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Old 01-29-2017, 08:01 PM   #1
Roadster Guy

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Default Changing transgender rights and laws: Information and support thread

I feel the need for a thread where we can come together for information and for support in managing any removal of our rights or any law changes now that Trump is in office.

This thread is for trans people and for anyone whose life and/or heart may be impacted by these changes due to their relationship with a trans person (romantic, familial, close friendships).

This is a place to share ideas about how to keep ourselves and the people we love, safe.

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Old 01-29-2017, 08:24 PM   #2
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Default Week one and the republicans are already starting....

Transgender Rights are under attack in these 11 states


I would strongly suggest that everyone get whatever documents changed they can get changed right away. Even in democratic states, you don't want to delay on things. For example, I believe that in Maryland, you can get your birth certificate changed without even having GRS. This is something that could change if the state becomes republican controlled.

My state is having a special election the end of February as a district seat has been opened. Our state could go republican for the first time in 40 years if the republican wins.

I have been dragging my feet on changing my birth certificate. I am going to get this done.

Something I would strongly suggest to people is to get two documents changed right away since they are federal documents

1) passport
2) gender marker with social security (this isn't a document, you just take a letter to the social security office near you)

For both of these, all you need is a letter from a therapist or physician saying that you are under their care and that your true gender is __________. You do not need to have done any medical transitioning at all (including HRT). So, if you are planning to live as the opposite sex from the one you were assigned at birth, do these two things now, even if you haven't started the transition process.

You can find examples of the above letters online. Just google. Print and hand to your therapist, physician to sign.

I know a lot about the changing of documents. I would be happy to help anyone who has questions.

Protect yourselves as much as you can.

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Old 12-09-2024, 10:44 AM   #3
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Default Bumping Dapper’s forum thread today

The newly elected person and his co-conspirators are planning to bulldoze legal rights and protections for those of the LGBTQ community who claim Transgender as their identity. Please do all you can to protect yourself during these turbulent times.

Here is a link to a news article on NPR:

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