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Old 08-23-2017, 02:04 AM   #1
Esme nha Maire

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Default Esme's Scribblings

Hi folks!

I used to be a classic depressive-creative for much of my life, and wrote poetry sporadically from my teens. When life started getting happier for me, my creativity dried up, until earlier this year, something wornderful happened - my creativity came back, yet I was enjoying life! I write a range of stuff, although my personal favourites tend to be either comedy or romantic.

Here's my most recent completed creation, actually a parody (of 'If I only were a Goth' by Thou Shalt Not) of a parody (of 'If I only had a brain' from the film of The Wizard of Oz).

The babydyke's lament by E.M.

Femmer, or more boyish?
Or androgynoish?
I'm not sure what I like.
Shall I still wear makeup,
Or give my image a shakeup
Now that I'm a babydyke?

Do I wanna take my chances
Making first advances
At all the girls I like?
Or remain a wallflower
And to hell with Grrrl power
Now that I'm a babydyke?

Yes, I
Can't decide
Quite where I fit in with all... this
Should I work out and get boyishly fit?
Or go glam and make the most of my tits?

Oh, I wish I had the patter
To woo them like DeLaria,
That would be so nice!
But my tongue tends to stumble
Every time I wanna rumble
'Cause I'm such a babydyke!

In my handbag I have made room
For some dental dams too,
Like any good Girl Guide.
But reality's depressing,
The chance of me undressing
That girl I like are tiny!
(Oh god, now I'm sounding whiny!)
I'll go watch Ally Hills on YouTube
'Cause I dunno what to say or do,
I'm just such a babydyke!
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Old 08-28-2017, 09:13 AM   #2
Esme nha Maire

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I wrote this this morning (UK time). It's a song lyric. This one's for all the outsiders...

Title: I feel fine, by E.M.

Weill I don't care what I am,
I just know how I feel,
And I know when I'm with her,
I feel fine.
It's that twinkle in her eyes,
And her cheeky little smile,
And when I hold her hand in mine,
I feel fine.

(1st verse)
I don't need no set of labels
To tell me who I am,
What they bring to the table
Just doesn't matter a damn.
If you can only criticise me
For not being this or that,
You've bigger problems than me, my friend
And I'm so sorry for that.


I've had a lifetime of not fitting in;
Of rejections I've had my share,
From people that shoulda supported me,
But now I no longer care.
I'm the best me that I can be,
That's all you need to know,
And if you got a problem with that, my friend,
Just get outta my face and go.


I've had my share of sorrows,
I've had my share of pain.
I've had days when all my tomorrows
Looked to be filled with rain.
But from the moment that I saw her
The sun burst through the sky;
I just know I adore her,
I don't stop to wonder why.

(chorus and outro).
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Old 10-15-2017, 07:07 AM   #3
Esme nha Maire

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Not sure what to call this, maybe 'Identity drift'? Rattled off whilst taking a break from coursework. I'd add that in actuality I'm not in any kind of crisis about my identity, I find it more amusing than stressful that there isn't any label that neatly covers who I am now.

Sometimes I sit here wondering
just what the heck I am;
I used to be so feminine,
I just don't understand
Quite how I got to be here,
It really is quite weird -
When I contemplate it,
I feel a little queer.

I was a disco dolly,
Size 14 and so glam.
I loved the clothes and makeup,
A stereotypical femme.
I thought that that was me for life,
And that I'd never change;
I confess, I'd never have guessed
That life could be so strange.

I had problems overeating
From life-related stress,
So as my age increased
so did the sizing of my dress.
Until one day, I found derby;
It looked to be such fun
I signed up with a gym to lose
A pound or forty-one.

Several months later,
My skirts no longer fit,
So i bought jeans to wear to work,
But felt a proper tit -
I mean, myself in trousers,
It surely can't be so?
I look a proper tomboy,
and hardly femme OH NO!

As the months rolled by, I got used to
My new and trimmer look;
A jeans and tanktop derby girl
Who didn't give a f**k.
They one day, I realised,
My eyesight's now so bad
I can't do femme makeup no more -
That made me feel quite sad.

One day, as I watched girls go by,
I noted with a start
I now don't quite identify
With femmes - it broke my heart!
But I know I'm not a butch,
of that I am quite sure;
I just don't know quite what I am,
Or how to end this verse... Uhhh.. heh... (grin)

Oh fellow dykes, please help me,
So when shove comes to push,
I can proudly say that I'm
A bemme or a futch.
The trouble is, I've no idea,
So tell me what you think;
The changes in my identity
Are drivng me to drink!

Last edited by Esme nha Maire; 10-15-2017 at 07:09 AM.
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Old 10-19-2017, 04:01 PM   #4
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Created just now for the 'random stuff' thread, where it's also posted:

I'm not sure how I'll end this poem,
But first I'd better start;
So now I have, I'll try to think
Of what goes in each part.
But now I'm in the middle,
and still I have no clue
Just what the heck it is that I
Want to convey to you!
Now my poem's ending,
And still I do not know
What I've just written about -
Please tell me, if you know!
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Old 11-08-2017, 03:20 AM   #5
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Having just spotted the thread on bad prose, I decided to give it a try, but I don't think this is bad enough for that wonderful thread...

Pen clenched firmly in her right, Purdey surveyed the tracery of hieroglyphs on the otherwise barren white blankness below and idly waved the pen about whilst furiously wondering what the hell her Mum had been playing at at this very desk just minutes before - she MUST solve the puzzle before Mum came back, lest her cover be blown, and she really didn't want to report another failure back to the Minist...
-what's that noise, creaking?
...It's the staircase!

The pen rattled on the desk as Purdey released the pen from her paw and greeted her Mum with a kittenly meow, hoping Mum hadn't seen what she was up to. NO-ONE must know that Purdey was an agent for the Ministry of Feline Overlords. Operation Tuna Origins was just too damned important to felinity! Operatives had been trying for years to locate the pond that the wondrous tuna lived in, but the humans kept it a jealously-guarded secret, and that was the secret keeping all felinekind in thrall to the humans. Purdey pumped her paw into the air - Kitties must be free! - then jumped and snuggled into Mum's comfy warm lap.

(the above is a dramatisation of an actual event, aided and abetted by my personal silliness, further inspired by the Ministry of Feline Overlords - who actually do exist).

Last edited by Esme nha Maire; 11-08-2017 at 03:23 AM.
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Old 08-07-2018, 10:27 AM   #6
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I was playing with my bass guitar earlier, and suddenly remembered a bit of something I came up with quite a few years ago, and managed to shape it into a little song (I actually have a tune for this one!).

The girl that I love (don't love me)

I'm in love with a really nice girl
She's got my head going in a whirl,
But oh my love can never be,
'Cause the girl that I love don't love me.

She ain't pretty, she's kind of plain,
But how I love her just the same,
And now my life's sweet misery,
'Cause the girl that I love don't love me.


Love is gentle and love is kind,
And love is cruel 'cause love is blind.
I wish I never felt this way,
'Cause the girl that I love isn't gay.

When she smiles, it lights my world,
She's such a sweet and lovely girl
But oh my love can never be,
'Cause the girl that I love don't love me.
No, the girl that I love don't love me.
The girl that I love..
.. don't love me.
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Old 04-30-2019, 04:00 PM   #7
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Just a quick note - I havent given up on writing here, it's just that between working on my degree and a lot of poor health, I havent had the time, mental energy or inspiration to write anything new for months :-( I have still been making notes for writing projects I want to develop some day, but mo idea when there'll be anything to show for any of them, as yet.

May Goddess smile upon you. always!
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Old 08-21-2019, 05:57 AM   #8
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Aaaaand I STILL haven't wandered off into the sunset! I've had a heck of lot going on between a resit exam, degree-related appointments and various health-related issues (generally getting better despite ups and downs) and appointments. On the plus side, I came up with an almost complete poem the other day - if it knocks into shape well enough, I'll post it here.

I'm going to be involved in a collaborative writing effort soon, too. Depending on how that turns out, and if my co-author is happy for me to do so, I might be posting snippets from that here, eventually.

Aside from that (and degree-related stuff) what I've been writing has been a rather jumbled mess of reminiscences and thoughts on random subjects that occur to me that I'm hoping to collect into something readable eventually. Don't get yer hopes up, but just maybe bits of that might start appearing here too.
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