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Old 07-30-2012, 09:59 AM   #101
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Default Awakened Kundalini: Paths On The Way

A.When throbbing of mooladhar begins, the whole body shakes involuntarily, the lungs fill with air, and is forcibly exhaled out. Without volition deep exhaling of breath starts and the body gets uncontrollable, know then, that the kundalini energy has awakened. You then should give up your assertions, and witness what happens.
B. When your body begins trembling, hair stands on end, you laugh or begin to weep without your wishing, your tongue begins to utter deformed sounds, you are filled with fear or see frightening visions, Think that the Kundalini Shakti has become active.
C. When your posture becomes fixed, and orgasm comes involuntarily, your tongue reverts back or rises up toward the palate, and the whole body becomes active that you are unable to stay still, your hands and legs stretch out forcibly, then you ought to know the Divine Power of the Goddess Kundalini has come into action.
D. When your posture becomes fixed and sight is attracted toward the middle point between the eyebrows, the eyeballs begin to revolve, you get automatic Kewal-Kumbhak cessation of breath comes, with no effort for inhaling or exhaling and the mind becomes vacant, void of all knowledge, understand that Maharamaya, the first born Shakti, the Goddess of Kundalini has come into action.
E. When you feel currents of energy (Prana) rising up your cerebrum within you, automatic Aum starts and the mind experiences waves after waves of blissful beautitude (as experienced by catholic saints also), think the Universal Mother Kundalini has come into action.
F. When different kinds of Nad become audible, your spinal column experiences vibrations, and feeling of bodily existence becomes lost. Your eyes open and close without volition, electric like currents flow up and down the nerves, and you have convulsions, konow that Mahamaya Kundalini has come into action.
G. When your mind gets influenced spiritually as if some spirit has taken possession of your body, and you can do different postures of yoga without pain or fatigue, and you feel increasingly energetic, and strange sort of breathing excersizes start, think that the Divine Power Of Kundalini has come into action.
H. When you no sooner have sat with eyes closed than the body begins to show activity of throwing out limbs, utter sounds like those of animals, birds, frogs, lions, wolves, jackels, dogs, tigers, fear inspiring and not pleasing to hear, understand that the Great Goddess Kundalini has come into action.
I. When you feel vibrations of energy at different stages inside your body, and feel it's flow wherever you fix your attention and nerves begin to show easy jerks like electricity passing through them, know that the Goddess Kundalini has come into action.
J. When all day and night you feel within your body some activity of energy. Wherever you concentrate your mind, your body at once begins to shake or toss, yet your mind remanins full of joy and bliss, and you can feel energy rising even in your dreams, you are experiencing HER Presence. Know that the joy inspiring Kundalini has come into action.
K. As soon as you sit for prayer your body begins to shake with the ecstacy of joy and you begin to sing songs/hymns of charming music, and write poems naturally, you must know that the Goddess Saraswati of speech has awakened into action.
L.When you feel intoxivated without taking any drugs, while walking your steps float majestically or are awkward, and you stagger,like one drunk of divinity, know that your Atma Shakti Kundalini, the power of Self, has come into action.
M. While walking, your mind is filled with an impulse to walk faster, and your feet begin running, you feel lighter than air, and do not feel fatigued having gone far, and you feel energetic and happy even in your dreams, and you can keep the balance of your mind undisturbed in all ups and downs, and you acquire inexhausible energy for work, know that Brahma Shakti Kundalini has come into action.
N. When you are in meditation the future unfolds it's secrets to you, hidden meanins of Scripture become clear, you acquire insight into occult practices, understand that Kundalini the bestower of occult power has come into action.
O. When seated in meditaton, your sight becomes fixed in the middle of the eyebrows, and your mind plunges into an ocean of bliss, you have the power of Kundalini.
P. When at morning and evening hours punctually and automatically your body becomes charged with energy and divine influences and you become overpowered by HER, know the Goddess Kundalini is rightly functioning.

From Deva Shakti (Kundalini) Her Divine Power
by Swami Ram Tirtha.
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Old 07-30-2012, 03:00 PM   #102

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This is a hard lesson for me to learn and re-learn. I admit I am a Prima Donna. I'm spoiled and have wants and desires. All wants, craving, MUST HAVE feeling is related to how one runs dopamine. And dopamine is ... intense and mean. There is no other way of seeing it.
James Holmes out in Colorado...his dopamine has spiked, probably with testosterone and he spiraled into a T, D, violent and euphoric state. Now he's looking blank (a flat affect is a sign of lack of dopamine, former meth-users have this same look) according to the media. People are wondering how he can be so emotionless (they are giving him serotonin-increasing meds, S and D work at inverse proportion to each other)
The hoarding, the serving 2 masters (usually in secret), the fear-induced clutching for possessions, goods, the best foods, etc......it's dopamine related. I want what I want because I have the delusion that I am entitled to whatever I want.
Serotonin engenders well-being and happiness. You feel what you need (I need air. I need water, I need healthy foods and not really much more.). No hoarding because there's no fear-based clutching onto possessions. The focus is away from ego protection, status protection, "saving face", escalating desires, etc. Because the fallacy of dopamine is that having our wants and desires met will make us happy. This is far from true. Dopamine will only make us crave more. There is no end to the bottomless pit of want/desire.

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"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on Earth where moth and rust decay and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for for yourselves your treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal..For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

"No one can serve two masters, for either she/he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."

"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about what you will eat and drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is life not more than food and the body more than clothes?"

"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet God feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"

"Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to your stature? So why worry about clothing? Consider the lillies of the field, how they grow, they neither toil nor spin, and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as fine as one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will not God much more clothe you, oh you of little faith?

"Therefore, do not worry, saying: "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" For after all these things the gentiles seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first God, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about it's own things. Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble."
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Old 07-30-2012, 08:11 PM   #103
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Mariamma; Hardly anyone takes this advice from Jesus, and it is certainly not for the faint-hearted. My financial life has been like that Indiana Jones movie where Harrison Ford is about to get the Holy Grail but he's facing a great divide, a canyon that he must get across. There is no bridge, no rope, nothing. But Indiana remembers the prophesies just in time imploring him to make a leap of faith. He steps out into the canyon and when he does, a bridge materializes under his feet lol! I believe this is a key to walking with the Source. My spirit guide tests my faith using dreams. One time I was high on a mountain cliff in the dark and told by a powerful voice in the sky to jump, and being the warrior that I am, I did, and landed on a sandy beach with him watching another mountain rise out of the ocean lol. The place we want to get to is to be able to change the atomic structure of these un balanced chemical reactions without using synthetics.
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Old 10-06-2017, 01:28 PM   #104

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My spirituality is complicated...

I was born jewish but I don't practice except for some of the holidays. However, I am starting to observe shabbat on friday nights.
I have guilt because I don't have children. My being gay with no children doesn't go over very well at an orthodox synagogue where I used to attend. Although it's more accepted at the conservative one I used to be a member of, I tend to stay away.

I am a spiritualist because I inherited my ability to see those on the other side of life.

I refuse to associate with the MCC (gay friendly church, I don't believe in Jesus).
The MCC church where I live treated me harshly when I was trying to get help for a stone butch/ftm youth who I was mentoring (he became nationally known due to a court case involving his having sex with some girls.. parents thought he was a boy. Up against felony charge). He was in Advocate and Out magazines.

God? Sometimes I wonder if there is a god at all, because of what happened with the Holocaust.

I am somewhat curious about buddhism.
I suppose my spirituality is a mixed bag!

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