasts and taking one nipple into my mouth again as I let my other hand play with the other one.
Flicking my tongue across her skin as I move my head down her body, letting my tongue graze across her skin, the scent of her sex rising up to caress me, making my mouth water as I move her forward until her pussy is open to me, her arse on the edge of the chair.
Her legs either side of me as I let my tongue trail down across her pussy, running down the full length of her pussy lips, tasting her, lapping up her wetness, tasting her the way I’ve wanted to taste her since that morning when she left; my wish fulfilled as I let my tongue slide in to glance across the very tip of her clit, hearing her moan in pleasure again as I let my tongue circle around it, sucking it in, then laying the full length of my tongue across it.
Letting my tongue caress her clit, then moving my tongue down until I find her welcoming depths and push my tongue into her, then back up to her clit again, circling around it, over and across it, slowly at first, her moans matching mine as I eat her out.
Gradually moving my tongue faster again as I let the tips of my fingers press against her again, keeping them on the very edge of her pussy, before pushing them inside her again, feeling her warmth enclose them, holding them there as I circle my tongue faster, feeling her arch her back as she presses your pussy against my tongue and takes my fingers as deep inside herself as they can go.
Moving slowly I withdraw my fingers before plunging them back inside of her, my tongue moving as slowly as my fingers entering her. Curling my fingers so they stroke her in different places inside as I move my tongue that little bit faster, her moans all I can hear as I devote myself entirely to her pleasure, her fingers tangling in my hair as I lavish her with my tongue and fuck her with my fingers.
I speed up the pace of my tongue again, as I let my fingers move faster back and forth, deep inside her, caressing her, knowing just where to touch as I hear her moans grow louder and louder as I move more rapidly, my fingers slick with her wetness as my tongue flicks across her clit faster and harder, never stopping, hearing her moans grow louder and louder the closer she gets to cumming. Tasting a fresh flood of warmth as she cums all over my hand again, slowly the pace of my hand, keeping them moving back and forth gently now as she collapses back onto the chair, raising my head and body up so I can gaze into her eyes, seeing that satiated look darken her blue-green eyes.
She leans forward and helps me to rise to my feet again, grinning at me as I stand.
“Uh huh, you don’t get away that easy.”
She sits me down and sits down on my lap again, and starts kissing my neck as her fingers undo my belt buckle and the top button of my jeans before she slowly lowers my zip. My body aches for her touch. But she keeps on kissing my neck and moves her hands up from my waist.
Her fingertips graze across my nipples, making me jump and I can feel her smile against my neck at my body betraying me. Her fingers slowly move back to my nipples, circling around them, moving her hand down to lift my top, tugging my bra aside so she can suck on my nipple, I moan aloud as her tongue flicks across it, while I’m distracted by her mouth she runs your hand down between my legs and press her fingers against my pussy through the fabric of my jeans, her hand molding to the shape of my crotch, the heel of her hand pressing against my clit and her fingers pressed against my pussy lips.
I moaned louder in protest as she kept your hand on the outside of my jeans, running her fingers up and down my inner thigh as she kept her mouth on my nipple, rolling her tongue across it, moving to my other nipple and back again, drawing out the moment until I was almost screaming with frustration.
She moved her lips back up to mine as your hand slid under the waistband of my boxers, pushing them down, her fingers slipping down across my pussy lips, gliding across them, slick with my wetness, pressing deeper and deeper by the millimetre as they moved up and down, until they eventually glanced across my clit, making me jump and moan again.
Slowly encircling my clit, her fingertips making me melt, sending thrills of pleasure through every fibre of my being, I was barely even aware of my own moans as her fingers moved down and into me, her fingers caressing me, touching me deep inside, moving in and out of me in time to my moans, then back up to circle around my clit, keeping me just on the brink, alternating between having her fingers deep inside me and around my clit.
Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more she started moving your fingers harder and faster, crying out loud, my voice rising as I came, the waves of pleasure coursing through my body from her touch.
While I was still breathless she raised her fingers to my lips and let me suck on them before moving them to her own mouth and tasting me.
She smiled at me as I lay panting, “Hmm, well then …”
Gasping I tried to talk but she silenced me with a finger against my lips.
She stood and pulled me to my feet; with my legs still shaking she started to lead me down the hallway, “Going out can wait, tonight’s barely started, we can go out some other time…”
I smiled at her as she led me into bedroom, she helped me to remove my clothes, pulling my top off completely and tossing it and my bra off into a corner, I helped by kicking my shoes off, and then she pushed me back as I let my jeans fall to the floor around my ankles and fell back onto the bed, she tugged my jeans and boxers off, my socks going with them.
“There, that’s so much better.”
She grinned down at me, her eyes twinkling devilishly, I knew I would do anything for this woman, her beautiful smile making my heart melt, falling deeper and deeper in love with her at every moment we spent together, every time I thought of her, every moment we were alive.
I moved myself fully onto the bed, watching her move towards me, my eyes locked on hers, watching her hair sway forward across her face as she looked down, then back up again at me, her eyes alight.
She knelt on the edge of the bed, her knees either side of my calf, as she moved further up the bed towards me, I could feel her heat against me as she lowered herself down, her pussy wet against my leg, her knee pressed against my pussy as she leant forward to kiss me, her hair trailing across my chest as she slowly moved her head towards mine.
Her lips met mine as her fingers teased my pussy again, making me moan into her mouth. She raised her head slightly so I could see the cheeky grin on her face. She slowly started trailing her lips down my body as her fingers teased me, until her tongue caressed my clit as she parted my pussy lips with her fingers.
I moaned louder as her tongue flicked over and around my clit, pleasure coursing through my body, my skin tingling, my whole body feeling more alive than ever as she drove me wild with her tongue and my moans increasing and my ecstasy increasing as she slowly slipped one finger, then another inside me and started fucking me with her fingers and her tongue, I was aware of her pussy rubbing against my leg in time to my moans as I cried out my voice rising higher and higher, my whole body shaking with the force of my orgasm.
Unable to talk all I could do was lay there as she moved up to lie beside me, her fingers trailing across my body. As my breathing slowly went back to normal she smiled at me and kissed me.
“I love you baby.”
“I love you too beautiful.”
She grinned wickedly and rolled over so she could open up the drawer beside the bed, “Feel up to some more?”
I grinned in reply, “You know I can never say no to you my love.”

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Old 10-28-2012, 10:27 AM   #10

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Default another old one

The Cubicle

“You’re Late.”
I glanced up, wincing then smiling sheepishly, “Sorry Ma’am, It won’t happen again.”
“Make sure it doesn’t, I’d hate to have to reprimand you when we’re getting along so swimmingly,” I groaned softly, deep in the back of my throat, setting my bag down and glancing back up at my Boss as she turned to walk away, I caught that familiar smirk on her lips and in her voice as she called over her shoulder, “Be a darling and bring me my coffee.”
Never a request, Always a simple demand. There was something about this woman, my Boss, that I just could not put my finger on.
I looked around the office, everyone else was hard at work, typing away, on the phone or standing around discussing cases. With a shrug I started walking over to the kitchen area, grabbing the mug the Boss had set down on the edge of my desk as she’d walked by.
I unlocked her drawer and got out a packet of the only coffee she would touch, then waited for it to brew before depressing the plunger. Placing her now clean mug on a tray with the cafetière, milk, cream, sugar and sweeteners; I’d learnt early on never to assume how I knew she liked her coffee, she changed her mind constantly, one day strong and black, the next, white, loaded with cream and sugar … So I now allowed for any eventualities.
Balancing the tray on one hand and forearm I knocked three times on her door and waited.
I took a slow, deep breath, squared my shoulders and pushed the door open.
“Your coffee Ma’am.”
“Good, Bring it over here and pour me a cup.” Another idiosyncrasy of hers; Some days she expected to be waited on hand and foot, others she poured her own coffee, answered her own calls, and even took her own memo’s. Working for her was certainly keeping me on my toes that’s for sure.
I had the feeling today would be more the former than the latter.
“Yes Ma’am,” as I replied I walked over to her desk, setting the tray on a side table nearby and lifted the cafetière, “How would you like it Ma’am?”
“Hot, Strong, Sweet, Long … Oh, And in a mug.”
“Yes Ma’am.” I poured, added two sugars and turned to face her.
She held up one finger, “Wait, Cream too, I feel like indulging myself today.”
“Yes Ma’am,” I turned back to the tray and bent over to pick up the cream. I placed the mug down in front of her, “Anything else I can get you Ma’am?”
She smirked again, picking up her mug and sipping it delicately, her eyes roaming all over me.
Suddenly intensely aware of why I should’ve left where I’d stayed last night earlier, and gone home to change.
Her eyes met my crotch and I knew exactly what she could see, I fought to keep a straight face, I had absolutely no idea what she was thinking, that ever present smirk was still on her lips.
“I’ll let you know if I need anything, that will be all.”
“Thank you Ma’am.”
I could feel a slow flush creep up my face as I turned away from her, cursing under my breath, All the more aware of the base of my cock pressing against me, I was still horny as hell from the night before as it was, and after that intense scrutiny, Well, I was in no fit state to do much at all.
The only thing I could think of was thank fuck it was casual day at work and I wasn’t wearing my suit, I’d’ve been in big trouble then, those pants were tighter than my jeans, at least this way I could sit down without making matters worse, and there was enough paperwork on my desk to keep me sitting so that I wouldn’t have to walk around and get myself into a real mess, so to speak.
I took a deep breath and set to clearing my desk, there were so many case files to get put back into storage and the memo’s which she refused to read still had to be read through and dealt with, I love my job, I really do…
I shifted in my seat, which only made me squirm all the more, damnit, I should have gone home and changed, or at least stopped off in the toilets and taken it off, but, Oh No, had to be thinking with the little head and not the one on my shoulders last night.
I sighed, trying to surreptitiously adjust myself, but that didn’t help, my now throbbing clit now had my cock pressed hard against it, and there was no way I could walk any distance without turning myself into a gibbering wreck.
I turned my seat to face her, “Yes Ma’am?”
I was painfully aware of the bulge in my crotch and my flushed face.
“I’ve tried calling you twice now, Whatever is the matter with you?”
“Sorry Ma’am, I was … distracted. I must’ve ate something bad last night, my stomach’s hurting me.” I stumbled over the lie, feeling how bad it tasted to be saying it out loud, but completely unable to tell her the truth.
“Oh, Well, Why don’t you go along to the toilets then. There’s no sense in you sitting here if you don’t feel well, And if it gets worse, you can always go home.”
“Yes Ma’am, Thank you Ma’am.”
I stood, self- consciously trying to cover myself, face bright red now, feeling how wet I was, how hard my cock was pressing against me, my knees rubbery from desire and the need for release. I nodded to her and tottered away to the bathroom, aware, yet again of her watching me, Hoping beyond hope that she believed me and didn’t know that I was desperate to get into a cubicle, drop my jeans and participate in some good old fashioned self-lovin’.
Breathlessly I stumbled into the toilets, checking, deeply relieved to find I had the place to myself, and rushed into one of the cubicles. I pushed the door shut with my back as I fumbled with my belt buckle struggling to undo the zip of my jeans and tugging them and my boxers down.
My cock sprang out like a jack-in-the-box as the elastic passed the tip, that movement almost drove me to my knees, so I stepped over to the actual toilet, put the seat lid down and sat down, giving my shaking knees some respite. I took a deep breath and looked down at myself, moving a shaking hand to grip the base, holding it firmly against me so that the simple movement of my own breathing wouldn’t drive me insane.
I slowly stroked my hand up the shaft and back down again, letting my head roll back, groaning deeply at the sensation, feeling my clit pulse and swell even more, starting to move my hand faster, my hips rocking in time with the motion of my hand, gasping and moaning, not even aware of where I was any more.
“I know you’re in there Boi.”
I froze, hand in mid stroke, pressing the base firmly against my clit but unable to move, even though that pressure was driving my wild.
The door slowly opened, shit, I hadn’t locked it behind me!
“Ma’am?” I stammered.
She smiled, looking at me sitting with my cock in my hand, gasping for breath, face flushed. She knew exactly what I’d been up too, her eyes sparkled as she smirked, this time I could see what she was thinking.
My mouth went dry as she stepped forward, into the cubicle and closed and locked the door behind her.
She stood, watching the tip of my cock moving as I tried to slow my breathing, my clit aching with the need for release, but there was nothing I could do about it, not now, I’d been caught and I had no idea what the repercussions for this would be at all.
She leant forward, one finger of her hand extended and ran it down the underside of my cock, only stopping when she met my hand which was still wrapped around me.
She tutted and shook her head, looking into my eyes, “If I’d known that this was what was making you feel bad I’d’ve taken you into my office to look after you Boi,” she smiled, this time it reached her eyes, making them sparkle with her need and desire, “But, we’re here now, so…”
She slowly lowered herself to her knees before me, I was still frozen, unable to talk or move, all I could do was watch as she licked her lips, moved her head forward, gently removed my hand from the shaft of my cock, and slowly sucked me into her mouth, almost taking me all into her mouth.
I groaned loudly, unable to stop it from escaping my throat.
She slowly starting sucking my cock, stopping to circle the tip occasionally, but more often than not deep throating me, sucking hard and fast, the movement sending thrills shooting up from my clit throughout my entire body, I could feel my whole body tense as I started to cum, only then aware that she had her own hand buried between her legs, feverishly stroking her fingers over her own clit in time with the motion of her mouth on me.
My knees started to shake, the pressure building up inside me, as she continued to take my cock deep into her mouth she slid three fingers up into me, making me gasp and moan all the louder, my hips bucking as the most mind-blowing orgasm ripped through my body, her fingers deep inside me, fucking my hard as she kept on sucking my dick deep into her mouth, as her own finger ground over her clit. Another orgasm started to build and wash over me again, my hips bucking once, twice, Her hips bucked in time with mine.
Breathlessly I reached down to her and pulled her to her feet, she smiled down shyly at me, her lips parted, as breathless as I, I could see her knees shaking and could see her glistening juices on her fingers from where she was touching herself, I reached up and took hold of her hand, sucking her fingers into my mouth, working my tongue over the tips, sucking them deep into my mouth, looking up into her eyes. She smiled down at me, stepping forward until her legs where either side of mine, I drew her panties aside with one finger as she slowly impaled herself on my cock. Holding herself still, while I hurriedly undid the buttons of her tight white blouse and freed her breasts, sucking hungrily on her nipples as she raised herself along my length, starting to ride my cock with wild abandon.
I moved one hand to grab onto her hip and the other so that my thumb was pressed over her clit, letting herself ride my cock and grind her clit against my thumb as she moved. The motion of her hips grinding down onto me, grinding the base of my cock against my clit again, making me groan loudly as she moaned and writhed, impaling herself deeply, her pelvis meeting mine as she raised and lowered herself, her breasts moving before me, letting me flick my tongue across her nipples again as she started to cum, I moved my other hand to grasp her hips firmly as she started to buck against me, her hips jerking forward as her orgasm hit her, making me cum too with the force of it.
With my hands on her hips I kept her moving, raising and lowering her still, with the same speed as she’d been moving, she groaned loudly, looking down at me, her mouth open wide as she watched me make her fuck me still.
I ground her down my length, rocking my hips so that the tip of my cock rubbed across her g-spot as I moved her against me, using the full length of me to give her pleasure, She raised her hands and grabbed onto my shoulders as she started to shake all over again, I could feel her pulsing hard against my cock, feel the vibrations going through her on my clit as she came and then came again, digging her nails into my shoulders and leaning forward to bite my shoulder and a third orgasm washed through her.
With my hands still on her hips I stopped, gasping for breath still, feeling the delicious ache of satiation.
Her lips found my ear and she murmured breathlessly into it, “I should’ve called you in on your day off sooner, my god…”
I breathed slowly, bringing myself under control, “If I’d known this would happen, I’d’ve never taken any time off ever Ma’am.”
She leant back, even that slight motion sending a thrill through my body again, making me gasp, She smiled again, “Well now, this deserves a reward I’d say.”
I frowned, “A reward Ma’am?”
“Yes, this was unexpected and most certainly one of the best services you’ve ever offered me, Now, What would you like as a reward? The rest of the day off perhaps, so you can go home and pleasure that pretty little girlfriend of yours, or something else maybe?”
I flushed to the roots of my hair, “I don’t have a girl Ma’am.”
“That’s not right Boi.”
I shrugged, “Such is life Ma’am.”
“Indeed. Now as to your reward?” I took a deep breath then let it out, I knew what I wanted, but to ask that of my Boss was pushing it to the limits, “Come now, I know there’s something you want … What is it Charlie?”
I started slightly, that was the first time she’d used my name in the entire time I’d been in her employment.
“Uhhh, Well, Ma’am….”
She smiled, leant forward and kissed me on the lips, “Call me Clare, no need to call me Ma’am, not now, only when we’re around the Big Bosses do you ever need to call me that again.”
I flushed a brighter red, “Okay M … Clare. I, Well, You said before …”
A slow smile crept over her lips, and she kissed me more slowly, teasing me with her tongue, rocking her hips back and forth, grinding my base against me yet again, I groaned deep in the back of my throat again.
She leant back again, “We can go to my office right now if you’d like?”


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Old 10-28-2012, 10:29 AM   #11

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Default and another


The stark realness of the bed was the first thing that struck me when she led me into the room.
“So, er … meant to ask, How much do you charge?”
“$20 a bj, Full sex $60 then anything extra costs on top,” she droned by rote, “Money ain’t gonna be a problem, is it hun?”
I blushed to the very roots of my hair, “No, money, no,” I shoved my hands in my pockets and fought not to fidget and failed, “I’m just kinda new to this …”
“Either it’s been a while … or y’all’re a virgin?!” both of her eyebrows raised at that.
My face was so bright red by now that I imagined you could see the waves of heat rise up from my head, “Not a virgin to sex! It’s … It’s just been a few years, but I am a virgin to, well, this.” I gestured at the room in general.
“This?” she smiled, “I’m a whore honey, not a psychiatrist. I can’t help your head but I can relieve your problem.”
“Well … I …” then I fell silent, unable to express what I meant, I lowered my hands in resignation and sat down on the corner of the bed.
She closed the door behind her, locking it and putting the key back in her purse, she ran her fingers through her hair and tossed her purse onto the bedside cabinet, knocking the lamp askew.
She pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her jacket pocket, lit one and handed it to me, then lit one for herself.
“Look, sweetie, payin’ for sex is nothing new. People’ve been doing it since before Christ. Hell, those Romans would screw anything with a hole!” she laughed, took a draw of her cigarette and blew the smoke out in one big cloud.
I sighed, staring at the floor, watching the smoke trickle from my nostrils and rise to the ceiling, swirling wildly whenever she exhaled. She took my cigarette from my hand and put both hers and mine in an empty ashtray.
“Come on now, it can’t be all that bad,” as she said this she slid her hand up my inner thigh, tracing the seam with her fingers, I stopped her hand before she reached the seam at my crotch.
“Before we go any further you have to know one thing.”
“And that is?” she smiled playfully, sweeping her hair away from her face, tucking it behind one ear self-consciously.
“Well, I’m not a … I mean, I don’t, ah shit …” I shook my head, rubbing my forehead.
“I know you’re not a man if that’s what you mean?”
“Really?” I raised my eyes from the floor and met hers.
“Hell, no bulge at your crotch for starters. Then there’s the eyes and the mouth, you’ve got girls lips; pretty little rose buds,” she said, rubbing her thumb gently across my lips, “I’ve had sex with a few lesbians this past year, all very satisfying for both parties. I have two rules though?”
“Which are?”
“No kissing and ya have to wear a strap on.”
“I? Oh … I don’t have one …” I rose to my feet, pulling my wallet out of my back pocket, took out two twenties and a ten, and offered them to her, “Look, sorry to have wasted your time.”
She stood up beside me, looked down into my eyes and closed my fingers around the notes, “We do the money part later,” she took the money from my hand, returned it to my wallet and placed it back in my pocket, “Now we do the fun stuff.”
I completely froze.
I couldn’t move or speak.
All I could do was stand and stare blankly at her.
“What?” she said finally, “I’ve heard of protection, but sex with all your clothes still on is going a bit far.”
She stepped towards me and began undoing the buttons of my shirt, loosening and removing the knot of my tie, when she had opened my shirt and tugged it out of my pants and she pulled it down and off my shoulders, leaving it bunched around my wrists.
She pushed me back onto the bed and undid my belt and flies. She considered me for a moment and then shrugged, muttering something under her breath and turned to a nearby closet.
She opened the door, blocking my view of her, emerging not long after with leather straps trailing from her left hand, in her right she held the dildo.
She slid the dildo into the harness and walked back over to me, gesturing for me to rise. She pulled my trousers and boxers down, took off my socks and shoes, tossing them aside. She then strapped me up in the harness.
When she had me arranged to her satisfaction she sat me back down again, only to pull my pants back up, pushing me flat on my back so she could fasten my flies and belt up again.
She sat me up, I looked down at the ridiculously large bulge riding down my thigh where she’d tucked it.
She stood me up yet again, pulled my wrists free of my shirt, tossing it aside and led me toward the closet, “Here, take a look at yourself, I can see you want to.”
She faced me toward a floor length mirror on the inside of the door, before taking a look at myself I took a glance inside the closet and spotted what I thought was the handle of a riding crop, a larger whip, a range of varicoloured dildo’s, some bondage straps, masks and an assortment of latex and pvc outfits.
The sight of it all sent a flush of heat to my groin, followed by a shiver running down my spine. I shifted my hips, unused to the feel of leather against my skin, the hilt rubbed against my clit, making me squirm all the more.
She stepped up behind me, looking over my shoulder, turning my full attention to the mirror by sliding her hand around my hip to caress the full length of the dildo, from the tip right down to the root, knowing fine well what its base was pressed against..
Her other hand slid around my waist, pulling me so her belly was nestled against my back.
She then ran her hand up the expanse of my stomach and turned me to face her, letting up the slow stokes of her hand only enough to let me stand in front of her.
“Now, what are we going to do with this,” she nodded toward the bed, “I’m going to undress and then you’re going to lay me down and fuck my brains out. Ready?”
I nodded and we moved to the bed.
She took off her top, threw it onto a chair, undid her bra, it joined her top and started to undo her short skirt, then caught my breathless anticipation and stopped, only taking the time to remove her underwear.
She sat down on the edge of the bed, her skirt riding right up, exposing herself to my thirsty eyes. She crooked one finger at me and I took one step forward so she could undo my fly and belt, pulling my pants down only far enough to expose the top of the harness, the shaft bulging, almost trying to burst through my boxers. She pulled the elastic from around my waist, allowing the dildo to pop up from its confinement.
Mischievously she stroked the dildo again, grinning as I tensed, the flush spreading down from my face to my chest, nipples erect under the confinement of my own bra.
She looked up at me, the head of the dildo pointed aggressively up between us. She lay back on the bed, pulling her skirt higher still, fully exposing the thin line of hair along the lips of her pussy, her labia glistening, begging the exposure of her clit.
I started to move down toward her, the dildo bobbing at my every move, she grabbed the shaft to guide me in, running her hand up and down the shaft, pressing hard against my clit with the base, moving it in a slow circle, only stopping when my knees started noticeably trembling.
I froze for a second and grinned down at her; I was more intent on savouring a different pleasure first.
As I knelt the shaft slid up against the bed, pressing against me again. I drew my hands up her inner thighs, feeling the smoothness of her skin. Then I ran one fingertip along the lips of her pussy, from her arse up to her clit, which I spotted briefly as my fingers crossed it.
She moaned, her muscles clenching involuntarily as I took the time to move her pussy lips apart to look at her in wonder. I drew one thumb across her clit again, moving it down until it slid up into her, my palm cupping her ass. I rubbed the tip of my thumb along the ridges inside of her. Taste buds watering I leant forward and flicked the tip of my tongue lightly against her clit eliciting another, much louder moan this time. A moan which turned into a gasp as I lay my tongue across her again, lingering for longer and longer periods, feeling as she shifted her hips wherever I moved my mouth, flicking at her clit, then sucking lightly on it and then flicking and sucking it alternatively.
The movements of her hips were becoming more and more pronounced, her gasps and moans getting louder and louder.
She grabbed my head, pushing me away, “No!” she gasped, “Not yet, I’ve got one thing to do first.” And then pushed me back so I crouched on my heels.
She pulled me up, pushing me away from her again. She loosened the leather harness, allowing it to drop down toward my ankles. She made me step out of the straps, and drew them to her own legs, then strapped it against her own crotch.
The dildo looked somehow less threatening rising from her groin. She moved me onto the bed, arranging me to her satisfaction, the strap-on moving hypnotically, shifting back and forth as she moved and, unable to resist the urge I ran my cupped hand down it, feeling as this time the hilt pressed against her clit.
She moaned again, her hand gripping my own as I stroked her. Gently she moved my hand away. She looked down at me, laying on her bed, the edge digging into the back of my knees, my head and shoulders propped up so I could see down the length of my own body.
With complete, unquestioning trust I watched as she knelt on the edge of the bed, tipped it with the slight weight transference and, moving my thighs further apart, guided the dildo down until the tip was nudging against my clit, and rocked her hips forward slightly.
My whole body tensed.
“You ever been fucked with a strap-on?”
I opened my mouth to speak and a croak came out, I cleared my throat and was eventually able to mutter, “No.”
“Oh, Good. I love a virgin.”
Before I could say another word she shifted the head down and slid the full length into me, her crotch meeting mine as she finished the movement.
“You sure you’ve never done this before?” she said, looking down at where we were attached.
Yet again, before I could reply she pulled back her hips and pushed back into me again, I couldn’t stop myself from shuddering.
She moved her hips in a slightly circular movement as she continued rocking her hips against and away from mine.
She pulled back, almost pulling out completely, before plunging back inside of me, the rhythm of her hips becoming faster and faster.
I was dimly aware of her watching me writhing under her, the motions of her thrusts slowed as she saw me drawing closer and closer to orgasm.
She withdrew completely, leaving me throbbing with longing, an emptiness inside of me that needed to be filled.
We then again went through the rigmarole of putting the harness back onto me, but she moved with an open confidence and ease that spoke volumes.
When I stood before her again, dildo standing like an exclamation mark from my groin. She looked me up and down. Slightly breathless, she said to me, “Now you get to do me.”
The breath caught in my throat as we moved back to the bed. I lay back where I had been before, she pulled her skirt off and tossed it aside, she straddled me, moving until the base of the dildo was pressing against my tingling clit and the underside of the shaft was pressed against her own. She slid herself up along the shaft once or twice before lifting herself up, holding the head against the lips of her pussy.
I thrust up with my hips once, and she lowered herself slightly with a moan, but still leaving a gap between our groins.
I moved my hips forward again, as I watched the shaft move into her I felt the base pressing against my now swollen clit in time with the motions.
She crouched over me, shuddering with my every move, I worked my hips faster, matching her moans and quivers with my own.
The constant motion against my clit and feeling her trembling growing wilder drove me over the edge and a solid wall of mind-blowing ecstasy hit me. Her hips jerking and writhing with mine as we both collapsed, unable to move of our own volition, taking in deep gulps of air, slowly regaining some composure.
She leant forward, her hands pressed to the mattress either side of my rib cage, breathing fast. I deliberately pushed my arse back, fighting the resistance of the springs, pulling out of her, then slowly rocked my hips forward again. Her eyes seemed to glow as if a fire, long unkindled, had suddenly sprang to life.
She eased herself off and away from my hips, whimpering as if in regret.
She dragged me up, her eyes intent on my face, she turned away from me and braced her arms on the back of the chair.
“Take me from behind.”
I stepped forward, grabbed hold of the base of the dildo, guiding this new extension of myself back into her sweet core.
I rocked my hips again, pulled almost out of her and plunged back in again. Thought was lost, our entire beings were focused on the fusion between us, she moved with me and against me.
Thrust after thrust, almost pounding into her, both of us moaning and groaning.
The flutter started slowly building to a roaring crescendo both of us being slammed with an enormous orgasm, legs shaking with the sheer power of it.
I locked my knees and grabbed her round the waist so neither of us would fall down.
She gently disengaged herself and we collapsed down onto the bed next to each other, she squirmed round until she lay on her side, facing me.
The starkness of the room crowded back into my senses as I felt my entire body relax for the first time in what seemed like forever.
She ran the tips of her fingers down my stomach, the back of her hand brushing against the shaft, even that slightest of movement sent another spasm of pleasure shooting through me.
“Oh, no,” I said, grabbing onto her hand, “No more.”
She grinned, “I guess you’ve had enough then?”
The smile on her lips softened and moved to her eyes, “Was it worth the wait?”
“Hell yes, I could die the happiest woman alive right now.”
“You have plenty of time left yet.”
I closed my eyes, feeling her rise from the bed, grabbing my clothes, putting them next to me, collecting her own, then her footsteps left my range of hearing, followed by the sound of running water.
I let myself drift peacefully for a short while, then, knowing I couldn’t delay the inevitable, rose and looked down at myself.
Come through here if you want to clean yourself up.”
I obediently walked into a tiny bathroom as she was stepping out from under a shower. She helped me take off the harness, dropping it, dildo and all, into the sink. I stepped under the pouring water, working the bar of soap into a lather and washed myself down.
Feeling a warm glow deep in the pit of my belly for what felt like the first time all over again. I stepped out of the shower and roughly towelled myself dry.
I followed her back through into the bedroom and began slowly pulling my clothes back on, feeling myself grow damp at the thought of what had just happened and shook my head as I did my shirt buttons back up, tucked the tails back in and went about laboriously re-tying my tie.
By the time I had found and put on both socks and shoes, she was ready, and the bed was made, she handed me another lit cigarette as I reached for my wallet, “How much do I…” she closed her fingers around mine again.
“You know, I kinda got my payment already … and then some.”
“You’re gonna knock a freebie???”
I slowly shook my head, unable to take my eyes away from hers.
Decisively she pulled a slip of paper from her purse, searched around for a pen to write with, found none and ended up using an eye pencil to scrawl something on it.
She turned back to me, eyes lowered and handed me the piece of paper.
I glanced at the other side and saw it was a receipt, on the side facing me was a name and a telephone number.
“What? Is this …?”
“It’s my number … call me if you ever need any more, uh, relief,” she blushed slightly, “I mean … well, you know what I mean.”
“I do,” I tucked the paper safely inside my wallet, “And I will be calling you.”
She unlocked the door, I moved outside and she stopped in the doorway, looking around to check it was tidy again.
She closed the door and re-locked it.
Hesitantly she kissed me on the cheek, then grew bolder and kissed me full on the lips, flicking the tip of her tongue against mine.
She grinned devilishly, “I’m really looking forward to hearing from you again.”


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Old 10-28-2012, 10:33 AM   #12

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Default and another but in the spirit of Halloween (part 1)

Vampires Kiss

A moan escapes your lips, a soft susurration of sound, an almost sigh.
I watch you shift slightly as you lay on your bed, half covered bye a sheet, one leg exposed, a hint of a breast, your hair in disarray, tumbling across your face. You mumble indistinctly, almost waking before I gently use my will to send you back to sleep so I can continue to watch you slumber.
You move again, one arm reaching to rub some imagined irritation at the base of your spine, you push the cover down to rumple across your arse, the shadows soften the swell of your breast, cupping your skin so tenderly my fingers move involuntarily with the sudden desire to be the one touching you.
A breath of air comes through the curtains, tickling its way across your exposed flesh, you moan again at its ephemeral caress. Goosebumps rise on your body and you shiver slightly, almost waking again before sinking back into your dreamscape.
Mumbling indistinctly you roll onto your side, pulling the sheet taut before it slides off your leg and side to fall to the floor in a snowy puddle. You curl yourself up, clutching a pillow to your chest, one knee raised slightly higher than the other, taunting me with the luscious curve of your buttocks.
I step forward, allowing my shadow to fall across you, deepening the darkness beneath the side of your breast. I raise one hand so the shadow-form of my hand glides my shadow fingers across the hairs at the nape of your neck and trailing them down your spine. You groan softly, and I watch a shiver travel down your spine as my shadow fingers slide across your skin. I bring my shadow fingers slowly back up your spine, across your shoulders and down, letting the tips caress the side of your breast. You moan and shiver, your nipple hardening as you roll onto your back, fully exposing your breast, the other still covered by the pillow.
Another breath of air stirs the curtains, a tingling rising up my spine as you roll your neck to one side, your pulse visible beneath your skin, my mouth watering I am unable to stop myself from taking a step forward, my shins now brushing against the base of your bed, looking down at you, my breath catching in my throat at your beauty. You shift again, the pillow following the sheet onto the floor, so you lay fully exposed beneath my gaze.
I lean forward, letting my eyes roam up your legs, from your ankles, across your thighs, your pussy hidden in shadow, your scent rising to my nostrils, drinking the sight of you in, the way your nipples rise and fall with every breath, your heart beating beneath your breast, just looking at you sends a flood of feeling to my very core.
Finally I allow my fingers to touch your skin, watching you move your legs apart in response, waiting for you to stop moving before trailing my fingertips up from your ankles, reaching your knees and brushing the knuckles of my cold hands up your inner thighs. You sigh and almost awaken, wanting to enjoy you for a moment longer I will you back to sleep again, wondering what you're dreaming as my fingers move slowly higher, sliding across the lips of your pussy, feeling how wet you are and I've barely even started doing what I really want to do …
I grab your thighs and you wake with a gasp, sitting up, your eyes quickly adapting to the darkness of your room. Your eyes meet mine, fear turning to desire as you realise it's only me, your hands move to touch my face and I slowly shake my head.
“Not yet little one,” I smile, my canines showing, “Wait and see what I have in store for you...”
Mutely you lower your eyes, your eyelashes brushing against your cheeks, and you stifle a moan as I pull you down to the bottom of your bed, grabbing the pillow from the floor and pushing it behind your neck.
I stand straight again, looking down at you, letting you feel what I feel, sense how much your smell drives me wild, taste my desire to taste you, all of you.
I start to lower myself onto the edge of your bed, my knees either side of yours, holding your legs together, sliding my fingertips across your belly, following every curve with my eyes and senses. Your flesh feels like silk on my fingers as I slowly move them higher and higher until they cup the gentle swell of your breast, you jump as my thumb circles your rigid nipple, sighing again as I lower my mouth towards it, watching as I lick my lips and gently lay the tip of my tongue across it. My fingertips slowly circle around your other nipple as I suck softly on your other one, letting my teeth graze across it, savouring the taste of your skin, the salt remind me of other, warmer fluids.
Your back arches towards me as I suck harder on your nipple, pinching your other nipple between my fingertips, letting my crotch press against your thighs briefly before pulling away slightly. Closing my eyes, opening my mind to you so you can feel my tongue on your nipple and feel how much I want you. I reluctantly move my mouth away from your nipple, slowly drawing the tip of my tongue up the curve of your breast, across your collar bone and nip the skin of your neck with my teeth. You moan loudly, I smile against your skin, drawing my hand up and around until it's resting between your shoulder blades as I graze the fingertips of my other hand down your stomach, barely touching you, before raising my hand to tangle my fingers in your hair.
“Look at me little one,” your eyes meet mine, “Do you know how long I've been watching you? Waiting for you to be alone so I can have you? Do you have any idea of what a torment it has been?”
“No Syr, I'm sorry Syr, I didn't know, If I had known I would've...”
I silence your protests with a kiss, drawing your tongue into my mouth so you can feel the sharpness of my teeth, drawing your breath into my chest, kissing you deeply, almost savagely, in punishment.
“No little one, you don't know, you can't ever know what it is like for me, and for that very reason I must do all I can to ensure you never forget me again.”
“Yes Syr.”
I watch the heat rise in your body, your eyes quickly moving down my body to my crotch and back up to meet my eyes.
I growl deep in my throat, “I said look at me little one!”
Your eyes widen and you nod, swallowing the lump in your throat, knowing better than to speak.
I stand up straight again, keeping your legs locked together between mine. A gust of wind billows the curtains behind me and I smile down at you, stepping back.
“Now, stand and follow me little one,” without hesitation you rise and stand before me, I step aside and gesture towards the balcony beyond the curtains, “Wait for me out there.”
You look at me uncertainly, your eyes flickering towards the sheet on the floor.
“As you are little one, now, Go.” I push with my mind and you step forward, your fear of being naked outside replaced with your drive to obey me.
I close my eyes and breath in your scent as you pass me, watching your arse swaying back and forth as you walk, my eyes lingering on the dimples in your arse before moving silently to follow behind you, you hesitate again as you cross over the threshold, and I push you again with my will.
I wait in the doorway, watching you shiver in the cool night air, the moonlight suddenly glowing from behind the clouds makes your hair sparkle, it's silver light caressing your flesh possessively. I let you wait as I watch you, my eyes watching the rise and fall of your every breath, the side of your breast exposed as you cautiously reach out your hand to lay it on the cold metal of the balcony railing.
You slowly begin to relax as you look out over the city streets, the distant noise a mere irritation, as you breathe in the smell of the freshly cut grass on the road below the balcony I step up behind you, knowing that you haven't noticed my approach until I'm almost touching you as I wrap my arms around your shoulders, and kiss the side of your neck.
“Now, that wasn't so bad was it my little one?”
You shyly shake your head, your hands raising to caress my forearms, sliding your fingertips up from the backs of my hands to my elbows, idly toying with the folded sleeves of my shirt. Grinning against your neck as I nip your flesh with my teeth again I grind my crotch against your arse, reminding you of exactly why I am here with you.
You moan slightly, I can feel your need to press your arse against my crotch and feel me against you, knowing that to do so will mean punishment, or worse.
“Now little one, I want you to place both your hands on the railing and whatever you do, Do Not Move.”
You nod, raising your hands and placing them both on the railings before you, curling your hands around the cold metal and wait, breathlessly, for my touch.
I run the finger of one hand slowly down your spine, you shiver and freeze, not able to control your reaction, I smile as I let my fingers cup your bare arse, I run my fingertip down between the cheeks of your arse, spreading my fingers wide between your thighs, “Move your legs apart little one.”
You comply wordlessly, moving your feet apart for me, wrapping your fingers more firmly around the balcony railings, you shiver again as my cold fingers run down your inner thigh, sliding my fingertips across your flesh while my knuckles glance across your other leg.
“Lean forward little one.”
You lean and I slowly draw my fingertips back up your thigh, my thumb resting against the crack of your arse while I slide my fingers across your pussy lips again, a moan escapes your lips as I slide my finger through your wetness. Slick with your juices I reach further forward, letting my finger brush across your clit, you jump and I growl in your ear.
You freeze again, waiting to see what I will do.
You hear the whisper of my belt sliding through the loops of my pants, a shiver runs down your spine as I caress the folded leather down your spine and across your ass, stopping yourself from jumping through sheer force of will when I bring it sharply across your left arse cheek, swiftly following it with another strike across your right arse cheek.
“I said Do Not Move little one, see what happens when you do not obey my orders?”
You whimper and moan at the same time, nodding as I gently rub my hand across the welts already forming on your arse.
“Good, little one, good.”
I slowly move my hand back to your thighs, trailing your wetness across your skin, letting my fingers seek out your clit again, and this time you stop yourself from moving as I find your hard clit and slowly rub my fingers across and around it, smelling you making my mouth water again.
I flick my belt across your nipples as I let my fingers move slightly faster over your clit, you gasp, still not moving, your moans growing louder as I flick my belt across your flesh once again, every time I let the hard leather meet your nipples I speed the motion of my fingertips against your clit.
Your body is rocking in motion in time with the flick of my belt across your stinging nipples and the speed of my fingertips over, across and around your throbbing clit.
You moan even louder as I thrust my thumb inside you, your juices flowing down across my hand, my fingers working faster and faster over your clit, your body responding more and more strongly to the sting of my leather belt and the movement of my hand.
I let you start to thrust yourself onto my thumb, moving my fingers from your clit, plunging three of them deep inside you now, dropping my belt and gripping your nipple between my fingers and roughly rubbing my thumb over it.
You start to raise onto the balls of your feet, I watch you starting to shudder and writhe as I fuck you with my fingers, plunging them deep inside you, thrusting as far as I can reach.
Your breath catches in your throat and I know you will cum soon, so I stop, pulling my fingers from inside you, you groan but don't move.
“No little one, not yet, you have to earn it first.”
Your head hangs forward as you gasp for air, hands gripped tight onto the railing, your knees quivering with your need for release.
“Now, Turn around little one, I want you to look at me.”
You turn, and look deep into my eyes, mesmerised you can't look away as I smile at you, open mouthed so you can see my teeth glistening in the moonlight.
“Kneel little one.”
You slowly sink down to your knees before me, your eyes still locked onto mine, I grin, hooking my fingers in my belt loop, letting my fingers idly slide across the bulge at my crotch.
“How would you like to earn this little one?”
You may not be able to choose your bio-family, but you can choose your Family
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Old 10-28-2012, 10:34 AM   #13

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Default (part 2)

I watch your pupils contract then widen with desire, the tip of your tongue sliding across your bottom lip, I can see how badly you want to look at my hand as it moves back and forth down the length of my cock, I smile and nod, “You may look little one,” your eyes hesitate, still looking deep into mine, before slowly sliding down the length of my body, only stopping when your gaze finds my fingers.
You gulp, “... Syr ...”
“Yes? Little one?”
“Syr, may I ...”
“Speak little one.”
“May I … May I see?”
Your eyes flit from my fingers, to my eyes and back again, in fear of your own audacity.
“May you see what little one?”
Your eyes plead as you raise them to meet mine again
“... Syr ...”
“Say it little one.”
“Syr, May I see your cock?”
I smile, “Much better little one, you must always say what you want to me.”
“Yes Syr,” Your eyes lower back to my fingers again, “I will remember that.”
“Good, little one.”
You lick your bottom lip again as I let my fingers play with the zip of my pants, idly tugging it down a few notches, watching the flush of heat rise from your flesh again at the mere noise. I let the zipper move down another few notches, your tongue flicking back and forth across your lips still, I pull the zipper down all the way, moving my thumb up to unhook the button. Button unhooked I slide my hand inside my pants, letting you see my hand as it slides down the full length of my cock before pulling my fingers back out of my pants again.
“Syr? Please Syr?”
I smile as I move my hand back inside my pants, taking hold of my cock and pulling it out of my pants.
“Is this what you want little one?” I ask, letting my hand glide slowly up and down the shaft.
You nod slowly, eyes flitting between my hand and my eyes.
I watch you lick your bottom lip again and imagine your tongue flicking across the head of my cock and suppress a growl.
“Show me what you want to do with my cock little one.”
You lock your eyes onto mine as you shift forward, your hands shaking as they softly touch my thighs, your eyes moving back to my hand as it slowly runs up and down the length of my cock, you look back up at me as you slip your tongue out from between your lips, slowly curling it around the tip of my cock.
I let myself growl this time, as you slowly take my cock between your lips, swallowing me deep into your mouth, gagging as it hits the back of your throat but not stopping and taking all of me into your mouth, your hands move around to the back of my thighs as you slowly pull your lips down my cock, reaching the tip again and running your tongue down to the base of my cock from below, before running it back up to the tip, and sucking me back into your mouth again, as your head moves faster and faster, grinding the base of my cock hard against me, my fingers tangling in your hair as you take me deep inside your mouth, moaning around my cock as you feel my hips start to sway in time with the motion of your lips around my shaft.
I growl even deeper in the back of my throat as I allow myself to get lost in the sensation of you fucking my cock with your mouth, letting myself rise up, before grabbing your head between my hands, stopping you before I cum.
You look up at me, wide eyed, you wonder why I won't let you make me cum.
I smile again, “Not yet little one.”
I slowly pull my cock from between your lips, moaning as I see it glistening with your saliva.
“Stand up little one,” you stand, your eyes moving between my cock and my eyes once again, I take your hand and wrap it around the shaft of my cock, letting you run your hand back and forth a few times before stopping you, “What do you want to do with my cock now little one?”
Your eyes lock onto mine, you lick your lips nervously, shifting from foot to foot.
“Syr ...”
“Yes little one?”
“Syr, I want your cock inside me, I want to feel you fuck me.”
I grinned, grabbing you by the hips, lifting you so you are sat on the balcony railing, you gasp loudly, I slide my hands around to support your back, stopping you from falling, you glance behind yourself fearfully.
“I won't let you fall little one, not ever.”
Your eyes glint in the moonlight, your heat bathing me, I press my body tight against yours, letting you feel my desire, the tip of my cock riding up across your clit, my shaft sliding through your wetness as I rock my hips back and forth, placing biting kissing against your lips, before pulling my hips back and plunging my cock deep inside of you, and sinking my teeth into your neck at the same time.
Your blood trickles down my throat as my cock thrust deep into your dripping wet pussy, I slowly pulled back out of you before plunging my full length back into you, flicking my tongue across the rills of blood trailing down your skin. I close my eyes again as I start to fuck you, ramming my cock into you, letting you feel how good it feels for me to be finally fucking you, my pelvis slamming against yours, your pussy so sweet and wet, taking all of me deep inside of you, you moan into my ear as I suck more of your blood into my mouth, bracing myself as I fuck you harder, feeling you sliding up and down the length of my cock, filling you as the base slams against my own clit, hearing you start to cry out loud as you start to cum, letting myself feel what you are feeling, your eyes rolling back into your head as your body starts to shake as I fuck you, you shudder and yell wordlessly, your hips bucking against mine, gripping my cock as you cum all over me, I continue to thrust myself deep into you, my fingers digging into your back as I cum hard, swallowing the mouthful of your blood as you cum again.
You pull my head to yours, kissing me, tasting your blood on my lips as I pull you to me, my cock still buried deep inside you. You hungrily lick my lips, I lift you in my arms, turning back into your bedroom, walking to your bed and slowly sitting down, leaving you astride my thighs, laying onto my back, my hands now gripping your hips, before moving one hand to my own lips and biting my wrist.
I hold my wrist to your mouth, your eyes search mine before you thirstily suck my blood into your mouth, your eyes widening as you taste me, a flash of light glowing from your pupils, you stop, your mouth filled with my blood, then lean forward and kiss me, letting our mingled blood flow between our lips, a flood of memories washing over me at the taste, your tongue caressing mine as we become one.
You close your eyes, shuddering in ecstasy, a small rill of blood trickling from the side of your mouth, I pull you down to lick our blood from your lips and you open your eyes, your vision doubling as you see yourself through my eyes and I see you through mine. You smile, your eyes lighting up as you gaze at me watching you and see what I see.
You trail your fingernails down my chest, amazed at the sensations thrilling through your fingertips, you graze your fingers across my nipples, grinning all the more when you feel me jump and settle back down. You lean forward, letting your fingers move to the open collar of my shirt, your fingers meeting my skin and lingering on my collar bone, tracing the veins beneath my flesh.
I smile up at you, letting my hands run up from your hips to cup your breasts, my fingertips glancing across your nipples, circling them slowly, before moving them back down to your hips, letting my thumb slide down between your legs, and slowly brushing it back and forth against your clit. You moan, arching your back as I rub harder over and around your clit, I feel you clench around my cock again, as you close your eyes to see through my eyes, raising yourself slowly, sliding up the full length of my shaft, feeling every inch of me as you let the head of my cock slip out of you, grinding your soaking wet pussy down the underside of my cock, the tip rubbing against my thumb as I keep circling your clit, moving your hips up and down so you're running your pussy lips up and down my cock, feeling what your movement is doing to me and gasping out loud again, knowing how wet I am and how much I want you still.
I growl deep in the back of my throat as I see what you want. Reluctantly you move yourself away from my thumb, leaning forward to kiss me, slowly running your tongue across my lips, waiting for me to allow your tongue to enter my mouth, I suck your tongue into my mouth hungrily, still tasting us on you. You graze your fingertips back across my nipples, pinching them between your fingers, biting my bottom lip before trailing the tip of your tongue down my neck, flicking your tongue against the base of my throat, your hands reaching for the fabric of my shirt before tearing the buttons away with one swift motion of your hands, letting your tongue move slowly down between my breasts, pinching one nipple between your fingertips before taking the other into your mouth and sucking it hard into your mouth, you start grinding yourself up and down the underside of my cock again, as you bite my nipple, I feel you smile around my nipple as you feel how the motion of your hips is grinding the base of my cock hard against my clit.
Your release my other nipple, nipping and biting my other nipple, your fingers slowly teasing down across my belly, to grasp my cock in your hand, firmly moving your fingers up and down my shaft, making sure every time you move your hand the base moves against my clit, making me wetter and wetter with every touch. I gasp out loud, as you kiss your way down my belly, dragging your fingernails across my skin, your hand moving faster up and down my cock, you stop and look up at me, as I look back at you before you lick your lips and circle the head of my cock with your tongue. I groan loudly, your fingernails trail down my inner thigh as you slowly suck my cock into your mouth, I watch you devour me, taking me deep into your mouth, and jump once again when you graze your fingernails back up my inner thigh, parting my pussy lips, playing with the edges of my cunt as your lips suck my cock up towards you, before plunging three fingers deep inside of me, your hand slick with my juices as you fuck me, your fingers curling inside me, your mouth moving faster and deeper up and down my cock. You can feel me getting closer and closer to cumming, sucking my cock deep into the back of your throat, feeling me clench around your hand as I start to cum all over you, my back arched, thrusting me deeper into your mouth, spasming around your fingers.
With a wordless growl I pull you up to me, tasting myself on your lips, eagerly sucking your tongue into my mouth, pulling your fingers from inside of me, flipping you onto your back and bracing myself above you, breaking the kiss to look down at you, your eyes sparkle as I lean forward to kiss you again, my lips softly brushing against yours, letting the contact between your mouth and mine become my entire world.
Letting you see and feel me as I slide the tip of my tongue across your bottom lip, grazing it across your teeth, flicking it across your tongue, drawing yours into my mouth, letting my lips finally meet yours, sharing our breath, worshipping you with my lips.
I slide my fingers down your sides until they meet your hips, letting my fingertips trail down your inner thighs, moving them until my knuckles are brushing against your inner knees, grasping your knees in my hands, pulling you further down the bed, so your thighs spread wide around mine, holding your legs apart so I can look down at my cock, letting the head play across your glistening pussy lips, teasing you with the very tip then watching as I slowly sink the full length of my cock into you, grinding my hips against yours as our pelvises meet, savouring how good it feels for you to have me buried deep inside you again, before pulling my hips back and plunging myself back into your welcoming warmth, rocking my hips back and forth as I slowly fuck you with my cock, making the base of my cock move against my own clit so you can feel my pleasure as I feel yours.
I feel every inch of my cock fill you, with long, slow strokes, you arch your back, your hips moving in time to meet mine with every fibre of our beings intertwined, your wetness allowing me to glide smoothly into you, my cock filling your need, your pleasure is my pleasure, you feel my clit grinding against the base of my cock as we fuck. You know more than anyone has before the delight of your body beneath mine, your eyes lock with mine, you moan as I plunge my cock deep inside you, our breath in time, moving together as one, the sweet swell of release rising as we move together, you dig your fingers into my arse, pulling me deeper inside you, urging me to continue, I move my cock deep into you, slowly letting my hips move a little bit faster, savouring every moment, wrapping your legs around my hips as you start to cum, clenching around my cock, I let myself go, you cling to me as I keep fucking you, you rise to kiss me, my cock gliding up into you over and over again, your fingernails digging into my arse, biting on my bottom lip as I start to cum, letting me fuck you until my hips start to buck hard against you with my release.
I lay down across your body, leaving my cock buried inside you, feeling you pulse around me, my body twitching, slowly, reluctantly pulling my cock from your pussy, and laying down beside you, wrapping my arms around you. You curl yourself against my body, your arse nestled against my crotch, your hair tickling my neck, I kiss the side of your neck, holding you while the glow of our bodies starts to fade away.
I close my eyes and hold you, smelling the scent of your skin, the smell of our mingled sex, my hands alive to the touch of your skin, you sigh and shift against me.
I smile and hold you closer, my arms wrapped possessively around you.
I hear a bird start to sing outside and open my eyes slowly, dawn was soon approaching, you hear the birdsong too and frown. I close my eyes again, and feel you shift again, moving away from me, I lay as still as possible as you rise from the bed, I hear your footsteps move away then return, I open my eyes and see my belt in your hand, your head lowered, unable to meet my eyes, you know I must return to my own lair, and soon.
I stand, tugging my pants closed, pulling my zip up and I let you slide my belt back into the loops of my pants, I see a tear trickle down your cheek and I gently brush my finger up your cheek, collecting the salty drop into my fingertip, raising my finger to my lip and sucking my finger, I smile when I taste you on my fingers still.
You sigh and sit down on the edge of your bed.
You watch as I tug my shirt back together, and frown slightly when I bend to pick up your bedsheet. I lay it down on the bed beside you, stopping to reach up around my own neck. I release the catch of the chain around my neck, lean forward and lock the clasp as I place it around your neck, you look up at me, your mouth opening to talk but stop when I shake my head.
You look down at the silver ankh on the chain.
Before you can even begin to try to talk, I grab the sheet again, and wrap it around you. You start to cry again, and before you can take another breath I pick you up in my arms, cradling you against me.
I walk towards the door, carrying you in my arms.
“Yes, little one?”
“Where are we going?”
“Home, little one.”
You nuzzle your head against my neck and I feel you smile.
“Syr ...”
“Yes little one, you will now always be my little one.”
“Thank you Syr...”

You may not be able to choose your bio-family, but you can choose your Family
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Old 10-28-2012, 10:37 AM   #14

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Default a follow on story to the previous ... (part 1)


I open my eyes just as the sun is setting. I trail one fingertip down your side, shifting myself slightly so I can let it slide all the way down to your arse, your lips curve into a sleepy smile, so I lean forward to brush my lips across yours, kissing you slowly, savouring the feel of your lips against mine, breathing in the scent of you; letting my fingertips trail softly down your cheek, cupping your chin in the palm of my hand, placing feather-light kisses along your jaw, brushing my lips across your ear and slowly kissing my way down your neck, nipping your collarbone with my canines.
You open your eyes and look deep into mine, your eyes sparkling, and smile up at me, reaching up to draw your fingertips across my bottom lip, sliding your fingers around to the back of my head and pulling me back to kiss you again.
You shift your body closer to mine, your leg sliding up mine until your knee is bent over my thigh, I run my hand down your side again, letting my thumb graze across your nipple before letting my fingers cup your arse as I rock my hips forward. You moan into my mouth as I press you against me. You close your legs so my cock is nestled between your thighs and rock your body back and forth, your motion grinding the base against my clit. With a growl I pull you hard against me, pushing my cock higher between your thighs, letting it move back and forth across the lips of your pussy until you're moaning louder and louder, breathing deeply. I can feel your aching need to feel me inside you, I can feel how wet you are, your lips parting every time I run the tip of my cock slowly back and forth across them. I reach down between us and flick the tip of my finger across your clit, slowly drawing it around in a circle, my fingers slick from you, grinding my cock back and forth against your lips, circling your clit faster and faster, flicking my fingertip across it every two or three times, slowly drawing the tip of my cock across your opening, hearing you whimper and arch your back, trying to push yourself down onto my cock, but I won't let you.
Moving my hips that little bit faster, just allowing my cock to brush across where you most want me to be, my fingers sliding faster across your clit, circling and flicking across you. I can feel your body starting to tense against mine, I can feel you getting closer and closer to cumming as you beg me to fuck you, beg me to push my cock deep inside you, but I keep grinding it back and forth, moving my fingertips faster over your clit and growling at you to cum. Your hips buck against mine, you cum hard, crying out loud and then groaning back down onto your side.
My cock is dripping wet from you, you push me over onto my back and nip the side of my neck between your teeth, starting to slowly kiss your way down my body, your teeth grazing across my nipples, placing kisses all the way down across my stomach, stopping and looking deep into my eyes as you flick your tongue across the tip of my cock. Wrapping your hand around the shaft of my cock you circle the head of my cock with your again, faster, kissing your way down the underside and sliding your tongue back up again, then taking me into your mouth and sucking me in all the way down to where your hand is, every time you suck my cock deep into your mouth you grind the base hard against my clit, sucking me deeper into your mouth again, moving your mouth up and down the full length my shaft, faster and harder. You can feel me starting to cum, my hips moving in time with the motion of your mouth, my hands tangled in your hair now as I cum, my hips bucking hard, holding your head, stopping you from continuing to suck my cock.
You smile up at me, licking your lips.
“Sorry Syr, I had to clean your cock ...”
Breathlessly I gaze down into your eyes, then reach down and pull you against me so I can kiss you, tasting you on your lips, flicking my tongue across yours. I stop you as you move to straddle me, your hand reaching for my cock, “Not yet little one … Later.”
You whimper softly, your eyes melting into mine, “But Syr ...” your eyes plead.
“No, little one. Now, go shower and dress.”
You lower your head, “Yes Syr.” You stand and walk towards the bathroom.
I watch you walking, admiring the curve of your arse, feeling you throbbing still, deeply, an ache that only my cock inside you can sate, before speaking again, “Wear the white dress.”
You turn to look at me, your eyes rising to meet mine enquiringly, “Yes, Syr.”
I lay back down, one arm behind my head and close my eyes, letting myself see through your eyes as you open the bathroom door, stopping to gaze out the window, so I can see you as you let your eyes move down your body, your hands moving to your breasts so I can feel their weight in your hands, feel the tingle of response between your legs as you graze your fingertips across your nipples, still hard from your arousal, playing with them, feeling as I shift in bed, growling as I start to throb again as your clit twitches as you think of my hands on your breasts, my hands sliding down your body as you move your hands across your skin: the way you want my hands on you.
With a deep sigh you start the water in the shower, stepping under the spray and picking up a bar of soap, your hands gently caressing your breasts again, slippery-wet with suds, gliding down your body in slow, soft circles until you've washed your way down to the tops of your thighs.
You hesitate when you feel me as I groan, you smile as you let your fingertip slide, ever so slowly, across the lips of your pussy, my clit throbs in response when you let your fingers graze across your clit, I jump when you moan as you slowly circle your clit with one finger, teasing me when you push your fingers lower and into yourself, I can feel myself pulse as you fuck yourself with your fingers, pushing your fingers as deep inside yourself as you can reach, imagining your fingers are my fingers before pulling your fingers slowly out of yourself and sliding them back up to your clit and flicking your fingertip across it, up and down, you smile again as you feel me moving my hands between my legs, gripping the base of my cock with one hand and reaching under my harness for my throbbing clit as you slowly circle yours, waiting for my fingers to start circling mine before moving your fingers faster and harder, feeling my clit pulsing in response so I have to move my fingers faster and harder over mine.
You lean back against the cold tiles, the water flowing down the front of your body, as you circle your fingertips faster and faster over your clit, I can't not move my fingers in time with yours, I can feel you as you start to cum, your head tilted back, your fingers moving faster, you start to pulse and clench inside, your clit hard under your fingertips and I start to lose myself in your sensations, your breath coming in short sharp pants as you feel my body responding to your touching yourself, my clit throbbing, hard and aching with the need for release, soaking wet, my fingers moving faster and harder over my clit. You close your eyes as you cum, your body shuddering, hips bucking and I open my eyes as suddenly you are back in the bedroom with me, still dripping wet from the shower, you crawl between my legs, moving my cock aside so you can lay your tongue on my clit, my back arching to meet your mouth as you slide four fingers deep inside me, your tongue moving in circles over my clit the way you had moved your fingers around yours, curling your fingers as you pull them from inside me before pushing them back into me, harder and faster as you move your tongue harder and faster over my clit, my hips moving to meet every thrust of your fingers, growling and moaning as you fuck me, sucking my clit hard into your mouth, your canines grazing either side of my soaking wet lips, as I start to cum, your fingers moving deep and hard into me, flicking your tongue up and down across my clit, feeling me pulsing around your fingers as I cum again, harder, a shout leaping from my lips as I sit up and then fall back down onto the bed.
You smile up at me mischievously and crawl up to wrap your arms around me and kiss me. I taste myself on your lips and tongue and growl deep in my chest. Breathlessly I let you cradle my head in your arms, as you kiss me again, “Thank you little one.”
“No, Thank You, Syr, for letting me touch you and taste you and feel you cum.”
I smile up at you. You move down, resting your head on my chest as you wait for me to catch my breath.
I shift and you sigh again, rising from the bed and going to dry yourself and dress as I stand up, on shaking legs and walk to the bathroom to shower myself.
You are sitting, waiting for me, on the edge of the bed, dressed all in white, when I walk back out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around my waist.
You watch me as I dress myself. I grab a pair of black dress pants, black wife-beater and a black silk shirt from the wardrobe. Your eyes follow my every move as I tuck my cock inside my boxers, and pull my pants around my waist, slowly pulling my belt through the loops before buckling it. I sit down on the chair beside your dressing table and pull on my socks and my boots, tying the laces and looking up at you.
I smile at you and you smile back at me.
“Ready for a night to remember little one?”
You smile and then blush, “Haven't I already had a night to remember Syr?”
“Not completely, not yet little one...”
You giggle, “I'll go wherever you will take me Syr, always, I trust you completely.”
“Good little one.”
I stand and walk over to where you are, holding out my hand and you raise your hand to place it in mine, you stand and follow me as I lead you to the front door, I stop to grab my bag from beside the front door and open it.
It's bright moonlight outside, the garden covered with a silvered hue, your skin glows in the moonlight as we walk down the path to my car. I parked it in the driveway the night before so we wouldn't have far to walk. I open the passenger door and hand you into your seat, I walk around to my side, stopping only to open the back door and placing my bag on the seat, before opening my door and getting inside.
You smile at me, your eyes looking deep into mine and I lose myself in them for a moment before reaching over the seat and opening the zip on my bag just wide enough to fit my hand inside. You buckle your seat belt and watch as I pull a strip of black silk from my bag, I reach over and tie it across your eyes.
You may not be able to choose your bio-family, but you can choose your Family
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Old 10-28-2012, 10:37 AM   #15

How Do You Identify?:
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Default (part 2)

“Don't worry little one, I just want where we're going to be a surprise for you. It isn't far, so we won't be long.”
“Okay Syr.” you rest your hands in your lap and wait for me to start the engine.
With low rumble I start the car and we pull away, the tires crunching over the gravel on the driveway. I close my eyes briefly to feel what you are feeling, and see you can see nothing, only hear the tires on the gravel, then the tires on the asphalt of the road.
Everything has a slightly surreal air to it with the bright moonlight making everything have a softness to it in it's ethereal glow.
With a deep growl of the engine I speed up, wanting to be where I've been planning to take you for the past month now, just waiting for the moon to be full again so it will be as beautiful as it can be, as beautiful as you.
I slow, then stop, leaning over to kiss you on the side of your neck, just below your ear, flicking my tongue across your skin to taste you.
“Wait here little one.”
“Yes Syr.”
I open my door and step out of the car, opening the back door to retrieve my bag and walk away.
I place my bag on the ground, open it and spread its contents on the ground.
I look around before walking back to the car and opening your door, “Ready little one?”
You smile up at me, “Yes Syr.”
“Good little one,” I lean down and unbuckle your seatbelt, sliding one arm behind your back and the other under your legs I lift you out of your seat and set you down on your feet. I turn, lock the car doors and then pick you up again, cradling you in my arms.
You can hear the crunch of my boots on the gravel, then the swish as I walk through the long grass, I know you can now hear the sound of the water flowing over the stones on the riverbed and the sigh of the wind as it snakes through the branches of the trees.
The soft sigh that escapes your lips as I kiss you again almost brings me to my knees.
I stop by the blanket I have spread across the ground beside the river bank and slowly lower myself to my knees, setting you down on the blanket and trailing my fingertips down your neck, across your shoulders, down your arms and slide my fingers into yours. I lean forward again, unable to resist the temptation of your lips, your canines brush across my tongue as I trace the tip of my tongue across them.
“Lay down for me little one.”
I place one hand across your shoulders and lower you back onto the blanket. You smile as I trail my fingertips down your neck and across your collarbone, tracing my way down to the swell of your breast and then across your nipple, circling it slowly, before leaning down to kiss the side of your neck as I cup your breast in my hand, brushing the side of my thumb across your nipple, feeling it harden at my touch. I focus myself on you, so you see what I see, feel what I feel as I reach over, my teeth nipping the side of your neck and pick up the knife I had placed on the edge of the blanket. You gasp as I lay the cold metal blade against your thigh, drawing it up under the hem of your dress slowly, so you can feel its realness and the sharp edge of it's blade as I slide it across your skin. I pull the knife away from your skin and brush my fingertips across your inner thigh, your legs part in response to my touch and I smile, breathing in deeply, smelling you and the scent that rises from between your thighs.
I move my hand back up between your legs, stopping as the hilt in my hand brushes across the lips of your pussy, I feel and see you jump as the cold metal meets your hot flesh, and smile as I push the knife through the fabric of your dress and then pull it down sharply, cutting your dress open so I can look down and see you. See the lips of your pussy glistening in the moonlight.
I raise the blade again and slide it down between your breasts, cutting the fabric apart there too, so I can lean forward and suck your nipple into my mouth, laying the cold blade against your other nipple as I flick my tongue across the nipple in my mouth.
You moan beneath me as my tongue explores your nipple, sucking and biting, grazing my teeth across it as I circle your other nipple with the very tip of my knife, stopping just short of nicking you with the edge.
Still sucking your nipple into my mouth I move my hand away, flicking my wrist and spinning the hilt in my hand so the blade is in my hand instead.
I trail the cold metal of the hilt up your inner thigh and brush it up and down, across your lips, teasing it across your clit, before slowly pushing it inside you, hearing you gasp as it fills you and you feel the blade cutting the palm of my hands as I pull it from you before pushing it back into you, my blood now dripping from my hand, dripping onto your thighs and over the lips of your pussy. You spread your legs wider, smelling my blood on the air, knowing that your soaking wet pussy is also being coated with my essence as I fuck you with the hilt of my knife, I suck your nipple hard into my mouth one last time before kissing my way up your chest to your neck and sinking my teeth into your skin, sucking your blood into my mouth as I slowly fuck you, my blood mixing with you as I move my knife hilt faster inside you.
“Please … Syr ...” you moan at me, and I pull the hilt from inside you, tossing it aside and rip your dress fully open. I move to kneel between your thighs, raising my hand to your lips so you can taste my blood finally and then lean forward to kiss you so I can taste my blood on your lips. As we kiss I tug my shirt and wife-beater from out of my pants and start to pull them up and over my head, breaking our kiss to take them off completely before leaning back to kiss you again, savouring the taste of our intermingled blood.
I slide my hand across your breasts, covering them with my blood and lean forward to lick it off your nipples, leaving the rest smeared all over your skin.
I feel your hands move to my waist and I let you unbuckle my belt and undo the button of my pants, you slowly draw my zip down, and pull my pants open, letting the backs of your knuckles graze across my cock, before reaching for the waistband of my boxers and lowering them, letting my cock spring free, your fingers curling around the shaft, slowly pulling your hand towards you and then running it back down, grinding the base against my clit. I stop you with a growl and grab your hands, pushing them above your head and holding them there with one hand, as I grab the shaft of my cock, pressing my body forward to play the head of my cock across your pussy lips, slowly moving it back and forth, parting your lips so I can brush the head across your clit. You moan and writhe beneath me as I tease you with my cock, brushing the tip across where I know you want me most, letting you feel as I grind the base against my own clit as I slide the tip across yours.
With a growl I move forward, sinking my cock deep inside you, feeling you as I fill you, feeling you raise your hips to meet mine as I finally let my cock complete our bond. Your legs wrap around mine, your hands reaching for my back, sliding down to my arse to pull me hard against you, holding me there so you can savour how it feels to have me inside you finally.
You moan into my ear as I sink my teeth into your shoulder, “Oh Syr, I've wanted you inside me ever since we awoke, fuck me Syr, please, fuck me ...”
Your hands move back to my shoulders as I pull my hips, slowly away from yours, letting you feel every single inch of my cock as it moves within you, before slowly pushing myself back inside you, filling you completely.
I open myself to you so you can feel that every time I thrust my cock into you, you can feel how it grinds against my clit, so you can feel how wet I am from fucking you, so I can feel your pleasure at having my cock plunging into you, so I can feel your every thrust and moan and whimper in response to me, so you can feel my pleasure as you run your fingernails across my back.
I grind my hips harder and faster forward, my cock ramming into you, filling you time and time again, my cock slick with your wetness, moving faster and harder, I can feel you start to come close to cumming as I growl into your ear, “Not yet little one, wait ...”
I fuck you harder, my cock plunging deep inside you, my every thrust moving you, your legs anchoring you to me as I almost pull out of you completely before ramming myself back into you again, my clit throbbing and pulsing every time I move into you, you feel me start to cum and I growl into your ear, “Now little one, cum for me, I want you to cum with me ...”
Your hips buck in response to mine as I start to cum, moving my hips back and forth as fast as I can, fucking you hard and deep as you cum, your fingernails digging deep into my back so my blood pours out of me, and onto you, my blood making our skin slippery wet as we slide against each other.
You cry out loud, your back arching to meet my final, almost savage thrust and you collapse back down, I let myself rest on top of you, my cock still buried deep inside you as we catch our breath, my whole body twitching every single time you twitch around my cock as you make the base twitch against my clit.
You roll us over until I am laying on my back and you are straddling me, you reach up to your shoulder and open up the bite I left there again, letting your blood flow down across your chest, mixing with mine and leaning forward so the runnels of blood drip from your nipples and into my mouth, I swallow hard as you rock your hips slowly back and forth, knowing how your making the base of my cock grind even harder across my still throbbing clit. I reach up and pull the blindfold from your eyes so you can look into mine, you smile at me as you place your hands either side of me, your blood dripping down onto my chest and neck before you slowly raise yourself along the length of my cock, letting me feel every inch of you as you lower yourself back down onto me, your movement making my clit throb harder with every motion of your hips as you fuck my cock, raising and lowering yourself up and down the full length of me, filling yourself with my cock again and again, pleasuring yourself with me, burying me deep inside your core over and over, moving faster and faster, clenching around my cock so I can feel you grinding up and down me, thrusting yourself deeper and harder onto me, leaning forward further so your breasts are sliding across mine, slick with our blood as you look into my eyes before kissing me as you start to cum again.
Tasting us both on your lips as your hips start to buck, grinding the base of my cock even harder against my clit as I start to cum too, my hips bucking up against yours, pushing my cock as deep inside you as you can take me. I growl deep in my chest as I feel you pulsing around my cock as you cum, and you can feel my clit pulsing in time as I cum, my hands reaching up to hold you against me, tight.
Breathing heavily into your ear, growling softly with each exhale as I twitch and pulse in time with you.
I swallow before whispering in your ear, “I love you little one, be mine forever...”
You raise your head to look into my eyes, “I am yours Syr, always ...”
We lay together, beside the water, listening to it slowly run betweens its confining banks, the moonlight bathing our bodies as I hold you close, where you belong, in my arms and we smile.

You may not be able to choose your bio-family, but you can choose your Family
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